Elite: Game talk

10 Jun 2016, 5:01am
Not a bug, game mechanic. Actually quite good
10 Jun 2016, 7:10am
Good morning, Cmdr´s!

..here some impressions of my life as missionrunner & trader..
enjoy it! (HD1080p)

Have a nice day & fly safe!

Last edit: 10 Jun 2016, 5:29pm
10 Jun 2016, 11:51am
JohnthecomieAre you hugging too close to the planet maybe? It always seems to take longer if I'm less than 100ls to the planet.
Do love the pay though. And I've had a fare number reward materials.

Hmmm I generally find them much closer, typically I am about 5 ls from the planet and find the Signal about 4 Ls from my position, but I have made very wide orbits trying to find the most recent ones. Will start out a bit farther out and orbit around 100 Ls and see what happens.

Ok.. so last night I managed to find all the mission objectives. Not sure if it was just the instance reset or the strategy I tried. First, from this discussion I tried orbiting around 100 ls from the planet, trying to get closer and closer with each orbit. Nothing. Then I reversed the process and got within Mm of the planet, just OUT of Orbital Cruise, but inside 1 ls and circled. Found the Mission target very quickly about 3 ls out. I used this strategy on the next missions and in every case found the mission objective VERY close to the planetary body. Who knows if this was just a random occurrence, but I was glad to collect my million credits or so for 3 missions before they timed out.
10 Jun 2016, 2:47pm
MakairaLHS 3447 is currently in a Lockdown state. That means no mission boards, outfitting, or commodities market. Turning in bounties helps to break Lockdown, but it takes time. I believe this is a new feature as I had never encountered it before. I experienced it the other day and thought it was something to do with the Unknown Artefact Plague, but a quick search showed it to be a possible feature or bug in the BGS. I'm not sure which it's supposed to be, but in the meantime, before you accept a mission to another system, check the Galaxy Map and go to filters, and filter by State. If the system in question is yellow, that means it's in lockdown and won't have any of the mentioned services available.

Hmph. Never thought of that. Thanks so much for the info, I'll be spending a lot more time in the galaxy map!

11 Jun 2016, 5:25pm
James Hussar
Token StarHow do I buy and use limpets? I have the limpet controllers mounted but the restock option doesn't seem to load limpets.
limpets not listed as commodities, so how do i get some in my cargohold?

Limpets are available at most stations, but not all, where the reload option is available. Note, the "Reload" option on the bottom-center of the Station Services menu only reloads ammo for weapons and field-service unit, not limpets. For limpets you need to go to the Reload option on the top-left of the Station Services menu. There you can very selectively reload everything, including limpets.

Limpets are all alike - they become Collector, Prospctor or Fuel-Transfer limpets when fired by a specificLimpet Controller. Limpet Controllers are basically weapons (but they take up an Optional Internal slot instead of a Hard-point. Controllers need to be assigned to a fire-group.

Note that for collector limpets, they will collect anything collectable if you do not have a collectable item selected - they will go back and forth collecting everything they can until everything is collected or the limpets run out of lifetime - or crash into something.

If you select a specific collectible item, the collector limpet willl go get that one item, then it will self-destruct. So be sure to untarget collective items if you ant all sorts of stuff picked up automatically. As long as you untarget the item AFTER the limpet has picked it up, but BEFORE it is delivered to your cargo scoop, you can selectively pick up specific items - this will help you avoid picking up crap you do not need and save you the hassle of having to discard or jettison it later. If you jettison stuff and still have active collectors flying, they will pick up that stuff again - to stop this you can close your cargo hatch. To terminate your limpets you can turn off your controller, or just supercruise away to abandon them.


Ah thanks, very helpful info. The issue where i was having the initial problem in buying the limpets where I didn't realize you have to click on the small arrow next to the price to add units to the buy queue.

Last edit: 11 Jun 2016, 6:01pm
11 Jun 2016, 5:38pm
Token StarHow do I buy and use limpets? I have the limpet controllers mounted but the restock option doesn't seem to load limpets.
limpets not listed as commodities, so how do i get some in my cargohold?

Limpets are available at most stations, but not all, where the reload option is available. Note, the "Reload" option on the bottom-center of the Station Services menu only reloads ammo for weapons and field-service unit, not limpets. For limpets you need to go to the Reload option on the top-left of the Station Services menu. There you can very selectively reload everything, including limpets.

Limpets are all alike - they become Collector, Prospctor or Fuel-Transfer limpets when fired by a specificLimpet Controller. Limpet Controllers are basically weapons (but they take up an Optional Internal slot instead of a Hard-point. Controllers need to be assigned to a fire-group.

Note that for collector limpets, they will collect anything collectable if you do not have a collectable item selected - they will go back and forth collecting everything they can until everything is collected or the limpets run out of lifetime - or crash into something.

If you select a specific collectible item, the collector limpet willl go get that one item, then it will self-destruct. So be sure to untarget collective items if you ant all sorts of stuff picked up automatically. As long as you untarget the item AFTER the limpet has picked it up, but BEFORE it is delivered to your cargo scoop, you can selectively pick up specific items - this will help you avoid picking up crap you do not need and save you the hassle of having to discard or jettison it later. If you jettison stuff and still have active collectors flying, they will pick up that stuff again - to stop this you can close your cargo hatch. To terminate your limpets you can turn off your controller, or just supercruise away to abandon them.

12 Jun 2016, 1:34pm
Hi Commander´s, let me invite you to a short journay through SOL..
..wish you all a lazy Sunday afternoon.. Greetings from Stuttgart!

13 Jun 2016, 1:27pm
I played ED since january this year. Had i lot of fun. Did some missions en joined Community Goals. After update to version 2.1 the fun is gone. There is no way to win in combat en most missions are impossible because of destructive npc's. Guess its a game for die hards now. Got to the rank Dangerous, Broker an Trailblazer. But there is no way I get to improve any further since I keep losing money on re buying ships before I can profit of my grinding.

Why release a game that is impossible to play.
13 Jun 2016, 1:47pm
Theo61I played ED since january this year. Had i lot of fun. Did some missions en joined Community Goals. After update to version 2.1 the fun is gone. There is no way to win in combat en most missions are impossible because of destructive npc's. Guess its a game for die hards now. Got to the rank Dangerous, Broker an Trailblazer. But there is no way I get to improve any further since I keep losing money on re buying ships before I can profit of my grinding.

Why release a game that is impossible to play.

You're very much right. The updates have made NPCs very hard to kill. I ranked up to Combat Elite too easily before the update and now I keep running into opponents from whom I have to run away more often than not. It's a blow to my ego, since I got cocky about being able to take on any and every enemy before the update.

Now, it's hard. It's less of a space shooter and more of a space sim, where there is no shame in having to run from an overpowered enemy. I really have to consider my options now before engaging anyone but a trivially-lower ranked NPC.

I'm not at my breaking point, yet, and I'm sad that you are. I've spent a lot of money on this game - not just ED and Horizons but also a HOTAS - and I've spent a LOT of time playing. So I'm not about to flush it - in fact, I'm considering a LARGE monitor to add to the realism of sitting in the cockpit. But the recent changes are forcing me to reevaluate how I play.
13 Jun 2016, 1:53pm
At least now NPC`s are not braindead as they were, and they actually worth to fight.
Thought they hacking at least in heat and turning rates..

So generally it is good.
And Elite in combat now gettin to have value.
Though you still can use them and easily get elite in hires even in sidey..
13 Jun 2016, 2:12pm
It's just a matter of tactics.
If you're trading, exploring or mining, then you are not usually equipped for fighting, so run away.
If you are in a combat ship, then it's just a matter of adjusting your tactics to suit your enemy.
If you are agile, can turn easily, then you can stick with fixed or gimballed weapons. If you are in a slower ship, use turreted weapons. These you can set to "Target Only" or "Fire at Will". What I have noticed with the "Fire at Will" is that the weapons only fire if your enemy has turned red in the scanner. It won't fire if you just target to scan. In other words, they have to fire the first shot.
13 Jun 2016, 4:56pm
I respectfully disagree that it is just a matter of tactics. I have a type 9. Even without cargo it's a magnet for trouble. I can't outrun and survive multiple attacks. It is simply to slow.

I like ED because you could switch between roles, trading, exploring, mining and combat. Now you have to outfit a ship for combat for safety. All the players that support the new harder AI are deeply into combat. For me the only improvement is that NPC's don't rotate passive when there shields are down. That's good. But now the System Authorities come to my aid if I take to long to kill a wanted ship. They take over most of the fighting en that's not as rewarding. On the other hand, without their help they could escape or worse destroy me. When I am trading and I have to defend myself there is never any police that comes to my rescue. I the beginning it's frustrating. Now it is just boring.

I seen several polls on the subject and there all very much in favor of making it easier for us modest players. When is Frontier going to listen to that majority? For the die hard combatiers there should be a arena of some sort.
13 Jun 2016, 5:14pm
You make a good point about the T-9. This was a problem even before the recent change - and I see it as a reasonable game mechanic. It's a calculated risk to trade in a T-9 in a galaxy crawling with pirates. People who do so are gambling their lives and cargo on the hope of a large trade working out in their favor. For similar money you could be running a Python, where you exchange a large chunk of cargo space for the fighting chance to survive a pirate encounter.

If that risk, in the context of the game, is not thrilling, and the aim is just to get from point A to point B in order to make the number of credits go up, then I completely agree - the game's become unplayable. But what sort of play was it, to merely grind out game money?

FWIW, MINES are a great friend to a trading vessel, especially after the upgrade. Mount a mine launcher as a hard-point and fit a few turrets and point-defenses. If interdicted, pop chaff, burn like hell, drop mines and let the turrets do that voodoo that they do so well. You may be pleasantly surprised at your survival rate. It's no guarantee of safety, you will get banged up and sometimes blown up, but you'll no longer be a sitting duck.
13 Jun 2016, 5:18pm
Yes, T9 now is out of equation. Still some flying it.. Without wingmen!
Dunno why, cuz conda is much better for solo flyin.
13 Jun 2016, 5:21pm
I think the devs should decrease AI combat improvement by 50% of the amount they added within the update and all of us have back the fun we need in a good game.

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