Elite: Game talk

23 May 2016, 11:06pm
Travis StormWhat is (in your opinion based on EXPERIENCE), the fastest way to ear money?
I've done combat zones for about 2 million max (day standards), bounty hunting 14 million max, and am desperately try into work my way up to the 10k merits for 50 million per week (which isn't working due to my damn parents). Heard someone say they made 25 million in two hours from trading...

IMHO, Robigo. Invest 6 mill or so in a long range ASP, and smuggle slaves. Stack missions - pick up lucrative missions, then toggle to Menu, then Open, and get a few more, then Menu, Solo, etc, etc... If you get lucky with your mission choices, you can make a million or more PER TON smuggled.

Trick is, don't get scanned. If you get pulled out of SC while making a run, turn and fire at the cop - one hit only. That will prevent a successful scan, and allow you to escape.

A dozen or so stacked missions will take you about two hours to complete, but I've had payoffs of 30-40 million per run.

Be quick though. I hear the new release nerfs the mission stacking, and is supposed to go live Thursday.

FWIW, CZ's pay crap compared to BH in a HazRES.

As for making a LOT of money from trading, you'll need a large capacity ship. I's possible to make over 4,000 per ton of cargo (usually Imperial Slaves - all legal and low risk. One hop routes, too, so you can make a dozen trips per hour if you don't mind the repetition. If you can afford a Python, you can easily haul 250 tons of cargo and still be able to defend yourself - that's a cool million per loop right there. If you've got a few buddies to defend you, a T9 will make you pretty rich in a hurry.

PM me and I can give you some routes I've found.
23 May 2016, 11:24pm
I was in a python making 45-60m every 2.5 hrs
24 May 2016, 4:20am
Is no one gonna help out 109 picium ising dock it got UA bombed and needs help
24 May 2016, 4:49am
James Hussar
Travis StormWhat is (in your opinion based on EXPERIENCE), the fastest way to ear money?
I've done combat zones for about 2 million max (day standards), bounty hunting 14 million max, and am desperately try into work my way up to the 10k merits for 50 million per week (which isn't working due to my damn parents). Heard someone say they made 25 million in two hours from trading...

IMHO, Robigo. Invest 6 mill or so in a long range ASP, and smuggle slaves. Stack missions - pick up lucrative missions, then toggle to Menu, then Open, and get a few more, then Menu, Solo, etc, etc... If you get lucky with your mission choices, you can make a million or more PER TON smuggled.

Trick is, don't get scanned. If you get pulled out of SC while making a run, turn and fire at the cop - one hit only. That will prevent a successful scan, and allow you to escape.

A dozen or so stacked missions will take you about two hours to complete, but I've had payoffs of 30-40 million per run.

Be quick though. I hear the new release nerfs the mission stacking, and is supposed to go live Thursday.

FWIW, CZ's pay crap compared to BH in a HazRES.

As for making a LOT of money from trading, you'll need a large capacity ship. I's possible to make over 4,000 per ton of cargo (usually Imperial Slaves - all legal and low risk. One hop routes, too, so you can make a dozen trips per hour if you don't mind the repetition. If you can afford a Python, you can easily haul 250 tons of cargo and still be able to defend yourself - that's a cool million per loop right there. If you've got a few buddies to defend you, a T9 will make you pretty rich in a hurry.

PM me and I can give you some routes I've found.

Yeah, I'll pm you alright.
In two months. After I'm grounded and can play for a whopping two hours a week again.
24 May 2016, 8:56am
Since engineers is coming with mission updates on thursday, I don't think robigo will be as worth it anymore. People have been posting screenshots on how Robigo Mines barely offer any smuggling missions, especially not the ones with 1 mil per ton.
24 May 2016, 9:09am
It makes no sense for Robigo to be selling slaves, since it is Robigo Mines, no doubt relying on slave labour. Given its distance from most of civilization, they should be buying slaves and maybe selling rares.

Personally I couldn't care less if they nerf Robigo.
24 May 2016, 9:25am
If the 'Robigo Run' is going to disappear, then I should attempt to get one successful run completed before then.
24 May 2016, 3:47pm
Simon DaturaIt makes no sense for Robigo to be selling slaves, since it is Robigo Mines, no doubt relying on slave labour. Given its distance from most of civilization, they should be buying slaves and maybe selling rares.

Personally I couldn't care less if they nerf Robigo.

That guy behind the school should be selling textbooks, not drugs. If you're gonna sell drugs, it makes more sense to sell them at a pharmacy.

Rumor is that Robigo "board flipping" to stack missions will be nerfed, but Robigo itself will still be a "wretched hive of scum and villainy", like Quince - given their distance from proper law enforcement.

FWIW, it's a nice way to change up one's day to day activities.
24 May 2016, 9:44pm
No one has mentioned ground attack missions yet for quick earning potential. Cubeo, or the other one for Fed ranking (I forget the name right now) should be good for about 15 million per hour. The nice thing about these is that you can run 15 minute cycles, something that you can't do with the long-range smuggling missions. They tend to be all or nothing over 2.5-3 hours.

These will also be nerfed if the mission stacking goes down the pipes.
24 May 2016, 9:44pm
Leaders of a new wing faction extras where challenged to a 1 on 1 dual to the death but cowardly denied and wave a white flag

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 24 May 2016, 9:54pm
24 May 2016, 9:48pm
Burgerking1993Leaders of a new wing faction extras where challenged to a 1 on 1 dual to the death but cowardly denied and wave a white flag

It's a shame they didn't want to play with you, but if you post a request for friends in the main board, you might find some who do.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 24 May 2016, 9:54pm
24 May 2016, 10:06pm
Ozmundo VasqualezNo one has mentioned ground attack missions yet for quick earning potential. Cubeo, or the other one for Fed ranking (I forget the name right now) should be good for about 15 million per hour. The nice thing about these is that you can run 15 minute cycles, something that you can't do with the long-range smuggling missions. They tend to be all or nothing over 2.5-3 hours.

Have you any more info on those missions Ozmundo, would be much appreciated
24 May 2016, 10:08pm
Ozmundo VasqualezNo one has mentioned ground attack missions yet for quick earning potential. Cubeo, or the other one for Fed ranking (I forget the name right now) should be good for about 15 million per hour. The nice thing about these is that you can run 15 minute cycles, something that you can't do with the long-range smuggling missions. They tend to be all or nothing over 2.5-3 hours.

Have you any more info on those missions Ozmundo, would be much appreciated

google cubeo ground assault , there is a video that will tell you all you need to know

edit : but you dont have the week it takes to rank up to king from nothing
24 May 2016, 10:22pm
excellent thanks for that!
25 May 2016, 2:17pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Burgerking1993Leaders of a new wing faction extras where challenged to a 1 on 1 dual to the death but cowardly denied and wave a white flag

It's a shame they didn't want to play with you, but if you post a request for friends in the main board, you might find some who do.

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