Elite: Game talk

30 Aug 2016, 8:57pm
What is up with the drugs for alien clues CGs? This is just plain silly.
30 Aug 2016, 9:34pm
So griefers came to alien ship
30 Aug 2016, 11:59pm
SgtjyoungThe queen beckons and we answer. We are coming for all of you. None are safe, not the senators in ther cozy homes, not the trader full of juicy cargo, not the warrior in the cold of space. The queen calls us and we must obey.

31 Aug 2016, 1:08am
SgtjyoungThe queen beckons and we answer. We are coming for all of you. None are safe, not the senators in ther cozy homes, not the trader full of juicy cargo, not the warrior in the cold of space. The queen calls us and we must obey.

Oops. Did you just accidently a war?
31 Aug 2016, 3:47am
Do not fret cmdrs for we have come to end your sufferings and petty ties to your obligated souls and ways of life. Search no further for knowledge or truth into the cosmos, for have been sent to answer yours truly with death. We have not been summoned to destroy but to make all complete.

31 Aug 2016, 3:58am
"Thargonian Legate?" Don't you mean "Thargoidian"?

Seems like you should at least know the name of your own species if you're going to show up and thump your chests. And if you do insist on RP'ing as a Thargoid...

1) We have a handy-dandy sub-discussion board for that, and

2) Good luck

Last edit: 31 Aug 2016, 4:04am
31 Aug 2016, 4:02am
It seems silly to RP something that FDev hasn't properly revealed anyway.
Also, what on Earth is an Obligated Soul?
31 Aug 2016, 4:12am
James Hussar
SgtjyoungThe queen beckons and we answer. We are coming for all of you. None are safe, not the senators in ther cozy homes, not the trader full of juicy cargo, not the warrior in the cold of space. The queen calls us and we must obey.

*Grabs popcorn"

I know, right? These God-Emperor of Mankind warhammer 4k types always bring on such gallant drama.

Lol, yeah. I'm just curious to see how they react when the Aliens drop in. Saw the Twitch stream yesterday about the Alien ship crash site and it's all over the news now.

When the Thargoids hit the scene, I'm aching to ask them "Where is your Queen now?"
31 Aug 2016, 4:54am
Kyndi the Badass Space Chick"Thargonian Legate?" Don't you mean "Thargoidian"?

Seems like you should at least know the name of your own species if you're going to show up and thump your chests. And if you do insist on RP'ing as a Thargoid...

1) We have a handy-dandy sub-discussion board for that, and

2) Good luck

would you call someone from Mars a Marsian? Someone from Spain is not a Spainard, it's cute (not really) when someone gets all politically correct, specially in RPing. Have more of an imagination if it doesn't hurt your hurt head. Have some fun while we crush you inside your exploding ship.

31 Aug 2016, 5:14am
D1g1t4l X3r10th
Kyndi the Badass Space Chick"Thargonian Legate?" Don't you mean "Thargoidian"?

Seems like you should at least know the name of your own species if you're going to show up and thump your chests. And if you do insist on RP'ing as a Thargoid...

1) We have a handy-dandy sub-discussion board for that, and

2) Good luck

would you call someone from Mars a Marsian? Someone from Spain is not a Spainard, it's cute (not really) when someone gets all politically correct, specially in RPing. Have more of an imagination if it doesn't hurt your hurt head. Have some fun while we crush you inside your exploding ship.


Politically correct? More like linguistically correct, but since English is probably not most Thargoids' native language, I guess I can let a little misunderstanding as to the meaning of words slide.
31 Aug 2016, 5:16am
Kyndi the Badass Space Chick
D1g1t4l X3r10th
Kyndi the Badass Space Chick"Thargonian Legate?" Don't you mean "Thargoidian"?

Seems like you should at least know the name of your own species if you're going to show up and thump your chests. And if you do insist on RP'ing as a Thargoid...

1) We have a handy-dandy sub-discussion board for that, and

2) Good luck

would you call someone from Mars a Marsian? Someone from Spain is not a Spainard, it's cute (not really) when someone gets all politically correct, specially in RPing. Have more of an imagination if it doesn't hurt your hurt head. Have some fun while we crush you inside your exploding ship.


Politically correct? More like *linguistically* correct, but since English is probably not most Thargoids' native language, I guess I can let a little misunderstanding as to the meaning of words slide.

ok whatever helps you sleep
31 Aug 2016, 5:17am
There's a lot of edgelord RP happening around here recently.
31 Aug 2016, 5:17am
D1g1t4l X3r10th
Kyndi the Badass Space Chick"Thargonian Legate?" Don't you mean "Thargoidian"?

Seems like you should at least know the name of your own species if you're going to show up and thump your chests. And if you do insist on RP'ing as a Thargoid...

1) We have a handy-dandy sub-discussion board for that, and

2) Good luck

would you call someone from Mars a Marsian? Someone from Spain is not a Spainard, it's cute (not really) when someone gets all politically correct, specially in RPing. Have more of an imagination if it doesn't hurt your hurt head. Have some fun while we crush you inside your exploding ship.


Actually I would call someone from Mars, a Martian, and someone from Spain, a Spaniard.

But this isn't the place for that discussion.
31 Aug 2016, 5:22am
I'm just wondering how exactly one crushes that which is also exploding.

Must be that next-level Thargonian technology...
31 Aug 2016, 5:28am
A projectile implosion device of some kind??

I want one!

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