Elite: Game talk

14 Sep 2016, 5:26am
Simon DaturaNot worth it.

These boards need a rep button.

+points Simon
14 Sep 2016, 5:45am
Well it's true. I don't wanna catch Smurpes.
14 Sep 2016, 6:05am
Fox already has Smurpes from kissing me. You were in a different instance the whole time, but you should still probably get yourself checked out.
15 Sep 2016, 4:16am
Quick question. Anyone on here know the fastest way to get Exceptional Scrambled Scan Data? I've been trying to drop into USS's but that doesn't seem to be working for me. I was wondering if anybody knew a more efficient and maybe quicker way of going about collecting these.
15 Sep 2016, 9:20am
ItsDustyBroQuick question. Anyone on here know the fastest way to get Exceptional Scrambled Scan Data? I've been trying to drop into USS's but that doesn't seem to be working for me. I was wondering if anybody knew a more efficient and maybe quicker way of going about collecting these.

Use a high wake scanner and uss(convoy)
15 Sep 2016, 10:03am
Isn't high wake scanning for data other than emission data?
15 Sep 2016, 10:14am
You get a lot from wake scanning and i got most of it by leaving a station and scanning all ships and wakes B4 i jumped.
15 Sep 2016, 10:53am
Can someone explain 'instancing' to me, please, or point me to a thread somewhere that I can read.
15 Sep 2016, 11:14am
Reverend TZWCan someone explain 'instancing' to me, please, or point me to a thread somewhere that I can read.

I'll try, though I'm no expert...

Hmm, this is tricky...

An instance is a virtual area of ED that allows you to interact with the environment. When you drop down from witchspace into a system, you have entered an instance. Witchspace itself isn't an instance; it's just an animation that covers the transition of your presence from one instance to another.

Instances can be shared with other CMDRs. I believe up to 30 at any one time. If you are friends with another CMDR, and drop down into the same system, the ED matchmaking server should (!) pair you up so that you can see each other.

Hope this helps.
15 Sep 2016, 12:07pm
Yeah, that's helped a lot, considering I didn't know anything at all.


I have loads more questions. Like, why is the manual so short on really useful information, but I guess that's for FD to answer.
16 Sep 2016, 9:52am
Reverend TZWYeah, that's helped a lot, considering I didn't know anything at all.


I have loads more questions. Like, why is the manual so short on really useful information, but I guess that's for FD to answer.

short on really useful information IS FD's answer , they are well known for it

i am no expert but my understanding of what an instance is .....
an instance is a variable sized ''bubble'' of space (within a single system) .
it is possible not to drop in on your friend's instance because that bubble is not even covering the nav beacon .
the instance server pretends to do it's job in the ''load'' screens of hyperspace + ''drop/enter super cruse''
all in all instance's are a pain at times , but seriously lower P2P network trafic while your playing .
16 Sep 2016, 10:35am
I guess the lack of useful information makes for a long, slow learning curve, prolonging interest. Six months in and I'm still finding myself thinking, 'Oh....so that's what that is' or 'So that's how that works'.

Maybe the instancing is why I see so few human Commanders online, even though I've been in Open for nearly all of that six months.
16 Sep 2016, 1:50pm
The game is a sandbox and figuring out how it works is part of the gameplay. Some of what we have to figure out is dumb - not being able to look up market process, at least for systems where you're already rep++ breaks my suspension of disbelief completely. Not being able to have clear indication of what planetary composition is - while your computer can make suggestive jingles insults player intelligence. Instancing is a hack to keep from having to invest in batter hardware and software on the backend and it pushes the consequences of this corner-cutting into the player experience, forcing players to perform unnatural acts, again breaking immersion, to get around this limitation of the game. And on and on.

Yes we keep playing. It's much better to recognize these limitations as the cost of having a really fun game available for play than it is to demand they be gone and to wait for a "perfect" game until hell freezes over. #halflife3Confirmed
17 Sep 2016, 2:26pm
Hey all, in an effort to encourage more CQC play my (Xbox) wing is putting together a twitch livestream and giveaway today at 1300 EST. More details here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/289464-CQC-Saturday-1300-EST-Giving-away-900-FTP

To the Mods: If this isn't the place for this post please feel free to remove with no ill will on my part.

Last edit: 17 Sep 2016, 9:48pm
17 Sep 2016, 7:03pm
Cmdr xXxDCMTxXx here. I'm running a few trade routes and conflict zone operations out in yimakuapa, hanikkoha, momus reach, Michael penatzis and dinda area. I run an A-spec vulture that can eat up anacondas for lunch. I use it to generate revenue for a-spec parts to outfit my newly purchased python. I'm getting antsy, however, and have been taking my python out on risky trade runs with too much cargo and too many interdictors.I'm XB1 GPP since day one but I'm independent to a fault. I would enjoy building a wing to chew up entire conflict zones and, or, to run interference on trade runs.
If anyone's game, message me through xbl @ xXxDCMTxXx
Safe flying.

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