Elite: Game talk
20 Aug 2016, 6:59pm
20 Aug 2016, 7:08pm
Rufus Vegas.... your short term goal is the Asp Explorer. You can also use this to do short range trade, I recommend Imperial Slaves, if you're conscience allows it. Beyond the first 50 million credits, my experience is not worth much!
I apologize for derailing the topic a little bit but you mentioned the Asp Explorer and currently I was really setting my sights on that ship. I'm currently in a Type-6 and having fun just sort of throwing a dart at the map and hauling commodities around on short hops throughout the bubble...exploring isn't my big deal but I sort of fell in love with the Asp's profile (those fins, man) and I was considering making an Asp outfitted for trading my long-term goal since it's a 6+mil investment...Apparently the Asp can get up around 100+ tons of cargo hold when kitted for trading which is identical to my T-6...although the Asp has the added benefit of fangs and a vicious bite.
So it seemed like a tradesmen Asp would be cool, but in that case I'm wondering if I'm better off looking for a Keelback or something? If you could share your opinions on that, I'd really appreciate it!
Also, apologies once more for hijacking.
20 Aug 2016, 7:38pm
It's not really hijacking the thread since this is general/game talk
20 Aug 2016, 7:42pm
My Asp has 80 tonnes of cargo, and I often take it 200-300LY beyond the bubble without trouble. There [i]is[i] profit out there, but it takes a bit of digging, and luck, to find it.
As for the Keelback, I've never owned one... I once saw a ship rundown in which a commander rated the Keelback as "no, no, no...just no" and it seemed to have been met with approval from everyone else replying!
One caveat on the Asp: she costs 6.6million (without discount) but you'll likely want to spend 10-15million in total after outfitting.
20 Aug 2016, 8:44pm
Rebecca HailFangs and a vicious bite? It has a good entry damage due to the six hardpoints but I wouldn't pick a fight with any combat dedicated ship. Especially not if your fitted for trading.
It's not really hijacking the thread since this is general/game talk
Hahaha, I guess "fangs and a vicious bite" should have been in reference to the completely unarmed T-6...well I have shock mines to piss someone off worse, but yeah, the Asp isn't a Death Star, but it's got more punch than a T-6! Lol Also glad to know I didn't mess up the entire thread. I figured it was a general thread, but i've had posts removed for less on other forums so I just like to be cautious lol.
Rufus VegasYes, you can get 100+ tonnes in an Asp, although you'll sacrifice jump range, but that's not a big deal if you're staying in the bubble. The Asp does have fair weapons capabilities, but it isn't very manoeuvrable, so it's more of a self defence platform than a combat ship.
My Asp has 80 tonnes of cargo, and I often take it 200-300LY beyond the bubble without trouble. There [i]is[i] profit out there, but it takes a bit of digging, and luck, to find it.
As for the Keelback, I've never owned one... I once saw a ship rundown in which a commander rated the Keelback as "no, no, no...just no" and it seemed to have been met with approval from everyone else replying!
One caveat on the Asp: she costs 6.6million (without discount) but you'll likely want to spend 10-15million in total after outfitting.
Thanks so much for this helpful advice! The keel back seemed appealing only because of its better defensive capabilities, but I couldn't imagine it being much more with only a few more hardpoints. It is, however much cheaper than the Asp lol, but I think we know why now.
I figured on having around 8 mil when I went to pick up the Asp...REALLY glad I spoke to you first, as having around 1.5 mill for outfitting and 500k for cargo would have been nowhere near enough...
Thanks again everyone for the help.
20 Aug 2016, 10:28pm
Zomb Lee
I figured on having around 8 mil when I went to pick up the Asp...REALLY glad I spoke to you first, as having around 1.5 mill for outfitting and 500k for cargo would have been nowhere near enough...
Thanks again everyone for the help.
Don't get me wrong, you can buy an Asp and build it up as you go, but you'll find your cargo capacity and defences somewhat limited if you only want to put a little cash into outfitting at purchase!
EDIT: Don't forget 5% ship insurance money, once you start spending in the millions you're only a few careless jumps away from bankruptcy. Trust me, I've been there!
20 Aug 2016, 11:09pm
Also I advise strongly against picking a fight with a trade fitted ASP. Those things aren't exactly tanky in any way
21 Aug 2016, 1:11am
Rufus Vegas
Don't get me wrong, you can buy an Asp and build it up as you go, but you'll find your cargo capacity and defences somewhat limited if you only want to put a little cash into outfitting at purchase!
EDIT: Don't forget 5% ship insurance money, once you start spending in the millions you're only a few careless jumps away from bankruptcy. Trust me, I've been there!
Rebecca HailTrue. Remember rule #1: Don't fly without rebuy.
Also I advise strongly against picking a fight with a trade fitted ASP. Those things aren't exactly tanky in any way
Yes, I have used my one free loan up once...and I have since avoided it. I like the rhyme tho, lol! Definitely a good idea to always have a sizeable cushion in funds before swapping up in ships.
Although, the more I look at the really ugly Keelback the more I'm starting to enjoy the ugly. If that hypothetical fighterbay is even available to non-horizon owners and if it can fit a Viper Mk III that would be amazing...but I doubt it.
The only information I can find isn't specific to whether or not you have to own Horizons and if that fighterbay can fit anything bigger than an Imperial Fighter or Condor...I read material stating that the devs were planning to allow the fighter bays to only land non-cargo carrying ships...and if that's the case that would seriously kill whatever tiny shred of appeal the Keelback had since, as far as I understand having never participated in arena, the Condor has a combat life-expectancy of about 3 seconds?
I have a Viper Mk III which has a short jump range parked in a dock...I hate having to fly backwards all the routes I flew in my T-6 to switch over to my Viper whenever I want to do some bounty hunting. The Keelback would be insanely great if the Viper or at least an Eagle Mk II could land in it since then I could carry my bounty hunting ship with me on my trade runs, and swap instantly, instead of having to back-track hundreds of light years.
A small CQC fighter against anything in the actual game is so abysmally pointless...
21 Aug 2016, 1:24am
A Powerplay Discussion, Features and Mechanics
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21 Aug 2016, 7:34am
Zomb Lee
Although, the more I look at the really ugly Keelback the more I'm starting to enjoy the ugly. If that hypothetical fighterbay is even available to non-horizon owners and if it can fit a Viper Mk III that would be amazing...but I doubt it.
As far as I have seen, and I'm only basing this on Gamescom promo from frontier, you can only fit Condor, Eagle, and Tai Pan (a new ship) into the fighter bays. These are the smallest vessels, so I would doubt that Vipers will fit.
That being said, I believe the ability to have your ships transported around space for you is going to be introduced in the new content, if so you're Viper won't be stuck miles away from you!
As for content availability, I dunno, it's patch 2.2 so it might only be available to season 2 (Horizons) owners...
21 Aug 2016, 8:00am
Sidey, Eagle or Viper are waaaaaaay to big for that fighter bay
21 Aug 2016, 2:19pm
Zomb LeeRufus Vegas.... your short term goal is the Asp Explorer. You can also use this to do short range trade, I recommend Imperial Slaves, if you're conscience allows it. Beyond the first 50 million credits, my experience is not worth much!
I apologize for derailing the topic a little bit but you mentioned the Asp Explorer and currently I was really setting my sights on that ship. I'm currently in a Type-6 and having fun just sort of throwing a dart at the map and hauling commodities around on short hops throughout the bubble...exploring isn't my big deal but I sort of fell in love with the Asp's profile (those fins, man) and I was considering making an Asp outfitted for trading my long-term goal since it's a 6+mil investment...Apparently the Asp can get up around 100+ tons of cargo hold when kitted for trading which is identical to my T-6...although the Asp has the added benefit of fangs and a vicious bite.
So it seemed like a tradesmen Asp would be cool, but in that case I'm wondering if I'm better off looking for a Keelback or something? If you could share your opinions on that, I'd really appreciate it!
Also, apologies once more for hijacking.
I had a type 6 and I switched out for an ASP I don't regret the decision at all. I could haul 20 more tonnes then I was with my t6 and I have weapons to defend myself, I also have a better jump range. Here is a link to my build. I also agree make sure you have enough for insurance. I spent about 20 mil outfitting mine but I didn't go anywhere to get discounts.
21 Aug 2016, 5:37pm
shame take a ship is not an option
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