Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
03 Jun 2019, 10:24pm
The pilot leads Maul through the docking bays towards a run down area of warehouses and derelict buildings. They stop outside a seemingly random one and the pilot stops with their back to Maul before turning around, sidearm drawn and aimed directly at Maul's chest.

"Inside!" the distorted voice barks "And no funny business. The contract on you states dead or alive so give me a reason to put you down where you stand!"
03 Jun 2019, 10:56pm
Maul puts his hands up slightly to suggest that the pilot should calm down.

"Whoa, okay chief. Cool it. No funny business here."

Maul opens the side door of the warehouse that they have stopped in front of and steps into the terribly lit warehouse.

Without turning around he speaks out to the pilot.

"So, are the lights going to come on and reveal a big cake waiting for me?" He jokes nervously. "I've never really been a fan of surprises."

He glances down at the knife strapped around his thigh that Omi had gifted him and ponders on his next move.
04 Jun 2019, 7:29am
The pilot pushes his gun into Maul's back.


When they get inside the pilot roughly shoves Maul towards the middle of the warehouse.

"Remove your weapons and kick them over here."
04 Jun 2019, 10:36am
Maul unstraps the knife from around his thigh and kicks it over. He hesitates for a moment before unstrapping his backpack and carefully sliding it over.

"There's a pistol in there there with my gear." He says with his hands still up.

"You mentioned a contract on me. Is this more of the corporations bullshit? If so, you may as well go ahead and fucking shoot me and get it over with because I don't have any answers for them to try to torture out of me this time."

He clears his throat and starts to yell so that if anyone were in the warehouse they would hear him.

"And if it's somebody else looking for me!" He shakes his head. "You can go ahead and fuck off! I've got other shit to do!"
04 Jun 2019, 4:54pm
The pilot keeps the gun trained on Maul.

"They can kill you, torture you or do what they want to you. All I care about is getting paid and teaching the idiot gaijin just how it feels to be betrayed by someone you trust."

The pilot tosses a pair of cuffs towards Maul.

"Put them on, hands behind your back if you would be so kind. The people who are interested in you will be here soon. To find out what I've got for them."
05 Jun 2019, 12:09am
Maul slowly reaches down and picks up the cuffs. He stands back up and puts his hands behind his back and snaps them shut.

"He betrayed you?" He says with a concerned voice.

"I would ask what he did to you but I reckon you don't plan on telling me, do you?. I'll just say this though, sometimes things aren't always as black and white as we try to make them out to be; there are a lot of gray areas in the kind of work we do. I've done plenty of bad things for good reasons and I've done plenty of bad things for bad reasons. Maybe what he did wasn't intended to hurt you directly or maybe it was. You may be a victim of something bigger or you may not, I don't really know, but if doing this is going to help you find some sort of inner peace with what happened, well, then I can't say that I blame you."

Maul sighs and looks down at the floor. After a few moments he begins to smile.

"You know, I was saved by someone wearing a suit similar to yours. She was hiding her face and being all mysterious, much like yourself. Never got the chance to formally meet her but it's kinda funny, isn't it? Saved by one mysterious stranger and now I'm being threatened by different one. It's this weird never ending cycle again."

Maul looks back up to the pilot.

"Wouldn't it be kinda spooky if someone with green hair, a black cowboy hat and a bad sense of humor saved you at some point in the future?" He forcibly shudders. "Man, I'm getting chills just thinking about it."
05 Jun 2019, 9:54am
The warehouse door opens and a figure stands silhouetted against the light. The pilot turns their head slightly and addresses the figure.

"You're early" the distorted voice says

"Really? Ah thought Ah wis bein fashionably late."

Khelan walks through the door towards the pilot, his hands raised.

"Ah'm unarmed so ye dinnae huv tae worry aboot me shooting ye."

The pilot motions towards Maul with his gun.

"Over there"

Khelan walks over towards Maul and flashes him his trademark grin.

"Ah cannae leave ye alone fur five minutes can Ah?" he asks

Khelan looks at the pilot.

"Why don't ye take that stupid thing aff yer heid and we'll talk like grown-ups. Wit the actual fuck is goin on wi ye Hideo?"
05 Jun 2019, 11:58am
As the Dreadnaught leaves the station docks. Hitting the jump as it makes it's way to the mega ship to ferry it to Guardian space.  Sen thinks of what kind of a situation Winters has placed him in.  The information coming out about Admiral Frederick Yamamoto and his arrest. A very convenient distraction to the data that was delivered to him.  He shakes his head, a bit of anger shows in his expression as what is taking place nearly cost Kat, his fighter pilot, her life.  Cost a thug his, and now, several jumps later Sen moves the dreadnaught to a mega ship to hide while he takes his time to understand what this data means.

Several jumps seems like a haze. No words exchanged between Kat and Sen until the final destination.  Sen throttles down the Dreadnaught as he takes in the view of the Star. Leaning his head back for only a moment and closing his eyes.  

Kat looking around the bridge of the Dreadnaught with a slight overtone of discomfort.  Her thoughts stuck on what Dex the ships AI reported stuck in the landing well of the ships landing gear. Her thoughts tormenting her that it could be the large man that tried to kill her in dock 11.   She is not aware of the friend Sen made that saved the Dreadnaught from a placed mine on the ships underbelly.  Her mind races as Sen stands from the commanders chair,

(Sub story can be found in logs. Chapter Five
05 Jun 2019, 6:52pm
KhelanThe warehouse door opens and a figure stands silhouetted against the light. The pilot turns their head slightly and addresses the figure.

"You're early" the distorted voice says

"Really? Ah thought Ah wis bein fashionably late."

Khelan walks through the door towards the pilot, his hands raised.

"Ah'm unarmed so ye dinnae huv tae worry aboot me shooting ye."

The pilot motions towards Maul with his gun.

"Over there"

Khelan walks over towards Maul and flashes him his trademark grin.

"Ah cannae leave ye alone fur five minutes can Ah?" he asks

Khelan looks at the pilot.

"Why don't ye take that stupid thing aff yer heid and we'll talk like grown-ups. Wit the actual fuck is goin on wi ye Hideo?"

Maul gives a confused look back and forth between Khelan and the pilot.

"I'll be honest with you man, at first I thought this fucker here in the suit was you attempting to pull a prank." Maul smiles and shakes his head. "I guess this puts an end to that mystery."

"....and did you say this is Hideo? The mustache guy? What the fuck Hideo? I thought you were cool."
05 Jun 2019, 6:59pm
(For clarity, since we're doing two different stories in this thread, I'll add this header)
*****Sen/EC/Kaisla Arc*****

Echo scans his navigation panel as the Arbiter drops out into the star system indicated by the wake scanner, removing his beret from his head and then re-seating it.

There was no uniform or dress-code enforced by Vigilia, but Echo was military-trained and, in spite of the falling out and the very independent nature of their current work, he still held an old-fashioned pride about his origins.

"Raven, we're here!"

A wiry man with shoulder-length black hair, and whose electric blue tattoos were usually visible due to his insistence of not wearing a shirt or a flight-suit. The guy was a little bit nuts, preferring a pair of short swords when possible, and often resorting to violence a little sooner than he ought. Action was his idea of subtlety, and accuracy-by-volume was his philosophy. However, he always meant well, and EC could usually keep him in check.

"Where's here?" Raven asks, spinning in his chair like a toddler.

"That system we tracked the Dreadnaught to." Echo replied.

"Well, where the hell is it?"

"Not sure." Echo says, honking the discovery scanner.

"Well, there's a few signal sources, a megaship, a few other things in this system." Raven says
"Give me the helm, I'll buzz them all, and you stay on the signal and comms scanners and see if you can track anything."

Echo complies, and the Arbiter begins to case the star system for the Dreadnaught.
05 Jun 2019, 10:57pm
Maul Montresor

Maul gives a confused look back and forth between Khelan and the pilot.

"I'll be honest with you man, at first I thought this fucker here in the suit was you attempting to pull a prank." Maul smiles and shakes his head. "I guess this puts an end to that mystery."

"....and did you say this is Hideo? The mustache guy? What the fuck Hideo? I thought you were cool."

Hideo takes off the helmet and fixes Khelan with a look of pure hatred and rage.

"You know what this is about. You knew how I felt about her and you went and stole her from under my nose."

Khelan looks slightly confused by Hideo's reply

"Then you went and broke her heart. For over two years I was there for her, supporting her, picking up the pieces and being there everytime she needed me. I thought she was coming around to me and then you come waltzing back onto the station and she goes running straight back to you."

Khelan looks slightly confused at first and starts to understand what Hideo is ranting about.

"Mate, listen tae me Ah tried tae tell ye when ye telt me but naebody no even Shin himsel knew aboot us at that time."

Hideo starts shaking with rage

"I'm not your mate, mates wouldn't do what you did to me. She shouldn't be with someone like you. She should be with her own kind, not a gaijin like you!"

"So that's wit this is all aboot. Yer nuthin but a fuckin racist and ye've twisted things aboot in yer own heid till ye've decided gettin rid of me will solve all yer problems. Ah'll bet ye never even stopped tae think aboot wit Omi's reaction tae ye killin me wid be."

Khelan points to Maul.

"So wit aboot him? Did ye plan oan killin him just tae piss me aff? Because Ah'll be honest wi ye if ye killed him it wida saved me the hassle of goin up against this corporation"

"I wasn't going to kill him, I was going to hand him over to the corporation and let them do it. Once they did that I knew you would be blinded by rage and go gunning for them and they would kill you for me and yes Omikuma would be devastated but I'd be there for her and she'd end up with who she belongs with and with the money the corporation are going to pay me I can afford to give her exactly what she desires."

Khelan keeps looking at Hideo.

"Yer bat-shit crazy, ye know that right?" he says "Ah mean just listen tae yersel. All Ah can say is that Ah'm sorry ye've turnt intae this thing that used tae be ma mate an noo is just an airse hole."

Khelan looks to Maul.

"Ah'm sorry ye've been dragged intae this shite mate."

Khelan looks at Hideo.

"Are ye gonnae shoot me an get it over wi oar dae ye want tae shoot him furst so Ah know wit tae expect?"

Hideo steps forward his gun raised and then stops dead in his tracks a small red patch appearing on his chest, spreading rapidly. He slumps to his knees

"How?" he gasps in surprise

Khelan looks at him.

"Ah said Ah wis unarmed, Ah never said Ah wis alone and Ah never said she wis unarmed"

The lithe form of Omi slips down from an overhead beam, a silenced rifle strapped to her back.

She crosses to Hideo.

"I'm sorry Hideo I truly am" she whispers as she approaches him "you have betrayed not only the Black Dragons but you have betrayed those who called you a friend."

Hideo lowers his head sadly and starts to sob.

"For....forgive me please" he whimpers

Omi shakes her head.

"I cannot" she replies flexing her right hand. Slender blades slide out from under her fingernails and she plunges her hand into Hideo's chest at his heart.

Khelan looks at Maul.

"Ah telt ye she hid claws. Noo ah think it's high time we wurnae here don't ye?"

He starts heading to the door.

"Ye can show us yer apartment, hoo's that sound?" he asks
06 Jun 2019, 12:43am
The black Fer De Lance hides in a deep shadow. Only visible is the feint light from the cockpit but one would have to be nearly on top of the space craft to see it. Shortly after jumping into system, Kaisla quickly found the nearest clump of asteroids and suctioned onto the largest, most stable one. It was a perilous maneuver that required skill, experience and very large testicles. Although she was severely lacking in the testicle department, she had no shortage of guts and had used the tactic to success on several occasions. The ship sat passively, all non-essential systems in low power mode or off. She had located the Dreadnaught a quarter of an hour earlier and had pinged its weak signal. It must have had its own measure of counter-tracking protections but everything provides a heat signature. Even a thorough enough search would locate hers.

Currently, Otto was "manning" the scanners, at least as well as an autopilot can "man" anything.

A loud crash comes from the back of the ship, "Dammit Otto!! I thought I said secure this stuff!" the inflatable sheep bounces around on the inside of the canopy and she shoves clothes, weapons and cooking utensils into various compartments, slamming the doors and securing the latches. "Commander, I am merely an operating program, I have no arms with which to secure anything."

"Typical men! Always ready with an excuse and not able to complete the simplest of tasks!" Otto is embarrassingly quiet. His complex AI was never prepared to deal with sexist commentary during programming and as a result, had no idea what to say so he defaulted to his aptly named "Shenanigans Program" which spiced up his conversation considerably.

After several moments of silence he bleats out, "You're mother was a simple task."

Kaisla stops, inflatable sheep under arm, mouth gaping open and a sombrero in the other hand , a look of confusion contorting her features as she stares at the nearest speaker. "That doesn't even make any sense!"

Otto, still quite confused responds, "I was merely implying that your mother-"

"Shut up, I know what you were implying. I don't even know why I gave you that program."

Otto responds in typical candor, "If I recall, you said it was because you were frustrated that your reproductive simulators had no ability to maintain a conversation."

"I said shut up! ...Stupid robot." She shoves the plastic sheep into the trash compactor and attempts to secure the lid before giving up and moving on to organizing the rest of the disheveled ship. The night prior to her fateful encounter inside Citi Gateway, she had gone on quite a bender and gotten severely drunk. Aptly, getting drunk alone can be quite boring hence the assortment of random articles floating around in zero-g. One needed to amuse themselves while out on long treks away and stupid props was just one of the things she had picked up along the way at various events, parties and other outings she had crashed in the past. It was her way of remembering a job. Typically, after a long stint in space, the first night into a station usually passed in a drunk haze. Thankfully, she thinks as she stows her dirty clothes, the few windows on the Fer De Lance are completely one-way so those benders are never witnessed by anyone else.

Otto breaks into her thought process, "Commander, another ship has just entered the system. Krait class MKII, the 'Arbiter.'"

She stops mid-cleaning, "Huh, that's the second ship within the last 15 minutes to jump in system after the Dreadnaught. Weird coincidence. Track it as well." She heads back to the bridge to take seats and check on the status of the other ships.

"Yes Commander, although it appears that the Arbiter too, has counter-trace protection as well." Kaisla climbs into the cockpit seat. "That's really suspicious that suddenly we all have the ability to turn off our gizmos and not find each other. I expect some ships we come across to have some of that equipment but that's the third ship and that is some expensive tech."

"Quite right Commander, in fact, average number of ships we've encountered that run counter-surveillance is--"

"Shut up," she silences him with a wave of her hand. "What is the Dreadnaught's current vector?"

Otto runs a quick calculation. "The Dreadnaught appears to be on course to intercept the mega-ship in system. Although, two minutes ago it changed course prior to jettisoning an object into the vacuum."

"Otto! That's the kind of shit I tell you to alert me about! What did they jettison?" she asks frantically, worried about it potentially being her stow-away package.

"Commander, the jettisoned object appears to be a dead human."

"Oh, well I guess that rules out our package. Unless it was inside the person." Otto is silent for a moment, "Commander, that was tasteless."

Kaisla glances up, "Shut up, you don't know what tasteless is. Well, we don't have time to wait much longer because as soon as they're aboard that mega ship, we have no chance of catching them. I guess we're going on a trip. Send a request to the mega ship and get us a berthing."

"Aye Commander."

She powers up the Fer De Lance and detaches from the asteroid, gliding slowly out of the shadow before engaging the thrusters and making way to the mega ship off in the distance.
06 Jun 2019, 1:53am
Khelan"Ye can show us yer apartment, hoo's that sound?" he asks

Maul brings his hands out from behind his back to reveal that he had only cuffed one of his wrists.

"He didn't even look to see if I actually cuffed both of them." He says looking down at Hideo's body. "Kinda sucks to lose such a good engineer."

He reaches down and grabs the keys off of Hideo's body and unlocks the cuff on his left wrist. He rubs his wrist, grabs his backpack and knife and stands up to look at Khelan and Omi.

"Thanks, guys. I don't plan on sticking around here long. Just want to get some stuff and leave. So, let's get going."

He steps over the corpse and exits the warehouse. He leads Khelan and Omi into the shadier part of the station. They stop at a dirty and rough looking building that seems to have had a working door at one point but is now completely busted. The door bangs out a rhythm as it attempts to shut over and over again.

"Sorry, sometimes you just gotta..." Maul says as he smacks the door a few times, causing it to fully open. "There we go. Now on up to the third floor."

He leads them to the stairs after pointing out that the elevator was broken. They walk down a hallway and stop at the only door that has a keypad lock.

"This is me." He says as he punches in the code, causing the door to swoosh open.

Stepping inside reveals a messy small studio apartment. There are labeled boxes of electronics stacked on top of each other near a computer on one side and the rest of the apartment is occupied by a couch with a pillow and blanket on it, a small kitchen and a bathroom.

A female A.I. voice fills the room.

"Welcome home Ghoulie, should I prepare the workstation?"

Maul smiles. "Yeah go ahead and start her up, Ashley."

The computer in the corner starts up as he looks back to Khelan and Omi.

"Don't ask. You guys can take a seat on the couch if you want. Feel free to grab a bite to eat, that is, if everything isn't outdated by now."

He walks over to the computer, takes his backpack off and plugs in a portable storage device.

"I'm just getting everything I have about the corporation real quick. This way I'll have it with me and we can get out of here. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to."

While the data downloads, he grabs a duffel bag from beside the couch and starts filling it with seemingly random components from the labeled boxes.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door.

Maul stops what he is doing and looks over at Omi and Khelan. He sits the bag down and grabs the pistol out of his backpack. The knocking becomes more aggressive as he gets closer to the door. He nods at Khelan and Omi to make sure they are ready before smacking the button to open the door. It opens up to reveal a petite woman in a black flight suit with blonde hair, half of it shaved and the other half hanging down past her shoulder. She hardly reacts to the fact that Maul is pointing a gun at her.

"Who the fuck are you?" Maul says confused.

The woman stares at him for a moment.

"You've pierced your ears since I last saw you, haven't you?" She says with a smile. "I guess it's time we actually met. I'm Vega." She says holding her hand out.

Maul grabs her hand and pulls her into the apartment and closes the door. He stares at her for a moment.

"Okay, prove it."

"I knew you'd be paranoid." Vega says as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small recording device. "Here, you had this on you back at the manufacturing plant. Remember? I saved your ass. Trying to lug your sorry ass out of there was nearly impossible."

Maul snatches the device out of her hand. "I wouldn't have been there if you didn't use me as a goddamn distraction." He storms off and sits down on the counter that separated the kitchen from the rest of the apartment.

"What the fuck are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be taking care of your niece or something?" He says looking at her smugly.

Vega becomes visibly angry and walks towards Maul. "I told you that we weren't finished. That plant was only the beginning and we've got plenty of work to do."

"We?!" Maul scoffs. "We? Seriously? Fucking, we?" He stands up and gets in her face. "This was all you. You used me. You planted the explosives. You killed Tessa. You! This was all you. I had a fucking plan and you ruined it."

"Your plan was shit! You were captured! If anything, you should be glad that I was using you. Otherwise you'd be dead right now!" Vega remarks.

Maul and Vega become silent as they both realize Khelan and Omi are still in the room.

"Uh, well guys, this is Vega, apparently." He says sarcastically as he motions towards her. "Vega, this is Khelan and Omi. They are actually good people who have helped me and NOT used me."

Vega rolls her eyes at Maul and turns to Khelan and Omi with a smile.

"I liked him better when he was unconscious. It's a pleasure to meet you two."

Last edit: 06 Jun 2019, 2:37am
06 Jun 2019, 4:34am
The dreadnaught  sits silently in the black just over the moon and only 400 LS from the orbital.  

"I feel like we should say something."  Kat says in a somber tone.

"Like what?" Sen asks after a moment.  

"I don't know. Something, like, rest in piece or something."  Kat curls up her nose a little looking at the screens.

"Well, what do you usually say when you collect a bounty and blow a wanted to bits?" Sen asks curiously looking over to Kat.

Kat almost reluctant to answer she says it more of a question then a statement.  "Ye haw?"  She looks at Sen with the same uncomfortable expression. Answering the question in a nearly whispered voice.

"Well,  Ye Haw."  Sen says and presses the jettison cargo button.  Sending the pod out into space as it drifts off to the direction of the orbital.  

"Now thats out of the way. Lets move in closer and get docking on the mega ship. It leaves tomorrow so it will give us a good 24 hours to go over this curse we now have. "  Sen says as they strap back in to the seats.  Hitting the jump drive and watching as the mega ship distance closes in fast.  Dropping from jump the ships park domes can be seen clearly.  "Oh gawd look at that!"  Kat says stunned by the ship.  

"This is the Dreadnaught requesting landing pad access and ship dock services."  Sen radios out to the ships flight control.  The voice on the other end of the radio responds.  "You got it Dreadnaught, pad 3 is open. The door is unlocked and the bed is ready."  
"Funny that's what she said."  Sen jokes back over the radio as he passes the controls over to Kat.  "All yours sugar, bring her in.   I am heading down to the lab,  Join me when you have the ship secured. "  He says as he unstraps from the seat as Kat brings the ship down onto the pad.  

"Jesus Sen, you know I hate it when you move around in here when the ship is docking.  Stop that!"  Kat says as she shuts down the systems.  Sen smirks as he takes off his flight jacket and puts on his more comfortable jacket.  He turns and heads through the access door, taking the metal ladder down to the lower deck. Kat follows behind.  As they enter the lab Sen calls out to the ships AI.  "Dex, bring up the image from the data, put it on the workbench.  Sen grabs a data tablet from under the table and sits it down, accessing the data that had been transferred to the ships computer storage.

"What in the hell is that?"  Kat asks as the hologram of some sort of a sphere is projected on the table.  "Well I can tell you what I think it is." He responds.  

Kat, crossing her arms as she studies the holographic image of the sphere.  "A few years ago I heard about a researcher that was attempting to make a network of high altitude shield projection. The idea was to put a shield around a planet or moon much like the ships shields work.  There were a ton of technical reasons it proved difficult, and some major moral debates around it as well. "  Sen explans, his stance going into his typical military position as he explains as if he was briefing operatives again.  

"You could effectively keep people off a planet and not let anyone in." Kat says as she thinks on the proposed technology.

"Or out......." He responds in a pointed tone.   Kats eyes go wide then she closes them slowly.   "Like a prison."  Kat says.     "Exactly. But again, I am not sure if that is what this is. " He says with a sigh moving over to the ships data control console.

I can try to have Dex run low level decoding algorithms to see if we can decipher the text but fooling around doing that could cause the data to self delete, so not really keen on trying to much." He says, moving through various folders and menus on the ships control screen.   "Hey wait!" Kat says as she looks at the ships status.   "Remember as we were leaving the station, we were shot at by something or someone, then the alert something was on our landing gear. What is it? "  Kat says nervously thinking its part of the thug stuck in the gears.    

"I don't know, lets do a 3d scan of number three landing skid and see if we can isolate it."  Sen brings up the bottom of the ship on the screen and starts running a 3D scan of the gear.  A anomaly shows in red.

"It looks like...."  Sen titls his head sideways at the image on the screen.  "It looks like a small land mine charge."  He says slowly almost in a questing tone.  "If it was armed it would have the claw spikes out on the top." Sen says pointing out the surface scan of the mine. "Might be a leftover gift from your big fat friend at dock 11." He says casually.

"NOT FUNNY!"  Kat says as she walks across the lab to the diagnostic console.  "And we need to be damn sure its not armed!"  She says in frustration of Sen's casual attitude to a land mine stuck to the ship.  She starts typing over the screen but then stops.  "Hey, wait a second.  Look at this!"  

Sen walks up to see what she is pointing out.  "There see that? That low level spike on the history scope. That is a low level scan. someones been scanning us just before we docked! I mean its to low for Dex to see it as a full scan but for sure that is coming from a ship!"  She says as she types away on the console.

"Well well. Why is that not surprising to me. Can you tell where it came from?"  He asks just as Kat finishes turning to point at the screen near the lab main console.  "On screen now boss." She says as he walks up, looking at the data on display.  "Hello, love....." He says looking over the  Fer De Lance.

 "Any other information? "  He looks to Kat to see her sigh as she shakes her head no, looking at the small amounts of data captured from the low level scans.  "No, this is all historical data not live now, and its the best I can get off of it.  It was just really small pings to keep tabs on our location.  We need a spy to intercept and come up behind it and find out more!" Kat jokes.

"Yeah, someone who may want a bit of action." Sen says reaching into his jacket and pulling out the contact details of the man he met in the bar he smiles slowly, walking over to the console and dials in the contact code.  "I may just have just the guy that may be up for that." Sen waits as the hail ring goes out. The call going dead Sen sighs. I will try him again later.

((( Logbook has more sub story to this RP. )) Find it here. Waiting Game (Chapter Six)

Last edit: 06 Jun 2019, 12:19pm
06 Jun 2019, 3:38pm
Maul Montresor

"I liked him better when he was unconscious. It's a pleasure to meet you two."

Khelan looks at Vega, her hand outstretched and grunts at her while Omi wrinkles her nose and says "Charmed, I'm sure." her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Seems tae me that we cud save oorsels a lot of time an effort and just shoot her the noo an be oan oor merry way."

"And with the state of this place not to mention the smell, no-one would probably even notice." says Omi

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