Elite: Game talk

28 Aug 2016, 9:04pm
KikimantalooI had a bad feeling yesterday when i left and the news said to be careful. Something big is going on in the galaxy be ready for anything...

Fly Safe Commanders x4.

I'm still close, exploration cancelled. I'm going back home.

Anything to do with this ???

"We've found something. Something incredible. Something the whole galaxy will want to see. The truth."

"We could show it to you, but that wouldn't be much fun. So instead we're going to play a little game."

"It begins on the 28th. We'll be waiting for you."

I will carry on in the big game and wait for things to develope..... Hachiman the Watcher signing off.

They've really gone with the slow burn strategy for the aliens. I'm over it personally. It's time for a shakeup.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Aug 2016, 9:34am
28 Aug 2016, 9:46pm
Thought I'd leave this here:

Taken from here.
2 teirs left. What will that be worth?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Aug 2016, 9:34am
28 Aug 2016, 10:25pm
OzramThought I'd leave this here:

2 teirs left. What will that be worth?

Well, so long as you can sleep knowing that you're helping to start a war, just as aliens are about to arrive!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Aug 2016, 9:35am
28 Aug 2016, 10:51pm
With the aliens arriving, those capitals may very well be a nessessity.... But yes. I am a mercenary. Still won't haul slaves though.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Aug 2016, 9:34am
28 Aug 2016, 11:09pm
Ozram2 teirs left. What will that be worth?

So far the rewards have doubled per tier, 460 million, here I come.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Aug 2016, 9:35am
29 Aug 2016, 1:03am
In my effort to get to the Jaques Station, I took off. I have found several new planets. Is safe to orbit around one until I can get back on tomorrow?
29 Aug 2016, 6:14am
CarvermdIn my effort to get to the Jaques Station, I took off. I have found several new planets. Is safe to orbit around one until I can get back on tomorrow?

You shouldn't stay in Game unless you want to see the Fuel Rats from up close
29 Aug 2016, 6:53am
So, borrowed this image from the CG thread:

For your consideration.
29 Aug 2016, 7:55am
OzramThought I'd leave this here:
Taken from here.
2 teirs left. What will that be worth?

I'm in the 75% markup, wish I could play some more to get into a higher tier. Stuck at work. I guess this'll end before I can get home and contribute more. Crap. This was my ticket to an Type 6 and if I get lucky.......an Asp...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Aug 2016, 9:35am
29 Aug 2016, 9:24am
OzramSo, borrowed this image from the CG thread:
For your consideration.

Just as an F.Y.I.
For the "More Imperial Warships" CG
Tier 7
TOP 75% (current payout of 43,243,200credits at the end of the CG ) = 42t to 56t
29 Aug 2016, 10:33am
OzramSo, borrowed this image from the CG thread:
For your consideration.

Just as an F.Y.I.
For the "More Imperial Warships" CG
Tier 7
TOP 75% (current payout of 43,243,200credits at the end of the CG ) = 42t to 56t

Hello Peregrinus19,

How do you calculate that? I've contributed 306 already. How many more do I need to do to get into the top 50%?
29 Aug 2016, 11:29am
around 6-7k is enough to get to top 10% ... for now
29 Aug 2016, 11:32am
Ashpokeraround 6-7k is enough to get to top 10% ... for now

Thank you Ashpoker. Should've done work from home today. Still got a couple of hours before I can get home, login and play. From what I heard the CG is in Tier 7 and going strong. Dammit. There goes my asp.....
29 Aug 2016, 11:38am
29 Aug 2016, 11:39am
does this site auto read game data or do you have to input it all ?

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