Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
06 Jun 2019, 4:04pm
******Sen/EC/Kaisla Arc******

EC drops into the system he had tracked his wing to with a familiar whoosh, and swings in close to refuel as he checks his instruments.

"Arbiter, this is Animus, I'm in system. What do you have for me?"

'Hey boss,' Raven responds.
'We tracked the Dreadnaught to this system but that's as far as we got. We're hitting signal sources trying to find him.'

"You launched with another ship, a Fer De Lance... did it give you any issues or was it a coincidence?" he asks

'Eh, not sure. I saw it jump off in the same general direction but, it's space. A half degree in trajectory would put that thing hundreds of light years from here. I'd say coincidence.' was Raven's reply

"OK... I'm going to drop out at the nav beacon and I'll join you guys in canvassing."

The Animus did a lot of things well, but it was also built to within a half megawatt of exceeding its power plant capacity. One of the sacrifices he'd had to make was a reduction in range on his discovery scanner.

'Fuel Scooping Complete', he got the notification from COVAS.
The newer fancier models allow you to give them names and alter their personalities, but EC had been through a lot with this particular antiquated COVAS unit. He lifted it from his first Sidewinder. Besides, new features means more things that can break, and COVAS was fine just the way she was.

Dropping out of supercruise at the nav beacon, he takes a look at his radar. A little bit of traffic but no hardpoints deployed. Hopefully this was quick and easy.

EC scans the nav beacon and receives the system data.

"OK let's see what we have..." he says to himself, looking over at his navigation panel.

Suddently, the entire ship shakes with a loud crash, and the familiar alarm begins to sound.

"Sir, we are under attack" COVAS informs him.

EC snaps to action. hitting the boost and deploying hardpoints, and trying to get his bearings.

Trying to maneuver away from the blinking red on his radar, he asks COVAS urgently "What? Why?"

"Mamba 'Horseman', CMDR Jorgen Peterssen, Bounty Hunter"

"What? Bounty hunter?" he asks, boosting into a quick loop to try and get an angle on the mamba.

Pulling around, he lines up a shot and opens up with his multi-cannons. One was engineered for thermal damage to eat shields, the other was engineered to be corrosive for ship hulls.

"The Animus has been issued a kill warrant, originating from Citi Gateway" COVAS politely informs him.

Losing his line, the Mamba gets around under him and gets a good blast in with a turreted beam laser.

"And you don't think that's the kind of important fucking information I'd want to know!!" he shouts back, losing his trademark cool for just a moment.

EC kicks off his flight assist and whips around 180 before boosting against his momentum back at the mamba. They were now barreling head on toward one another. Both ships open fire.

"Target shields offline", COVAS tells him, immediately followed by "Shields offline"

The Animus takes a direct hit to the canopy, cracking it. EC had to end this, fast.

The Animus definitely had the maneuverability advantage. EC boosted around into position, and reaches over to his targeting panel, targeting the now vulnerable power plant on the mamba.

EC opens up again with a long burst from the multi cannons, shredding the power plant. The vulture shakes from the brilliant explosion of the other ship.

Before he can get his bearings, COVAS chimes in with another bit of helpful information:
"A local security response wing has just dropped into the nav beacon."
Checking his contacts, he sees that its a Viper mkIII, another vulture, and two Anacondas which, at present, were launching fighters.

"Go find some action, they said. It'll be fun, they said." EC says out loud, putting full pips to engines and the rest to systems to recharge his shield.

The frame-shift charge seems to take an eternity, hoping he'll be out of dodge before the security force can scan the kill warrant on the ship.

"4...3...2...SCAN DETECTED...1..." the Animus jumps into supercruise with a whoosh, just in time.

Heading toward the Arbiter's wing beacon he reaches out to them to let them know of his predicament.

"Arbiter, this is Animus. Stand-by for a change in plans. Picked up a kill warrant back in Inara, apparently."
He neglected to mention the cracked canopy. It would be a problem eventually but it would hold for now.

After a second thought, he reaches over and grabs his helmet, which he had previously not been wearing, and secures it.

EC drops out of supercruise in a random sector in order to mask his location while he decides what to do next, but is snapped out of his thought by COVAS.

"Incoming communication request from CNV-301 Dreadnaught"

Maybe this dilemma would solve itself.

"Put him through."
06 Jun 2019, 6:42pm
Khelan Khelan looks at Vega, her hand outstretched and grunts at her while Omi wrinkles her nose and says "Charmed, I'm sure." her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Seems tae me that we cud save oorsels a lot of time an effort and just shoot her the noo an be oan oor merry way."

"And with the state of this place not to mention the smell, no-one would probably even notice." says Omi

Vega looks at Khelan and Omi with her jaw dropped and turns back to see Maul giving her a smug smile.

"Okay, look, I know what I did was terrible but it's something that had to be done. These people don't fuck around and it was the only chance to get to my sister. The way she abandoned our family, it put our parents into an early grave. I know it did. They worried about her more than anything else. After dad got sick and passed, I made numerous attempts to reach out to her but she couldn't care any less. Mom wasn't far behind him. She never even came to either of their funerals. She was my best friend and she abandoned me when I needed her the most." She rubs her eyes and changes her tone back to her normal snarky one. "So, I'm sorry okay. This is something I am willing to die for and I thought you might want to help, considering what they've done to you as well. If you don't want to work together then fine, I'll do it alone."

Maul watches as she starts to walk towards the door and flashes a look at Khelan and Omi.

"Alright Vega, what have you got for us?" Maul says begrudgingly.

She stops and and turns around to walk back over to Maul.

"Here." She says while reaching a piece of torn paper to him. "I know, "Pen and paper? How old fashioned!" but seriously, I didn't want to take the chance of this being intercepted in some way."

Maul takes the paper and reads it.

"These were the people working directly under Tessa, right?"

She smirks and nods.

"They're scrambling right now. Blowing up that manufacturing plant has their shady ass rich investors scared and killing Tessa has the higher ups on edge. They've changed how their entire hierarchy works now. Instead of having one person making the final decisions, they make decisions as more of a team. When Tessa died it caused them to be in a state of limbo for a bit. No one wanted to take on the position of leading them in fear of this happening again. Now when incidents like that happen again it will be more of an isolated event that they can recover from faster. So technically, you're looking at the 6 new leaders of the corporation."

Maul points at the list.

"And this is each of their last known locations?"

Vega shakes her head.

"No, that's their homes. These big wigs run things from the comfort of their own house. They seem to only leave when something big occurs. Kinda like what we did at the plant."

Maul looks up from the list.

"How did you get all of this?"

Vega smiles.

"I know a few people."

Maul begins to grit his teeth when he notices a familiar name on the list.

"Bryce fucking Morgan. The bastard."

He passes the note to Khelan and Omi.

"So what, you want us to kill them?"

Vega shrugs.

"That's what I plan on doing. It's going to be pretty much impossible to bring people like this to justice. They'll be able to bribe their way out of just about anything."

Maul sits back down on the counter and takes a deep breath.

"What do you guys think?" He says looking at Khelan and Omi.
06 Jun 2019, 7:44pm
Khelan thinks about it for a few moments before replying.

"Yknow Ah might just be a simple cargo hauler...."

"Emphasis on the simple part" interrupts Omi with a giggle

"Omi Ah swear tae fuck if ye wurnae the best fuck Ah've ever had...."

"Oh please Khelan I'm the only fuck you've ever had that you haven't had to pay for."

"Oh Ah'm fuckin payin fur it believe me oan that!"

"Noo as Ah wis sayin, Ah may well be a simple cargo hauler but even Ah can see that yer bein used again. This fuckin bitch disnae want tae get her hands durty an she's tryin tae get ye tae dae it fur her an fur wit? Are ye gonna get paid? Is she gonna sook yer brains oot through yer wee man aifterwurds?"

Omi groans at Khelan's argument

"In his own unique way Khelan does have a point. Other than leaving a substantial power void in the corporation which I am sure Ms Vega here is in no way interested in filling." she looks at Vega her face stern "Oh don't look at me like that, I've been around people who have a lust for power my entire life. I know that look in your eyes only too well. But as I was saying, what's in it for Mr Montresor other than more blood on his hands?"

She continues before Vega has a chance to interrupt.

"Unless it is something seriously substantial and worth the risk then I say we get our gear and go back home."
06 Jun 2019, 10:03pm
******Sen/EC/Kaisla Arc******

The Dreadnaught sits in a dock bay on board the mega ship Conduit in the Zende system  Only hours before it jumps to Guardian space.   On board, Sen and Kat work away trying to figure out exactly what the data they have actually is.   The past few hours have been a rollercoaster.  An incoming hail from Felicia Winters office detailing a cryptic instruction that Data was being delivered to Sen.

 Once again Winters was using Sen for special operations if he liked it or not.   The cryptic linking this data as something Sen must see as it pertains to two very close friends from time long past had Sen worried.   But now, flashing forward Sen had the courier of the data attacked and killed from his injuries.   His fighter pilot and lead researcher attacked by a hired thug.  And now have a mysterious Fer De Lance shadowing them.
Just before the Dreadnaught lifted up from the pad,  the thug, that had attacked Kat attempted to attach and arm a explosive device onto the Dreadnaught.  A single shot stopped the thug just before he could arm it but was left magnetically attached to the landing skid number three on the ship.  Sen had ran a diagnostic scan to ease Kats concerns once they landed.  The discovery it was a explosive device had Kat even more on edge then before So Sen took a moment to leave the ship and tend to the device.

After grabbing his heavy jacket, thinking he may encounter a lurking sniper he decides to at least wear one of the many passive protective garments his company developed over the years.  Slipping his arms through the jacket after discarding his classic denim he looks over to Kat as he opens a storage locker.  

"Going to deal with that Gift on our landing gear sugar."  He says over to her.

"What? Oh good! I keep having silent panic attacks thinking we are going to blow up at any moment!" Kat exclaims as she works away trying to figure out the data from the ships computer.

Sen smirks slightly as he heads out the lab door and to the lift.  Passing through the airlock door and stepping onto the lift the tool kit in hand he steps off when the lift reaches the bay floor.  Walking along the bottom of the ship he carefully inspects for any other damage.  His eyepiece scanning and delivering information as he walks along until he finds the item he has set out to find.  

Walking up his eyepiece starts scanning the explosive device.

"Found it." He says outloud the com link from his glasses linked in by Dex the ships AI system.  

"Scans show it is not armed but the composition of the explosive material has a lethal rating of A-774c.  It would in fact cause extreme damage to my structural integrity that could be catastrophic ."  Dex says to Sen.

"You don't say?"  Sen says back, as he already knows the real severity of the device.   "How is it attached? " Sen asks Dex.

"I am detecting magnetic pads holding it in place."  Dex responds.
"Any risk of just pulling it off?"  Sen asks.

"Perv..."  Kat's voice breaks in over the coms.  "Shall I leave you two alone?" Kat jokes holding back a heavy laugh as she works away.  She had tapped into the internal com system to ease drop when she saw the audio spikes on the ships main console.  Knowing Dex and Sen were discussing the device and trying to keep her out of the loop once again.  

"Very funny Kat."  Sen says setting down his tool box and fishing out a special gauge pressure pry bar to remove the device from the landing gear.

As Sen works at defusing and removing the device from the landing gear he glances over at the Mega ships access door.   "Ya know, I am dying to see what this place looks like inside."  He says to both Kat and Dex.

"Be my guest! I am not leaving this ship! Last time I was nearly choked to death because of this crap we now have!" Kat exclaims as another failed decode of the data presents it  self to her on the screen.

"DAMN IT!" She shouts.

"Leave it alone Kat."  Sen says as he keeps working at making sure all aspects of the explosive device are disarmed.

"Uuggh!"  Kat drops her head on the lab console.  "I really thought I had it this time."  She half cries through her arms.  

Sen smriks as he listens and slips the pry bar slowly behind the explosive device.

"Hey Dex tell us a bit about the ship while we wait. Huh?"  Sen says, trying to distract Kat from her frustration. Sen takes one more look at the explosive device and hopes there are no tamper triggers on the underside of the explosive.

"Much like a large orbital or station this mega ship is equipped with small community based facilities, such as bars, restaurants, merchants, as well as transportation roadways, entertainment facilities and more.  Although no mission logistics are available due to the ferry service the ship can, "   Suddenly Kat interrupts Dex.  

"DEX!" Kat shouts .

"Yes?" Dex responds.

"Please shut up before Sen nicks a wire and blows us and the flying neighborhood up."  Kat says still laying her head in her arms on the console.

The explosive device comes off the landing gear with a hard snap.   The expression on Sens face shows anticipated disaster as he stands very still for a moment.  The sudden click and pop with a resonating ping of metal causes Kat to snap her head up from the console.  

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" She says, her eyes shifting from left to right waiting to hear or feel a large blast.

"What was what?" Sen asks calmly yet his expression still showing panic.

"That was Sen almost blowing up the neighborhood."  Dex responds.

"Oh stop we are fine."  Sen exclaims as he is now confident in the fact the device has been disarmed and is safe. He starts pulling the wires off the device.

"May I make a observation?"  Dex asks.

"NO!"  Kat quickly answers as she starts to type to start a new research project.

"You go right on ahead Dex. what are you observing?"  Sen asks as he tucks parts and bits into the explosive kit tool bag.

"Moments ago a decypher script that was ran on the sensitive data I hold in my storage system failed. But for a moment a uncoded packet was sent from the data to my resource table.  That packet contained the name of Frost Spiritweaver that also is listed as a establishment owner on the ship, I took the liberty of running a cross reference to find that Leo Morningstar is listed as Head of security.  I downloaded his photo and found it is the same man that attacked Kat in Dock 11 just hours before.  He was checked in at 2200 hours on board."  Dex rambles out.

Kat's head snaps up as she listens.  Sen stops and listens in awe to the information Dex has discovered.  

"He can not be here."  Kat says as if saying to her self.  The logic of the large thug that nearly choked her to death being checked in on this ship at the same time she was being attacked made no sense. A wave of fear washes over her but she shakes it off.    "That makes no sense Dex, are you sure?"

"Kat, I do not want another transmission sent from our standard coms what so ever, do you understand?!"  Sen says to her. The extreme seriousness of his statement showing in his voice as he tucks the tool bag into a storage container on the lift.

"Dex I need you and kat to locate me a Metro media data link.  Most stations have them, they are a 51-A communication dish and used to relay FTL data around the station and out to transponders at extremely long range.  I need one, and fast." Sen says as he turns to head to the access door of the dock to the main ship internal areas.  

Sen walks over to the exit bay as he swipes his access card.  "Kat going to need you to be on point okay?"  He says out on the com system to her back on the ship, tucked away inside the ships lab section.

"No problem Boss."  She has regained her mindset and moved away from the frustration of the failed data cracks.  "You'r com signal is 5 by 5, Dex has your location on ships internal location ping and we are uploaded and tacking sir."  Kat spouts out as her hands move across the systems console.

Sen walking over to the balcony he looks out over the ships infrastructure.  It seems so familiar. So many large stations with the same configuration layout. Sen takes a deep breath knowing that moving around the mega ship exposes him.  Death could take him at any moment.  

Taking a moment to watch a man starting to cross the usually busy streets inside large stations Sen looks around knowing that the real crowd was on its way to jam into the ferry at the last moment to jump to guarian space.  Thrill seekers, pirates, bounty hunters, explorers , all landing in just a few short hours Sen knows he has limited time if any what so ever to get around the ship. And most of all find Frost.  That would not be a good meeting.  Reaching into his pocket he fishes out a cigar.  Reaching into the other pocket he finds his vintage zippo and gives the cigar a light as he sighs.

"Those things are going to kill you!"  Kat exclaimed over the coms.

"Yep, just another thing that will on the list."   Sen says looking around.   "Okay witch way do we go?"   Sen asks looking around waiting for Dex to respond.

"You will need to locate a service bot or droid Sir."  Dex says.   "They will have the security codes for the 51-A communication dish uplink."  Dex explains.

"Right, service things... " Sen says half distracted as he scans the surroundings with his eyepiece.  Taking a few puffs of the cigar he can see access rafters that move along the corridors of the ship.  Pulling the cigar from his lips as he half says to him self.  "Going up!"  As he walks along to find the pathway to higher ground.

"Hey! I think I may have a location on a auto repair drone!"  Kat says with excitement.  "The problem is you will not be able to get close enough to hack into its signal. "  Kat says with a frown.  I can guide you as close as you can get from up top if you can find a way up.  But not sure what to do from there."  Kat says with a bit of deflated tone in her voice as she studies the screen.

Dex is loading pathway waypoints to Sen's eyepiece hud faster then Kat can direct.  Sen doesn't  have the heart to break that fact to Kat as she is doing her very best to guide Sen to a stairwell to get to higher ground.  Kat is not aware of how symbiotic Dex and Sen are and have been for a number of years. One of the first AI systems compiled from Jefferson Clay's nuro download Dex has been refined over the years to a true AI.  Standing at the stairwell entrance  Sen waits for Kat to catch up verberlly. Not really knowing his location or that he is way ahead of her he cant help but hold back his laugh.

"Are we there yet?" Sen inside jokes.

"Almost! "  Kat says back as she continues to direct the last steps to reach the stairs as Sen waits at the base.

"Alright, go up, take the stairs to the highest level, head down path R52 until you come to big dissolve vats.  I am not sure what to do from there to be honest. If you try to go any further in, security services are going to be on you like a tick on a dog! "  Kat says looking over the screen but leaning back and putting her feet up.  She takes a moment to admire her heels.  "I deserve a pedicure."  She says wiggling her red painted toenails through her heels.   Her moment of self pride is a way to distract her mind from the fact Dex pointed out the man that nearly killed her is listed as here on the Mega ship.

Sen moves along the top level racks until he reaches the area with the large vats.  "Okay I am here."  Sen says back to Kat.  

"Sweety you are on your own, I can not see any way you are going to get near that service drone to hack its signal to locate the relay dish."  Kat says stretching out even more in the chair.  Her slim body like a feline getting comfortable for a sleep.  

"Well love, "  Sen says over coms as he reaches into his jacket.  "One thing you should know about me is I always have a slip or a trip in my deck of cards that can help."  He says pulling a small object from his pocket and tossing it into the air.

Letting it go as it tumbles and flips from the throw, a sudden burst of blue light comes from the small object.   The fall suddenly stopping as it floats in mid air near Sens right shoulder.  

"Intel drone on line and ready Sir."  Dex responds.  

Suddenly video feeds and signal monitoring pours in over the console that Kat is sitting at.  Her eyes go wide as she jumps from her relaxed position.  "What on earth is this!?" She says her eyes turning to the video feed from the small drone.

Sen watches as the small drone takes off at high speed.   "You got it DEX?" Sen says a bit worried that the small drone has gone rouge.  

"Sir, please. Of course I have it."   DEX responds.

"Live scan display coming on screen now."  DEX says as the video scanning feed from the small drone finds the robotic service drone and relays the data back.  Hovering just above the robot the Sencorp drone hacks into the data com from the robot.  Sending back the RSSI data to Sen's eyepiece as well as the main screen at the Dreadnaught lab room console where Kat is seated.  

"OH MY GOD THAT IS COOL!" Kat says watching the drone hack the ships service drone to get a location on a communication node.

Looking over the RSSI levels DEX displays the location of the Relay node.  Sen turns his attention to the upper roof of a near by station building.  "Okay, here,, we go...."  Sen says as the small drone returns to his side , reaching out and grabbing hold of it as he tucks it back into his inside jacket pocket.

"Sen will you please tell me what this is about? Why are we suddenly not going to use standard coms?"  Kat suddenly asks as Sen makes his way through the hud displayed way points.

"You heard DEX mention the name Frost Spiritweaver yeah?"  Sen asks.

"Yes , who is that?" Kat asks back. Watching the monitor as Sen moves up to an even higher point on the tracking screen.  

"Well, the short answer is , he is one of the folks that wanted to make a prison planet.  Or, Planets even.  He hated everything about the human race and often made remarks about ridding the universe of all humans even if it meant locking them into planets like prisons."  Sen explains walking onto a roof.  "Frost wanted to merge with technology, and would often manipulate and exploit structured protocols to gain advantages. "  Sen says walking up to the edge of the building slowly.

"In short, he very well could be monitoring all communications right now, so we need to get extremely hands on" Sen says now slower.  "Creative...."  He says as he walks up to the relay dish.

"Metro media relay located Sir."  Dex says highlighting the dish in front of him... Sen smiles some and crosses his arms as he looks the dish over.  "REALLY? You don't say?" Sen jokes.  
Kat smiles as she watches the scanning data coming in from Sen's eyepiece.

Standing next to the Metro Media com dish Sen can see the access ports and interface jacks on the side of the control panel.  He kneels down, reaching into his pocket and pulls out a multi tool.  Flipping open the tool and finding the taper proof screw module Sen opens the access port box of the Dish.  

"There we go. Now lets get this working just the way we want." Sen says, taking out his com device and sets it down.  Flipping through some files he finds the right sketch program to upload.  

Kat sits at the ships control station as she sees the radio chatter levels spiking.  Turning up the volume she can hear the various ships requesting landing pads.  Looking at the time she makes a note that its getting closer and closer to jump time.  "Ships are starting to arrive boss."  reaching over she eyes a hand full of Fer DE Lance ships waiting to be given clearance to land.  Each one she eyes with a hint of suspicion as any one of them could have been the one pinging their location before.

Sen also keeping the mysterious ship on his mind he asks Kat;  "Any signs of our stalker?"  he says as he makes a hacked connection to the relay dish and starts to upload the sketch to utilize the communication relay.

"Hmm not that I can tell."  She says.    

Sen types away on his Com device as he accesses the ships internal sub channel communications.  Smiling to him self as he sees the stations automated tracking systems.  Sen starts to attempt to enter in the communication codes to attempt to reach EC again as the first hail from before did not get through.  He types in the contact information as suddenly the automated listing system shows that EC communication signal is reporting near the Nav beacon.  Sen frowns and brings up the tracking feed.  Seeing EC's ship jumping from the Nav he starts typing away to send a text transmission.  

 ------------ Text transmission body from relay number 79372.  Network ID Conduit NVB-DA4 -------------------

Com hail request from: Dreadnaught  CNV-301 Coded

Message:  "Hey mate, not sure if you are still up for a bit of adventure but I may have a Job for you.  Make your way to the Mega ship that will be jumping out of the system in a few hours.  Grab a landing pad. After the jump meet me at Prospect station. I will tell you more then."  

------------------------------------------------------- Com transmission ends ---------------------------------------

"Sen! You put a lot of information in that transmission. Wont that get tracked?"  Kat gasps wondering why Sen would expose so much detail while trying to hide the information at the same time by hacking the relay.

"Not if I hurry."  Sen says as he takes off in a sprint to the stairs to climb down.  "Dex is the send delay working?"     Sen asks the AI system.    

"Yes Sir, your transmission burst will activate in 37 seconds.

Running down the stairs and across the service platform Sen can see what he is searching for.   Running up to one of the information screens that regularly transmit out mundane information for service bots,  trash collection and random station cleaners Sen watches the screen carefully.   Each packet of data being sent out with a number next to it.

736218237-  Refit relay in section 73H
749372937-   Chemical spill sub section 7
738937493-  Possible plasma leak in lift chargers
73927834-1   Dreadnaught CNV-301

"There! Dex delete record number 73927834 dash 1!" Sen says to Dex as he watches the record vanish from the list.   Sen grins slowly.  "And just like that, our whispers is like that from a Ghost."  Sen says as he fishes another cigar from his inside pocket.  Giving it a light before tucking away his zippo.

"Now what?"  Kat asks over the com.

"Now I have a look around."  Sen says back.

"Where are you going to start?" Kat asks

"I have an idea of where to start asking around."  Sen says looking up at the glowing sign of a dance club that sports half naked women. Looking around he can not see a way into the dance club.  "I am going to see if I can find the door to this place. "  Sen says as he starts walking along the path.  "You said Spiritweaver was listed as a establishment owner here?"  Sen asks Kat.

"Yeah, says here on the list that he runs a place called 'The Smiling Man.' "  Kat says as she reads the information off the screen.

Sen shaking his head at the name. "Figures."

"What figures?" Kat asks.

"The smiling man was a murderous psychopath that was finally killed back during the federation rebel wars. That wasn't before he was able to murder over 900 innocent people using all types of crafted weapons."  Sen pulls the cigar from his teeth as he looks around giving up on trying to find the seemly non-locked door to the stripclub. Each one Sen tries to swipe into reads back a red indicator. Sen figures nothing is open just yet and looks around as he spots other pilots starting to walk about.  "Anyway, old Frost and his distaste for his fellow man sorta admired the psychopath.  So to name an establishment after the now dead killer seemed more then twisted. But hey, it is Frost we are dealing with."  

"And a very large thug that likes to choke people."  Kat reminds Sen that Dex pointed out that the attacker from dock 11 was on board as well. Sen shakes his head not understanding how that is even possible Sen only responds with."  Yeah, and that.

Kat looks back to make sure the door to the lab is locked before checking the camera around the body of the Dreadnaught.

Sen rounds a corner, pulling the cigar from his lips as he exhales looking up.  A man, walking up slowly looking back at Sen. A half cocked smirk on his face but his eyes focused like lasers.  "Hello Sen."  The man says as he comes to a halt.  The robotic prosthetic leg the man had moving just as graceful as the real thing.  Sen pauses.  "Sammy. How are you?"  Sen nods at the Leg.

"How am I? Well now, isn't that just a wonderful sentiment coming from the man that shot down my Anaconda, making me loose her, as well as lose my leg, while I was left for dead."  Sammy hisses through gritted teeth. His anger showing.  Sens eyepiece scanning Sammy, reading his heart rate, body temperature, and waiting for the one legged man to pull a weapon at any moment.

"Yeah well, when you massacre a ship full of wedding goers people tend to frown on things like that. " Sen says in a cocky but casual voice. Pointing at Sammy with the cigar tucked between his fingers. "People also tend to put a large bounty on guys that do that. Guys like you."   Then pointing at him self with his thumb. "Then they send guys like me to collect it."  Places the cigar back in his teeth. "That is how it works Sammy. So, you here for the Church revival, hope you have changed your ways."  Sen says looking around to do a quick scan of the area, several pilots near by Sen looks back to Sammy.  

Sammly scwols  at Sen.  "I am working, and right now I would like nothing more then to settle a score but for now, someone would like to have a word with you."  Sammy hisses and points in the direction of the near by food cart.

Sen looks over and surveys the situation before turning back with a smile "Well then, lets have a chat then." Sen turns to walk over to the others. He knows that it is best to play along until things escalate. Kat sits silently just listening to the situation, her heartbeat racing as she can only listen as she feel helpless sitting at the console.

"I hope EC gets that message soon." Sen whispers in his com to Kat.

"Me too," Kat whispers back, "and I hope these people are not our Fer De Lance shadow." Kat expresses

"Me too." Sen whispers back. as he walks up. "Greetings commanders, fine weather we are having huh?" Sen jokes flashing a smile while holding the cigar in his teeth.
07 Jun 2019, 4:23am
"In his own unique way Khelan does have a point. Other than leaving a substantial power void in the corporation which I am sure Ms Vega here is in no way interested in filling." she looks at Vega her face stern "Oh don't look at me like that, I've been around people who have a lust for power my entire life. I know that look in your eyes only too well. But as I was saying, what's in it for Mr Montresor other than more blood on his hands?"

She continues before Vega has a chance to interrupt.

"Unless it is something seriously substantial and worth the risk then I say we get our gear and go back home."

Vega gives Omi an angry look.

"I would never join the corporation. The only thing I "lust" for is its destruction. It's not fair that they get away with all of this. They need to be stopped."

Maul interrupts her.

"Omi has a point, I don't want more blood on my hands. I'm actually free now because of her father." He smiles and hands the note back to Vega. "I don't think this is my war anymore. I wanted justice for what they did to me but I'm realizing now that maybe it's okay to just walk away. I don't feel like I need to do this anymore."

Vega takes the note and sighs.

"Fine, I'll do this alone. Contact me if you change your mind."

She begins to walk towards the door.

"Oh wait a second." Maul says causing Vega to stop in her tracks. "Was that you that sent me a message a few weeks ago?"

He pulls out his data slate to read the message.

"It said "Hope you're okay. We need to talk." Was that you?"

Vega shakes her head.

"No, that wasn't me."

Maul begins to look worried.

"But it came from this station. How long have you been here?"

Vega looks confused.

"A few weeks I guess. I tried to contact you in person and noticed your ships were all here but you weren't. So I began monitoring traffic into your building hoping to find something or someone of interest. I watched you three enter the building and followed you up."

Maul squints his eyes and shakes his head.

"Jesus that's fucking creepy, Vega."

He looks over at Khelan.

"We need to get the fuck outta here. I think that tracker was a red herring."

Maul drops his already busted up data-slate on the floor and stomps it.

"I never even thought about that thing. I use it every fucking day and didn't even consider that they'd be tracking it. Such a fucking idiot!."

Maul begins frantically scrambling around the apartment grabbing his backpack and duffel bag full of gear and unplugs the portable storage device. He looks over at Khelan and Omi.

"Let's get out of here."

He looks at Vega as he walks by her to open the door.

"Vega, I want to believe you, I want to believe that you want to bring these fuckers down. If that's true, you better get going."

Vega scurries toward the door; stopping to talk to Maul.

"For what its worth, I really am sorry about everything. It wasn't right to do what I did to you. I guess I'm just fucked up in the head."

Maul hurries her out the door.

"Don't worry about it. I've come to realize lately that everyone is pretty fucked up. So, now you can take comfort in knowing you're not alone. Now go!"

Vega runs down the hallway and down the stairs. Gunshots begin to echo from the floors below.

Maul turns to Khelan and Omi.

"Guys, I think I fucked up by coming back here."

Last edit: 07 Jun 2019, 4:39am
07 Jun 2019, 12:41pm
Khelan looks towards the sound of the gunfire.

"Ah say we make like a tree an get oota here!" he says looking towards the fire escape outside the window. He scrambles over to the side of it sending piles to random electrical junk flying as he moves.

Omi looks around the apartment and notices a broom propped up in the corner, she snatches it and throws it towards Khelan who catches it and presses himself against the wall. He uses the broom to open the window using the wall as cover and a shot rings out from across the street out smashing through the glass.

"Thought as much" he growls "Wit did ye dae? Call the heid honchos maw a fat coo fat oar somethin?"

Omi moves around behind the sofa, unstrapping the rifle from her back, tapping a control on the side as she readys the weapon. She drops to one knee using the old sofa as a rest and looks through the scope directly at the outside wall of the apartment.

Khelan realises exactly what's going on and quickly hits the floor.

"Get doon!!!" he yells as Omi's finger moves to the trigger.

"Peek-a-boo, I see you" purrs Omi as she looks through the infrared scope at a figure on the rooftop across the street.

Omi's gun roars once, the outside wall of the apartment explodes outwards and the sniper on the opposite rooftop vanishes into a cloud of red mist.
07 Jun 2019, 4:27pm
******Sen/EC/Kaisla Arc******

"I said put him through, COVAS"

"I tried sir, but there was an error with the transmission." COVAS replies.

EC reaches over and pries his magnetic thermal bottle from its home under the instrument panel.

"Ah, sweet caffeinated nectar of life." he says smiling to himself, taking a sip of hot coffee before replacing the lid.

Just then, his text communication panel blinks, notifying him of a new message. He drops the bottle and it snaps to the armrest of his chair with a 'plink', before checking the message:

Sen Zaurak

 ------------ Text transmission body from relay number 79372.  Network ID Conduit NVB-DA4 -------------------

Com hail request from: Dreadnaught  CNV-301 Coded

Message:  "Hey mate, not sure if you are still up for a bit of adventure but I may have a Job for you.  Make your way to the Mega ship that will be jumping out of the system in a few hours.  Grab a landing pad. After the jump meet me at Prospect station. I will tell you more then."  

------------------------------------------------------- Com transmission ends ---------------------------------------

"Man, I am really going to regret saying that. I think my adventure tank is full." he takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Hey, wait a second... COVAS did that message come from an infrastructure node?"

"Yes sir," COVAS replies. "It was sent via a Metro Media communications dish."

"Hmm... unusual."

EC ponders the possible reasons that Sen would have had to use such an unorthodox method of reaching out. Deciding that none of them were good, he begins to plan his next moves.

He reaches for his comms:
"Arbiter this is Animus" he radios
'Go for Arbiter' Echo replies

"Guys drop what you're doing, I got a message from Sen... sent from a hacked infrastructure node on the local megaship."
He liberates his coffee from its magnetic perch and takes a sip before continuing.
"He wants to meet me at The Prospect after the jump, but something has to be going on."

'What's the plan, then?' Echo asks
"You're going to drop in and act natural. Keep in mind you may have a kill warrant as well from Citi. I'm going to drop in 10k behind you and run silent, keep an eye out for anybody keeping an eye out for you. We'll go from there. Don't make contact with Sen until we know what's happening. Plan on meeting him at Prospect as requested unless necessity dictates."


"Roger that boss, Arbiter out." Echo says before turning to Raven, still spinning in his copilot seat.

"I don't like... dude, stop, if you puke I'm going to kick your ass... anyway I don't like this." he says

Raven stops spinning and raises an eyebrow at Echo.

"I think you should get the fighter ready." he adds.

"I was so hoping you'd say that!" Raven says, enthusiastically unstrapping from his copilot seat and making his way to the fighter bay.

"OK, we're dropping out in 10"


Approaching the megaship, he can see from the Arbiter's wing beacon that they've just dropped out.

EC slows down to safe approach speed and cuts his frame shift drive, dropping into normal space.
Immediately, he switches to silent running. He was a bit uncomfortable with how hot this particular ship runs silent, but it was necessary for the moment.

He hears over the comms as the Arbiter is granted docking, and sees it making its way unusually slowly to the pad.

He keeps an eye out, and starts a low-energy passive scan of the area, trying to locate any potential tails or weirdness using his wingmates as bait...
07 Jun 2019, 9:46pm
KhelanKhelan looks towards the sound of the gunfire.

"Ah say we make like a tree an get oota here!" he says looking towards the fire escape outside the window. He scrambles over to the side of it sending piles to random electrical junk flying as he moves.

Omi looks around the apartment and notices a broom propped up in the corner, she snatches it and throws it towards Khelan who catches it and presses himself against the wall. He uses the broom to open the window using the wall as cover and a shot rings out from across the street out smashing through the glass.

"Thought as much" he growls "Wit did ye dae? Call the heid honchos maw a fat coo fat oar somethin?"

Omi moves around behind the sofa, unstrapping the rifle from her back, tapping a control on the side as she readys the weapon. She drops to one knee using the old sofa as a rest and looks through the scope directly at the outside wall of the apartment.

Khelan realises exactly what's going on and quickly hits the floor.

"Get doon!!!" he yells as Omi's finger moves to the trigger.

"Peek-a-boo, I see you" purrs Omi as she looks through the infrared scope at a figure on the rooftop across the street.

Omi's gun roars once, the outside wall of the apartment explodes outwards and the sniper on the opposite rooftop vanishes into a cloud of red mist.

Maul takes Khelan's advice and falls to the floor.

After the loud commotion he opens his eyes and looks up to see a hole in the wall.

"Ah well, there goes my security deposit."

Maul stands up and runs over to the opposite side of the window that Khelan is at and peers out into the street.

He sees Vega exit the apartment building and run down the street firing shots at the few odd hired guns left alive.

"That has to be a good sign, right? If she made it out maybe there wasn't that many guys downstairs."

He makes sure his gear is secured around him and runs towards the door with his pistol in hand.

"Guys, I'm going to go down this way and make sure things are clear. Omi, you're clearly the best shot here, mind seeing if you can get a few of those guys from the fire escape? I'll try to help once I get on street level. Khelan, you can come with me or try to help her." He points at the desk his computer is sitting on. "Third drawer down, there's a pistol with a few extra clips. Just move all the candy bar wrappers. It's in there, I swear."
07 Jun 2019, 10:47pm
Khelan and Omi both turn to Maul and shout "Wait!" at him in unison.

"That wis too fuckin easy" says Khelan "They hid us boxed up nicely in here aw they hid tae dae wis hauld us here till we ran oota ammo an then they coulda waltzed in here and popped us nae bother at all."

"Personally I would have just fired a high yield explosive rocket into the apartment from across the way. That way I would have been sure everyone was dead and any evidence in the apartment was destroyed." says Omi matter of factly.

"Wit Ah'm tryin tae say is that if they wanted us deed then they wouldn't have given up so easily. Wan wee lassie wi a glorified pop gun goes rushin oot an they all scatter? Think aboot it ye go racin off aifter her an Ah guarantee ye yer headed straight intae an ambush. Ye Heard all that noise, they boys wur packin some serious firepower an yet we're still breathing. Somethin here smells worse than the Prids toilet aiftur ye've been fur a shite in it!"

Khelan looks to Maul as sirens start to wail in the distance.

"Your choice mate, either we rush off intae a potential ambush, we find somewhere tae hole up till we figure oot exactly wits goin oan oar we stay here an wait fur the cops tae fit us wi nice steel bracelets."
08 Jun 2019, 1:20am
******Sen/EC/Kaisla Arc******

A well armed man keeping his attention on Sen as he places his hands over his rifle that he untucked from under part of his uniform garment.  Sen's joke about the weather not being met by any amusement from him nor the Sammy that followed close behind Sen, circling as his gaze still locked on Sen as well.    A station worker mixing some sort of sludge like drink at the food cart.  A yellow vest , hoodie and wearing a gas mask.  The look of the mans skin, colored and green.   A shorter figure stands with his back to Sen before turning around. Looking down can now see the face of the figure.  Droid features come into view as Sen pulls the cigar from his lips.  

"Oh shit.  Sparky."  Sen says with a sigh and looks back over to Sammy, the chances of the two now allied up Sen can only shake his head as to the trouble ahead. Looking back to the Droid.  

"How the hell would you, "  Sen stops and corrects. "No, the real question is WHY would you."

The sound of heels stepping out from behind some crates.   A Woman smiles slowly at Sen looking him up and down.  "What? Why would I hire one of the most notorious, cold hearted, mercs that survived a bounty collection?"  The womans says as she smiles,  looking at her nails as she runs her thumb over the edge of her forefinger.  Only to glance up at him through her lashes.  You turned down my offer to join my wing, had to fill the spot with someone now didn't I? Hows the back anyway? Healed up nicely?" She coos at him with a hint of venom.

Sen pulls the cigar from his lips and drops it to the ground. Stepping on it as he reaches out pushing Sparky the Droid to the side as he walks closer to Rose.  The body language of everyone around flich to more tense stances. Even rose jerks as she straightens up slightly. Iburst of anticipated adrenaline rushes through her body as he heart speeds up.  That desire for violent action shows like fire in her eyes as she holds her smile as the possible excitement rushes over her face.  

Sen's expression flashing a sarcastic laugh before letting it fade quickly.  "Yes, I remember.  You were upset at being turned down. Very admirable not letting it show in the bar at the time. Letting it all come out later." Sen says as he reaches out, taking her hand. Rose allows him to do so as he looks over her sharp nails.  

"What can I say, I was enjoying the bourbon, and the company." She says slipping her hand out of Sens grip slowly.  "And I very much enjoyed the night, not all of the scratches on that back were from anger honey." She says charmley evil.  Her expression turning from lusty to sarcastic and mocking . "Ohhh but hows the eye? Can you see out of it okay?"  She ends with a greater level of sarcasm.  

Sen smiles not letting her taunting get to him. His eyepiece hud displaying tracking information of each person standing around him, Rose being scanned with thermal spectrums then inferred. The light immeting from her skin making her clothing nearly seem not there as he can see right though it.

"Yeah, great, never better." Sen answers her question as he fishes another cigar from his inside pocket and flicks the zippo open. Saying between puffs. "Lets get to the point Rose."  The smoke bellows out the sides of his mouth as talks.

"Mmmm yes, lets."  Rose says in a sultry tone.  "There is a kill order for you my sweet."  Rose says.

"It's not authorized" Sen responds

"I don't care." Rose responds in the same sultry tone she started with and as quick as Sen could get the words off his lips.  

"Don't fret baby, we are not going to do it here.  But when we get to where we are going, and you get out into the black.  Baby. " Rose says stepping closer. "You'r head is mine, and that credit payment will buy Sammy a new ship."  She smiles up at him before letting her smile drop to a scowl and a whispered hiss. "Nobody says no to me Sen."  She says in hushed anger not wanting to show the turn down left a bruse with her.

"Well, clearly that's not true." Sen responds confidently and dead pan.

The look of anger flashes in her eyes as she turns to walk away. Rising her hand to signal her men to stand down and follow her.  "Tickey tock Sen the ship will leave soon and then "  Looking over her shoulder.  "You get to see your new resting place deep in Guardian space with the rest of the relics." She says walking off with Sparky, Sammy not far behind."

Sen frowns at her words.  "That cuts Rose. That really cuts." Sen says back to her, his usual joking self returning in the goodbye only to be met with a middle finger from her not looking back as they turn the corner and disappear.  Just before Sen looks away he sees Sparky the Droid come back around the corner quickly.   Standing for a second as he and Sen share a stare. Sen ready for blaster fire to be directed his way he steadys on his feet to jump behind the crates to take cover.   Sparky the Droid lifting a middle finger at Sen for a few seconds before turning and running away in the same direction as the other.  

"Well, that went well."  Kat says over the com as she turns her mic volume back up.  "Please never subject me to those mental images ever again."  She says.

"Yeah? You think so? You think it went well? I dunno I felt some tension in the room."  Sen says back to Kat.

A slight laugh from Kat "Well while you were busy catching up with psycho one night stand girl." Kat stops and looks up from her display. "Please tell me that was only one night stand girl and not like once upon a nightmare girlfriend , girl." Kat injects.

"Keep going as I was busy catching up with psycho,"  Sen deflects.

Kats eyes roll and she shakes her head. "You're right, I don't want to know. " She says as she looks back down at the monitor. "While you were strolling through nightmare lane, I located the smiling man place on the ships manifest but it's not called Smiling man, its listed here as advanced parts repair and services. "  Kat looks up confused.  "Anyway you are nearly on top of it. Just turn around , go 40 meters and turn left. And hurry it up will ya! The ship is leaving like really soon and you need to be in the ships seat when we jump to witch space." She says pointedly.

"On it." Sen says as he takes off into a sprint.  

"Oh and I think your message got to your friend by the way.  I saw on radar his com signal requesting landing on the ship so he is somewhere here already." Kat adds

"Good!"  Sen says as he turns the corner to look up seeing a door guard dressed much like a nightclub bouncer smoking a cigarette outside the door.  

Kat peels her attention away from the ship timer for jump to look at the live video feed from Sen's eyepiece.  The face coming into view as he walks closer to the door. Her body goes stiff, as he eyes go wide. "HIM!"

"WHO?" Sen says back in a hushed tone as he walks up to the man.  

"MEATHEAD! FROM DOCK 11!" Kat shouts as she stands up in a panic seeing the mans face that nearly killed her. "Kill him Sen! Do it, I, I will block out station services sensors for weapons fire, knock out the cameras, I ,, I,,... God.. I..." Kat goes into a panic clearly traumatized by what took place not long ago.

"Kat , relax" Sen whispers to her to get her to stop . "Dex, mute, kill feed. Tend to Kat."  Sen says to the ships AI  "Yes Sir." Dex says as it kills all radio coms and video feeds back to the Dreadnaught.  

The large man turns around to see Sen approaching.  "You got some big nerves coming here."  The man says to Sen his heavy Russian accent deep and low.  

"Im sorry do we know each other?" Sen asks.

"No but I do know you." The large man says. "You killed my brother, My twin brother." He says with anger in his tone starting to step forward slowly.

Sen matching the mans movements but backwards to keep a good fighting distance . "Sorry who is your brother again? I mean I don't want to be disrespectful and not know who I killed." Sen says, coming across in a hint of humor.

"Damas! HIS NAME WAS DAMAS!" The man shouts.

The movements of the man and Sen like two ships jousting in deep space. "Sorry," Sen says with a laugh. "I'm not sure if it is because I have been in a ship to long and my hearing is  going or if its your really unintelligible accent but did you say his name was Dumb Ass"  Sen says taunting the man more.  

"DAMAS!" the man shouts again. "AND I AM JOCKAS VOLSTOCK AND I WILL KILL YOU!" the shouts as he starts to charge forward. Sen taking a stance to engage in hand to hand. Suddenly the man comes to a stop. Looking off to his left as his earpiece crackles.

Sen watches curiously as he hears the door behind him go unlocked.  Jokas looking at Sen saying through angered clenched teeth.  "Mr Spiritweaver will see you now."  He says under heavy breath.  Sen looks over his shoulder at the door, as he steps back, the dressed up dock door opens for him as he steps inside.  

"Well hey, really nice to meet you Jackass, its been fun, sorry about your brother, "  Sen says stepping inside the doorway. The mans anger growing but knows he is under orders to do nothing.  "My condolences to the Volstock family, even more sorry your mother hated you both so much to give you names like that but hey, family right? " Sen says with a slight laugh as the door shuts and locks.  The taunting being to much for the man as he rushes forward to try to get Sen before the door closes.   A large bang on the other side as even the hallow lock indicator glitches as the impact of the man hitting the door and the dust around the frame comes down in a myst.  Sen looks at the dock door and scans it, seeing no cracks around the frame but can see a glitch in the electronics caused by the twin thug."

"Well that answers that question."  Sen says half to him self and half to Dex.

"Jockas is the least of your worries Zuarak."  A digitized voice echos as Sen turns around taking a few steps into the area.

Sen walking in, looking around the very large hanger that has been converted into something he can not place. Looking up at the large paintings on the wall the clear sign of Frost and his love for all things evil and dark show all around.  The oriental theme mixing with Frosts background growing up in Japan back on Earth.  

"Advanced technology detected Sir."  Dex says to him as the eyepiece locks in on cybernetic arms on hooks. Some still covered in blood from the pilots that once owned them.  A frame shift drive interdictor that had been heavily modified sits hangs near by.

"Yeah I see that."  Sen says back to Dex.

"That is not what I was referencing." Dex responds.

The sound of military grade servo controllers echo in the room. The sound of metal clanking across the floor as Sen turns to face the sound.   There standing before him a collection of very expensive yet sophisticated robotics configuration walks up.  The typical pilots helmet but clearly modified in an advanced lab.  The high altitude personal wing pack for long range infiltration for ground troops locked in place onto a cybernetic spine . Covering of military uniform seen over parts of the main controls and the very familiar tooth necklace that Frost Spiritweaver always wore.  

"Frost, you'er looking...." Sen pasues as he tries to scan Frost but something appears to be jamming the visual scanners.  "Well..."  Sen ends.

"Look lets cut to the chase as I am having a really hard time focusing as I think you have gone really overboard with the whole cybernetic enhancement thing so just stop me if I am wrong. The ship is about to jump and I just have some questions that need answering. Ok?"  Sen says just jumping into things.

"I think those were your men that attacked that courier guy.  Jackass over there , " Sen motions to the door. "gave that one away.  I think the data is, " Sen is suddenly interrupted by Frost.  

"You will hand over the data now Zaurak."  Frost says. The mechanical digitized voice flanges.

"Um yeah, Im thinking no." Sen responds. "I am thinking now, that I see,, well... " Gestures at frosts appearance.  "The Federation did not want it to land in your hands, um, claws, uh,,, what evers" Sen continues.  "And that is the only reasons your name came up. " Sen says with a smile as he outstretched his hands.  "How am I doing so far?"  Sen asks.

"You will give it to me, one way or the other Zaurak. " Frost says starting to move forward.  Sen looks over his shoulder at the door to see it still locked just as the red strobes of the mega ship activate.

"Attention all passengers. We will be entering frame shift drive in 10 min.  Please return to your ships or find a near by jump seating area. Please make sure your straps are secure as we jump into witch space."  The message starts to repeat. The door unlocks just as Jockas steps in looking around for Sen he sees him and starts to charge.

"Oh look at that time to go."  Sen says as he drops a smoke canister on the floor in front of him. Turning to face the charging man.   Sens eyepiece turning red as he makes a fast move to use the charging mans momentum against him and deflects the tackle like a seasoned sports player.   The man falling forward and crashing into Frost as Sen rushes past and out the door in a full run heading back to the dreadnaught.  He looks over as he exits to get a good scan of the frame shift drive interdictorr as he runs past.  

"Upload that to the ship and inform Kat I am on my way back!" Sen says running full speed through the halls back to the Dreadnaught.

"Yes Sir." Dex responds as the information scan now working as it was not targeted on Frost any longer.

Jockas starts to take chase but is tugged back by Frost.  "Control your emotions!" Frost says.  "Go strap in. We shall get him when we reach the next system."  Frost says as he turns to secure himself away."

Last edit: 08 Jun 2019, 11:31am
08 Jun 2019, 2:26am
KhelanKhelan and Omi both turn to Maul and shout "Wait!" at him in unison.

"That wis too fuckin easy" says Khelan "They hid us boxed up nicely in here aw they hid tae dae wis hauld us here till we ran oota ammo an then they coulda waltzed in here and popped us nae bother at all."

"Personally I would have just fired a high yield explosive rocket into the apartment from across the way. That way I would have been sure everyone was dead and any evidence in the apartment was destroyed." says Omi matter of factly.

"Wit Ah'm tryin tae say is that if they wanted us deed then they wouldn't have given up so easily. Wan wee lassie wi a glorified pop gun goes rushin oot an they all scatter? Think aboot it ye go racin off aifter her an Ah guarantee ye yer headed straight intae an ambush. Ye Heard all that noise, they boys wur packin some serious firepower an yet we're still breathing. Somethin here smells worse than the Prids toilet aiftur ye've been fur a shite in it!"

Khelan looks to Maul as sirens start to wail in the distance.

"Your choice mate, either we rush off intae a potential ambush, we find somewhere tae hole up till we figure oot exactly wits goin oan oar we stay here an wait fur the cops tae fit us wi nice steel bracelets."

Maul stops just as he is about to exit the apartment and listens to Omi and Khelan.

"Shit, you're probably right. The fuck was I thinking? Running out there loaded down with gear and a single pistol. My adrenaline nearly got the best of me there."

He presses the button to close the door and puts his hands on the counter to take a moment to calm down.

He picks his pistol back up and turns to Khelan.

"You're absolutely right, they had a chance to kill every single one of us just then. They must be up to something. We need to find a place to lay low and sort all of this out because I don't even know what's going on anymore. Vega showing up out of nowhere has me wondering if you've been right about her this whole time. I mean she escaped seemingly without a scratch. Fuck!"

Maul kicks over the coffee table that had miraculously survived the encounter.

"If it were up to me I'd walk out that door and take down as many of them as I could before they gunned me down." He cracks a bit of a smile. "Which would probably be exactly zero."

He laughs and rubs his head out of frustration and looks at Khelan and Omi with a defeated look.

"I don't know anymore but if I know you guys as well as I think I do, I'd bet that at least one of you was plotting our escape route while I was just losing my collective shit over here."

He looks at Omi.

"Am I right?"

Last edit: 08 Jun 2019, 2:40am
09 Jun 2019, 5:42pm
Khelan turns to look at Omi only to discover she's already out the window and is scrabbling up the fire escape headed towards the roof.

"Ah guess we're goin up." he deadpans.
09 Jun 2019, 6:45pm
Maul smiles and runs towards the window to follow Khelan and Omi to the rooftops.

"If I fall and die, tell people I died in a badass gunfight or something. I don't want to be remembered as "that green haired stain on the sidewalk"."

Once on the rooftops Maul looks around in an attempt to see what options they have.

"Okay, so what's the plan here? I see a few other buildings we can access from the rooftops. Maybe we could make our way to street level and run the opposite direction of the big guys with guns or maybe hole up in one of the apartments."

He shrugs.

"Making plans has never been my strong suit. Last time I was in a predicament similar to this, I jumped from a 2nd story window and fucked up my ankle. So needless to say, I'm pretty much wide open for suggestions."
09 Jun 2019, 7:12pm
Omi runs in the opposite direction from what Vega went and jumps from the rooftop onto the next one.

Khelan looks at Maul and shrugs.

He takes off running as fast as he can and jumps to the next rooftop, he lands roughly and sprawls forward before scrabbling to his feet.

"Oooyaaa fucker!" he exclaims getting back up to his feet.

Omi keeps running and jumps over to the next rooftop.

Khelan shakes his head and takes off after her.
09 Jun 2019, 8:16pm
Maul watches as Khelan makes the jump. He walks to the edge and looks down at the ground below.

"Nope, nope. NOPE!" He says while stepping back and pacing around.

He shakes his head and takes his gear off to throw it to the next building.

"Don't think about it. Don't look down. Light as a feather...light as a feather."

He runs at the edge and to his surprise, successfully jumps the gap.

"Did you see that?! Holy shit!" He yells as he looks back at the building he just jumped from. Realizing Khelan and Omi are already jumping more roof tops, he grabs his gear and repeats the process.

"Light as a feather...light as a feather"

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