Elite: Game talk

21 Aug 2016, 6:18pm
Rufus Vegas
...That being said, I believe the ability to have your ships transported around space for you is going to be introduced in the new content, if so you're Viper won't be stuck miles away from you!

As for content availability, I dunno, it's patch 2.2 so it might only be available to season 2 (Horizons) owners...

Funny that you should mention that. Right after I had written my post, I found some content on Google that also mentioned that Frontier was making the ship transport addition, which is wonderful news! Something that needed to happen a long time ago I think.

Rebecca HailYou can fit the Condor, the imperial Fighter whose name I forgot and the Taipan
 Sidey, Eagle or Viper are waaaaaaay to big for that fighter bay

That's a shame. But also understandable when you see the side-by side comparisons of the ships. Do they make a folding....I was going to say wing...but I guess in this case, a folding-everything Viper? lol.  The article I found with the transport features Rufus Vegas was mentioning also went into the Taipan fighters briefly, mentioning that they will be the quote "heavy" fighters of the other 2 choices, featuring the ability to have shields...so a Keelback sporting a fighterbay with a Taipan doesn't sound too horrible now.

Maybe I'm just trying to justify what I'm about to say next if you haven't already guessed it...

Cypher Kadel
I had a type 6 and I switched out for an ASP I don't regret the decision at all. I could haul 20 more tonnes then I was with my t6 and I have weapons to defend myself, I also have a better jump range. Here is a link to my build. I also agree make sure you have enough for insurance. I spent about 20 mil outfitting mine but I didn't go anywhere to get discounts.

See, I'm the unfortunate sort of person who is so head-on-wall-bangingly stupid that when I'm faced with a difficult decision that requires a solution be found only through careful, concise, and well thought-out, researched, and informed decisions, I'll make them in an instant based on whim and a gut feeling, or even worse...Vanity.

I don't know why. Perhaps I should see a doctor, but I picked up the ugly old Keelback. The more I looked at it the more I started to like the thruster design and overall ship look.

I kitted it out using it's medium hardpoints with a pulse laser, and a cannon. Of the 2 small hardpoints I used one for a shock mine launcher. Everything else except shields, FSD, and Power Dist. all D. model for weight reduction.  

Sacraficed 20 tons of cargo space for this ugly thing, and my jump range is slightly shorter, but I felt justified when I was torn from supercruise by an Asp Scout and I kicked his sorry ass. I couldn't believe it. In the T-6 I would have been boosting and chaffing and running from even a Sidewinder... (just...hang on...)

I was high on this victory. Granted it was a sloppy AI pilot, but I netted myself an additional 10k profit in bounties plus my profits from cargo delivery, something that never would have happened in the T-6.

Alas, I got cocky, kid. By now I'd scraped myself back up to 1.5 million credits and I had a cargo hold full of MB haulage goods worth probably close to 1 mil when I was interdicted by another inexperienced pirate in an... Eagle. Ok,  I should have run immediately upon learning his ship type.  I got some turns in on him, surprisingly, using no FA, and with gimbled weaponry I started to pick his shields, but it's a damn Eagle. Even harmless the AI was flying circles around me. I don't know what the hell I was thinking but I was quickly reminded of my idiocy and ran with 40% hull remaining by the time I could jump out.

Then boom, mission interdiction only a few LS away from a huge pay-day. I know I can't mess around now, didn't even cross my mind to fight, just same tactics as in the T-6. All to shields, chaff, boost, drop a few mines, and Frame-Shift ASAP. Ripped from Supercruise, I tried to run, but before I could blink my shields were off and I was hearing Bitching Betty telling me to eject. 500+k in losses due to failed mission fines, cargo losses, and insurance fees. Hard lesson (one I already knew!) learned...If it's smaller than me, run. If it's bigger than me...run....

The Keelback has me keeled over, on my back, alright. I should probably go return it and get my T-6 back...but then again, maybe if a smart pilot flew it it'd have been a different story. IE, running on those engagements that you just can't win...which is about 99% of them...

No matter what though, I've really only heard great things about the Asp so I think one will be in my fleet for sure as soon as I can grind the credits.

Last edit: 21 Aug 2016, 6:30pm
22 Aug 2016, 2:10am
Kingston@#I want it, I want it. Imperial cutter. however I am a ally of the feds. how can I get one Cmdrs.

shame take a ship is not an option

You can still rank with the empire. Unless your roleplaying a fed only. In which case you will have to hope the add ship trading/gifting or something. Or do what Numa suggested and rp a double agent. Infiltrate the empire to bring intel to the feds.
22 Aug 2016, 2:17am
Zomb Lee
Rufus Vegas
...That being said, I believe the ability to have your ships transported around space for you is going to be introduced in the new content, if so you're Viper won't be stuck miles away from you!

As for content availability, I dunno, it's patch 2.2 so it might only be available to season 2 (Horizons) owners...

Funny that you should mention that. Right after I had written my post, I found some content on Google that also mentioned that Frontier was making the ship transport addition, which is wonderful news! Something that needed to happen a long time ago I think.

Rebecca HailYou can fit the Condor, the imperial Fighter whose name I forgot and the Taipan
 Sidey, Eagle or Viper are waaaaaaay to big for that fighter bay

That's a shame. But also understandable when you see the side-by side comparisons of the ships. Do they make a folding....I was going to say wing...but I guess in this case, a folding-everything Viper? lol.  The article I found with the transport features Rufus Vegas was mentioning also went into the Taipan fighters briefly, mentioning that they will be the quote "heavy" fighters of the other 2 choices, featuring the ability to have shields...so a Keelback sporting a fighterbay with a Taipan doesn't sound too horrible now.

Maybe I'm just trying to justify what I'm about to say next if you haven't already guessed it...

Cypher Kadel
I had a type 6 and I switched out for an ASP I don't regret the decision at all. I could haul 20 more tonnes then I was with my t6 and I have weapons to defend myself, I also have a better jump range. Here is a link to my build. I also agree make sure you have enough for insurance. I spent about 20 mil outfitting mine but I didn't go anywhere to get discounts.

See, I'm the unfortunate sort of person who is so head-on-wall-bangingly stupid that when I'm faced with a difficult decision that requires a solution be found only through careful, concise, and well thought-out, researched, and informed decisions, I'll make them in an instant based on whim and a gut feeling, or even worse...Vanity.

I don't know why. Perhaps I should see a doctor, but I picked up the ugly old Keelback. The more I looked at it the more I started to like the thruster design and overall ship look.

I kitted it out using it's medium hardpoints with a pulse laser, and a cannon. Of the 2 small hardpoints I used one for a shock mine launcher. Everything else except shields, FSD, and Power Dist. all D. model for weight reduction.  

Sacraficed 20 tons of cargo space for this ugly thing, and my jump range is slightly shorter, but I felt justified when I was torn from supercruise by an Asp Scout and I kicked his sorry ass. I couldn't believe it. In the T-6 I would have been boosting and chaffing and running from even a Sidewinder... (just...hang on...)

I was high on this victory. Granted it was a sloppy AI pilot, but I netted myself an additional 10k profit in bounties plus my profits from cargo delivery, something that never would have happened in the T-6.

Alas, I got cocky, kid. By now I'd scraped myself back up to 1.5 million credits and I had a cargo hold full of MB haulage goods worth probably close to 1 mil when I was interdicted by another inexperienced pirate in an... Eagle. Ok,  I should have run immediately upon learning his ship type.  I got some turns in on him, surprisingly, using no FA, and with gimbled weaponry I started to pick his shields, but it's a damn Eagle. Even harmless the AI was flying circles around me. I don't know what the hell I was thinking but I was quickly reminded of my idiocy and ran with 40% hull remaining by the time I could jump out.

Then boom, mission interdiction only a few LS away from a huge pay-day. I know I can't mess around now, didn't even cross my mind to fight, just same tactics as in the T-6. All to shields, chaff, boost, drop a few mines, and Frame-Shift ASAP. Ripped from Supercruise, I tried to run, but before I could blink my shields were off and I was hearing Bitching Betty telling me to eject. 500+k in losses due to failed mission fines, cargo losses, and insurance fees. Hard lesson (one I already knew!) learned...If it's smaller than me, run. If it's bigger than me...run....

The Keelback has me keeled over, on my back, alright. I should probably go return it and get my T-6 back...but then again, maybe if a smart pilot flew it it'd have been a different story. IE, running on those engagements that you just can't win...which is about 99% of them...

No matter what though, I've really only heard great things about the Asp so I think one will be in my fleet for sure as soon as I can grind the credits.

It's a lesson we all learn again and again. Just wait till you get a combat ship and you do the just one more bounty then I'm turning them in only to get destroyed and lose all your hard earned bounties. Laughs. I'm not on a lot but feel free to message me in game if you see me on. I use the same name on here as I do in game. I will gladly wing with you and watch your back.
22 Aug 2016, 10:59am
Kingston@#I want it, I want it. Imperial cutter. however I am a ally of the feds. how can I get one Cmdrs.

shame take a ship is not an option

Just switch side to the winners, we wont hold "win team joining" to the Empire against you.
22 Aug 2016, 1:09pm
Kingston@#I want it, I want it. Imperial cutter. however I am a ally of the feds. how can I get one Cmdrs.

shame take a ship is not an option

Hi. I used to be the goto for levelling rank with my old guild (toot that motherfucking horn toot toot toot!) so I'll fish out my info and hopefully we can get you rolling.

Morgan Depot (HIP 10716) - Run missions from Morgan to the settlement on the other side of the planet Refresh through the mission screens to maximise output. Here is an advisable build.

Stock Sidewinder fitted with dumbfire class one missiles. Upon completing your missions (again refreshing to main menu to respawn required enemies). Destroy the ship by plummeting to the ground after, cutting out the return trip. Known for 10% jumps in rank at Baron level. Dropped off in effectiveness after a few nerfs, I'm unsure if it is still viable.

Yarrite (to Adan) - Adan has a lovely Haz-Res, perfect for the combat orientated seeing as Yarrite drops astonishing amounts of combat missions. I recommend taking the "Kill Pirate" and "Kill Trader" missions to Adan. They stack nicely and can be done relatively quickly. Slower, but worth a great deal more money thanks to stacking missions and Pirate kills. Take a KWS.

I alternated between a Viper/Cobra/Vulture when I was doing these missions. However with the Engineering items, I would recommend taking a wake scanner, KWS, cargo space and limpet drones to collect the goodies (as many birdies with one rock please). Because of this I'd actually recommend the Cobra/AspX/Python/Clipper with a combat fit (shields highest) and cargo capacity as a secondary problem. Holla if you need a wing, I'm always up for support. Unknown how much of a jump in rank this is worth these days, however it will easily be the most fun method.

The method I used to go from Marquis to Duke was to move between Hip 10716 (the platform, landing at Morgan Depot slows this significantly) and Wu Guinagi (the spelling is probably wrong, but it is exactly 11.9ly from Hip). Take Data Delivery missions and cargo missions to the other system, stopping at every station to drop them and collect more. Only refreshing at Bude Hub and in Hip 10716 (only the platform). Do not take missions to Morgan, they are rare and in effect lower your efficiency.


- Even a fully fitted and filled Python can make the jump between these systems.
- You will normally always be attacked in the run to HIP 10716's station.
- A Sidewinder can do these if they are only Data Delivery.
- A Cobra can accept the smallest cargo missions.
- I started this in a Combat fitted Asp, and finished in a Trade Python.
- Large ships cannot be deployed for these missions.

Hope this helps. If you wish to roleplay, call it undercover work (as no kidding, they are giving you military plans at times).
22 Aug 2016, 4:40pm
Can someone plz help me out, I'm at Ross 142 and am wanting to get to imperial space, I'm new so I don't have a clue wer to go. The game is HUGE I've been wanting to play a game like this all my life (I'm 31) now I can play it I don't no wot to do, I suppose I want to b the stereotypical hero type flying round in battles helping ppl but I want to make a story out it, but as I said I don't no wot to do or wer to go ha no much o a hero. Any help or advice would b appreciated.
22 Aug 2016, 5:06pm
Hey Palmer, this game is huge! I use eddb as well as Inara for finding pretty much anything I'm looking for. Try this https://eddb.io/system and filter by ALD, AD, Torval and Patreus to find the nearest empire control / exploited systems. these would generally define 'Empire Space' although there will be empire systems outside of this.

Once you find a nice place you like, you could pick a minor faction to support and build them up until they control the system, then expand outwards, or you could wander the stars, looking for civil wars / wars where you can pitch in and help your chosen faction win!
22 Aug 2016, 5:13pm
Palmer1888Can someone plz help me out, I'm at Ross 142 and am wanting to get to imperial space, I'm new so I don't have a clue wer to go. The game is HUGE I've been wanting to play a game like this all my life (I'm 31) now I can play it I don't no wot to do, I suppose I want to b the stereotypical hero type flying round in battles helping ppl but I want to make a story out it, but as I said I don't no wot to do or wer to go ha no much o a hero. Any help or advice would b appreciated.

I've been running missions in the Amphisatsu, Sowiio, Cordent area. Pretty Empirey. It might be a good place to start.
22 Aug 2016, 5:53pm
Thanks guys appreciated.
22 Aug 2016, 5:57pm
One more thing, I'm flying a mk4 viper but I'm looking at a vulture should I get it?
22 Aug 2016, 6:01pm
Palmer1888One more thing, I'm flying a mk4 viper but I'm looking at a vulture should I get it?

Vulture is great, but dont fly what you cant afford the rebuy for. Aaaaaaaand find a player faction that does BGS... I know we're recruiting
22 Aug 2016, 6:13pm
What's bgs?
22 Aug 2016, 6:23pm
Palmer1888What's bgs?

Back Ground Simulation
22 Aug 2016, 6:46pm
In about a half hour I should be entering deep space. If you fancy winging up I'm up for all sorts. My only combat orientated ship is a Python.

I can show you a few places to rank up in empire, fun and easy to boot.

Edit - Look at my above post, Yarrite will give what you want, (combat missions, kill pirates in Adan)... Also, Roleplay you say...?

We have been looking out for pilots like yourself Sir, from the moment you collected your Pilots license we have been itching to speak to you, and as you've meandered towards our space, we finally have an opening. I have a task for you. Pirates have been overrunning Federal security forces operating out of Adan. The population are ripe for a conversion to Empire space but are cut down for so much as raising their voices, from Pirate and Federal operatives alike. Go to Yarrite, accept missions to kill Pirates in Adan. Be advised to use the low and hi res sites unless you have a capable wing. In doing so you will further undermine the Federations ability to protect its own, show the Empire to be a source of power, and remove the shadow of piracy from these poor people, aloowing them to choose the only real option they have. Become a part of our glorious Empire.

Should you be successful, we will ask one additional mission of you, upon completion, you will be awarded a rank, have made your bones and be able to purchase and outfit the Imperial Eagle from any stockists should you show your Pilots Card. Should you accept the assistance I have personally made myself available for your mission.
Yours faithfully,
Duke Dtothe3

Last edit: 22 Aug 2016, 6:59pm
22 Aug 2016, 7:10pm
Palmer, Vulture is a great ship especially now there are more large (Class 3) weapons and engineering mods for PP etc. Another useful website is https://coriolis.io/ for experimenting with builds and for making sure you have enough creds for ship AND rebuy!

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