Elite: Game talk

22 Aug 2016, 8:42pm
Palmer1888Can someone plz help me out, I'm at Ross 142 and am wanting to get to imperial space, I'm new so I don't have a clue wer to go. The game is HUGE I've been wanting to play a game like this all my life (I'm 31) now I can play it I don't no wot to do, I suppose I want to b the stereotypical hero type flying round in battles helping ppl but I want to make a story out it, but as I said I don't no wot to do or wer to go ha no much o a hero. Any help or advice would b appreciated.

Welcome to the Galaxy, Palmer. My #1 suggestions is to browse the Wings here on Inara. Inara is a fan site, so not part of the game, but everyone on here is playing the game. Wings here are loose clans/guilds that help provide some structure and affiliation with other players in the game. Find a Wing to your liking, and this will provide you with a backstory, some structure and direction on how to play the game. The game alone is a massive sandbox and you cal play it however you want - and it's almost too much of a good thing until you've built up some experience. Joining a Wing on Inara will help you get there sooner and with more enjoyment.

Some Wings have specific agendas, activities and ways of playing. Others are very open-ended and may favor a type of activity, an area of space, a Power or minor faction in the game, etc. I personally am very fond of my Wing (Ghost Legion).

You can always leave a Wing if you do not find it to your liking or if you don't click with the Wing mission/agenda or personalities.
23 Aug 2016, 9:37am
a slight bug report here, while at todd the blasters place i tried to launch away and ....................nothing no thrusters hadnt touched them wouldnt come on im at 4 minutes here to leave i check my modules thrusters are turned off! i try to turn on ...................nothing no matter what i do turn or try im sitting here 2 min warning...............fuck this i log out hoping they will work when turned on.............and 10 seconds appears to get off pad! im hitting everything i cant still nothing im getting fines and warnings im outta time, they are about to start shooting when  out of nowhere i have power! im up i boost they shoot .....................im fucked im dead im out 3mil rebuy on my clipper

has this happened to anyone else??!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Aug 2016, 10:57am
23 Aug 2016, 9:40am
You need to hold the button for lateral thrusters up as if you were starting of the regular planet surface.

That's something that only happens in engineer bases for some reason.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Aug 2016, 10:57am
23 Aug 2016, 9:40am
oh i know im no noob, just nothing i did would work

and what makes it worse was id spent hours trying to find articulation motors , id found 4 and lost them because of that , was f*ckin raging

oh and i left out the stupidest part , right before all that happened i was going to do some mining from the base i dropeed out of my srv and spawned about 5km in the air and smacked straight into the ground and was left with 21 percent hull on it it was a massive effort to get off the place where it left me to get a landing spot for my clipper, i have a video of the air spawn, i just feel a bit fucked over

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Aug 2016, 10:58am
23 Aug 2016, 9:46am
Aw damn :/

Sounds like you had a really bad day

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Aug 2016, 10:56am
23 Aug 2016, 9:49am
yep the shittiest and got ganked at a tip off site by two npc assault ships that appeared the second i got into my srv not my day:O

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Aug 2016, 10:56am
23 Aug 2016, 9:52am
Really not your day

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Aug 2016, 10:56am
23 Aug 2016, 9:54am
tell me about it! now to go searching again for motors and  mod terminals

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Aug 2016, 10:56am
23 Aug 2016, 10:25am
Johnnybones69yep the shittiest and got ganked at a tip off site by two npc assault ships that appeared the second i got into my srv not my day

Remind me not to follow 'Mr. Lucky' around.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Aug 2016, 10:57am
23 Aug 2016, 10:32am
yesterday was a bad day lol

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Aug 2016, 10:57am
23 Aug 2016, 11:17pm
Many CMDRS hunting in Jonai right now? i want to further the mission to get 70%
24 Aug 2016, 10:03am
Wots the difference between gimballed and turret?
24 Aug 2016, 10:20am
Go balled weapons target in a cone in front your ship. Turrets will track in a 360 around unless you have them set otherwise.
24 Aug 2016, 10:21am
Gimballed you have to point at the opposition and they lock on.

Turrets can lock on and twist round so they can hit at far more angles (quite useful on certain hardpoints).

Both are less powerful then fixed (which lock on very slightly).

I've used a shield tank "TurretAconda" before now for PvE and it was a blast, although thanks to certain nerfs it is a great deal less viable now.
24 Aug 2016, 10:22am
So turrets the way to go? Cheers

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