Elite: Game talk

20 Jun 2016, 10:44am
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Phantom CruzeLooking to trade meta alloys for any other comodity. I just would like to aquire access to the engineer that wants one of those.

Willing to trade any comoddity equal in value for 1 meta alloy.

please contact me through steam or in game;
Steam: Chili Palmer (picture is of a joker playing card)
In game: (cmdr) Phantom Cruze

You should be able to buy some in Maia at one of the surface ports. Darnielles Progress I think.

Unfortunately I don't have the resources to go out so far. I've recently run into players who ambushed me and shredded my corvette multiple times, i'm now broke and have put my corvette away at risk of being unable to buy back again. I'm currently flying a fer-de-lance not outfitted for long distance travel but rather staying in the systems for basic bounty hunting. So my offer remains, will trade any commodity of equal value for 1 meta alloy
20 Jun 2016, 11:10am
Phantom Cruze
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Phantom CruzeLooking to trade meta alloys for any other comodity. I just would like to aquire access to the engineer that wants one of those.

Willing to trade any comoddity equal in value for 1 meta alloy.

please contact me through steam or in game;
Steam: Chili Palmer (picture is of a joker playing card)
In game: (cmdr) Phantom Cruze

You should be able to buy some in Maia at one of the surface ports. Darnielles Progress I think.

Unfortunately I don't have the resources to go out so far. I've recently run into players who ambushed me and shredded my corvette multiple times, i'm now broke and have put my corvette away at risk of being unable to buy back again. I'm currently flying a fer-de-lance not outfitted for long distance travel but rather staying in the systems for basic bounty hunting. So my offer remains, will trade any commodity of equal value for 1 meta alloy

I would recommend to use a Hauler or Adder then. It's easy to outfit them for long range objective like that for a very low cost and if you die it will even cost less. Or maybe you have a Cobra docked somewhere?
20 Jun 2016, 3:02pm
Hi Guys, first time out in the deep, I am past witch head nebula but now just about all the systems have 'require unknown permit' so I cant easily progress onwards to Barnards loop. Is this a bug or genuine? I am far beyond the bubble and all these systems are undeveloped, so I cant see how someone has claimed them. I have tried jumping but get an error saying 'unable to hyperspace to this system'. Do I have to backtrack and take a big detour, or are most of the systems out here unable to be accessed meaning its 2 steps forward, one step back?
20 Jun 2016, 5:20pm
Has anyone here managed to get force shells yet? I just did 12 rolls on G1 overcharged cannons and 9 rolls landed 1 square after the blue. Ive been trying to get them for my vulture but im having no luck.
21 Jun 2016, 11:13am
AugernismHi Guys, first time out in the deep, I am past witch head nebula but now just about all the systems have 'require unknown permit' so I cant easily progress onwards to Barnards loop. Is this a bug or genuine? I am far beyond the bubble and all these systems are undeveloped, so I cant see how someone has claimed them. I have tried jumping but get an error saying 'unable to hyperspace to this system'. Do I have to backtrack and take a big detour, or are most of the systems out here unable to be accessed meaning its 2 steps forward, one step back?

My understanding is that the permit came in recently and has something to do with a future update

Other parts of the arm are accessible just not the bit around Barnards nebula. Again I have only read the bit about the reasons for the permit second hand so it could be wrong
21 Jun 2016, 11:18am
Thanks Ackley!
21 Jun 2016, 4:08pm
Alrighty, so riddle me this: I've been going about the internet (what's left of it anyways) to try and ascertain the formula to determine max speed and boost for the ships. The rudimentary sketches I had drawn to try and chart all too speeds over mass didn't exactly... Come out pretty.. (And yes, I did make the fuel and cargo the same for all). Any thoughts? I'd really like to figure out this optimal weight thing so I can effectively "plan" the most likely ship that'll emerge from the Engineers? My Ferdel is being finicky.
22 Jun 2016, 12:06am
AugernismHi Guys, first time out in the deep, I am past witch head nebula but now just about all the systems have 'require unknown permit' so I cant easily progress onwards to Barnards loop. Is this a bug or genuine? I am far beyond the bubble and all these systems are undeveloped, so I cant see how someone has claimed them. I have tried jumping but get an error saying 'unable to hyperspace to this system'. Do I have to backtrack and take a big detour, or are most of the systems out here unable to be accessed meaning its 2 steps forward, one step back?

I believe those unknown permits might be a clue to expansion. Thargoids perhaps.... but best thing you can do is plot around those systems as most are in a direct line with each other a few systems up or down and you can go around.
22 Jun 2016, 3:03pm
Hello to all, its first test message. You can delete, after read.
22 Jun 2016, 6:34pm
capt.Shade_GastovskyHello to all, its first test message. You can delete, after read.

26 Jun 2016, 4:07am
Greetings Cmdr´s!

let me invite you continuing the journey through Sol system..
wish you all a relaxing Sunday, greetings from Stuttgart, Germany!

Last edit: 26 Jun 2016, 5:15pm
27 Jun 2016, 9:34am
Why is someone putting pictures of his family up?
27 Jun 2016, 11:04am
HeathenJester84Why is someone putting pictures of his family up?

That's mostly why I've unsubscribed from the gallery.
27 Jun 2016, 8:52pm
hey guys not sure whats going on, just logged on for the first time today to my xbox One Elite Dangerous and went to work on the Empire side of the Daramo Community goal(s) but for some reason its not showing up at all on the Mission Board or my Transaction menu, i know its still active and even it wasn't it would show up as completed. I have reset my internet connection and game connection multiple times to restart my link to the servers to fix it but there's still nothing. If someone has had a similar or the same issue and have an idea on how to fix it, it would be greatly appreciated

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 28 Jun 2016, 12:33pm
27 Jun 2016, 9:24pm
Fanman95hey guys not sure whats going on, just logged on for the first time today to my xbox One Elite Dangerous and went to work on the Empire side of the Daramo Community goal(s) but for some reason its not showing up at all on the Mission Board or my Transaction menu, i know its still active and even it wasn't it would show up as completed. I have reset my internet connection and game connection multiple times to restart my link to the servers to fix it but there's still nothing. If someone has had a similar or the same issue and have an idea on how to fix it, it would be greatly appreciated

The empire lost the CG so there is no rewards for ppl who supported them

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 28 Jun 2016, 12:33pm

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