Elite: Game talk

19 Sep 2016, 7:21pm
ScaarrDoes anyone know a good group to go to that roleplays? Also, is there no longer a discord for Inara?

there is look harder or ask uncle google mate

I have, literally for days. Wouldnt be asking here if i hadnt already. If you've have had better luck who have you found?
19 Sep 2016, 7:29pm
ScaarrDoes anyone know a good group to go to that roleplays? Also, is there no longer a discord for Inara?

there is look harder or ask uncle google mate

I have, literally for days. Wouldnt be asking here if i hadnt already. If you've have had better luck who have you found?

I mean about discord. I am on it right now
20 Sep 2016, 1:06am
Star-Lord_Prime, just kinda take a look over to the right. Do you see that big orange button that says, "OPEN DISCORD IN NEW TAB?" You might give that a try and see what happens. It might surprise you.
20 Sep 2016, 4:30am
quick question, commanders. this is my first community goal operation. I'm delivering titanium to Love Orbital. but do i do that through the mission board or simply selling it through the commodities? any assistance is appreciated.
20 Sep 2016, 4:40am
CMDR xXxDCMTxXxquick question, commanders. this is my first community goal operation. I'm delivering titanium to Love Orbital. but do i do that through the mission board or simply selling it through the commodities? any assistance is appreciated.

You'll need to go to the mission board. Sign-up for the CG and then sell it on the commodities market. Then, go to the mission board, select the CG and you'll see how far along the contribution chart you stand.
20 Sep 2016, 4:41am
CMDR xXxDCMTxXxquick question, commanders. this is my first community goal operation. I'm delivering titanium to Love Orbital. but do i do that through the mission board or simply selling it through the commodities? any assistance is appreciated.

You'll need to go to the mission board. Sign-up for the CG and then sell it on the commodities market. Then, go to the mission board, select the CG and you'll see how far along the contribution chart you stand.

just did it. fantastic. thank you commander
20 Sep 2016, 4:49am
CMDR xXxDCMTxXxquick question, commanders. this is my first community goal operation. I'm delivering titanium to Love Orbital. but do i do that through the mission board or simply selling it through the commodities? any assistance is appreciated.

You'll need to go to the mission board. Sign-up for the CG and then sell it on the commodities market. Then, go to the mission board, select the CG and you'll see how far along the contribution chart you stand.

just did it. fantastic. thank you commander

Nothing to it CMDR. Fly Safe. Also, for faster answers please join into the Discord channel for Paladin Consortium. The link should've been sent to you in PM when you joined. Most CMDR's are usually there and can help you out with anything on a realtime basis. Discord has a webapp and an application.
20 Sep 2016, 9:40am
Guardians Beta is LIVE!
20 Sep 2016, 12:38pm
Just a quick question.
If I upgrade to the 2.2 Beta, will it start me at my current location?
FYI 15,000 lys from the bubble.
20 Sep 2016, 4:56pm
BeachwalkerJust a quick question.
If I upgrade to the 2.2 Beta, will it start me at my current location?
FYI 15,000 lys from the bubble.

Depends how old the snapshot of the save is. But you then self-destruct for a quick return anyway. What happens in beta stays in beta, your main save won't be affected.
21 Sep 2016, 7:03am
next question: what are the pluses beside the names of base settlements? i'm at Latugara and on one of it's planets are three bases. one with one plus, another with two and a third with three plus signs. i assumed it was security until i looked at the navigation window and they all have "low security." ideas? answers? appreciated, commanders.
21 Sep 2016, 8:00am
CMDR xXxDCMTxXxnext question: what are the pluses beside the names of base settlements? i'm at Latugara and on one of it's planets are three bases. one with one plus, another with two and a third with three plus signs. i assumed it was security until i looked at the navigation window and they all have "low security." ideas? answers? appreciated, commanders.

I believe it's simply an indication of the population size of the settlement.
21 Sep 2016, 8:38am
CMDR xXxDCMTxXxnext question: what are the pluses beside the names of base settlements? i'm at Latugara and on one of it's planets are three bases. one with one plus, another with two and a third with three plus signs. i assumed it was security until i looked at the navigation window and they all have "low security." ideas? answers? appreciated, commanders.

It's the size of the bases

Logically one plus is the smallest and three pluses are the biggest.

I'm not sure if those bases count towards population.
21 Sep 2016, 8:45am
Triple plus means it's going to be a real bitch to attack the base.
21 Sep 2016, 10:20am
Well, maybe you should learn a thing or two about combat and tactics buddy. Might make it a little easier.

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