Elite: Game talk

03 Jun 2016, 2:15pm
Res Hunting is best done in Wings of relatively powerful ships. Even then, it is tough to engage wings of smaller ships, though we have been successful with 2 Vultures of taking on wings of 5 Eagles. Indeed the System authority not only HELPED but often killed some BEFORE we could get a shot off.

We've gone in with wings of 2 Vultures and 2 FAS and STILL were always mindful of the threat. Often when taking on wings of 2, ONE of us would get shot up while the others pounded the aggressors switching targets as needed. Pre-2.1, 4 of us in a RES meant bounties were limited only by how quickly the WANTED ships would spawn.

The extra challenge is more fun, when in a powerful Wolfpack, but just frightening when alone.

This is the other side of the coin w/re to the huge Police presence. If you are not really quick with your KW scan and getting a shot in, the cops may finish off the target before you get a bounty reward.  That said, loss of bounty is far preferable to loss of canopy!!!!!!  

Last edit: 03 Jun 2016, 2:31pm
03 Jun 2016, 2:56pm
Yup - that's never happened before. (Got back to a station with a minute to spare - and upgraded the life support first thing!) If you've picked up someone as wanted, and the authority guys are already shooting at him, do you still need to kill-warrant scan? I've lost a couple of targets like that because it takes about 15s, more if it loses lock part-way.
03 Jun 2016, 3:27pm
You don't NEED a Kill Warrant Scan, but the Scan will pick up bounties that the Wanted ship may have from other jurisdictions and increase the total amount you get. For example you might be in Federation space and after KWS you will also get Imperial/Alliance bounties that the Wanted may have on them.  Of course I always let them build up until I happen to be in the other Power's space and get killed before I cash them in  

Another benefit of BH'ing in Wings is that once one of the Wing completes a KWS, it is applied to all Wing members (I think you have be within some range limitation).
03 Jun 2016, 4:10pm
Thanks, that's all useful to know. I haven't seen that many wings, even in RES points, but I steer clear - any solo higher than competent on their own is liable to leave me null and void!
03 Jun 2016, 6:25pm
Hey...look at this news from the latest Newsletter:


Hey guys,

We wanted to share a quick update with you to let you know how the investigation into the NPC AI has been progressing after the removal of the Engineers weapons for the NPCs and what the next steps are.

The development team have been hard at work investigating these bugs. To give you a little more information, it appears that the unusual weapons attacks were caused by some form of networking issue which allowed the NPC AI to merge weapon stats and abilities. Meaning that all new and never before seen (sometimes devastating) weapons were created, such as a rail gun with the fire rate of a pulse laser. These appear to have been compounded by the additional stats and abilities of the engineers weaponry. (We don’t think the AI became sentient in a Skynet-style uprising! ). However, the valiant Mark Allen from the Development team has managed to terminate these NPCs in their tracks.

The bug fix is expected to go live in our next point release which is planned for the end of this week/early next week but we’ll have more news on the exact time in the normal patch notes forum.

I would just like to take this opportunity to clarify a few misconceptions. The AI has in no way been reduced, it remains the glorious, improved version from the update. The only action that we’ve taken so far has been to remove the engineer weapons to allow us to investigate the issue and address a key bug. Once this bug fix goes live we’ll be able to see how the AI is performing and then, over time, should we feel that the balancing is right to introduce a very select few high end engineers weapons to the highest ranked NPCs we will investigate that option. However, that won’t be immediately as we want to ensure that the balance is just right.

Edit: Please note this point update will be PC specific and the Xbox One update will need to follow after. We'll let you know as soon as we have more information.

Also from the Newsletter:

Good news Commanders,

Due to the recent surge of unsanctioned and illegally modified weapons from the NPC AI over the recent days. The Pilots Federation have agreed to reimburse all insurance payouts made over that period (Between The Engineers (2.1) update and this mornings update).

The Pilots Federation would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and continued support.

Fly safe
03 Jun 2016, 6:47pm
That sounds like great news, left the newer AI in but removed potential instagib weapons which is nice. Maybe a future bug would allow players to source a pulse-fire rail gun instead.

Insurance refunds sound great too, that should make some players pretty happy.
04 Jun 2016, 10:56am
The update has made bounty hunting for credits no longer competitive with the amounts of money that can be made trading. I swore Frontier would never make me a trader. So I guess I'll just have to grind that money slowely from now on. Thanks Frontier. And to you space truckers who think the playing field has been leveled. You can trade yourself to trillions and you will still be blown up by me. You can call me a Griefer but I prefer the term space murderer. Fly Dangerously cmdrs.
04 Jun 2016, 11:06am

Sorry Artie, I just couldn't resist. Please have mercy on my soul, assuming I ever had one to begin with.
04 Jun 2016, 11:08am
Trust me when your space dust glitters I'm laughing at you too.
04 Jun 2016, 1:24pm
DifcanThe update has made bounty hunting for credits no longer competitive with the amounts of money that can be made trading. I swore Frontier would never make me a trader. So I guess I'll just have to grind that money slowely from now on. Thanks Frontier. And to you space truckers who think the playing field has been leveled. You can trade yourself to trillions and you will still be blown up by me. You can call me a Griefer but I prefer the term space murderer. Fly Dangerously cmdrs.

WTF ?! ? just with the bonuses it makes bounty hunting THE most profitable .... and that ignores how valnrable trades have become and the smugglers nerf
04 Jun 2016, 2:12pm
Read that sentence back to yourself then smack yourself in the face
04 Jun 2016, 2:17pm
So you blow traders up because you don't wanna be a trader? Sense?
04 Jun 2016, 2:19pm

Sorry Artie, I just couldn't resist. Please have mercy on my soul, assuming I ever had one to begin with.

That's ok. But I am starting to think that I should make some image of the Hammer of Dictatorship Love. It seems it will be useful shortly...
04 Jun 2016, 2:20pm
DifcanRead that sentence back to yourself then smack yourself in the face

? no smack . with 2.1.01 you can get a +250% bonus to bounies .

before the update combat income was equal (if you had the skill) to trade in a clipper ( look at my profile , i have done that) .

learn to fight
04 Jun 2016, 2:48pm

Sorry Artie, I just couldn't resist. Please have mercy on my soul, assuming I ever had one to begin with.

That's ok. But I am starting to think that I should make some image of the Hammer of Dictatorship Love. It seems it will be useful shortly...

Yep, probably a good idea.

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