Elite: Game talk

31 Aug 2016, 5:37am
So wait, are you guys trying to RP Thargoids yourselves, or just humans who have decided to pledge themselves to who they perceive to be their new Thargoid overlords?
31 Aug 2016, 5:38am
The latter would make for interesting stories if pulled off well.
31 Aug 2016, 5:40am
The last part of your sentence is key. Instead, we've got a bunch of edgelord kids trying to pull it off and failing at it.
31 Aug 2016, 5:41am
Should we test how well this queen responds to bullets?

Last edit: 31 Aug 2016, 6:00am
31 Aug 2016, 6:33am
I'm definitely going to do that
31 Aug 2016, 7:08am
D1g1t4l X3r10thSomeone from Spain is not a Spainard,

You do realise that you only need to flip two letters there, right?
31 Aug 2016, 7:23am
Kyndi the Badass Space Chick"Thargonian Legate?" Don't you mean "Thargoidian"?

Thargonian imlplies that they are Thargons, which in the original game were the smaller, weaker drones that accompanied the Thargoid ships.

I think their RP angle is that they are small, weak drones that serve a queen. That's what I can gather, anyway.
31 Aug 2016, 7:38am
Marra Morgan
they are small, weak drones that serve a queen.

So basically ... men? xD
31 Aug 2016, 7:41am
Rebecca Hail
Marra Morgan
they are small, weak drones that serve a queen.

So basically ... men? xD

I serve no queen I serve the almighty Aesir
31 Aug 2016, 7:57am
Rebecca Hail
Marra Morgan
they are small, weak drones that serve a queen.

So basically ... men? xD

Ooh, harsh.
31 Aug 2016, 8:28am
All thy allegiances shall be put to the test when the non known come into the light. For remember, darkness was there before light every reached it and we know little of what lurks in the dark. Remnants of it are scattered across the barren lands of moons and in the vast voids of what we call space.

I for one like stated before shall grab some popcorn and watch
31 Aug 2016, 1:42pm
if anyone want to help with antigriefers, send me in game invite
31 Aug 2016, 2:28pm
BluStarif anyone want to help with antigriefers, send me in game invitej[quote=K1eaner]All thy allegiances shall be put to the test when the non known come into the light. For remember, darkness was there before light every reached it and we know little of what lurks in the dark. Remnants of it are scattered across the barren lands of moons and in the vast voids of what we call space.

I for one like stated before shall grab some popcorn and watch

31 Aug 2016, 3:03pm
Rebecca Hail
Marra Morgan
they are small, weak drones that serve a queen.

So basically ... men? xD

31 Aug 2016, 3:53pm
Can anyone plz help. I'm on my way to eol prou rs-t 03-94 and apart from being bored continually shifting from one star to another was ok but now ive done something in my galactic map screen wer usually I can plot a 100 light yr journey with 4 or 5 jumps but now it taking me like 15 to 20, it'd like the game wanting me to take the scenic route. I've tried changing the fsd boost bar and also the cargo mass bar but nothing's helping. At this rate I would have to quit work and play the game continuously to make the 3 week contract. PLZ help me.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 31 Aug 2016, 4:59pm

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