Elite: Game talk

28 Sep 2016, 9:41pm
OH! Yeah I think that was what was happening. My scan hadn't finished. I thought because he was Wanted anyway I was good to go. I honestly thought I shot a Fed Officer on accident, but I think what you just indicated is what was happening!

Thanks for the info man! I think that's gonna save me a lot of creds in the future!
29 Sep 2016, 9:11am
Kyron Ordo

Also....another question, is it a good idea to declare yourself for a Power? I pledged to Zachary Hudson yesterday evening (and was immediately attacked by an opposing faction NPC). Is doing that something best left for when you have a better ship and more credits?

Personally, I'd say avoid PP and find an Inara wing that you'd like to join instead. You'll get more benefits from the support of real fellow players and then when you get sophisticated enough that you decide you want the triple blast thermo toaster gun that you can only get from PP, then you can pledge yourself with a powerful ship and lots of savvy.
29 Sep 2016, 12:29pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez[quote=Kyron Ordo]
Personally, I'd say avoid PP and find an Inara wing that you'd like to join instead. You'll get more benefits from the support of real fellow players and then when you get sophisticated enough that you decide you want the triple blast thermo toaster gun that you can only get from PP, then you can pledge yourself with a powerful ship and lots of savvy.

Couldn't agree more with you there, I tried PP when it came out thought it would be interesting but as you stated there are better benefits with joining a wing here.
29 Sep 2016, 3:01pm
Kyron OrdoOH! Yeah I think that was what was happening. My scan hadn't finished. I thought because he was Wanted anyway I was good to go. I honestly thought I shot a Fed Officer on accident, but I think what you just indicated is what was happening!

Thanks for the info man! I think that's gonna save me a lot of creds in the future!

Even though I've been playing for a year now, I still get into the excitement of the battle and sometimes fail to make sure that WANTED shows up before I start shooting. Usually, when it happens, it's just a fine, and I can jump out of the system for 10 minutes and all's forgiven.

BUT, since I'm flying a general purpose Anaconda lately, some of my guns are turrets, and making those STOP shooting takes a few seconds. A small target sometimes doesn't live through the encounter.

The STUPID thing is that the guy I'm shooting at is usually being shot at by cops already, or is part of a wing, where I've just VALIDLY taken out one of his wingmen... So, logically, I'm fighting the Wing already, or the cops are already after the guy... But still.. I get WANTED just because my scanner hasn't caught up to reality.

Good thing is that if you just accidentally strafe a cop during a dogfight, they'll often just warn you first to "watch your fire" before they take umbrage and light you up.
29 Sep 2016, 3:52pm
Yeah, I also discovered yesterday evening while patroling my local Nav Beacon that I was suddenly coming under attack, and I'm pretty sure because I was flying a Zachary Hudson Flag for opposing faction NPC pilots. I'm gonna fly as an independant and try to make back the vast amount of money I've lost recently on ship insurance.
29 Sep 2016, 4:00pm
Kyron OrdoYeah, I also discovered yesterday evening while patroling my local Nav Beacon that I was suddenly coming under attack, and I'm pretty sure because I was flying a Zachary Hudson Flag for opposing faction NPC pilots. I'm gonna fly as an independant and try to make back the vast amount of money I've lost recently on ship insurance.

That will do it. As will carrying anything resembling cargo of any value. I've been jumped by pirates for carrying a few tons of biowaste. They literally wanted to steal my shit.
29 Sep 2016, 4:40pm
i guess ill do this federation community goal, does it increase my federation rank
29 Sep 2016, 4:41pm
Sadly CGs do not increase Federation or Imperial naval rank
29 Sep 2016, 4:44pm
Rebecca HailSadly CGs do not increase Federation or Imperial naval rank

What's the benefit of getting top 10 contributors in CG? Does the top contributor got a chance to name the station?
29 Sep 2016, 4:46pm
The Top 10 gets the highest payout Usually there are no other rewards at CGs.
29 Sep 2016, 6:57pm
Here's a strange one.

Little while ago, I went to The Dweller and got a Grade 1 upgrade to my Power Distributor.

I've just gone back to get a Grade 2 upgrade, but it's still locked out and only offering me another Grade 1.

Is this normal? Has anyone else had this...uhhh....experience?


29 Sep 2016, 7:35pm
How far along the progress bar is the Grade 2 unlock or is it because you are missing an item?
29 Sep 2016, 8:07pm
Don't know exactly about the Progress Bar but, yes, I had all the components.

I just went back to check but on entering Wyrd, I had a message from a human commander telling me I was violating a No-Fly order in that system. On approach to Wyrd A 2, the same guy tried to interdict me....failed.

Came out of descent glide to Black Hide and I got jumped by two, maybe three, of ROA wing.......whoever, and got shot down.

No Fly Order? RoA? WTF?

Is this a wing trying to box off an Engineer and prevent anyone else accessing upgrades?

Or is it just a bunch of teenage dirtbags arseing about?
29 Sep 2016, 8:16pm
Probably some form of roleplay, or more than likely your other assessment. Its still a valid way from them to play the game and accurately reflects the world we live in.

I will assume you know how the unlocking works for grades, my only other theory would be is you spent some grading levels choosing a specific effect on a weapon upgrade.
29 Sep 2016, 8:37pm
No, I don't know how the upgrading process works, I figured it was a straightforward 'Upgrade 1', then 'Upgrade 2', rinse and repeat.

Obviously, I hadn't included the 'Frontier Developments' factor into my calculations.

I'd already decided I didn't need that upgrade, but thought it might have been a glitch......I've had several strange ones happen today......I had to logout and back in before I could land properly (long story) at Farseer's place, landing at Azeban Orbital and having NO Commodities Market displayed in the Starport Services Menu, plus a few spontaneous lock-ups and black screens. Game locked up completely but I could still ctl+alt+del and get into Task Manager and everything else that was running.

I'd go back to Wyrd and challenge this No-Fly order, but I don't want to face another re-buy screen and I probably wouldn't get what I would call a sensible answer, anyway, so whoever and whatever they are, they're welcome to Wyrd. If it weren't for an Engineer, it's only claim to fame would be that it's near to Eranin.


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