Elite: Game talk

03 Jul 2016, 7:02pm
James Hussar
GreenArrowC67Has anyone had problems getting the ranked missions with the Federation or the Empire

I cannot rank up in Empire! Still didnt achice my first rank.I am at 100%,continuing to do missions for Empire,for nearly a month now,but cannot rank up!!!

You need to find an "ascension" mission and conduct it. They're often simple delivery or retrieval missions, but they are the THING that actually increases your rank once you've gained 100% reputation needed to rank up. It's a bit awkward. Once you do have the needed rep to rank up, the ascension missions should start popping up in mission boards on stations that are controlled by factions that are aligned with the Empire.

One thing to note is that you keep on earning reputation toward your ranking even if you don't actually don't do the ascension mission, so it is possible to skip a rank, or to have plenty of rep toward the next rank when you do rank up.

The mechanic for Federation and Alliance is the same - ascension missions are what formally promotes you, but any mission for an aligned faction increases the reputation needed to rank up.

Ah would explain why I got message saying I'm Duke but still lord thanks for info.
04 Jul 2016, 4:30am
Peregrinus19Hello Artie,
I am currently out at PRAEA EUQ GK-Y B30-0 2, "Planet Wilson" as some of the CMDRs have called it, with a group of CMDRs helping to move a CMDR stuck in his SRV around the planet.

I was wondering if you could add this system as I am unable to use it as my current location & the location for my ship on INARA.

If that is not possible at this time, then don't worry about it ...I have no clue how you have the time to keep INARA running & up-to-date, but I appreciate all your hard work

If curious about the CMDR in his SRV (yes he could log out & return to his ship, but he said he has decided to play this as if it was a real life incident) here the link to the thread on the frontier forums...

Thats kinda cool, are there many people who do this as a real world scenario.
ArtieBoth starsystems added (Eol... and Praea...). I am just afraid that SRV rescue mission will end badly, unless there is enough oxygen remaining in its cabin until Pilots Federation allows more than one pilot per ship.

...hope I did this multi quote right...
GreenArrowC67 - I just know that there have been about 9 to 10 CMDRs that I have seen come out this way to look, help out, &/or participate in the adventure on "Planet Wilson"

Artie - Thank you for adding PRAEA EUQ GK-Y B30-0 to the database!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Jul 2016, 2:35pm
04 Jul 2016, 6:54am
Welp, it only took about two months, but hey! guess what! ITS A REVELATION! I GOT PERMISSION, like, I mean, holy crap, I got to have the internet back for TWO, WHOLE, HOURS. Well, actually it was an hour and twenty minutes.. And, yeah, the download took an hour and ten.. loading in right now,  have five minutes left.. But, I mean, wow! Really! FIVE WHOLE MINUTES ALL TO MYSELF! I, am totally, going to do so much.

Shit I just wasted another minute spell checking this.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Jul 2016, 2:35pm
04 Jul 2016, 7:00am
ArtieBoth starsystems added (Eol... and Praea...). I am just afraid that SRV rescue mission will end badly, unless there is enough oxygen remaining in its cabin until Pilots Federation allows more than one pilot per ship.

Artie, I forgot to address the part you talked about the SRV's oxygen....you can now Synthesize Materials to repair / refuel your SRV  ...also improve your weapon's abilities

This SRV CMDR has been blasting rocks on the planet's surface, gathering the materials he finds,  & repairing his SRV hull & refueling his SRV using Synthesis...he has been on the planet's surface only in his SRV for 1 week now

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Jul 2016, 2:36pm
04 Jul 2016, 7:04am
LusciniaWelp, it only took about two months, but hey! guess what! ITS A REVELATION! I GOT PERMISSION, like, I mean, holy crap, I got to have the internet back for TWO, WHOLE, HOURS. Well, actually it was an hour and twenty minutes.. And, yeah, the download took an hour and ten.. loading in right now, have five minutes left.. But, I mean, wow! Really! FIVE WHOLE MINUTES ALL TO MYSELF! I, am totally, going to do so much.

Shit I just wasted another minute spell checking this.

Welp. Time's up. Okay I'm going to bed goodnox.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Jul 2016, 2:36pm
04 Jul 2016, 2:37pm
Artie, I forgot to address the part you talked about the SRV's oxygen....you can now Synthesize Materials to repair / refuel your SRV  ...also improve your weapon's abilities

This SRV CMDR has been blasting rocks on the planet's surface, gathering the materials he finds,  & repairing his SRV hull & refueling his SRV using Synthesis...he has been on the planet's surface only in his SRV for 1 week now

Ah, right, I forgot about the synthesis. In worst case, logging off the game still helps.
04 Jul 2016, 6:41pm
I don't know if you've seen the FD forum thread about EDuardo the crafting assistant? Basically its a mobile friendly website where if a commander puts in their inventory of materials, and selects a component of their ship they wish to upgrade, and what upgrade they want to craft to it, EDuardo will tell them who they need to see, what materials they will need for that upgrade, and if they have enough materials in stock. After crafting a module upgrade if you click the craft button on EDuardo it will automatically update your materials inventory to reflect the materials consumed in crafting the upgrade. At this time, and possible never to come, there is no automatic inventory upload to EDuardo so it will take some effort, but it is IMO well worth the effort to punch in your inventroy and keep on top of it so you can be more efficient about crafting your upgrades.

Link to the thread, Forum Link

Link to the actual website with the BETA of EDuardo up and running: EDuardo.RE

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Jul 2016, 9:18pm
04 Jul 2016, 8:49pm
JayridiumI don't know if you've seen the FD forum thread about EDuardo the crafting assistant? Basically its a mobile friendly website where if a commander puts in their inventory of materials, and selects a component of their ship they wish to upgrade, and what upgrade they want to craft to it, EDuardo will tell them who they need to see, what materials they will need for that upgrade, and if they have enough materials in stock. After crafting a module upgrade if you click the craft button on EDuardo it will automatically update your materials inventory to reflect the materials consumed in crafting the upgrade. At this time, and possible never to come, there is no automatic inventory upload to EDuardo so it will take some effort, but it is IMO well worth the effort to punch in your inventroy and keep on top of it so you can be more efficient about crafting your upgrades.

Link to the thread, Forum Link

Link to the actual website with the BETA of EDuardo up and running: EDuardo.RE

Genius. Thanks for the link? Anyone know of a tool that shows your actual inventory for Xbox users? Not surprising that FD has little to no support for engineer mod'ing, it would be super if someone did.
06 Jul 2016, 3:46am
Has anyone seen anything about not get federal rank missions when your rank is at 100%

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Jul 2016, 8:50am
06 Jul 2016, 6:26am
Does anyone know if someone has compiled a list of possible secondary effects for each modification (not the experimental effects)?
06 Jul 2016, 11:42am
GreenArrowC67Has anyone seen anything about not get federal rank missions when your rank is at 100%

That's happened once or twice to me. I just left it alone, did other stuff in ED to keep busy,  checked the mission boards every time I docked and eventually one popped up. I wasn't keep track of how much time passed so I couldn't tell you how long it was between reaching 100% and finding a federal rank mission.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Jul 2016, 8:51am
06 Jul 2016, 1:20pm
GreenArrowC67Has anyone seen anything about not get federal rank missions when your rank is at 100%

usually this means that you are actually at 99.xx% and it rounds up to 100% in the UI. Just continue to do missions (your progress is not lost and it will move on anyway in the background). You can do this without harm until a mission spawns to rank up

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Jul 2016, 8:50am
06 Jul 2016, 6:18pm
Thanks to you both

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Jul 2016, 8:50am
07 Jul 2016, 7:02am
I need help guys, or at the very least some direction.
I unlocked palin before marco. then for shits & giggles,
went back to get marco.
I mean the whole works.
The ranking up with the previous engineer,
the doing the invite mission
the modular terminals
about the only thing i didn't have to do is get the sirius permit.
did the sothis/robigo runs back in the day to get it.
if i get the help i need, we might be able to throw the alternative
way to get to engineers, up on here, provided i lucked out rather
then have hit a bug

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Jul 2016, 8:50am
07 Jul 2016, 1:07pm
GreenArrowC67Thanks to you both

I had this same issue, finally one mission was titled "Navy needs"... blah blah blah.  I think it was something like 5 conductive fabrics.  When I completed that mission, I got my rank.


Last edit: 07 Jul 2016, 4:46pm

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