Elite: Game talk

01 Sep 2016, 2:42pm
XeknosYou can leave a power without penalty, aside from having to wait the day or so before pledging to someone else.

What draws the penalty is defecting, which allows you to take a certain percentage of your merits with you. As you have no merits and are only rank 0, defecting makes no sense for you. I'd say join whatever power you think will be more fun - if you pledge to ALD, you'll still be technically allied with your friend.

Oh right okay, I'll just leave then and go get the extra 20% bounty

XeknosYou can leave a power without penalty, aside from having to wait the day or so before pledging to someone else.

What draws the penalty is defecting, which allows you to take a certain percentage of your merits with you. As you have no merits and are only rank 0, defecting makes no sense for you. I'd say join whatever power you think will be more fun - if you pledge to ALD, you'll still be technically allied with your friend.

I think the still come after you for a period that is tied to whatever level you're at with them unless things have changed since I last did pp.

Seems silly that they'd come after me, after all I am going to her aunt and technically her superior.
01 Sep 2016, 3:06pm
OzramWell, I got most of it done with discounts so total around 450 million give or take, but without that it would be at around 530 or so.

*sudden intake of breath causing a lapse in breath and short breathlessness* Right....good deal there bro...good deal. Happy for you. *looks at credits in account and weeps as it'll take a LIFETIME to accumulate that much through sober trading.*

You'd be surprised what a leap forward a CG or two can make. Even if they're not the lottery winner CGs like the latest one, they can get you into a bigger ship, which can make the trading income scale rapidly. Add to this a good trade route, or maybe a few runs to and from the lucrative smuggler dens where you can bank tens of millions, and you're into Anaconda territory fast enough.

Best trade routes for fast income involve trading Imperial Slaves (don't get moral, it's a regulated and humane industry), and it's possible to make upward of 4k/ton there. A T9 is a cash cow - just carry mines for when you need to run away from an interdiction. Outposts often pay better than large stations so a cargo Python will be a great stepping stone to a Conda, and makes for a fantastic heavy fighter thereafter.

Sober trading ain't no way to make a living in the black. You've got to claw your way up to a small fleet and trade for profit, or opportunistically along your routes.
01 Sep 2016, 3:17pm
OzramThanks to that wonderful CG I now have an anaconda complete. She's a rated and modded. Will be my next CG ship so long as large ports are available. 240 cargo may be a bit low but it's more than I take in my Clipper or Python and she can sit like a murderous cow in a CZ near indefinitely. She's not a PVP bird, because I like the cooperative aspects of CGs more but she is built for play in Open.

Very Nice.... I remember how happy I was when I got my Anaconda. I would still be flying it except I am trying to rank up to buy an Imperial Cutter. And not being able to dock at an outpost severely limits the missions available to you.
01 Sep 2016, 4:29pm
XeknosYou can leave a power without penalty, aside from having to wait the day or so before pledging to someone else.

What draws the penalty is defecting, which allows you to take a certain percentage of your merits with you. As you have no merits and are only rank 0, defecting makes no sense for you. I'd say join whatever power you think will be more fun - if you pledge to ALD, you'll still be technically allied with your friend.

I think the still come after you for a period that is tied to whatever level you're at with them unless things have changed since I last did pp.

There may be a slight chance, but it's far lower (read: almost nonexistent) that they come after you if you simply leave.

NobleBritSeems silly that they'd come after me, after all I am going to her aunt and technically her superior.

In fairness, the game can't see the future - the power simply knows that you're leaving, not who you plan to pledge to. In the case of a defection, the hunt is justified somewhat as you immediately pledge to a different power, and keeping the merits is somewhat analogous to taking valuable intel with you.

The reason I can see them getting somewhat angry about that is that while all of the Empire factions are allied, there's still a bit of political intrigue happening behind the scenes, and it makes sense not wanting your rivals to have access to your dealings.
01 Sep 2016, 8:21pm
why there are 2 identical CGs ?
01 Sep 2016, 10:04pm
James Hussar
OzramWell, I got most of it done with discounts so total around 450 million give or take, but without that it would be at around 530 or so.

*sudden intake of breath causing a lapse in breath and short breathlessness* Right....good deal there bro...good deal. Happy for you. *looks at credits in account and weeps as it'll take a LIFETIME to accumulate that much through sober trading.*

Sober trading ain't no way to make a living in the black.

I agree. ALWAYS trade whilst drunk.
01 Sep 2016, 10:09pm
OzramThanks to that wonderful CG I now have an anaconda complete. She's a rated and modded. Will be my next CG ship so long as large ports are available. 240 cargo may be a bit low but it's more than I take in my Clipper or Python and she can sit like a murderous cow in a CZ near indefinitely. She's not a PVP bird, because I like the cooperative aspects of CGs more but she is built for play in Open.

Very Nice.... I remember how happy I was when I got my Anaconda. I would still be flying it except I am trying to rank up to buy an Imperial Cutter. And not being able to dock at an outpost severely limits the missions available to you.

It's definitely worth the effort to eventually get a Cutter, it is a lovely, lovely ship. Mine is 20,000LY away from me at the moment though and I don't think I'll be able to afford an instant transfer quite that far.
02 Sep 2016, 12:04am
Learned the limits of my new anaconda in glorious fashion. Apparently once I'm low on ammo and out of SCBs in Aa CZ, after spending roughly an hour in it, poor Dahlia wasn't quite up to the task of taking on two Elite SCB spamming Anacondas at once. Who knew?  Totally worth the 16 M CR rebuy (thanks to discounts or it'd be 20). Totally happy with its performance. I can basically ignore the smaller rail spamming fighters as they got little chance vs my hardened shields. Once shields went down it was another matter, but only because of stupid engineer effect turning off modules and making me sit there while the anacondas pounded on my hull. A glorious death!  I'll be going back for more shortly
02 Sep 2016, 3:54am
OzramWell, I got most of it done with discounts so total around 450 million give or take, but without that it would be at around 530 or so.

*sudden intake of breath causing a lapse in breath and short breathlessness* Right....good deal there bro...good deal. Happy for you. *looks at credits in account and weeps as it'll take a LIFETIME to accumulate that much through sober trading.*

Yeah... I'd been on since beta and because I hoard my ships and refuse to grind i was still not quite within reach, but then the last CG came along and I found myself 230 million credits richer.

Nice one mate, The CG helped me get my A grade T6 Transporter, it's like driving a truck and I love that ship. I'm going to do some long range hauling to get the necessary amount for my Anaconda. Now I know the amount to aim for.
02 Sep 2016, 3:58am
OzramWell, I got most of it done with discounts so total around 450 million give or take, but without that it would be at around 530 or so.

*sudden intake of breath causing a lapse in breath and short breathlessness* Right....good deal there bro...good deal. Happy for you. *looks at credits in account and weeps as it'll take a LIFETIME to accumulate that much through sober trading.*

Yeah... I'd been on since beta and because I hoard my ships and refuse to grind i was still not quite within reach, but then the last CG came along and I found myself 230 million credits richer.

Nice one mate, The CG helped me get my A grade T6 Transporter, it's like driving a truck and I love that ship. I'm going to do some long range hauling to get the necessary amount for my Anaconda. Now I know the amount to aim for.

Totally worthwhile and enjoy that T6. It's an awesome ship and I still have mine. Think I'll be giving it some grade five farseer love and see how far I can get her jumping. But that's later. For now I'm testing out my anaconda and so far I love it. It can stand up to a PVP fitted FDL and still carry 240 cargo fully loaded.
02 Sep 2016, 4:00am
James Hussar
OzramWell, I got most of it done with discounts so total around 450 million give or take, but without that it would be at around 530 or so.

*sudden intake of breath causing a lapse in breath and short breathlessness* Right....good deal there bro...good deal. Happy for you. *looks at credits in account and weeps as it'll take a LIFETIME to accumulate that much through sober trading.*

You'd be surprised what a leap forward a CG or two can make. Even if they're not the lottery winner CGs like the latest one, they can get you into a bigger ship, which can make the trading income scale rapidly. Add to this a good trade route, or maybe a few runs to and from the lucrative smuggler dens where you can bank tens of millions, and you're into Anaconda territory fast enough.

Best trade routes for fast income involve trading Imperial Slaves (don't get moral, it's a regulated and humane industry), and it's possible to make upward of 4k/ton there. A T9 is a cash cow - just carry mines for when you need to run away from an interdiction. Outposts often pay better than large stations so a cargo Python will be a great stepping stone to a Conda, and makes for a fantastic heavy fighter thereafter.

Sober trading ain't no way to make a living in the black. You've got to claw your way up to a small fleet and trade for profit, or opportunistically along your routes.

I hear you and agree with you. Got my T6 last weekend and agreed can only play an hour or so in weekdays cause of work, been doing shallow trade runs that net not more than 250,000/-. Barely made a mil. If it's not too much trouble would you suggest some stations to go to for some of those high paying missions? Delivery/trading....anything. I'm in Carpaka: Whitney Dock right now. Stopped there as I had to close the game and hit the sack.

I've got an A-Grade T6 with all the bells and whistles, plus got a few mil to spare for buying commodities. The specs of it listed below should give you an idea of what I've got in it.

T6: https://coriolis.io/outfit/type_6_transporter/0p5taFal8das8f4--00020404040303402o01.Iw1-kA==.CwBjEZzbwZmkAmeQ
02 Sep 2016, 4:07pm
I hear you and agree with you. Got my T6 last weekend and agreed can only play an hour or so in weekdays cause of work, been doing shallow trade runs that net not more than 250,000/-. Barely made a mil. If it's not too much trouble would you suggest some stations to go to for some of those high paying missions? Delivery/trading....anything. I'm in Carpaka: Whitney Dock right now. Stopped there as I had to close the game and hit the sack.

I've got an A-Grade T6 with all the bells and whistles, plus got a few mil to spare for buying commodities. The specs of it listed below should give you an idea of what I've got in it.

T6: https://coriolis.io/outfit/type_6_transporter/0p5taFal8das8f4--00020404040303402o01.Iw1-kA==.CwBjEZzbwZmkAmeQ


For the smuggling (goods and data) you'd do well to head out to Robigo, Ceos and Sothis. The latter two are very close to each other, so stacking missions from both can add up on the profits if you're quick. All these systems are about 500 ly away from the bubble and offer missions to smuggle contraband goods (usually slaves (non-imperial) or data to locations back in the bubble. In some cases (usu Robigo) the missions will fail if you are scanned while attempting delivery. You need to be fast and evasive. There's strategies and tactics I've picked up over time that I'd be happy to share. I would prefer to share them with a Wing member, but I don't mind helping out a fellow Pilot in private. Evading or surviving interdiction with missions intact, and sneaky docking so station patrol don't ruin your day takes some skill and practice. Ceos and Sothis missions are more fault-tolerant, so they typically fail only on ship destruction (or running out of time), but getting scanned can still get you a salty fine for hauling contraband.

Sothis, Ceos and Robigo missions can be "stacked", so you can pile on quite a lot of profit. Once you're in good standing with the factions in these systems (always take legal, valuable cargo out there to sell and build rep) missions can pay over 1Mill/ton smuggled, and data weighs nothing. I've made runs that stack over a dozen missions, sometimes several to the same delivery location, and paid out in the 40-50Mil range. This was before the 1.6/2.1 update at which the stackability was somewhat nerfed, but even for a few million per run, it's worth it. You'll need a good smuggling ship - I've not flown a T6 so can't say if you're there already or not. I use an Asp Explorer built out for 80t cargo and long jump range (30ly) that cost me about 6 million; easily paid for in one mostly-successful run.

Sometimes, some miscreant will bomb these stations by selling Unknown Artifacts there, which shuts down station services and ruins everyone's fun until enough people show up with enough meta-alloys to fix things, so be aware that these stations may be there for you one day and then gone for a while the next.


For the less risky legal trading profits, I use online tools to find and research routes. Inara's Market is very handy for finding nearby opportunities - set your "search range" to a comfortable distance in your user settings and then go to the Market page and chose the station you're at now. One the right of the price sheet you'll see "Export from" and "Import to" sections. (Artie is a god among us mere mortals for making this site). Here you'll see Best Profit opportunities within the search distance you've set up for yourself. So, given you're at Whitney Dock in Carpaka, you can take Medical Diagnostic Equipment to Selous Relay | HAOKIPI, which is 43LY away - a surface post, so you'll need to have Horizons, but you can make 3k/t on the trip. If you don' thave Horizons, selling Advanced Medicines at the Amundsen Vision | TIRIKU orbital platform (Medium pad max) is the best price within 60 LY (33ly from your current location).

The "Import to" section shows you where you can go to fetch goods back to Whitney Dock in similar fashion, and you can use the Market to search for best nearby buy/sell prices for any commodity by just clicking on the commodity. This way if the station has a mission to source some commodity, you can easily know where to go and get it at best cost.

By clicking through the Import/Export a few times and keeping some notes on the side, you can find a pretty profitable "circuit" and milk it for a while, until demand/supply changes or you get bored. What I will sometimes do is find the most profitable commodity in an area (often Imperial slaves) and research the area. Right now, for example, the best Buy price on Imp Slaves(12,542) is Kepler Terminal | TAU-2 GRUIS A; a platform station, medium pad, 158.45ly from where you are, so 5 - 8 jumps for your current build, depending on whether you bring cargo or not. The best known current Sell price (17,484) is Robinson Settlement | BASSES; also a platform, so medium pad, 178LY from GRUIS A, so about 9 jumps, but the profit is nearly 5k/t. BUT - Robinson outpost data is STALE on Inara, over a week old. Also, the station seems to be 0ls from the star, which is highly unlikely. Checking other sources of info tells me Robinson is actually 15kls away from the star which is a HUGE interdiction risk with expensive cargo...

But hopefully you're getting a sense of the sort of research you can do to plan out your route and profit. Having a small, fast ship with good jump range (i.e. aforementioned smuggler asp) is good for validating the data Inara and other sites give you, and once you can see that the data is valid and the route is viable, you can bring in more of a pack mule/workhorse ship to exploit the route.

Besides Inara, I tend to use https://eddb.io/ and http://www.elitetradingtool.co.uk/ to check out the same routes, and if the three data sets are consistent I can risk the route without first scouting it out. EDDB is usually the most current since just a bout everyone else gets their data from there, and EDDB gets their data from players who have the ED: Market Connector tool installed. The Connector gets the station data (commodities, outfitting, shipyard) whenever and wherever you doc and sends it to EDDB for the benefit of the player community. The sites above have decent loop-finding features and will help you find opportune trades along the way to a destination also, so if you're dilivering less than a full load or relocating for a CG or another reason, you get get extra profit out of the trip.

With limited time to play, researching an optimal route may not be an options, so again, I'd say leverage the Market feature of Inara, go to popular systems whose data is pretty up to date and then use the Import/Export to find short, tight circuits, and while running those, build up rep and take sourcing/delivery missions that pay better than the commodity trades to keep from getting bored. Going to Sol can get you over 4k/t on one way jaunts (to LHS 2037 for example, 37ly, 2 jumps for you) and can likely net 500,000 for the loop with your 100 tons of cargo. Multi-million credit ships like the T-9 or Python, or even an Anaconda are between 50-150 mill, and with a few decent trade routes to mine these ships are a few weeks of grinding away - and once you've got such a cash cow, other ships become very affordable.

Joining a wing will also give you access to that group's collective experience, researched trade routes, tips and tricks, and even systems where the group manages the background simulation to optimize trading opportunities, by causing war, boom, etc states.
02 Sep 2016, 4:37pm
Another Double CG has kicked off in LFT 133,working out of Sullivan Dock..... Deliver Gold or kick Ass[ets] ....Your choice.. As usual the combat CG is paying almost double that of the Trade CG.... Using the 'monty' I dropped in to the beacon carrying a 'hold of gold'... The usual suspects plus wanted Pythons and Anacondas in the mix and a hefty Security presence... It didn't take long rack up 450k in bounties,so we are on the board of both CG's @ 50% .....

LFT 133 will be home for while....
02 Sep 2016, 6:26pm
Anyone know the best place to mine Praseodymium?
02 Sep 2016, 7:50pm
Dragon DarkoAnyone know the best place to mine Praseodymium?

Any pristine metallic ring will do. If you can't find one, and you're nearby, HIP 16607 has plenty.

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