Elite: Game talk

05 Jun 2016, 3:00pm
James Hussar
Rebecca HailPraesodymium is mining only afaik

That or getting it as reward by completing missions.

I've found it at surface mining locations and in crashed canisters on the surface also, but for sources least prone to dice rolls, mining. It's still a dice roll, but you're more likely to find it in asteroids.

Try Bhare A 3 Ring, I'm running into Praseodymium and Samarium so regularly there that you could say it's common. Followed by Osmium, Palladium, Platinum and Painite. The Ice ring of the same asteroid belt should be visited as well.

In that very ice ring, I scored 6+ tons of low temp diamonds, along with a slew of the usual ice stuff, in one trip.
05 Jun 2016, 3:03pm
I'm now trying to find a Planet where I could find Yttrium, Polonium and all the rare stuff. Is any planet with at least Major Reserves giving one the chance to find some or does it need to be higher aka Pristine?
05 Jun 2016, 3:54pm
GannicusHi guys, I'm hunting down some PRAESODYMIUM for an engineer. Does anyone have an idea where to find this? I'm asking because I'm primarily a bounty Hunter.

Cheers, Cmdr Gannicus

I've found copious quantities of Praseodymium and Samarium in the various metallic Belt Clusters. Of course, always when looking for something else!! Belt clusters not quite as rich, but often safer.
05 Jun 2016, 5:07pm
I found lots of Praseodymium whilst mining in frey in the pristine metallic ring.
05 Jun 2016, 5:46pm
Hello fellow pilots

Was wondering if anyone knew of or was going to start a list for persistent shipwrecks as I can't seem to find any on google? I have only found 2 but have looked for hours (which was fun don't get me wrong). Would be great to see different wrecks as I've only seen an Anaconda and what i think was a Diamondback Explorer.
05 Jun 2016, 7:24pm
GannicusHi guys, I'm hunting down some PRAESODYMIUM for an engineer. Does anyone have an idea where to find this? I'm asking because I'm primarily a bounty Hunter.

Cheers, Cmdr Gannicus

Not my graph and I think the values have changed a bit.

What you are looking for is in mining.

06 Jun 2016, 1:32am
Cexi GrossmanHow does one get Arsenic fairly quickly? Asking for my roommate.

You're trying to poison someone, aren't you.
06 Jun 2016, 5:52am
Simon Datura
Cexi GrossmanHow does one get Arsenic fairly quickly? Asking for my roommate.

You're trying to poison someone, aren't you.

Look, what I do in my bounty hunting ship is my business. >_>
06 Jun 2016, 7:10am
Cexi GrossmanLook, what I do in my bounty hunting ship is my business. >_>

I ain't judging, but there are easier, more explody ways to make people dead.
06 Jun 2016, 8:30am
Simon Datura
Cexi GrossmanHow does one get Arsenic fairly quickly? Asking for my roommate.

You're trying to poison someone, aren't you.

He's probably making Victorian Viagra.
06 Jun 2016, 10:19pm
If you go to the Wildcard CG at Naunin. The goal is to find gold but the RNG gods give you plenty of all of the other rares instead of Gold at Naunin 4 A ring.
first day I had all the Praseodymium and Samarium I could handle. Next day it was Platinum and Palladium sprinkled like candy all over the place.
07 Jun 2016, 4:11pm
Does anyone have a link to the awesome planetary exploration music or any way to make it play more often?
07 Jun 2016, 4:18pm
So roaming around the galaxy and I came across a planet station that says unsold beacon ++.  What does this mean exactly and can I buy it (LOL)?

Last edit: 07 Jun 2016, 5:16pm
07 Jun 2016, 4:56pm
Crypt0n1xSo roaming around the galaxy and I came across a planet station that says unsold beacon ++.  What does this mean exactly and can I buy it (LOL)?

Probably just the name of the base. Names of stations and places are procedurally generated and this combination of words just came up in the dice roll. The ++ is the security level there.
07 Jun 2016, 5:01pm
James Hussar
Crypt0n1xSo roaming around the galaxy and I came across a planet station that says unsold beacon ++.  What does this mean exactly and can I buy it (LOL)?

Probably just the name of the base. Names of stations and places are procedurally generated and this combination of words just came up in the dice roll. The ++ is the security level there.

I believe the + is actually the size of the settlement because security is in brackets

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