Elite: Game talk

31 Aug 2016, 3:58pm
OK I know you have checked but make sure you are using fastest route and not economical

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 31 Aug 2016, 5:00pm
31 Aug 2016, 4:00pm
It's ok sorted.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 31 Aug 2016, 5:00pm
01 Sep 2016, 6:57am
Thanks to that wonderful CG I now have an anaconda complete. She's a rated and modded. Will be my next CG ship so long as large ports are available. 240 cargo may be a bit low but it's more than I take in my Clipper or Python and she can sit like a murderous cow in a CZ near indefinitely. She's not a PVP bird, because I like the cooperative aspects of CGs more but she is built for play in Open.
01 Sep 2016, 7:07am
Congrats, Ozram! That's a mighty fine looking vessel
01 Sep 2016, 7:18am
Thank you! Looking forward to giving her a few test runs tonight at a CZ. Just finished the last mod not long before posting that pic.
01 Sep 2016, 8:52am
OzramThanks to that wonderful CG I now have an anaconda complete. She's a rated and modded. Will be my next CG ship so long as large ports are available. 240 cargo may be a bit low but it's more than I take in my Clipper or Python and she can sit like a murderous cow in a CZ near indefinitely. She's not a PVP bird, because I like the cooperative aspects of CGs more but she is built for play in Open.

It's a lovely all-round ship and has the best afterburner noise of all.
01 Sep 2016, 9:10am
I dunno, I think the FDL tops boost sounds in my opinion (and engine sounds in general).
01 Sep 2016, 9:29am
OzramThanks to that wonderful CG I now have an anaconda complete. She's a rated and modded. Will be my next CG ship so long as large ports are available. 240 cargo may be a bit low but it's more than I take in my Clipper or Python and she can sit like a murderous cow in a CZ near indefinitely. She's not a PVP bird, because I like the cooperative aspects of CGs more but she is built for play in Open.

Looks great mate, you mind sharing how much it set you back?
01 Sep 2016, 9:46am
Well, I got most of it done with discounts so total around 450 million give or take, but without that it would be at around 530 or so.
01 Sep 2016, 10:20am
OzramWell, I got most of it done with discounts so total around 450 million give or take, but without that it would be at around 530 or so.

*sudden intake of breath causing a lapse in breath and short breathlessness* Right....good deal there bro...good deal. Happy for you. *looks at credits in account and weeps as it'll take a LIFETIME to accumulate that much through sober trading.*
01 Sep 2016, 10:31am
OzramWell, I got most of it done with discounts so total around 450 million give or take, but without that it would be at around 530 or so.

*sudden intake of breath causing a lapse in breath and short breathlessness* Right....good deal there bro...good deal. Happy for you. *looks at credits in account and weeps as it'll take a LIFETIME to accumulate that much through sober trading.*

Yeah... I'd been on since beta and because I hoard my ships and refuse to grind i was still not quite within reach, but then the last CG came along and I found myself 230 million credits richer.
01 Sep 2016, 11:45am
On the subject of sound, Courier. Hot damn that sounds good.
01 Sep 2016, 12:23pm
(only owned the game a week and new to power play)

I feel like I've been sold down a river....

I was told by a friend that Aisling Duval was a good power to pledge to so I did. However now that I've learnt the game and had chance to read about the powers it seems that the Emperor is a far better power to pledge to, I mean 20% bounty payout increase when that's my profession seems like a much better deal than her niece's bonus of influence.

So now I'm in a predicament, do I suck it up and stick with Aisling Duval or do I accept the loss and risk the bounty hunters from her and move to the emperor.
(I am rank 0 with AD and only have 38 credits so far)

p.s. one would think that transfers between powers that are of the same allegiance Empire, Federation etc would be okay.
01 Sep 2016, 2:09pm
You can leave a power without penalty, aside from having to wait the day or so before pledging to someone else.

What draws the penalty is defecting, which allows you to take a certain percentage of your merits with you. As you have no merits and are only rank 0, defecting makes no sense for you. I'd say join whatever power you think will be more fun - if you pledge to ALD, you'll still be technically allied with your friend.
01 Sep 2016, 2:26pm
XeknosYou can leave a power without penalty, aside from having to wait the day or so before pledging to someone else.

What draws the penalty is defecting, which allows you to take a certain percentage of your merits with you. As you have no merits and are only rank 0, defecting makes no sense for you. I'd say join whatever power you think will be more fun - if you pledge to ALD, you'll still be technically allied with your friend.

I think the still come after you for a period that is tied to whatever level you're at with them unless things have changed since I last did pp.

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