Elite: Game talk

24 Aug 2016, 10:32am
Palmer1888So turrets the way to go? Cheers

If you're a bad shot, or in a ship with low maneuverability, yes. Most people go gimballed. It's a good balance of damage and ease of use.
24 Aug 2016, 10:36am
I only put Turrets on ships bigger then a Python, or traders. Nowadays I use Mines for trading so it is hit or miss what you want to do.

A Viper or other fighter should never be equipped with turrets though.
24 Aug 2016, 10:38am
I'm in a viper 4 but going to get a vulture soon but I want my viper kitted out best I can I currently have a 1E fragment cannon a 2B seeker missile rack , I think it's a 1l torpedo pylon and a 1l mine launcher do u think that ok or need upgrade? I want to b able to fight back next time I'm interdicted.
24 Aug 2016, 10:39am
My cannons gimballed n missiles fixed.
24 Aug 2016, 11:33am
That didn't go very good ha ha to say the least, I went to a high intensity conflict zone n at first was like yes here we go my first battle I'm goin to b like a Jedi or something, I see 2 massive battleships kikin shit out each other n I see my target a navy scout so I lock on and attack I got a few missiles n shots away n start chasing next thing I'm getting shot to he'll systems sparking all over the place n start to panic then my shields wer gone n I'm tryin to remember how to use my bak up shield generator and escape but it was to late. I think my dream of war is over n am of to get my bucket n spade for some mining.
24 Aug 2016, 11:36am
For the Viper M4, I went twin small fixed pulse lasers and gimballed medium multi-cannons.

I line up with the lasers, when the shields go down the gimbals get used, if they were fixed, lets not go there o.O

I think your current set up is not something that is particularly useful in combat. You have no shield penetration, I'd recommend the above build but with gimballed smalls for you until you get practice in with targeting.

Happy hunting
24 Aug 2016, 12:45pm
Thanks mate I will try that now
24 Aug 2016, 2:41pm
Last time I flew a Viper M4 I used the following configuration: Combat Viper MkIV
Not sure how many credits you have but you can remove components in this order to make it less expensive without too much impact on performance:
Dump the cargo racks & docking computer
Remove Military Grade Composites
Use a 4D Frameshift Drive
Remove the Hull Reinforcement Package
Trade the beam lasers for pulse lasers
Use 4D Thrusters

Whatever you do just make sure you keep the 4A shields, 4A Power Plant, 3A Power Distributor, and use a class 1 laser/class 2 ballistic weapons loadout.
24 Aug 2016, 6:08pm
Anyone knows some Discord Bot about Elite Dangerous? would be nice to add one to my server but i have not experience with these bot, thanks!
25 Aug 2016, 4:17am
Sooo, I decided to head out to Jaques to help in the building of settlements, and on my way I discovered a signal point and found this.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the ships, this appears to be a Federal Corvette cut in half straight down the middle.

This is quite worrying for a commander that is heading out into the unknown with only 55 strength shields.

Let me know what you guys think, I would love to get talking about aliens that can rip Corvettes in half.
25 Aug 2016, 7:07am
Hello again everyone,

I'm back posting again, as I received such great help and advice last time I posted here. I realize now, I also had some replies to my post get buried and I never answered back, so apologies to about that. Real life likes to jump out from behind blind corners kick us in the crotch sometimes, and recently my wife has gotten Gall Bladder stone attacks and will need surgery to have her gall bladder removed, so I've been off and on the site sporadically. However, I guess I should get to my point.

I have had an idea pop into my head, (its probably quite unoriginal, but still...) as I got back into playing Elite Dangerous and the BGS. I notice a lot of player factions, specifically factions that may be smaller or are more combat oriented or have pilots interested only in combat, could suffer from losing influence in a system if they aren't finding enough combat missions, or any tradesmen willing to take haulage missions.

So I had an idea about a trade wing that would seek to help out or be "hired" by other player factions in game to help maintain their faction influence by completing haulage missions, bringing in foods or medicines during outbreaks or famines, to keep the system secure and in economic prosperity.

However, a major hurdle is the fact that there is no player to player credit transfers (with very good arguments as to why, mainly gold farming) so I cant for the life of me figure out how my trade wing would actually be "hired" and therefore benefit.

Technically as we complete trade missions and sell commodities, we'd be earning money, but the player faction we choose to "work" for receives the benefits of their faction staying in power, without the trade off of having to pay my wing/clan for their efforts...so if the system is even possible is beyond me.

There's also the argument of why not just join the wing you'd choose to haul goods for, but again, I was thinking of some sort of virtual haulage business with player interaction...

Would something like this be possible? Would it even be desirable to other player factions? These are sort of the opinions I was hoping to get from everyone.

Thanks in advance.
25 Aug 2016, 11:04am
Has anyone used the engineer to upgrade the FSD and does it give you much of a boost?

I am just returning to the bubble after setting off from Jaques station late Tuesday but I want to speed this up, I could only do it this fast as I was off work so future trips will have to be done in bits each night.
25 Aug 2016, 11:40am
Can increase your range up to 50% and a bit more if you're extremely lucky.
25 Aug 2016, 12:16pm
Thanks, that's sounds good
25 Aug 2016, 11:58pm
You guys know what? I've been to rough on the Cobra MK 4. Yeah I said it, last night I took mine into a combat zone and had a blast, handling is sluggish but I love the hardpoint placement and with three MC and two burst lasers, I wrecked a few Imperial's days...so yeah I like it, plus sixty tons of cargo isn't bad!

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