Elite: Game talk

14 Aug 2016, 11:14am
Steve Slayer
HnB LonewolfHello,

As I'm sure this has been reported before and I don't feel like digging through 211 pages of stuff so here goes. The information on the engineers needs updating. I.e. Felicity Farseer does not have fsd interdicters or shield boosters on the Xbox version of the game. I don't know if there is a difference between the pc version or the Xbox version.
There is no UC to sell cartographics at Farseer inc.
Thrusters are called engines in game

And I'm pretty sure Elvira doesn't know anything about shield cell banks.

I just spend a great amount of time chasing a meta alloy hoping I could get upgrades for my shield boosters going of the info on this website. Not cool!

Where did you end up finding meta alloys I have spent all day f ing around looking for the with no luck. Not for sale in Maia and all barnacles I found were broken?

The f was for flying.

On Merope 2a, Lat 13.3835 long 161.4781 the spikes were intact when I was there yesterday.
Follow this link for a full list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bWITzZmYMYqwXqX5NHw02tyCGd7IFcfHpjYGeZL9GHQ/htmlview?pli=1#gid=1627218729
This website is all about barnacles and UA's, http://canonn.science/codex/science/large-barnacles/
And there is a thread on ED forum about this as well.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:27am
14 Aug 2016, 4:38pm
3 interdictions in a row on one trip, and this isn't the first time either.

One as I was making a hyperspace jump: Won
One just after I entered the new system: Won
One STRAIGHT after jumping back to super cruise: Lost

The last one bugged out my HUD. I was seeing double, and it was impossible to even try and evade.

Is it a gameplay mechanic that if they really don't want you to get somewhere they will send increasingly difficult NPCs to ensure your destruction, or is that bug? It certainly isn't fair ...

Also, the system authority wing that sometimes shows up is useless. They are either too far away to do anything, too weak/few to fight off the pirate/s, or turn up too late to be of any help.

Just wondering if anyone else has had these problems.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:27am
14 Aug 2016, 5:31pm
Yep when outgunned, run for cops direction, cease fire. Attacker always busy with ships fire incoming from, so after they join and make even one shot - you are safe. The rest you know

Cops are unlimited and only gettin reinforcements more and more..

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:27am
14 Aug 2016, 6:07pm
Evgeny ZiYep when outgunned, run for cops direction, cease fire. Attacker always busy with ships fire incoming from, so after they join and make even one shot - you are safe. The rest you know

Cops are unlimited and only gettin reinforcements more and more..

Would be nice if they sent at least one big ship to help ...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:27am
14 Aug 2016, 8:43pm
Iaened BourneWould be nice if they sent at least one big ship to help ...

Well, small ships  often much more effective now, especially in wings. But even one! Just last evening spectated in cz how python+some asps and vipers was unable to kill just one small Elite eagle. It was fun! Npcs of combat specs against one. They tried  to do this for about a 1.5 minutes, then I joined with my fdl, so..

But it was fun actually

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:27am
15 Aug 2016, 12:32am
So I just made it to Saunders's Dive in my Vulture, I don't really know what my next move should be. I want to work my way into an A rated python, what can I do to make the money I need to get there any tips or general guidance would be appreciated.
15 Aug 2016, 6:13am
BurnhamsterSo I just made it to Saunders's Dive in my Vulture, I don't really know what my next move should be. I want to work my way into an A rated python, what can I do to make the money I need to get there any tips or general guidance would be appreciated.

The single best/fastest way to make money is long distance smuggling. Start with a Cobra III, get it fast (light weight, good fsd and thrusters) and give it some cargo. If you can get an Asp Explorer, even better. It's slower but more cargo and good jump range.. Don't forget a decent fuel scoop. Then go to Robigo, Sothis, or Coelo (or something like that, it's right by Sothis). Get Friendly with them by delivering stuff they want. They're 500 ly outside the bubble, so it takes some time.

There, you can get lovely smuggling missions, cargo or data. Some require that you not get scanned, and this can be tricky. Others just require you don't get killed. Start with these. You can easily make a few million per trip, depending on your rep with the station and trader rank.

Using a well outfitted Asp, it took me a day and a half to get into an A rated Annie, but this was before the last big update. I haven't checked myself but I hear the missions are not AS profitable as they were. But still. A few million per trip is decent income if you need cash for upgrades.

The next best job is legal trade in Imperial slaves. You can use a few tools online that will help. Inara can tell you where you can get the Best Buy prices, and what nearby sell prices are. You can make 4,000 per ton, if you get lucky and find a decent route. 4K/ton * your cargo space in about 10 minutes. It will get tedious, but it will get your trade rank up fast, and it pays well.
15 Aug 2016, 7:29am
I personally never got on well with smuggling missions, as you could lose the whole stack from one unavoidable scan. I probably have less hair now because of it!

The most reliable source of income that I found was either trading, using one of the many trading tools out there to help me find the best route, or by finding a system that has a large amount of missions going to the same place (e.g. ground assault missions on one settlement, multiple data/cargo delivery to one or two stations in a nearby system, etc.) [This is what I'm doing at the moment to grind up my Imperial rank. Earning around 1mil every 10-15mins or so - sometimes more, sometimes less - check my credit profile for a clearer picture]. Mining is also a good earner, once you know what you are doing. It's also one of the few activities that you can do with friends and still earn the big bucks.

There are pros and cons to all three:

- Can earn large amounts of credits
- You can chose your own route, and take your time
- A lot of trade routes are patrolled by system forces regularly, making them a lot safer

- You need starting credits
- Insurance won't cover the loss of cargo, so you have to manage your finances well
- Trade routes change the more people use them, so it is possible to have a trade route "run dry". Because of this, a lot of traders don't share their best routes, meaning you have to do your own research

Stacking Missions
- Safer investment. If you're not doing a cargo delivery mission, and your ship has an accident, you can carry on with the mission.
- Rank boosts, if the minor factor is aligned with one of the big three.
- Regular work, without having to check the markets. Just stack 20 missions to the same area, and off you go. You can get a regular route set up without too much hassle.

- A fair few of these missions spawn hostile ships that try to hunt you down. If you're not good at evading, or fighting, then you're going to be in trouble.
- Long travel to the better systems. Where I am currently is around 120LY from my usual playing area, and that's not the furthest I've traveled for a good grind either.
- Some missions have weird coding. Often, if a mission looks too good to be true, there is a hidden catch. I recently had a delivery mission that changed the delivery address to over 100LY away - so I sold the stuff on the Black Market!

- Requires actual effort, and isn't just flying from A to B and back again. You've got to keep up with the asteroid, and make sure not to crash into anything else!
- Works really well with wing mates. I highly recommend mining using a mothership and three miners: drones flying everywhere.
- Very productive, and requires only a one time investment for the initial equipment.

- Not 100% foolproof. There are times when you don't find the right materials to sell, and if can be such a let down.
- A different style of play. Mining is different from everything else, for no other reason that you've got to sacrifice weapon slots for mining lasers. It does take some getting used to, and a fair amount of research.
- Pirates. Even if you're not mining at a Resource Extraction Site, you will come across pirates sooner or later. CQC in an asteroid field is certainly a lot of fun, but the pirates usually don't come alone ....

Hope this helps!
15 Aug 2016, 8:09am
BurnhamsterSo I just made it to Saunders's Dive in my Vulture, I don't really know what my next move should be. I want to work my way into an A rated python, what can I do to make the money I need to get there any tips or general guidance would be appreciated.

All the options presented are good ones but if I was doing it again in the current environment with a Vulture, I'd stack pirate/combat missions and use the Vulture's strengths to amass money before moving onto long-range hauling. You can find tens of millions on offer in systems at war and earning will be fun. If you can stack pirate missions in a system with a res, just follow the Police around and jump in. For this to work, it's critical that you research the area to make sure the mission targets are there for that faction, but it pays off big-time if you get it right.
15 Aug 2016, 9:31am
AreZeeWhat commodities do you have? I'd happily take them if you have any of these:

Articulation Motors
Micro-Weave Cooling Hoses
Modular Terminals
Telemetry Suite


Articulation Motors                         - 8
Micro-Weave Cooling Hoses        - 4
Exhaust  Manifold                           - 4
Nano Breakers                                 - 4
Magnetic  Emitter Coils                  - 8
Insulating Membrane                      - 8
Heatsink Interlink                             - 8
Neofabric  Insulation                             - 2
Power Converter                              - 4
Ino Distributor                             - 4
Micro Controllers                             -4
Energy Grid Assembly                             - 4

This is everything so  far. I can be on tonight, hoping to farm out more of this stuff.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:26am
15 Aug 2016, 9:43am
AreZeeWhat commodities do you have? I'd happily take them if you have any of these:

Articulation Motors
Micro-Weave Cooling Hoses
Modular Terminals
Telemetry Suite


Articulation Motors - 8
Micro-Weave Cooling Hoses - 4
Exhaust Manifold - 4
Nano Breakers - 4
Magnetic Emitter Coils - 8
Insulating Membrane - 8
Heatsink Interlink - 8
Neofabric Insulation - 2
Power Converter - 4
Ino Distributor - 4
Micro Controllers -4
Energy Grid Assembly - 4

This is everything so far. I can be on tonight, hoping to farm out more of this stuff.

Nice to see a bit of trading here. Perhaps a trading thread could come up here for everyone to barter. I'm at CG right now in my FAS but when it's over I'll likely do a little mining to relax and some of those often end up in the cargo bay

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Aug 2016, 10:26am
15 Aug 2016, 3:21pm
Too bad, I get these as mission rewards fairly often, but usually sell this stuff as soon as I get it to keep my inventory clear, and since I sometimes jump back to the combat Vulture with NO cargo racks at all, so I have to dump stuff. I have yet to visit an Engineer. Just doesn't seem worth the grind.

Next time I get some I will put up a post to see if they can go to a better home
15 Aug 2016, 4:48pm
ED_RecluseToo bad, I get these as mission rewards fairly often, but usually sell this stuff as soon as I get it to keep my inventory clear, and since I sometimes jump back to the combat Vulture with NO cargo racks at all, so I have to dump stuff. I have yet to visit an Engineer. Just doesn't seem worth the grind.

Next time I get some I will put up a post to see if they can go to a better home

Same. I haven't gone to an Engineer yet either, so I just sell sell sell to clear space for more missions. Only grinding I've done is for my Federation and Empire ranks, and I'm almost finished. After that, I might MIGHT start saving them and go investigate the Engies.
15 Aug 2016, 8:58pm
Finally finished writing my character's bio.

Don't write and fly, folks. I almost crashed into a planet whilst writing this thing ....
15 Aug 2016, 9:09pm
Iaened BourneFinally finished writing my character's bio.

Don't write and fly, folks. I almost crashed into a planet whilst writing this thing ....

I saw on a quick glance that either your year of birth or your age is "off". You can't be 21 years old when you are born in 3286 (we are in 3302 ingame). Other than that I like your backstory

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