Elite: Game talk

31 May 2016, 3:50pm
Whats the extent of the Engineers with modifying your gear? Can you for example make a laser fire around 10 spread out lasers randomly?
31 May 2016, 5:46pm
Quick question for the group. I am having sort of an amnesiac episode

I thought that SOMEWHERE, either on this site or IN GAME there was a description of the various Factions. I ask because the new mission board allows you to really home in on what factions you might want to throw your support to (or just look for the largest credit payout as I usually do! )

The SuperPowers and large Powers are well described around Power Play, but I cannot find the info on minor factions.

For instance, in Ngolibardu, the League of Ngolibardu is a "Corporate autocracy" while the Liberals of Ngolibardu are described as "believing in Democracy"). I cannot even find THAT level of detail elsewhere for other factions.

Thanks in advance for any assistance...
31 May 2016, 6:17pm
ED_RecluseQuick question for the group. I am having sort of an amnesiac episode

I thought that SOMEWHERE, either on this site or IN GAME there was a description of the various Factions. I ask because the new mission board allows you to really home in on what factions you might want to throw your support to (or just look for the largest credit payout as I usually do! )

The SuperPowers and large Powers are well described around Power Play, but I cannot find the info on minor factions.

For instance, in Ngolibardu, the League of Ngolibardu is a "Corporate autocracy" while the Liberals of Ngolibardu are described as "believing in Democracy". I cannot even find THAT level of detail elsewhere for other factions.

Thanks in advance for any assistance...

Maybe click on the faction in your system stats panel
01 Jun 2016, 12:15am

FD comments on the recent bugs and outspokenness of players of 2.1/1.6.
01 Jun 2016, 12:32am
It's good that they're asking for feedback. The NPC griefing at the moment is excessive. Inventive, but excessive.
01 Jun 2016, 12:41am
ED_RecluseQuick question for the group. I am having sort of an amnesiac episode

I thought that SOMEWHERE, either on this site or IN GAME there was a description of the various Factions. I ask because the new mission board allows you to really home in on what factions you might want to throw your support to (or just look for the largest credit payout as I usually do! )

The SuperPowers and large Powers are well described around Power Play, but I cannot find the info on minor factions.

For instance, in Ngolibardu, the League of Ngolibardu is a "Corporate autocracy" while the Liberals of Ngolibardu are described as "believing in Democracy". I cannot even find THAT level of detail elsewhere for other factions.

Thanks in advance for any assistance...

Maybe click on the faction in your system stats panel

Thanks! I knew it was something simple that I overlooked.. o7
01 Jun 2016, 1:16am
AsagaoIt's good that they're asking for feedback. The NPC griefing at the moment is excessive. Inventive, but excessive.

NPCs griefing? *triggered*
01 Jun 2016, 10:11am
James Hussar
AsagaoIt's good that they're asking for feedback. The NPC griefing at the moment is excessive. Inventive, but excessive.

NPCs griefing? *triggered*

I was thinking of buying Doom when it comes out, but apparently you keep being attacked by alien griefers. They're everywhere!
01 Jun 2016, 11:04am
Ozmundo Vasqualez I was thinking of buying Doom when it comes out, but apparently you keep being attacked by alien griefers. They're everywhere!

I grant you this is supposed to be Elite *Dangerous*, but it never was a pure first-person shooter, and there are plenty of combat types who are finding it anything from Elite:Annoying to Elite:Unplayable at the moment. NPCs attacking inventively = gameplay. NPCs descending implausibly and attacking pointlessly, and blowing high-end ships up in 20 seconds because the NPCs are massively overpowered? Not occasionally, but repeatedly? That's buggy coding, and it's obviously enough of a problem that Frontier have realised and are addressing it.
01 Jun 2016, 2:29pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez I was thinking of buying Doom when it comes out, but apparently you keep being attacked by alien griefers. They're everywhere!

I grant you this is supposed to be Elite *Dangerous*, but it never was a pure first-person shooter, and there are plenty of combat types who are finding it anything from Elite:Annoying to Elite:Unplayable at the moment. NPCs attacking inventively = gameplay. NPCs descending implausibly and attacking pointlessly, and blowing high-end ships up in 20 seconds because the NPCs are massively overpowered? Not occasionally, but repeatedly? That's buggy coding, and it's obviously enough of a problem that Frontier have realised and are addressing it.

I have never been able to beat a computer at Chess, but all that means is the computer is better at the game than I am. I completely agree with the spirit of what you're saying; NPC's were absolutely too easy pre-1.6/2.1, and this was over-corrected for in the updates. FD got a LOT of feedback about this and has, so I've heard but haven't had a chance to play in the last couple of days), been adjusted.

My point being "griefing" is a deliberate ruination of fun by players, basically, it's harassment, and I would argue that an overly aggressive AI for overly-equipped NPCs doesn't constitute "griefing" because the intention isn't to ruin your fun or to have fun at your expense. Griefing is bullying and only people can do that.

Same as leaving your computer logged in to Facebook or Twitter and having someone post something idiotic or change your password out from under you is not "hacking". "Griefing" is a deplorable thing unscrupulous and deranged people do. FD heard the outcry that NPCs were over-cranked and has/is backing them off. They'll still be better pilots but they will not be armed to the teeth with engineered weapons - and this should make for more fun/challenging game play.

The *reason* I take such issue with the word "griefing" is that is we agree that NPCs can grief, it diminishes the meaning of the word. Griefing is an unacceptable, anti-social behavior by players. Any broader definition creates ambiguity which allows human griefers to rationalize their behavior and allows them to keep doing what they're doing.
01 Jun 2016, 2:49pm
If i will spend 6 months on engineers upgrades on 1 ship can i take them to another ? Or i need to start again ???

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Jun 2016, 10:34pm
01 Jun 2016, 3:12pm
TeachIf i will spend 6 months on engineers upgrades on 1 ship can i take them to another ? Or i need to start again ???

If you upgrade one module, for example a large laser, you have to sell it at the station and you can rebuy it after changing your ship. Your upgrade should remain.

One Cmdr of our wing had tested this.

If you want to upgrade an other module on an other ship, you can apply lvl 4 upgrades if you have lvl 4 access.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Jun 2016, 10:35pm
01 Jun 2016, 10:18pm
TeachIf i will spend 6 months on engineers upgrades on 1 ship can i take them to another ? Or i need to start again ???

If you upgrade one module, for example a large laser, you have to sell it at the station and you can rebuy it after changing your ship. Your upgrade should remain.

One Cmdr of our wing had tested this.

If you want to upgrade an other module on an other ship, you can apply lvl 4 upgrades if you have lvl 4 access.

Some kind of in-game storage would be great...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Jun 2016, 10:34pm
02 Jun 2016, 12:27pm
James Hussar
Asagao[quote=Ozmundo Vasqualez] I was thinking of buying Doom when it comes out, but apparently you keep being attacked by alien griefers. They're everywhere!

I grant you this is supposed to be Elite *Dangerous*, but it never was a pure first-person shooter, and there are plenty of combat types who are finding it anything from Elite:Annoying to Elite:Unplayable at the moment. NPCs attacking inventively = gameplay. NPCs descending implausibly and attacking pointlessly, and blowing high-end ships up in 20 seconds because the NPCs are massively overpowered? Not occasionally, but repeatedly? That's buggy coding, and it's obviously enough of a problem that Frontier have realised and are addressing it.

LOL... yesterday I would have told you that the new challenge added new life to the game and made one be more careful. We had good success in the RES bounty hunting in wings, but last night, trying to get a mining mission done and getting constantly interdicted (and killed) by NPC or jumped in the asteroid field (and killed) by NPC far from any RES I tend to agree.

The old SUBMIT/BOOST/JUMP tactic worked only sporadically with NPCs armed with advanced Thrusters (can't boost out of weapons range) Powerful weapons (Shields don't last long, thermal overloads and targeting of Drives and FSD) make it hard. OF course, in the past, I felt relatively safe even in my Cobra against all but the largest and most powerful NPC's, but no longer...not even in the Combat Vulture.

I was already pretty frustrated taking on some mining missions for Osmium (used to be plentiful now not so much) Samarium (that was ALL I found when looking for Osmium before, but now that I have a MISSION for it, it is scarce). I think yields are far lower than they used to be even with prospectors (granted now you can see asteroid content as LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH, but you have to fill your cargo hold with Prospectors if you are going to be that selective.

Trying to stock up on Osmium, the NPC's were crazy for the 1 or 2 tons I was keeping in the hold when I went back out. I meant to try just flushing out the cargo to see if they would leave me alone, but my systems were going down at such a rate it was all I could do to keep things together.

I still think an AI upgrade was welcome as they might have been TOO underpowered before, but now I fully agree that there needs to be a little more balance.
02 Jun 2016, 12:47pm
Yep, the NPCs are still too aggressive. I tried a short trade circuit that before update was dull and repetatetatitative, but now is a pain in the butt. Three jumps, two interdictions. On one the NPC escaped me, on another, I barely escaped and that's only because the police showed up. 55% hull on my Conda was 120,000 to repair. Radically harder than before and doesn't seem like the alleged backing off on aggression or special weapons has happened yet.

I hope, al teast, that the aggression and enemy load out is proportional to the player's ranking. I can't even imagine playing in a Sidewinder while Harmless.

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