Elite: Game talk

02 Jun 2016, 1:03pm
ED_Reclusegranted now you can see asteroid content as LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH, but you have to fill your cargo hold with Prospectors if you are going to be that selective.

the low / med / high has nothing to do with osmium / gold etc .

it is a mesure of the engineer's elements contained it amidst the mineable comodities
02 Jun 2016, 2:43pm
Yup - it's the materials content. While mining, some fragments are materials (not just engineer food but synthesis also), not metal/mineral. The low/med/high indicates how many materials will be dropped by the asteroid when mined.
02 Jun 2016, 2:45pm
ED_Reclusegranted now you can see asteroid content as LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH, but you have to fill your cargo hold with Prospectors if you are going to be that selective.

the low / med / high has nothing to do with osmium / gold etc .

it is a mesure of the engineer's elements contained it amidst the mineable comodities

Thanks for the clarification!  I was unsure as it lists "MINERAL CONTENT" and most of the Engineer elements are, in fact ELEMENTS not Minerals.  So are the Metals, of course, but I was giving them the benefit of the doubt for the minerals that are there (the "-ites")

...or DOES it say MATERIAL and not "MINERAL" ??? Maybe I just saw it wrong...
02 Jun 2016, 3:02pm
On the other hand... MISSIONS are far more lucrative especially when you build good reputation.  Several times I found missions paying over a million credits for a simple delivery of 80 odd units of some commodity. Of course with the threat of interdiction, they may not be so simple, but I must have gotten lucky as they went off without a hitch.

My new favorite missions are the ones to retrieve Experimental Chemicals (or other things) from USS. Often they pay upwards of 300-400K to retrieve 4 tons of stuff and are generally within only 8-10 light years of where the mission is received. The new mechanic of scanning the Nav beacon or using the Discovery Scanner to get a general location and then the automatic notification of the MISSION RELATED SIGNAL is very simple.  Often you can stack multiple missions in the same system and come out with 700-800,000 credits for a quick run.  The wild card is Interdiction, of course, as sometimes there are Pirates after the specific commodity, but again. I've been lucky with the short hops.

Typically they are ILLICIT CARGO, but even the few times I have been scanned, the fine was minor compared to the payout. In one case I lost some Reputation (Allied down to Friendly) with one faction in the system, but that wasn't too big a blow..
02 Jun 2016, 3:12pm
James Hussar
My point being "griefing" is a deliberate ruination of fun by players, basically, it's harassment, and I would argue that an overly aggressive AI for overly-equipped NPCs doesn't constitute "griefing" because the intention isn't to ruin your fun or to have fun at your expense. Griefing is bullying and only people can do that.

Point taken. I agree the NPCs have no free will in this. That said, they are programmed by humans, and it's reasonable to assume the people doing the programming are doing so with a particular aim in mind. I don't know what it says about me that I assume the devs are competent but mildly malicious, rather than as capable of error as the rest of us - especially given that the problem seems to have stemmed from a setting for beta that wasn't reset for the live launch.

The last day or so I've been in and out at nav beacons, solo and open, and the difference is notable: the AI there is nowhere near as smart or inventive as the pirating AI. (And I haven't been blown up once, though I did - quite rightly - get my behind handed to me on a plate by a Competent Wanted I shouldn't have messed with.) It'd be nice to see the same range of tactics at nav beacons, although I imagine it would be a lot harder to program, given the differences in strategy required. Planning to check out a RES or two to see how it compares, though ED_Recluse's post isn't so encouraging there...
02 Jun 2016, 3:19pm
ED_RecluseOn the other hand... MISSIONS are far more lucrative especially when you build good reputation.  Several times I found missions paying over a million credits for a simple delivery of 80 odd units of some commodity. Of course with the threat of interdiction, they may not be so simple, but I must have gotten lucky as they went off without a hitch.

My new favorite missions are the ones to retrieve Experimental Chemicals (or other things) from USS. Often they pay upwards of 300-400K to retrieve 4 tons of stuff and are generally within only 8-10 light years of where the mission is received. The new mechanic of scanning the Nav beacon or using the Discovery Scanner to get a general location and then the automatic notification of the MISSION RELATED SIGNAL is very simple.  Often you can stack multiple missions in the same system and come out with 700-800,000 credits for a quick run.  The wild card is Interdiction, of course, as sometimes there are Pirates after the specific commodity, but again. I've been lucky with the short hops.

Typically they are ILLICIT CARGO, but even the few times I have been scanned, the fine was minor compared to the payout. In one case I lost some Reputation (Allied down to Friendly) with one faction in the system, but that wasn't too big a blow..

Ive started to do those missions now only because the multi million cr assassination missions (saw one for 2.1m yesterday) require a planetary landing module which isnt available for us xb ppl yet.
02 Jun 2016, 3:41pm
My point being

The last day or so I've been in and out at nav beacons, solo and open, and the difference is notable: the AI there is nowhere near as smart or inventive as the pirating AI. (And I haven't been blown up once, though I did - quite rightly - get my behind handed to me on a plate by a Competent Wanted I shouldn't have messed with.) It'd be nice to see the same range of tactics at nav beacons, although I imagine it would be a lot harder to program, given the differences in strategy required. Planning to check out a RES or two to see how it compares, though ED_Recluse's post isn't so encouraging there...

The RES zones are tougher for sure, and you MUST be careful picking targets, but the other side of it is there are LOTS of cops at the LOW/HIGH zones. Not just ones and twos in their little Eagles and Vipers like before, but WINGS of ANACONDAS. You can do well piggy backing on the cops, and if they are anywhere in the area, they will jump in to help you once a WANTED fires on you. The downside is, if you mess up and become Wanted yourself by clipping the wrong ship or not waiting for the scan to finish against a WANTED, the cops will be on you in a heartbeat too.
02 Jun 2016, 3:47pm
My point being

The last day or so I've been in and out at nav beacons, solo and open, and the difference is notable: the AI there is nowhere near as smart or inventive as the pirating AI. (And I haven't been blown up once, though I did - quite rightly - get my behind handed to me on a plate by a Competent Wanted I shouldn't have messed with.) It'd be nice to see the same range of tactics at nav beacons, although I imagine it would be a lot harder to program, given the differences in strategy required. Planning to check out a RES or two to see how it compares, though ED_Recluse's post isn't so encouraging there...

The RES zones are tougher for sure, and you MUST be careful picking targets, but the other side of it is there are LOTS of cops at the LOW/HIGH zones. Not just ones and twos in their little Eagles and Vipers like before, but WINGS of ANACONDAS. You can do well piggy backing on the cops, and if they are anywhere in the area, they will jump in to help you once a WANTED fires on you. The downside is, if you mess up and become Wanted yourself by clipping the wrong ship or not waiting for the scan to finish against a WANTED, the cops will be on you in a heartbeat too.

Ive only done about 1.2 hours of bounty hunting in 1.6 and it was in he haz res at shinrata dezhra and it wasnt that difficult, only issue was the AI had engineers weapons so it was abit frustrating.
03 Jun 2016, 4:47am
Good evening. Are there any wings that are recruiting that play on the Xbox One. My friend and I are searching for a community that we can assist with community goals, transporting, and bounty hunting. We are new to the game even though I have now logged over 100 hours in the last 7 days.

My GT is CRYPT0N1X zero for the O and 1 for the I. Look forward to meeting more people that play this game.
03 Jun 2016, 6:15am
Crypt0n1xGood evening. Are there any wings that are recruiting that play on the Xbox One. My friend and I are searching for a community that we can assist with community goals, transporting, and bounty hunting. We are new to the game even though I have now logged over 100 hours in the last 7 days.

My GT is CRYPT0N1X zero for the O and 1 for the I. Look forward to meeting more people that play this game.

The 9th are recruiting. If you go to our wing page, apply and message Texasoutlaw1990 then he can accept your application. The only requirement is that youre pledged Arissa Lavigny-Duval
03 Jun 2016, 8:38am
Until they sort out the NCP weapons debacle I rigged my Python out as a MinerExplorer and set off south of Lorenz Hub for a long distance voyage. I landed on a planet for the first time in a long while and while searching in the buggy I noticed that on the right hand screen where it usually gives a scanned ships pilot details in combat that it had my details and I was listed as Lawless in red and unaligned with any faction. I am aligned with the Guardians of Harmony in HIP 118213 and am unsure what the Lawless description in red means as to my knowledge I haven't committed any crimes or anything. The only thing strange I have noticed is that on my second or third jump when I began this trip I got a message about doing a mission for the federals which I ignored but yesterday, on my third day out I got another saying that the mission had failed, but I definitely never accepted any mission to begin with. Can anyone explain this to me?.
03 Jun 2016, 8:49am
Rockin' The AntieUntil they sort out the NCP weapons debacle I rigged my Python out as a MinerExplorer and set off south of Lorenz Hub for a long distance voyage. I landed on a planet for the first time in a long while and while searching in the buggy I noticed that on the right hand screen where it usually gives a scanned ships pilot details in combat that it had my details and I was listed as Lawless in red and unaligned with any faction. I am aligned with the Guardians of Harmony in HIP 118213 and am unsure what the Lawless description in red means as to my knowledge I haven't committed any crimes or anything. The only thing strange I have noticed is that on my second or third jump when I began this trip I got a message about doing a mission for the federals which I ignored but yesterday, on my third day out I got another saying that the mission had failed, but I definitely never accepted any mission to begin with. Can anyone explain this to me?.

Lawless means that the system is probably controlled by an anarchy faction, you cant officially pledge to minor factions only power play so thats why ot says no faction. And about the mission I have no clue as i haven't had that happen to me.
03 Jun 2016, 9:20am
Rockin' The AntieUntil they sort out the NCP weapons debacle I rigged my Python out as a MinerExplorer and set off south of Lorenz Hub for a long distance voyage. I landed on a planet for the first time in a long while and while searching in the buggy I noticed that on the right hand screen where it usually gives a scanned ships pilot details in combat that it had my details and I was listed as Lawless in red and unaligned with any faction. I am aligned with the Guardians of Harmony in HIP 118213 and am unsure what the Lawless description in red means as to my knowledge I haven't committed any crimes or anything. The only thing strange I have noticed is that on my second or third jump when I began this trip I got a message about doing a mission for the federals which I ignored but yesterday, on my third day out I got another saying that the mission had failed, but I definitely never accepted any mission to begin with. Can anyone explain this to me?.

Lawless means that the system is probably controlled by an anarchy faction, you cant officially pledge to minor factions only power play so thats why ot says no faction. And about the mission I have no clue as i haven't had that happen to me.

Thanks for that quick reply Nathan, nothing to worry about then as iirc most of the unknown systems out here are anarchy ones. As soon as the servers are back on line after the v2.0.2 update I will check it out.
03 Jun 2016, 1:59pm
The RES zones are tougher for sure, and you MUST be careful picking targets.

Er... yeah. Just had my canopy shot away in one! I thought I could be clever and rely on the System Authority vessels there to get me out of a scrape... nope. They enjoyed the show, though.
03 Jun 2016, 2:08pm
The RES zones are tougher for sure, and you MUST be careful picking targets.

Er... yeah. Just had my canopy shot away in one! I thought I could be clever and rely on the System Authority vessels there to get me out of a scrape... nope. They enjoyed the show, though.

I keep forgetting to NOT engage wings of small fighters while in a large ship. They totally outmaneuver me and swarm, take out shields and just pound on the hull before I can reacquire any one of them. RES fighting is really peer to peer now. For the larger ships and especially wings of them, best strategy seems to be to wait until they're engaged by police or have attacked another ship. Cops can, but often do not come to the rescue when you shoot first.

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