Elite: Game talk

06 Sep 2016, 2:27am
HektikTekI had a 100m in the bank, so i bought a Python and kitted it out for a combat trader. What I found was that it was terrifying taking it out because I did not have enough rebuy buffer, so I sold it. Too much ship too soon. I'm going to wait until I have 250M in the bank and then get another one.

Fair call. Just make sure to have those thrusters A rated, decent shields and a few rebuys worth of cash. It's a fun ship but for that $$ you need to protect it. Having level one clean drives (very easy to attain) can make a noticeable difference as well. Make sure you have lots of rerolls. What you are actually looking for is a side benefit of optimised mass.
06 Sep 2016, 3:13am
Yeah it's sweet, I sold it and bought a peachy ASPX fully kitted out, with enough change for 40 odd rebuys.
It's fine, It carries 100t up to 150Ly jumps, 25Ly hops, and is combat capable. More than what I need.
06 Sep 2016, 7:00am
HektikTekYeah it's sweet, I sold it and bought a peachy ASPX fully kitted out, with enough change for 40 odd rebuys.
It's fine, It carries 100t up to 150Ly jumps, 25Ly hops, and is combat capable. More than what I need.

The Asp Explorer is currently my trade ship of choice for the same exact reasons, but sacrificing a class of shields to fit in a bigger cargo rack on mine I'm able to squeeze 96 tons of cargo out of her...just 4 tons short of 100 and I love me some rounded numbers...

Do you run without shields? I don't have the flying skills or guts to do so, so maybe that's where I'm losing 4 tons, even dropping a shield class. I might also have a hull reinforcement slotted in somewhere. Perhaps totally un-needed as I haven't lost shields yet during interdictions to AI, but I also trade on open and I unfortunately don't own Horizons so I can't get the engineers mods, so I try to make up for that with extra armor where I can.

I imagine a player in something like an FDL or any combat capable ship for that matter with engineers buffs could make very short work of me.
06 Sep 2016, 7:31am
Zomb Lee
HektikTekYeah it's sweet, I sold it and bought a peachy ASPX fully kitted out, with enough change for 40 odd rebuys.
It's fine, It carries 100t up to 150Ly jumps, 25Ly hops, and is combat capable. More than what I need.

The Asp Explorer is currently my trade ship of choice for the same exact reasons, but sacrificing a class of shields to fit in a bigger cargo rack on mine I'm able to squeeze 96 tons of cargo out of her...just 4 tons short of 100 and I love me some rounded numbers...

Do you run without shields? I don't have the flying skills or guts to do so, so maybe that's where I'm losing 4 tons, even dropping a shield class. I might also have a hull reinforcement slotted in somewhere. Perhaps totally un-needed as I haven't lost shields yet during interdictions to AI, but I also trade on open and I unfortunately don't own Horizons so I can't get the engineers mods, so I try to make up for that with extra armor where I can.

I imagine a player in something like an FDL or any combat capable ship for that matter with engineers buffs could make very short work of me.

It's sort of like insuring cargo isn't it? Do you take the risk and downgrade that shield for space or make the ship a little bit more likely to survive should things get hairy? I tend to err on the side of caution. Most of my trade ships can either run or gun or some combination of both.
06 Sep 2016, 8:16am
Anyone know the fastest way to get Electrochemical Arrays? Been checking out signal sources in anarchy systems all morning, but alas no success!!!
06 Sep 2016, 8:20am
It's sort of like insuring cargo isn't it? Do you take the risk and downgrade that shield for space or make the ship a little bit more likely to survive should things get hairy? I tend to err on the side of caution. Most of my trade ships can either run or gun or some combination of both.

Yes, there's definitely a strategy game to it! I find myself considering a lot of things, but unfortunately, I'm getting frustrated because I just can't seem to find my niche. I've kept my Type 6 and have considered selling back the Asp Explorer for the extra credits and just continuing to space truck in the T-6, switching off to my Viper or Imperial Eagle when I want some combat periodically,

The Type 6 is fantastic at running and can land on Outposts. If I'm interdicted in the T-6 there's but one choice...scram. You can almost appreciate the clarity. In the Asp Explorer when I get interdicted it's not really so much of a heart attack...I have the added luxury of seeing exactly who is shooting at me and then making the decision if I'm able to fight...

Although I got me some bad luck so having that "luxury" of choosing my battles will probably see me get spaced more times than I or my budget would like, should I be feeling extra confident one night.

Hell, I've even considered a Type 7 for the in-between to the Python, but I've not really read very many good things about the Type 7, and if I do go that route, I'll never be able to land on Outposts in the T-7.

So for me right now I'm tossing up a coin between continuing to use the Asp Explorer or jumping back in the Type 6. The most logical choice seems to be the Asp Explorer for the added speed, maneuverability, durability, and slight fighting capability (huge in comparison to the Unarmed T-6)
06 Sep 2016, 8:56am
I love my T6. Yes, escape is its own reward. Have you engineered it at all? The T6 with a few upgrades is unreal.
06 Sep 2016, 8:59am
OzramI love my T6. Yes, escape is its own reward . Have you engineered it at all? The T6 with a few upgrades is unreal.

If I had the money to buy Horizons I would definitely. As it stands, Frontier Developments feels my commander is a pleb banished to space, forever unworthy to see solid ground again, until I can fork over 30 american dollars, lol.
06 Sep 2016, 9:09am
Lol! Never mind that then. T6 is a brilliant ship regardless
06 Sep 2016, 10:00am
Dragon DarkoAnyone know the fastest way to get Electrochemical Arrays? Been checking out signal sources in anarchy systems all morning, but alas no success!!!

Got all my arrays from the mission boards in Anarchy systems(Friendly rep)
06 Sep 2016, 8:43pm
I need CR'S quick guy's im very low and NO SOTHIS AND CEO'S RUN'S
06 Sep 2016, 8:59pm
Kurama10I need CR'S quick guy's im very low and NO SOTHIS AND CEO'S RUN'S

Fastest rout may depend on your current ships/load outs and usual activities as well as what you mean by "very low". Not much I know of will make you CR the likes of Sothis LRM stacking (not that I've tried), but if you are allied to any minor faction their best missions become available to you. If you have a big hold and know a few routs you can make a pretty penny as well and if you are combat oriented, slap on a warrant scanner and have at it in res sites (or carry around a single ton of cam composits and have them come to you (but don't try that in the res sites unless you have a monster ship).
06 Sep 2016, 9:16pm
Kurama10I need CR'S quick guy's im very low and NO SOTHIS AND CEO'S RUN'S

Fastest rout may depend on your current ships/load outs and usual activities as well as what you mean by "very low". Not much I know of will make you CR the likes of Sothis LRM stacking (not that I've tried), but if you are allied to any minor faction their best missions become available to you. If you have a big hold and know a few routs you can make a pretty penny as well and if you are combat oriented, slap on a warrant scanner and have at it in res sites (or carry around a single ton of cam composits and have them come to you (but don't try that in the res sites unless you have a monster ship).
i now of those but i mean like very quick
06 Sep 2016, 9:52pm
Kurama10I need CR'S quick guy's im very low and NO SOTHIS AND CEO'S RUN'S

Fastest rout may depend on your current ships/load outs and usual activities as well as what you mean by "very low". Not much I know of will make you CR the likes of Sothis LRM stacking (not that I've tried), but if you are allied to any minor faction their best missions become available to you. If you have a big hold and know a few routs you can make a pretty penny as well and if you are combat oriented, slap on a warrant scanner and have at it in res sites (or carry around a single ton of cam composits and have them come to you (but don't try that in the res sites unless you have a monster ship).

i now of those but i mean like very quick

Ah, then I guess your only choices are to rethink you aversion to Sothis style LRMs or get lucky with the next CG. Sorry I can't help further. Curious to see if anyone can.
06 Sep 2016, 9:57pm
Kurama10I need CR'S quick guy's im very low and NO SOTHIS AND CEO'S RUN'S

Fastest rout may depend on your current ships/load outs and usual activities as well as what you mean by "very low". Not much I know of will make you CR the likes of Sothis LRM stacking (not that I've tried), but if you are allied to any minor faction their best missions become available to you. If you have a big hold and know a few routs you can make a pretty penny as well and if you are combat oriented, slap on a warrant scanner and have at it in res sites (or carry around a single ton of cam composits and have them come to you (but don't try that in the res sites unless you have a monster ship).

i now of those but i mean like very quick

Ah, then I guess your only choices are to rethink you aversion to Sothis style LRMs or get lucky with the next CG. Sorry I can't help further. Curious to see if anyone can.
i've just started on power play yesterday im already have 1,622 merits

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