Elite: Game talk

27 May 2016, 4:48pm
Nathanc213Bi weave are only available in C rated and prismatics are only available A rated

Cool, never knew that lol. Thanks
27 May 2016, 5:49pm
Bi-Weaves seem to have disappeared, along with with several rares- most notably, the ones you need to meet your first few engineers!
27 May 2016, 6:00pm
Hopefully this is all fixed soon, most annoying thing is npcs use engineered weapons (got thermal attacked by a conda and a cobra spammed with a PA) even though horizons isnt out for us yet.
27 May 2016, 6:09pm
Nathanc213Hopefully this is all fixed soon, most annoying thing is npcs use engineered weapons (got thermal attacked by a conda and a cobra spammed with a PA) even though horizons isnt out for us yet.

We had the Cobra Mk4 for ages and we still haven't been able to use it. The 1.6 update also contained half of the 2.1 stuff.  Its just players have no access to it.
I hope they delay the 2.1 update to fix the bugs though because in the current state the games nearly broken.
27 May 2016, 6:24pm
Nathanc213Hopefully this is all fixed soon, most annoying thing is npcs use engineered weapons (got thermal attacked by a conda and a cobra spammed with a PA) even though horizons isnt out for us yet.

We had the Cobra Mk4 for ages and we still haven't been able to use it. The 1.6 update also contained half of the 2.1 stuff.  Its just players have no access to it.
I hope they delay the 2.1 update to fix the bugs though because in the current state the games nearly broken.

One of the bugs is that non horizons players wont find npcs with special effects on their weaopns but we are and in a trade corvette you probably wont be using heat sinks so I had no way to counter the thermal attack.
27 May 2016, 6:34pm
I have the same problem. Seems like I'm getting hit with special attacks in my vulture taking my shields out almost on the spot... They did increase the AI intelligence as well so that may be part of it.
27 May 2016, 6:46pm
I had my FDL canopy instantly destroyed by an anacondas 2 beam lasers which was weird because its never happened that quickly before, and the conda kept using chaff and SCBs (he didnt even use heat sinks) before my c4 beam drained my distributor.
27 May 2016, 6:50pm
Yeah. From what I've been reading the rank of the AI finally means something so even an Elite Eagle can be devastating to larger ships that aren't as agile. An Elite Eagle was able to take the shields down on my buddy's Clipper and do some hull damage before he finally killed it. I like the challenge though, and feel like it will be that much more rewarding when I can take on an Elite Conda and win.
27 May 2016, 6:57pm
OdstBrownieYeah. From what I've been reading the rank of the AI finally means something so even an Elite Eagle can be devastating to larger ships that aren't as agile. An Elite Eagle was able to take the shields down on my buddy's Clipper and do some hull damage before he finally killed it. I like the challenge though, and feel like it will be that much more rewarding when I can take on an Elite Conda and win.

I managed to take out an elite conda earlier after it tried to pirate me outside a station (im not counting it though), they definitely seem a lot less agile in super cruise now, it couldn't manage to turn on me to interdict.
27 May 2016, 7:26pm
It's kinda cool because system security is actually good in combat so if there's one near by it can actually do some of the heavy lifting! I like it so far there's definitely a challenge to combat that wasn't there before, at least for me. I want to get a MK4 Cobra to test it out when it becomes available.
27 May 2016, 7:30pm
I know, it's shocking... We're used to leveling up and the game getting easier. This time, the world leveled up and got more challenging.
27 May 2016, 7:40pm
I like the fact the AI is better because bounty hunting was too easy  but I dont like the way they have 'cheats', they use SCB and spam railguns but dont use heatsinks and dont take module damage.
27 May 2016, 10:18pm
Bi-weave only have C-class by design.
27 May 2016, 10:44pm
It is clear to me that Frontier is not a chef that tastes it's food before serving it to the customer. Goodbye elite dangerous. Enjoy your space physics engine space truckers.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 May 2016, 11:01pm
27 May 2016, 11:16pm
K bye then

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