Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
15 Aug 2019, 11:51pm
Khelan sits watching as the figure of Maul flys towards the stricken Krait and go inside, he holds back just out of sensor range, every non essential system shut down to minimise his heat signature.

"C'mon gooliebhoy ye can dae it" he whispers to himself.

His eyes widen as ships start dropping out of supercruise around The Enigma and start firing on it and on each other.

"Fuck!" he shouts as the Krait starts making a run for it it's thrusters throwing off huge flumes of smoke and sparks.

Out of the corner of his eye he watches as Shinigami takes a stray hit from a rail gun and peels off away from the fight.

Vegas voice comes over the comms informing him of Maul's capture and he punches the throttle hard against the stop while throwing Headhunter around to give pursuit.

"Leo, gie me everythin ye've goat tae weapons an then engines" he shouts as he jumps to supercruise to chase down The Enigma hurriedly turning on everything he needs for the upcoming fight.

"We're within interdiction range commander" Leo informs him and Khelan activates the Interdictor pulling the Krait out of supercruise for the second time.

Khelan pops his hard points and opens up with a vicious blast from his beam lasers quickly stripping The Enigma's shields down as its pilot tries in vain to turn to face him while Khelan slides Headhunter around using vertical and horizontal thrusters while tapping the flight assist on and off rapidly to keep his ship under control.

"Target shields offline" announces Leo and Khelan switches to his secondary weapons. The missile lock tone sounds in his ear and he launches a salvo directly at the other ship. The Enigma's point defense turrets take care of some of the missiles but several find their mark ripping chunks out of the Kraits hull.

"Leo, target his engines, Ah dinnae wanna hiv tae chase him doon again." he says before switching to his multi-cannons.

"Done, commander"

Khelan slides Headhunter around behind and just below The Enigma as he unleashes a hail of fire directly into the rear of The Enigma. In his helmet display he watches as the module integrity drops as his shells hit the mark and the engines splutter and die.

"Incoming message" reports Leo "It's from Shinigami, Ms Vega is heading our way as fast as she can."

"Leo, see if ye can patch me intae Maul's comms wid ye?"

"Unable to comply, his helmet is powered down indicating he's not wearing it."

"Fuck! Gie me general comms then. Ah want tae speak tae whoever is oan that ship."

"Don't need to commander he's hailing us" responds Leo.

"Attention unknown vessel, your cowardly attack has been reported and the system authorities are inbound. We're carrying no cargo and have nothing of value. Leave now and I won't push for charges against you."

Khelan looks wide eyed at the other ship

"Leo keep an eye oot fur cops wid ye?" he asks before turning on the comms to Enigma

"Yer fulla shite pal. Yer a murderin scumbag and yer a child killer tae boot. Gie me Maul an Ah'll let ye live. If ye don't then Ah'll kill ye both."

"You would kill your friend just to get me? I don't think so." sneers the voice over the comms

"He wid be happy tae die if it meant takin ye oot wi him" responds Khelan as he targets one of hard points on top of The Enigma and lets off a quick burst from his multi-cannons ripping the weapon clean off.

"Next time Ah take yer reactor oot" says Khelan "Yer choice pal"
16 Aug 2019, 4:55am
Bryce mutes the comms to Headhunter and walks over to Maul.

"Tell this fucking idiot I'm not playing around." He says as he uncuffs Maul and slams his head down onto the console causing the comms to unmute.

"Why the fuck haven't you killed me yet?" Maul asks Bryce.

Bryce hesitates to answer and laughs a bit. "If it were up to me kid, I'd have shot you the moment you walked in here but someone is wanting to speak with you."

"Oh really? They could have just called, ya know?" Maul asks sarcastically and receives a punch in the face.

"There you go with that mouth of yours again! I hated it before and I hate it now." Bryce yells as he slams him into the console again.

"Tell you're friend to back down!"

Maul coughs and spits a bit of blood onto the buttons scattered around the console.


Bryce shouts out in rage and slings Maul backwards smacking into the diagnostics screen in the back of the cockpit.

"That's it asshole!" Bryce shouts as he walks over to the weapon rack to retrieve his rifle. Maul notices his blade strapped to the pilots chair and scrambles to his feet to make a run for it. Bryce turns around to see Maul running across the cockpit and fires at him causing the canopy to crack. He stops at the realization.

Maul, who was now laying on the floor reaches up and unstraps his blade. He stands up and looks at the cracks in the canopy then back to Bryce.

"Well now that was pretty fucking stupid, wasn't it?"

Bryce begins stomping his way towards Maul with his own blade.

Maul unsheathes his blade and swings it at Bryce. He narrowly missed. Bryce follows up with a punch to Maul's face causing his nose to begin to bleed. Bryce picks him up with one arm and slams him into the cracked canopy causing him to drop his blade. Maul kicks him in the groin. Bryce releases him and buckles over. About the time Maul grabs his blade, Bryce rams him against the canopy with his shoulder. The canopy audibly cracks.

Maul having the wind knocked out of him attempts to catch his breath as Bryce fully stands back up towering over him. He throws Maul across the cockpit again. He smacks the console and falls to the floor. Bryce slowly walks over to him with his own blade in hand.

"You better make peace with whatever higher power you believe in, kid."

Maul groans and scoots himself into a sitting position with his back against the console.

"You ever read the Bible, Bryce?"

"No." Bryce sneers at the question.

"Actually me neither, but there's a passage I got memorized that I like to think about when times get tough. Ezekiel 25:17. “The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers." Maul slowly gets to his feet to look Bryce in the eye before continuing. "And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!”

Bryce and Maul stare at each other for a moment in complete silence.

"Passphrase Accepted. Self Destruct Sequence Initiated." The ships COVAS echos through the cockpit.

Bryce looks over at the flashing red lights as Maul picks his blade up and stabs him in the stomach multiple times.

Bryce falls to his knees clutching his stomach as Maul walks over to the weapons rack and grabs a pistol and helmet.

"Power Plant Capacity Exceeded." Announces the COVAS as alarms start blaring.

Maul approaches the bleeding Bryce and puts the gun to the back of his head.

"You fucked up, kid. You really fucked up this time." Bryce mumbles. "It won't stop here. It'll never stop."

"No, you fucked up, Bryce! I'm just the result of The Corporation's mess. You said it yourself. You people trained me. I'm a monster, just like the rest of you. I'm just the consequence to your all's actions!" Maul shouts before he fires a bullet through Bryce's head.

"Self Destruct In 30 Seconds."

Maul slides his helmet on and straps his blade to his thigh. He turns towards the cracked canopy and fires the rest of the magazine into it causing it to shatter. His mag boots disengage and he's sucked through the breached canopy. Using the microthrusters on his suit he attempts to get far enough away to avoid any harm from the explosion.

The helmets visor shows that there are 3 minutes of oxygen remaining. Maul smirks and closes his eyes. He floats freely as the ship explodes behind sending debris scattering.

Last edit: 16 Aug 2019, 6:21am
16 Aug 2019, 6:16pm
Churning and twisting through witch space, the Hand of Lambast tore through the fabric of space time, the system star appearing in stark relief against the backdrop of the Orion arm glowing richly amongst the blackness of space. As the Python decelerated hard against the jump vector, the occupants could feel the sudden stop attempting to pull them out of their chairs. In the sudden stillness, vents purged and the hull creaked at the temperature flux. Kaisla lets out a deep breath and glances over at EC, seated quietly in the other chair. He nods at her in shared thought, “Here we go.”

The Hands sensors start to ping continuously as several ships all swivel their sensors on the Python, electronically interrogating the ship identification. Lambast enters the bridge, crossing her arms and standing at the top of the stairs. “Remember Kai, we’re a diplomatic attaché, no crazy flying. Fly like you own the place.”

“Thanks mum,” Kai rolls her eyes and gently introduces thrust to the primary reactors.

Not even five minutes in system and the Python is hailed by a Federal Corvette prowling near the navigation beacon. “India-Alpha 5847, radar contact, identify yourself and purpose in system.”

Kai dials up the channel on her keypad and keys the microphone, “Federal vessel, India-alpha 5847, Strativaly is an Imperial diplomatic attaché under Joint Executive order 5568 of Achenar, two-thousand, three hundred eighty-two CE; disengage your targeting systems immediately or we shall respond with force.” Kai maintained a clipped tone to her voice, doing her level-best at her Lambast impression.

The targeting computer on the Python changed tones from one of a consistent ping to a passive tone. “We recognize diplomatic immunity under the cease-fire treaty of twenty three, eighty two. What are your intentions Strativaly?”

Kai adjusted herself again, sitting straighter in the chair, “Enroute to Conduit pursuant to investigation of conspiracies against the Empire and further investigative inquiry.” Four heavily armed Eagles joined up alongside the Hand of Lambast, holding a tight formation. Kaisla could make out the REMLOK of the pilot in the nearest Eagle, straining to identify the markings of the Python.

“Strativaly, our security forces will escort you in. Given the nature of this situation, I’m sure you understand.” The voice crackles over the speakers.

Kai continues to watch the nearest Eagle for signs of aggression, “Naturally, the Strativaly is gracious for your support.” Kai responds back to the Corvette.

EC looks over to Kaisla, “This seems to be working - I’m happy we decided to costume up before we arrived with how close these guys are. It looks like its not going to be as easy to get out though.”

Kaisla, focusing on navigating smoothly, glances up at EC. “Well, Lambasts cover will at least get you guys onto the Animus without any issues but when you guys start to power up systems, this charade is going to fall apart quickly. Lamb and I will stay here on the Hand and get a secure channel open to you guys. We’ll already be coming out of dock by the time you guys launch but then we’re going to have to jump fast not to be barbecued.”

EC focuses ahead as the Conduit Mega-ship starts to get larger in the Python’s expansive windscreen.

The Federal Corvette radios back to the Python: “Strativaly, we’ve coordinated docking arrangements for you, you’re cleared for pad one eight and immediate approach is approved. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Kai ignores the transmission and starts to deliberately and slowly position the Python for an approach vector to pad 18. She pirouettes the Python around smoothly and thrusters the ship down, letting the velocity bleed off just as the landing gear struts compress onto the pad. The magnetic docking clamps securely latch onto the pad feet and the slab of steel rotates through 180 degrees, pulling the Python down into the docking bay. As the rest of the shutdown is handled by Holly, Kaisla un-latches from the cockpit seat and strides out of the cockpit with EC right behind her. Meeting up in the crew quarters, Lambast has already hidden away any traces of the crew being anything but an Imperial attaché.

Everyone briefly exchanges a worried glance. EC looks calm, Raven looks focused, Echo chews on a last bit of bacon left over from breakfast. Lambast sits in an opulent chair, completely in character. Finally, the light sequence indicates bay atmosphere has equalized enough to crack open the Python’s ramp. Kaisla, doing her duty as the Ambassador’s pilot, opens the hatch and initiates the sequence to lower the ramp.

With hardly a second for the vents to finish purging, a Federal security contingent stride up the ramp and stand by the hatchway, a watch officer in an impressive and immaculate uniform nods curtly to Lambast, “Permission to board Madam Ambassador?”

Lambast glances to him, only making the briefest of eye contact, “You may. Keep your checks brief and your men may not walk on the carpet. That’s authentic Rythinum hide and its priceless.”

A few Federal agents walk onto the Python (ensuring not to walk on the carpet) and produce biometric retinal scanners and tiny, black square devices. The agents dutifully scan everyone’s retina and utilize the square devices to siphon a single drop of blood from each finger tip. The watch officer approaches Lambast and kneels next to her chair, “I apologize for this inconvenience Madame Ambassador, but surely you understand given the events of the last 72 hours, we must keep security tight for the safety of contingent and others, may I?” He asks indicating to scan her retina and pull her blood. Lambast profs a finger and raises her chin to produce an open retina. “Quickly man, quickly, we have business to attend to.”

The retina scan is easily doped by utilizing gel contacts that harmonize with the wearers current retinal patterns to make them ones that are commensurate with their position in the Imperial Navy. Although, to get around the blood sample, each member of the crew has had thin prosthetics meticulously glued to their finger tips that hold a capsule of legitimate blood. Each member passes their required checks and after a brief wait time, the watch officer checks his slate. “Everything appears in order, thank you for your patience Madame Ambassador.” He indicates to his agents and they file out of the ship, the final officer accidentally stepping on the carpet.

Lambast bolts from her chair, “I say Man! What the hell are you thinking? Provide me your badge number immediately!” The man freezes, turning slowly and bending into a shallow bow, “My grace, my deepest apologies.” Lambast cuts him off, “I gave implicit instructions NOT to step on my priceless carpet yet you Federal thugs blatantly ignore my command!” Kaisla shoots Lambast a quick look. Lambast sees her bolt of silver hair turn toward her, “Never mind! Get off my ship immediately!” Lambast commands. The agent turns and shuffles off the ship quickly.

After re-sealing the Python hatch, Kaisla lets out a deep breath. EC looks at Lambast and nods, “That was some fine acting you did there ‘Madame Ambassador,’” he teasingly mocks.

Lambast lets out a constrained laugh, “Its all in the attitude.”

EC stands from where he was leaning against a bulkhead, “Okay, now lets get the Animus and get the hell out of here.”
16 Aug 2019, 10:22pm
EC funtion checks his pistol, as is his habit before leaving the ship. Only he noticed immediately something was different. It is not his pistol, after all, but one a little more... standard-issue, so as not to draw attention.

He certainly didn't feel as out of place as he knew Raven must have, without his swords. He was competent enough with a pistol, it just wasn't his preference.

"Are we ready, fellas?" he looks to his team. Raven and Echo both nod in the affirmative.

"Alright. Kaisla, when you get the signal, you'll want to take off immediately."

Kaisla's confused expression was understandable, as this part of the plan had not been discussed.
"What signal?" she asks.

"Well... it depends on how pear-shaped this goes." EC replies. "But one way or the other, you'll definitely know when it happens."

Lambast began to protest at the suggestion that all of her careful planning would be squandered by 'boys being boys', but EC cut her off, in his best approximation of her accent that he could muster.

"M'lady, fret not. We will be as subtle as the situation will allow."
He reaches over to the hatch controls and opens the hatch, starting his descent before it had even finished.

"Now good day." he calls over his shoulder, posh-as-you-please.

"Love you!" Echo says jokingly to Lambast, elbowing Raven in the ribs on his way by.

"Dick..." mutters Raven to himself, red faced as he exits the ship with his eyes to the floor.

EC waits for the pair as they reach the hangar door. Behind Raven, the Python hatch seals again.

"OK, act natural. Echo, you're going to be the one with the tracker. You're secretarial, which means you're here because you know about Guardian sites."

"Makes sense," Echo says, fishing out a small data slate.

"What I really need you doing is finding the Animus, seeing if it's been compromised or moved, and checking it's repair status... I really hope they sorted out that cracked canopy or this is going to be a real short trip."

Echo gets to work on the slate.

"Raven, you are a valet, so you're here simply for ships and systems knowledge, and you being a 'Gopher' means that I can send you off to do things, and nobody will pay attention to you. Act natural, and when I send you off on an errand, disappear and try to get the Animus as powered-up as you can before they notice something's wrong."

"Move with purpose gentlemen. Remember, we're Imperial guard, and even the lower-caste of us are better than these 'Federal dogs'." EC grins, operating the panel on the hangar door.

The three are already in motion, EC purposefully walking in front with Echo and Raven flanking him, slightly behind, as the hangar door hisses open.

"Hello, welcome to... um..." one of the guards posted outside the door tries to speak to EC, but he keeps moving, eyes forward.

Once out of earshot, he turns his head toward Echo to speak.
"I don't recognize this part of the ship."

"No..." Echo says, checking the slate. "...looks like we're on the opposite side of the ship as before. The quickest way is to cut through the red light district from the look of it."

"'Bout the first fun thing we'll have done on this disaster of a trip." Raven interjects.

Everyone resumes character as a security patrol passes by. Once they are a safe distance away, EC makes a hard left toward the commerce center.

"It's dead in here, where's the crowd?" Echo observes, looking up from the map on his slate.

"Must have the ship on lockdown due to our earlier shennannigans." says Raven with a shrug.

As far as they new, their cover had held up so far.


From her perch on the service catwalk, Ellyn could see the entirety of hangar-access B and the food-services corner of the commerce center.

She normally enjoyed the people-watching while she waited for her prey, but with the ship locked down as it was, anything there was interesting to see dried up about 18 hours ago. Besides, the targets had long since moved on, there is no way they would be stupid enough to come back here.

So here she was, settled in for a long, uneventful stakeout, which would result in a combat-free, meager paycheck and an unfulfilling drink at the bar.

Perhaps it was because she was amusing herself by paying extra attention to detail, or perhaps because she was just desparate for something to do, that the small group of otherwise unremarkable Imperial attachés drew her attention.

She pulled her eye away from the scope of the rifle, and set the stock down on the deck of the catwalk, leaving the frontend resting on its bipod. Reaching down to her belt, she retrieved her thermal binoculars and zoomed in on the trio.

"What the hell?" she says out loud to herself.

Their disguise was good. Great, in fact. Ellyn would never have known if she was anything other than dreadfully understimulated. However, the heat signature differences when scrutinzed with thermal imaging technology revealed something was awry.

She reaches for her communications device.

"Commander Johnston... yes sir... I've got something strange."


Making their way through the massive commerce center of the megaship, the scenery was slowly changing around them. First, it was food courts and restaurants, followed by clothing and accessories, then entertainment. Now, they were starting to pass more and more neon signs indicating bars, adult entertainment, and other houses of ill-repute. There were a few people about, cleaning or maintenance people, security guards, but the streets were mostly dead.

It was an eerie feeling, and only served to exacerbate the acute awareness EC could feel of the 'calm before the storm'.

"Next left, Creamy," Echo informs him.

As EC rounds the corner, he sees two pedestals with pink neon projections of provocatively dressed ladies on either side of the entrance to a club. There is still private security out front, which normaly would not be a red flag, but they are the first people the trio had seen that weren't Federal employees in some form or another.

As they are just about to pass the entrance, it opens with a mechanical clunk and out walks a very large man, large enough to block the hallway.

EC stops, Raven holds out his arm to stop Echo who was consulting the data slate.

The large man turns and walks toward them.

"No... no way." EC says quietly to himself as he recognizes the large man as the very same large man who had attacked the Dreadnaught at Citi Gateway. The same man that EC had killed himself, whose remains he had looted in order to retrieve the very bag for which they had returned to the megaship.

EC had a brief urge to draw his weapon on the man and demand answers, but he thought better of it given their current predicament. They weren't equipped to take on an entire Federal security contingent, and he certainly didn't want to bring the rain down on Kaisla and Lambast before they were aboard a ship and ready to assist.

"Get out of my way, Imperials." says the man in a thick Russian accent, pushing past them.

EC picks up the pace and keeps walking.

"Echo, you recognize that guy?" he asks

"Yeah, but it can't be. Dude, you smoked that guy!"

"Isn't that the guy in the mask from the security footage of Leith?" Raven asks

"Yeah. Keep walking, we're still in character." EC fixes his eyes forward and keeps walking toward the other hangar wing.

Approaching the dock where the Animus was stored, EC could see two guards posted outside.

"Go time boys."

EC approaches the hangar door and shoots a stern look at the guard closest to the door panel.

"I'll need you to open this door." He says in a not perfect, but convincing enough, imperial accent.

"I'm sorry sir, I've been instructed to keep this hangar closed at all times for security reasons." the guard says.

Echo says to EC: "Sir, the Guardian signal is definitely coming from inside."

EC nods in acknowledgement.

"You hear that? There is guardian tech inside this hangar, which we have what should be obvious reason to suspect was lifted from one of the Guardian sites which, as you ought to know, is a serious problem." EC says, keeping up the act.

"I'm sorry, orders are orders. For station security, I need to keep this room sealed." the guard replies. As a low-ranking security service employee, his internal conflict between following strict orders and not being the one to cause diplomatic incident is raging, and it shows in his behavior. EC picks up on this.

"Indeed, orders are orders. Tell me, what do you value more, station security, or job security? Or perhaps personal security?" he asks pointedly,

"Uh..." the guard stammers, being interrupted as EC continues.

"...Because if your answer is anything other than 'station security', then you would hate to hear my orders."

The second guard, who had been silent up until now, subtly repositions his hands on his rifle.

"No, no Phil, it's ok." says the first guard to the second as he turns to open the hangar door.

"Just... listen, be quick, please?" he says, escorting the trio through the door, followed by the second guard. "And don't go near the ship its defenses are active."

Inside the hangar, EC turns to Raven.
"You, go find us some beverages." Raven nods and makes to hurry off.

"What can you tell me about this ship?" EC says to the guards, being sure to make eye contact with both to draw them into the conversation. Behind them, Raven nimbly slinks off behind some boxes and begins to make his way around to the ship.

While EC is distracting the guards, Echo is watching Raven sneak around behind the Animus. Once he is close enough, Echo connects to the ship using the slate and, acting like he is simply scanning, he gets ready to open the cargo scoop and identifies friendly targets for the defensive system on the Animus.

Raven nods Echo, who pushes over a stack of crates, pressing the cargo scoop button just as it comes crashing to the floor.

EC and both guards look over to him, as he feigns falling to the floor, and the guards do not notice the sound of the scoop opening, or Raven quickly climbing the landing gear and fumbling his way into the cargo scoop.

"You dimwit! This is not how you conduct yourself!" EC shouts at Echo.

"I'm sorry sir, I..." Echo pauses, and his focus changes to something behind EC and the guards. Automatic gunfire suddenly erupts inside the hangar, dropping both security guards, and ends as abruptly as it started. EC spins around, ready to draw but hesitates as he sees the large Russian, with a security team, guns all trained on him and Echo.

"Man, deja vu" EC says to nobody in particular.

"I know who you are, Commander." says the Russian.

"I know who you are, you bald jackass." EC replies

"Jockas!" shouts the Russian angrily.

"What...?" EC is interrupted again by the Russian

"Choose your fate Commander! Come with me quietly, or come with me in pieces."

Just then, the ship-wide alarm system begins to sound, and flashing red lights come on inside the hangar bay. No doubt the automatic gunfire inside a secured hangar during a lockdown had turned some heads.

"Hit the deck!" Echo shouts, and they both drop to the floor as Echo presses a button on his slate and the Animus opens fire on the security crew, shredding them into a huge gory mess.

The Russian dips behind the same crates Raven had snuck past, and lifts one of them up in front of himself to use as a sheild from the Animus' fire, running straight towards EC. EC tries to get to his feet fast enough to move out of the way, but can't, and is knocked down by the crate-carrying linebacker.

Echo disables the Animus' cannons for fear of accidentally hitting EC, as the Russian raises the crate above his head to smash EC into paste with a mighty yell.

Echo drew his pistol and fired. The round passed clean through the large man, but didn't seem to have any affect on his resolve. Looking up at the crate, EC saw suddently the profile of a blade swish across the Russian, clean through his raised arms and head.

Acting fast, EC rolled out of the way as the crate came smashing down, arms still attached, and the rest of the hulking mass of the refrigerator-man fell to the floor next to it, the top of his head rolling free from the rest.

Behind him stood Raven, wiping his sword clean.

"You still had one of my swords in the arms locker."

"Let's get the hell out of here. That alarm should be enough of a signal for Kaisla and Lamb to get moving." EC says, starting to get up off of the floor.

As he puts his hands down on the deck to stand up, he notices the inside of the Russian's head... its organic but its full of integrated machinery of some sort.

"What the...?"

"Creamy, lets go!" Echo's shouts snap him back to reality. He would worry about that later.

The three run up to the Animus and strap in to prepare for takeoff as the landing platform rises to the surface of the megaship.

"Hello, old friend." EC says to the ship as the mag clamps release and he blasts off into the black, scanning the area for hostile ships and for Lambast's Python.

Last edit: 19 Aug 2019, 3:47pm
17 Aug 2019, 8:45pm
Lambast is nearly bowled over by Kaisla as she sprints to the cockpit of the Python.

"Holly still know some of his old tricks?!" Kaisla yells as she quickly hooks up to the cockpit chair.

"Yeah but...Why? What's going on?!?" Lambast stumbles as she, herself starts to settle into the co-pilots seat.

Kaisla thrusts her arm out, pointing at a monitor to the back of the bridge. "Because that's our cue!"

Lambast follows her arm to see the screen, "I don't understand, they didn't sound any alarms?"

"Yeah, they don't want to spook anybody or potentially tip off any problems so they only sound alerts on the internal net, that's why I had it on! Holly over-ride dock controls and launch the Hand.

Holly responds curtly, "Aye Commander, already in process and we should be moving now."

The pad is already shifting forward and Kai can see the top most deck retract, showing the blackness above the ship. She starts to feed power to the thrusters against the strain of the pad magnetic clamps. As soon as they release moments later, the Hand of Lambast rockets vertically out of the bay. Kaisla kicks off the flight assist and boosts while spinning the Python onto its spine. An Eagle rounds the mega-structure of the Conduit but is seconds too late as the Hand of Lambasts' formidable firepower splinter out of the hull. Kaisla doesn't wait for the targeting computers to program the trajectory and she fires all the weapon systems. The Eagle evaporates, its shields plummeting at such close range. The Python accelerates through the debris field, shreds of hull and vapor shimmering in the aura of the Pythons powerful shield reactors.

Kaisla rolls the ship as Holly indicates another Eagle splitting off from a four ship contingent on the other side of the mega-structure. She lets loose a volley of missiles while simultaneously triggering mines to deploy out of the belly of the Python. The missiles track to the flight of Eagles and tear into the weak hulls of three of them, the one that had split off early evades and does a spiraling dive toward the Hand, laser cannons already red-hot and firing. The weaker cannons are useless against the Python's superior shields but Kaisla evades regardless, expertly threading the massive Python through the dual beams of ionized gas spewing at the ship. The uppermost turret on the Eagle starts to fire, loosing multi-cannon rounds which can be heard and seen against the hull of the Python. As the rounds hit the shield barrier, they glow brightly and wink out, the debris rattling harmlessly against the strength-ed hull. Lambast, knuckles white on the arm rest of the co-pilot chair, watches in silent fascination. She's not timid in a bout of ship-to-ship combat but watching Kaisla make the large craft respond so naturally is mesmerizing.

As the Eagle over-shoots the Python, the young pilot yanks the nose through 180, trying to re-acquire a bead for the fixed weapons systems. The left wing clips one of the mines dispensed by Kaisla and it erupts in a ball of blue and white, debris, spall and vapor expanding in the vacuum. The mine doesn't destroy the Eagle but its powerful enough to over-charge the shield reactor and the shields fail. The pilot automatically dumps all pips into systems in an attempt to get them re-charged.

Kaisla, a mere thousand meters ahead of the Eagle, dumps the flight assist, boosts and kicks the reactionary thrusters into over-ride. She pulls the stick hard and then slams it against the stops while simultaneously kicking on the reactionary thrusters, sliding the Python into a hard right turn. Briefly, the spine of the Python is laid bare to the Eagle as the pilot smashes down on the fire switch. The Eagles cannons fizzle and remain cold as all the power draw is diverted to systems. The pilot glances down at his systems display only to glance back up just as the nose of the Python slides around to face the Eagle; the last thing he sees is a volley of red ionized energy before the Eagle explodes.

"Where the fuck is the Animus!?" Kaisla grunts as she strains against the seat restraints trying to find the ship.

"There!" Lambast indicates at the gray and yellow dot accelerating away from the Mega ship. "Its a vulture right?!"

"Right!" Kaisla responds as she turns the Python, shifts all pips to engines and pours full throttle into the thrusters.

"It looks like they have company...." Lambast comments as the shape of two Federal Corvettes can be seen appearing in pursuit.
17 Aug 2019, 8:56pm
"What the FUCK!" Johnston screams at one of the tech engineers on the Bridge of the Corvette.

"It just happened Sir! I just got the relay from the Conduit."

"Get the fuck off my Bridge!" Johnston growls, chewing further onto the end of his cigar. He turns, indicating to the pilot, "Get us back in system with the Conduit, now."

"Aye Commander," the junior pilot responds while powering up the FSD for the Corvette.

A voice oozes from the back of the bridge, "Mr. Johnston, are you sure?" Harris leans forward, resting his arms on the navigation table.

"Yeah, of course I'm fucking-sure. Its what you pay me for." He doesn't even look at Harris as he moves closer to a monitor, relaying the feed from the Conduit.

Johnston spits out a leaf of tobacco as he leans in closer to the feed. On the screen, a Vulture, the "Animus" can be seen rocketing away from the Conduit, but then, seconds later, a Python erupts from a docking bay on the other side of the massive ship. Johnston stares in rapt fascination as he watches the Python destroy five Eagles in the span of a minute. "Well, I'll be damned...." he mutters to himself. Johnston had only seen flying like that one other time almost eighteen years ago. But that would be preposterous.
18 Aug 2019, 9:20am
Falcon15e"There!" Lambast indicates at the gray and yellow dot accelerating away from the Mega ship. "Its a vulture right?!"

"Right!" Kaisla responds as she turns the Python, shifts all pips to engines and pours full throttle into the thrusters.

"It looks like they have company...." Lambast comments as the shape of two Federal Corvettes can be seen appearing in pursuit.

Sitting in the chair watching Kaisla do what she does best was always a pleasure. It was like watching a fencing maestro expertly work a blade passed an opponent’s defences and deliver a decisive strike. Lambast hardly ever had to close her eyes now, she was almost used to Kaisla’s daring, but sitting by quietly when people were in danger would not do. Seeing the Vulture fly out of that massive capital ship made it look like nothing more than a delicate escape pod that needed protection.

EC had already humbled Lambast by dismissing her prolonged deception and simply getting his task accomplished, or job done as he would succinctly say. She may not be an expert in all matters, but she was far from useless. The Hand of Lambast was her right hand, but Lambast is left-handed and The Hand of Mercy and its fighter bays was hundreds of light-years away. Nothing useful was coming to mind and then the faint coms chatter caught her ear between weapons reports. She unbuckled her harness and dived on the deck to opened Holly’s access panel.

“Kai, your gonna have to do ALL the flying, I’m taking Holly's run time”

A slight twitch of her eye was all Kai could give Lambast, but it was enough for Lamb to know Kia was good.
“Get ready to line uz up with EC’s wake once he jumps, I’m goin to ‘ave ta tune the analyser myself so it’ll take time. Gonna try and fill every open port and coms channel we can reach with data. No one is talking to anyone if Holly and I can ‘elp it”

Still concentrating on flying, Kai permitted herself a little smile when she realised Lamb had dropped her upper-class accent and fallen back into her childhood cant. Lamb had always had her nose in the air, but she didn’t always sound like that was the case.

Lambast unplugged Holly from many of The Hands systems and shoved the contacts into the old storage banks that contained all the trivia and exploration data Holly had gathered over their years of flying together. She kicked the access panel shut and sat in front of the coms panel.

“Right Hol, open every channel you can find and give’um everything you got”

The computer replied with a slightly less dull tone that his usual.
“You wot! That’s not good for our communication array, let alone what that’s goin to do to my CPU”

Lambast touched the little speaker beside the display gently with her fingertips.
“I know Hol, but we’re right up shit creek and it’d really help if you could backlog their computers and no one could communicant for a while”

Holly paused for a second and answered.
“Gordon bennet, the things I do for you ay? I’m on it boss. See ya round some time lil Lamb?”

“See ya round Holl”

She hit the execute option and the cockpit was filled with the loud clicking screech of data over the coms channel. Lambast turned off the audio and leaned on the panel keeping her back to Kaisla. She wiped a tear away and checked her voice was steady.

“Let me know when we’re on his wake and be ready to take some punishment”
If the data burst worked, the pursuing ships wouldn't be able to scan the wake before it faded unless they had someone very good at manual data analysis.

Last edit: 18 Aug 2019, 12:59pm
18 Aug 2019, 3:40pm
The first time Harris had shown any real reaction to anybody, it hadn’t been to Johnston or even one of his own goons. It had been directed at a poor tech kid, Murdock, who was reporting that communications all over the array were getting fried and making it impossible to coordinate attacks or even utilize Doppler frequency gain to successfully track other aircraft.

Harris had lost it pulled a gun on Murdock and splattered his brains all over the console without saying a single word. Johnston didn’t hesitate, pulling his own gun and clearing the bridge faster than a man of his age should move. He easily dispatched two of Harris’s body guards, sealed the bridge and stood with the pistol at the other man’s temple.

“Listen you psycho fuck - I may be a mean bastard but one thing I’m not is a murder. I’m not tolerating your bullshit on my boat any longer.”

“You’ll be massacred, flayed alive for this betrayal. You understand that right?” Harris’ fury boiling through clenched teeth as spittle starts to form on the sides of his mouth.

“I’ve got a message for your boss.” Johnston whispers as he leans in close. He grabs Harris by the collar and drags him, resisting, across the bridge. “OPEN THE AIRLOCK!” One of Johnston’s techs scrambles over to the service airlock located up near the bridge of the Corvette. The tech hurriedly inputs the access code, allowing the inner door to open to the bridge. Johnston throws Harris into chamber. “You don’t know who your fucking with you piss-ant Federal wash-out! My people will hunt you down! They’ll hunt down your family, your kids, anybody who means anything to you and they’ll feed you to the thargoids!”

“Fuck you....” Johnston hits the side panel on the wall. The inner door seals, Harris banging on the window of the door. As the interior chamber equalizes in pressure, the outer door opens automatically and Harris is torn, screaming and flailing from the airlock. The tech standing nearby looks at Johnston, fear etched in his eyes. Johnston chuckles and sucks on his cigar, “That wasn’t murder kid, that was justice for Murdock. Please have Mr. Murdocks body removed from the bridge and look up his family. I’ll call them personally.” The tech kid just nods silently before rushing off.

Johnston stands in silence for several minutes letting the events of the past half hour sink in. Finally, the pilot flying the Corvette breaks through,

“Sir? I said what do you want to do?”

Johnston snaps out of it and looks down at the pilot. “Are we in system with the Conduit?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Status of the fugitives?” Johnston replaces the cigar in his mouth.

“They’re taking a beating sir but whatever communication bust they sent, its working. As ships lose visual contact with them, we’re unable to track them. If they’re able to loose sight visually of us, we’re blind.”

A quick plan formulates. “Okay, I want you to engage that Python, don’t shoot to kill. Just harass it enough to fire on us once and tell all the other ships to stand down.”

“Sir, are you sure?” The pilot looks confused.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Johnston replies.

”KAI!” EC shouts, “Girl we need you to do something! And FAST! My guys are no slouches but we’re simply not able to compete against two corvettes and this many fighters, we’re getting over-whelmed!”

“We’re trying! Just hold on!” Kaisla shouts back while desperately flying the Python. Even with Lambasts ingenious transmission burst, that only helped ensure other ships wouldn’t find them. Right now, they were embroiled in a nasty fight with four Eagles and another Corvette just joined the fray. They would have to figure out a way to lose these ships before Lambs gift would really be of any use. The shields on the Python kept shorting out and fading at the sheer amount of firepower they had received. Scorch lines and carbon coking was evident around the weapons hardpoints and barrels were starting to glow molten red.

Kaisla pulled the Python around sighting in on the newest Corvette to enter the fray, she pulled off a quick snapshot from the rail guns, The rounds struck the Corvette harmlessly on the enhanced armor plating near the bridge. At that one shot, suddenly all the other ships disengaged, peeling off and dispersing.

Kai looks around in shock at the sudden silence. “Who the hell did we just shoot at?” She thinks at the arrival of the Corvette. She turns the Python back around and barrels straight for the Corvette. No other fighters, no return fire, the ship doesn’t even shift course. She scoots by the bridge at 800 meters, craning to see any details she can from the Corvette.

EC interrupts her thoughts, “WOOOO-EEEEE KID You did it! Everyone just took off! We’re jumping for the rendezvous, see ya there!” Kaisla keys the mike, “We’re right behind you EC but be careful!”

The radio crackles to life as EC’s voices purrs through the speakers, “What’s up little sparrow, you worried about me?” Before she can respond the Animus jumps. Lambast climbs into the co-pilots seat, eyes red. Kai glances at her half way through instruction, “Lamb, have Hol dial up the coordinates and punch it! Lets get the hell out of.....what’s wrong?”

Lambast turns away and finishes up dialing in the jump coordinates through the selection menu, the old fashioned way. “Hol’s gone Kai....we have basic COVAS functions but his CPU was fried with that data burst.”

“Oh Lamb....I’m so sorry...” Is all Kaisla can think to say, reaching across the cockpit to touch her shoulder.

“Don’t be...it worked. We’re safe. He did his job same as I would do for him.” Lambast responds tight lipped, “Coordinates are up, jump it.”

Kai looks ahead, “Yes Ma’am.” And sequences the FSD.

As the Corvette settles into the docking sequence with the Conduit, Johnston sits at the back of the bridge deep in thought. He doubted his ruse would work. His ship had already started to get bombarded with communications requests from the other ships that held agents like Harris aboard them. He would say Harris was killed in the fire fight and hope they believed him at least long enough so he could figure out what the hell was going on. Even more surprisingly, his suspicion has been right. As the wayward Python had done its final pass, Johnston could just make out the unmistakable streak of silver hair on top of the attractive features that reminded him of that impetuous little flier almost 18 years ago. It was a long shot but if it had been her, he hoped maybe his ruse would buy them enough time to get a head start.

Last edit: 18 Aug 2019, 3:48pm
18 Aug 2019, 7:29pm
Maul Montresor
The helmets visor shows that there are 3 minutes of oxygen remaining. Maul smirks and closes his eyes. He floats freely as the ship explodes behind sending debris scattering.

Khelan watches as a figure comes flying out from the cockpit of The Enigma.

"Leo is that Maul oar is it the other twat?" he asks

"Scanning, hold on." responds Leo "Going by the bio signs it would appear to be Mr Montresor and according to his vitals he's had a bit of a kicking and is in need of medical attention."

Khelan rolls Headhunter over into a banked turn and pushes the throttle forward to intercept him.

"One more thing commander, his suit's weeping according to my sensors he's got approximately 1.5 minutes of o2 left."

"Fuck! Why didn't ye say?" Shouts Khelan as he pushes the throttle forwards causing the ship to increase its velocity.

He aims the ship directly at Maul and goes to activate the cargo hatch.

"Unable to comply, hatch power disabled" says Leo.

"Fuck it" growls Khelan and he aims the ship directly at Maul while opening up a comms channel

"Hauld oan bud this is gonna be rough." he says as he fast approaches the floating form of Maul. He flicks to full reverse thrust a brief moment too late and Maul hits the canopy causing a loud thump to echo around the cockpit.

"Maul, get yer airse intae the ship toot fuckin sweet" he shouts into the comms while he activates the nearest access door to let him in.
19 Aug 2019, 5:12pm
I never ceased to amaze EC just how responsive the Animus was. He was a good combat pilot, though by his own admission there were better out there.

His ship, however? That was another story. It could outstrip some SLF's on the straight, and handled just as well.
Right now, that was the only thing keeping him and his crew alive, but only just. With this many unfriendly ships surrounding him, it seemed every laser dodge, every volley of multi-cannon fire, just forced him into the nose of another fighter.

Kicking off flight assist and yanking the nose up 180 to face one of the Eagles in pursuit, he boosts against his momentum directly back into the swarm, missing the Eagle by only about a meter.

Falcon15e”KAI!” EC shouts, “Girl we need you to do something! And FAST! My guys are no slouches but we’re simply not able to compete against two corvettes and this many fighters, we’re getting over-whelmed!”

“We’re trying! Just hold on!” Kaisla shouts back while desperately flying the Python. Even with Lambasts ingenious transmission burst, that only helped ensure other ships wouldn’t find them.


"Raven, field that, little busy!" EC Shouts, opening fire with both multicannons on one of the eagles, taking down his shields but being force to break away before the kill by an incoming plasma blast from a Corvette.

"Uh... did you know that velcro was invented by accident?" Raven asks

"What... ?"

"Oh and the inventor of synthesized meat was..." Raven is interrupted by EC
"Why the hell are you telling me this?"

"Oh man, a treasure trove of trivia coming in on these comms channels."

If EC could have facepalmed while flying, he would have.
"Focus!" was all he could manage to say instead.

As EC rolls and boosts into the swarm again, a Federal Corvette jumps into the system in front of the Animus.

"Ah... shit."

EC could take a Corvette in the Animus if he had to... he'd done it before, but not with this much other hostile traffic, including two others he was already evading.
He picks an odd angle to the Corvette's trajectory and boosts.

looking up out of the cockpit he sees Kaisla barreling directly at the Corvette, blasting it with a railgun.

At first, it didn't appear to do much damage, but suddenly all hostiles disengaged the Animus.

The crew looked around at each other in mild confusion before opening comms with Kai and Lambast.

EC interrupts her thoughts, “WOOOO-EEEEE KID You did it! Everyone just took off! We’re jumping for the rendezvous, see ya there!” Kaisla keys the mike, “We’re right behind you EC but be careful!”

He could barely make out her reply over the static haze from all the strange pop-culture interference.

He puts all pips in engines with remaining in systems, and boosts away from the Corvette, breaking 500m/s. He starts the FSD charge sequence.

The radio crackles to life as EC’s voices purrs through the speakers, “What’s up little sparrow, you worried about me?” Before she can respond the Animus jumps.

Conscious they might be followed, the jump destination was not actually where they were meeting up. EC figured he'd bounce between a couple systems before heading back to the Arbiter to regroup.

"Creamy, does Kai know where we're going?" Echo asks.

"Uh... shit I guess we didn't really talk about it." He thinks for a second, as the ship decelerates abruptly, reaching the first star in their route.

After pointing the nose away from the star, EC slows down and drops into normal space.

"What are you doing man? We're being chased!" Raven asks incredulously.

"Take the helm, Raven, I'll be right back." EC tells him, getting up from his seat and leaving the cockpit.
First, he heads for the pantry. He perused the library of dry-stock and canned goods, knowing exactly what he was looking for.

Exiting the pantry with a case of canned pineapples, he makes his way to the escape pods. He would have done this with a cargo canister but the cargo hold on the Animus was barely big enough for salvaged materials.

Walking up to one of the escape pods, he presses the button on its face and it opens with a hiss.

EC sets the case of pineapples down in the escape pod. He grabs a piece of paper from inside an adjacent tool chest and writes a short note that says "Take us home", drawing a heart and signing it "- Silas", which he sticks to the top of the pineapples.

He closes the escape pod, and for a final touch, he puts in the admin settings code on the escape pod panel, and changes its manifest to report that it was ejected from the Arbiter instead of the Animus.

Pleased with himself, he grins as he enables the SOS beacon and ejects the escape pod before returning to the bridge.

Echo spins around as the door opens.
"Dude, what the hell? Did you just launch an escape pod? We thought you bailed on us!" He was half-joking.

"No, we're good. Kai will find us. Let's go with the next hop." He says, strapping in while Raven shrugs and begins charging the FSD.

Watching the blue haze of space whiz by at ludicrous speed, EC looks down and sees the duffel bag, which had been hastily tied down next to the seat he was in by Raven as he made space for himself to sit down. He reaches to pick it up and places the heavy bag in his lap.

Unzipping it, he cries out in surprise as he sees the big Russian's head staring back at him.

"What the actual fuck..." he pulls the head out, seeing some wires and connections coming from a baseplate in its neck. The bag contained other 'spare parts' as well, from extremities to glass-cased internal organs that were part organic, but part mechanical.

EC was speechless as he started pulling random body parts out of the bag. Echo looked over to see the wide-eyed confusion on his face.

"Dude..." was all Echo could say.

"That Russian guy was... some kind of cyborg clone?"  EC asks, half to himself.

"I guess that explains how you smoked that dude, and then he came back." Echo surmises.

"Yeah, I'm guessing the guy Raven sliced up must not have actually been the same guy. They just churning these dudes out on an assembly line or what?"

"I don't know... but this is some next level tech." Echo replies before sitting in stunned silence for a moment. "I wonder if any of this had to do with what Leith was working on?"

"In any case, the plan remains the same. I know after what we just escaped, inviting them for a round 2 is the last thing we ought to be doing, but next time will be on our terms, and we'll have more ships."

"So what's the next step then?" Raven calls from the front of the bridge.

"Well, first we wait for Kai and Lambast, debrief, and then we go for some Guardian tech we can discard during the fight."

Last edit: 19 Aug 2019, 5:17pm
19 Aug 2019, 6:11pm
Lambast finishes programming the last of the jump sequence letting the bare COVAS finish out the fine-tuned algorithms. She sequenced the first jumps to follow the encoded transponder that they had determined prior to the jump. Given that only the Animus and Hand of Lambast were the only two ships who didn’t have their transponders completely scrambled with “The Encyclopedia of the Universe 3340 edition,” they were able to safely make the first jump without any issue.

As the Python entered into the first system, the ship tore to a halt. Lambast turned in her chair from programming the next jump,

“What’s up? Why’re we stopping?”

Kaisla examines her scope a little closer. “Because there’s a beacon....on an....escape pod?”

“Well, normally dear I would be all, ‘Let’s get the poor chap or lady shall we and have a nice spot of tea,’ but dear we’re kinda running for our lives.” Lambast comments as she rolls her eyes.

“No! Wait...that’s not what’s strange. Its coded for the Arbiter.” Kaisla waves in Lambasts direction.

“So...what’s the Arbiter?” Lambast looks flabbergasted.

Kaisla stares down Lambast. “That’s Silas’s other ship...well, its his ship. They're both his ships.”

“Okay, okay...” Lamb continues, “I don’t need to know his fleet and ID markings...its the ship we met them with when we transferred to the Hand?”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” Kai shouts.

“Okay....well?” Lamb gives her an exasperated look.

“Well what?!” Kai shouts.

“Get on with it. Lets snag up the escape pod.” Lambast indicates, pointing at the beacon.

“FINE!” Kai yells.

“Fine!” Lamb deadpans.

“Oh...” Kai thrusters up the Python.

After snagging up the escaped pod Lamb and Kai stand idly in the cargo bay waiting for the pod to warm up before activating the metal latches. Lamb looks over to Kaisla.

“What do you think is in it?” Lamb asks crossing her arms over her chest.

“I don’t know....maybe a prize?” Kai looks at Lambast as she rolls her eyes.

“Well...do you have any idea what he would code it too?” Lambast indicates the keypad.

Kaisla does a touch-test to ensure the pod has warmed up enough. “No clue...hmm..maybe..”

She punches in the code “1....2....3.....4.....5....” On the keypad.

With a green light and a hiss of air, the pod unlocks, wedging the door open slightly. Lambast stares, dumbfounded. “That’s literally the dumbest admin code I’ve ever heard of. That wouldn’t keep anybody out.”

Kaisla, on hands and knees half inside of the pod, “Hey! There is a prize in here!” She extracts herself from the pod holding a can of dried pineapple with a note attached to the top.

“Pineapples,” Lambast exclaims examining the can. “Yuck.”

“No dear, its a code,” Kaisla states holding up the note. “And he wasn’t trying to keep anyone out. The pineapple alludes to our first meeting and the code is in the note.” She hands the note to Lambast.

“Oh I see,” Lambast says holding the note with two fingers. “That cheeky bastard......” She says as she reads the note and follows Kai back into the cockpit of the Python.

Last edit: 19 Aug 2019, 10:16pm
19 Aug 2019, 9:01pm
The Animus slowly lowered itself into the fissure, looking for a suitable place to set down next to where they had left the Arbiter 'docked'... if you could call it that.

EC had more or less just left the top thrusters on slightly, moderated by his COVAS, to keep the ship pressed to the surface. The rock wasn't really large enough to generate the kind of gravity EC could trust to leave his ship more or less unattended for an unknown amount of time. This consumed fuel but not enough that he was concerned.

"I was saving those pineapples." Raven complains

"We weren't putting them on the pizza." Echo replies, earning him a raised eyebrow from Raven.

"Dude, you like anchovies on yours, I don't even want to hear it."

"Children... " EC interjects just as the Animus touches down. "...we have arrived."

Echo scrunches his face and Raven slightly pouts, and they both wander off to retrieve their helmets and personal thruster packs, so they can float over to the Arbiter.

EC sees them through the canopy, kicking off of the ramp and using the limited thrust of the packs to keep aligned. He could see by their body language that they were clearly still arguing about pizza, and it made him chuckle.
20 Aug 2019, 12:09am
Several hours later, the Hand of Lambast begins re-entry on the isolated, tiny rock.

EC relaxes in a makeshift hammock strung up between the two mandibles of the Arbiter, dangling about 15 feet above the boarding ramp. He dozes as he listens to the slow intake of breath and expulsion of air through the REMLOK regulator, letting the weak star slowly warm his pressure suit.

Echo drops his forehead onto the windscreen, staring down at EC, tapping on the glass.

Without opening his eyes EC reaches up and depresses the comm switch located on his chest. “Yes Echo?”

“Hey man, radar picked up a signature in re-entry. The signature checks out, looks like a Python. Can’t interrogate em’ yet cause of the ion field but we’ll know for sure in a minute or so.”

EC presents a thumbs up and continues to doze.

Kaisla spots the Arbiter only because she knows where to look. She had sent a text to Echo minutes earlier “Get dressed boys, the ladies are almost back!”

She lines up on the tiny canyon and drifts the Hand as low to the rock face as she dares. Lambast shoots her a nasty look, she needn’t say the message out loud, “Do not ding up my ship.” Kaisla gives Lamb a wicked grin and triggers the boosters.

The Hand tears over top of the two ships at only five feet and almost 400 meters a second. After safely passing the ships, Kaisla pulls aft on the control column and arcs the Python into a loop. She flattens the ship out and times her trajectory as she checks to ensure the reactor has re-charged. She touches the flight assist briefly, allowing the ship to plummet straight down before re-engaging the assist and hitting the boost. The boost is just enough to slow the ship trajectory down and Kai adds full “UP” power on the reactionary thrusters. The result is the Hand of Lambast drifting down nice and slowly, bringing the cockpit almost level with the little hammock strung up between the mandibles of the Arbiter. EC still sits there, eyes closed, dozing.

Kai frowns. “Maybe I should have hot washed him.”

Lamb sighs, “Or, you could just say something nice.”

Kaisla and Lambast secure the Hand and then suit up, bouncing out over the terrain toward the Arbiter. As Kaisla bounds up, Echo and Raven venture down the ramp. Kai tosses the can of dried pineapples. EC catches it and then drops it over the side of the hammock letting the pineapples fall and ricochet off Raven’s visor.


EC Clambers rolls out of the hammock and swings down, letting himself fall the few feet to the ramp. “You guys followed?”

“No, quite not. I think we did pretty good at doping them back there.” Lambast comments as she starts up the ramp.

“I don’t know...it was weird,” Kai remarks as she joins up with EC and slugs him on the shoulder. “Liked your note. I pinned it to my vanity.”

EC glances at her, “Ohh you got a vanity do you?”

“No.” Kaisla deadpans. “But that was too clean. After that last Corvette got in system everyone else peeled off and then it didn’t even fire a shot.”

“Yeah,” EC remarks as the everyone else gets aboard the Arbiter. He starts to strip off his pressure suit, securing the REMLOK back into its collard ring. “We thought maybe you or Miss Lamb over there had made a connection and that’s why everyone scooted.”

“Not us.” Lambast says as she settles into a chair in the ship commons. “We thought it was one of you.”

“Not us,” Raven says as she takes a seat. “I was pretty sure it was one of you coughing us up to the feds until they let us jump. Its a good thing you called when Echo said you did; I had my hand pretty close to the trigger in case you brought some friends.”

“Calm down,” EC says to everyone now seated around the table. “We don’t need any of that right now.”

Kai kicks her feet up onto the table. “So what was in the duffle?” She asks, shifting gears before anyone gets too heated.

EC reaches down under the table and rifles in the duffle for a few minutes, extracting the head of the dead Russian before tossing it across the table to Kai. Kai fumbles as she catches it, “What the fuck Silas!”

Lambast grabs the decapitated head from Kai and starts to examine it. “Interesting,” she says in the tone of a coroner examining a corpse. “Its all synthetic and in-organic cybernetics.

“Precisely.” EC says looking at her, “What’s more interesting is that the duffle bag is full of it. Other organs and body parts that are partially bio and partially modified. They look like props. No rot, no blood. Just some of the synth fluids.”

Lambast reaches across the table and takes the duffle from EC, pulling out more body parts. Kaisla stands quickly and bolts to the latrine, being violently sick.

“She okay?” Echo says, craning around to see inside the open latrine door.

“Yeah, she’s okay,” Lambast says, deep in thought. “She hasn’t been the same around this sort of thing since her.....” Lambast trails off. “Well, she grew up on a farm. Was pretty used to this sort of thing until....something happened.”

“What happened?” Raven asks, staring intently at Lambast.

“My parents were butchered and my mother was burned alive.” Kai says, taking her seat again and wiping her mouth. The color had drained mostly from her face but starts to return around her neck.

“Oh.” Raven says, adverting his gaze.

“It was a long time ago.” Kai says, putting an end to the conversation.

Kaisla sits up recognizing the face of the dead Russian. “Wait a minute....have we seen this guy before?”

“Several of them, actually.” EC says breaking his silence. “We’ve ran into this guy - or clones like him - several times. There was even one that confronted us in the Conduit. It appears someone is paying this Spiritweaver guy, that Sen knows of, to churn these apes out and use them as a personal army. But for what, I’m not sure. We sent a hail to Sen and haven’t heard anything back yet. Hopefully he’ll get back to us soon. We’re also waiting for word from a friend of ours but in the mean time, I think these guys are trying to hoard Guardian tech specifically to implement that stuff into these cyborgs. If we’re going to go toe-to-toe with these bastards, it would be best to get some on our side as well.”

Kaisla leans forward on the table, carefully moving some parts of the Russian out of her way. “How does this Jax fellow fit in to any of this - the guy that duped me into obtaining this mysterious package that was supposedly on the Dreadnaught?”

EC sighs and leans back, “I’m really not sure how Jax fits into this other than maybe just as a messenger. Trying to hid a larger conspiracy maybe?”

Raven chuckles to himself. Everyone turns their attention to him. He looks up under their glare. “Nothing, I was just thinking about a feed that was snagged while that transponder scramble got blasted out.”

Everyone continues to stare.

“Ohh-Kay.....” Raven starts slowly. “The burst feed was a trader report. Said that in recent weeks, thargoids have been jumping small private ships all over the bubble. Conspiracy theorists were saying that they were being targeted, ‘controlled’ if you will. Stupid.”

Kai’s face gets serious. “What if they are being targeted?”

“That’s ridiculous,” Lambast says, “Thargoids have been intercepting ships for years.”

“Yeah but I saw a report before all this started going down that said they were destroying smaller ships. A Federal bulletin was posted for traders not to leave secure systems alone. Ignored naturally, but its weird that this all starts and then suddenly thargoids start targeting smaller ships instead of cruisers and stations.”  Kaisla says accepting a cup of coffee from Echo.

“That doesn’t mean there is a conspiracy,” Lambast says rolling her eyes.

“It doesn’t mean there isn’t.” EC says sipping his coffee.

“Makes a lot of sense really,” Kai says staring off into the distance. “If you can figure out a way to weaponize an alien race for your own malicious purposes, that sounds exactly like the kind of thing the people behind this would do.”

“Lets focus on the target we can hit first.” EC says setting his mug on the table. “We need to round up some guardian goodies and then figure out how to get out of the bounties on our heads before we can really start to speculate on random conspiracy theories. Miss Lambast, we’re surely gracious for the help you’ve provided us thus far but we don’t expect you to get a mark on your head as well.”

“Posh,” Lambast proclaims. “I can’t go anywhere, who knows what kinds of trouble Kai will get into with the likes of you around.”

Everyone chuckles except Kai....as she sits with a passive look on her face. She looks around the Arbiter. “I need a drink.” She stands heading for the pressure suits.


Boarding the FDL, she sings out to Otto, “Otto old buddy! HEEEEYYY!” Lambast is right behind her.

“So let me get this right,” Lambast says following Kai onto the FDL. “We’re following EC to a guardian site?”

Kaisla starts to fish around inside the new crate strapped to the floor, some of the bourbon that Lambast had brought for her. “Well, EC and his crew are going to figure out a plan. We’re going to give it 24 hours to see if we can get any more leads before we go digging around guardian ruins for some ol’ junk. But then, maybe.....we should probably split up cause four ships (she pops the cork on the bottle with a focused intent and starts to pour a tall glass) would be mighty suspicious. But....we’ll see. I guess now we just wait.”

Lambast blows into her hands, breath seeping through her fingers. “Otto dear, can you be a sweetie and crank the heat?”

“Aye Miss Lambast, Commander - we have a message.”

Kaisla finishes the glass of whiskey before pouring another one. “Odd. Put it through the speakers.”

An unfamiliar voice crackles through the speakers. “Last time I saw flying like that was back on an agricultural station nearly fifteen years ago. I wasn’t sure until I saw that silver hair of yours. It wasn’t easy trackin’ you down. But if you appreciated that little present getting off the conduit, then we need to talk. Johnston out.”

Lambast and Kai look at each other in puzzlement. Realization hits Kaisla all at once. She opens to the link to the Arbiter.

“Little sparrow,” EC says over the comms, “I know you missed me but so soon?”

Kaisla encrypts the message and sends it, “Check out this transmission I just received.”

Last edit: 20 Aug 2019, 12:19am
20 Aug 2019, 3:19am
Khelan"Hauld oan bud this is gonna be rough." he says as he fast approaches the floating form of Maul. He flicks to full reverse thrust a brief moment too late and Maul hits the canopy causing a loud thump to echo around the cockpit.

"Maul, get yer airse intae the ship toot fuckin sweet" he shouts into the comms while he activates the nearest access door to let him in.

Maul opens his eyes about the time he smacks into the canopy. He grunts as he and pushes himself away from the ship and uses his microthrusters to navigate to the access door. He gets inside and the door closes behind initiating the airlock.

His visor indicates he has 30 seconds of oxygen left as he takes off his helmet and breathes heavily.

"Was starting to cut it close there." He mumbles to himself as he cradles his ribs, waiting on the door to open and allow him access to the rest of the ship.

The door opens and Maul slowly makes his way to the cockpit. He enters to see Khelan sitting in the pilots seat.

"You, I owe you my fucking life." He says, pointing at Khelan and grunting in pain. "I have no idea where that bat shit crazy Bryce was taking me. He was seriously the last person I expected to see on that ship." He leans back against the now closed cockpit door and slides down to the floor.

"He's fucking dead. Bullet to the head, just like I said." He smiles revealing his now blood stained teeth. "That kinda rhymed, didn't it?"

His smile melts away and he drops his head. "Man, I fucked up bad. I told Vega that they'd be safe until we seen Shin off. She trusted me and now Lydia is....."

"Lydia, I'm so sorry." He mumbles to himself.
20 Aug 2019, 11:59am

“Little sparrow,” EC says over the comms, “I know you missed me but so soon?”

Kaisla encrypts the message and sends it, “Check out this transmission I just received.”

Lambast felt her friend could do with a lightening of the mood. A lot had happened in the last few hours, and it looked like it was going to carry on happening. Lambast raised an eyebrow at Kaisla.

“Would this chap be another man that just happens to know your safe word?”

It had the desired effect. A cavalcade of emotions race across Kaisla’s face and finally settled on indignation while Kai stumbled over her tongue trying to get the words out.
“How di, I don, you can’t. That’s not a safe word. How would you know my safe word that it totally isn’t any way by the way?”

Lambast sat back and folded her arms.
“Oh please. Remember that nasty little hab we shared on Deciat when you were seeing that blond effort with the Viper”

Lambast did a fair impression of the man in question and started writhing on her seat.

“Pineapples pineapples PINEAPPLES. God please stop, pineaPPLES”

A redness rushed up Kaislas neck, flushed her cheeks and made a valiant push for the fest of her face while her mouth hung open in shocked indignation.  Recovering from the assault, Kaisla rallied and fired back at the hostile action of her friend.

“Well your no saint your majesty. I saw you acting all sweet and innocent while..”

Lambast raised a hand and looked away.

“Don’t judge me by your standards you brazen hussy. You are quite welcome to drop your knickers for any chap with a nice beard if you see fit”

Kaisla near jumped out of her seat and rounded on Lambast.
“I’ve done no such thing and if you think you can sit there on MY SHIP and.. What the hell are you laughing at?”

Realization dawned.
“Oh you are such a manipulative bitch Lamb”

“I am no such thing you’re just an easy mark. Now settle down and take a breath. It would seem we have an ally within the ranks of our shadowy adversary”

Kaisla sat down and swigged from the bottle.
“Could be. Sounds like a guy I knew, but it’s been so many years. We need to play this one cagy in case it’s not what it seems”

Lamb nodded.
“Never the less, it was like a beam of light in the darkness, let us hope it remains so. Now, as for the matter of trawling the Guardian sites, unless we learn something new we’ll have very little luck. I’ve surveyed about seven sites for the RSXA in the last year and they had been picked clean by the time I got there. We will need to do some homework if we are to bring anything useful up from the sands.”

Kaisla sighed and took another belt from the bottle. Mostly because she knew not using a glass hurt Lambs sensibilities, but that brazen hussy comment was a bit below the belt.

“Go back to the good news part Lamb, I was enjoying that”

“Quite so. I have, for my efforts been sent numerous odds and ends from the RSXA. New technologies developed from Guardian relics so I’m told. Enough to equip a large ship or maybe two smaller ships. I don’t know exactly what I have as only the FSD Booster was of any use to me, but it’s a start if that is the sort of thing EC was alluding to. If they are at all useful, even as something to be dismantled, they are entirely at your team’s disposal”  

Kaisla clapped her hands together and reached for the communications.
“Great, I’ll put it to them and see if it’ll help at all”

Lambast rested a hand on Kaisla’s arm.
“Not just yet dear, I have a few more points to rise that may prove to be of some consequence.”

“Oh boy really? Well that IS a surprise. You usually have so little to talk about. Please don’t let me interrupt you”

Kai leaned toward Lambast with exaggerated enthusiasm radiating off her smiling face. Lambast scratched the side of her nose with her tall finger and continued.

“That android-clone abomination is very bad news. Something like that takes money, and I mean serious money. Corporations could maybe produce a scant handful without going bankrupt, that’s the sort of money I’m talking about. It makes my wealth seem like a drop in an ocean so I fear I cannot buy us out of the kill contract we are all doubtless under. The visas I acquired are registered to my company, so my home is most likely under supervision at the very least. That is a difficulty because that is where my Guardian assortment is kept along with my fleet“

She paused and indicated the bottle hanging in Kai’s hand. Kai lifted the bottle so Lamb could reach it and Lambast took a little sip before continuing.

“I would very much like to face the danger in the Hand of Mercy. Her heavy shielding always makes me feel safe as I do like to ram things. Plus I have two fighter bays installed and I believe one of them has Guardian.. class fighters, I forget the name. Should we require anything at all, I will be glad to foot the bill. I fear we are in this to a bitter end and I will endeavor to be by your side, blade in hand to ensure it is their end and not ours that is bitter”

Lambast waited for Kai to respond but she just sat there staring into Lambs eyes.

“Oh sorry are you finished, I wasn’t listening. What were you droning on about?”

“Yes very funny. Do get on the coms to your fancy man and relay all that won’t you. There’s a good egg.”

“I just want to check you’re done. You don’t feel like composing an epic opera about it before I talk to “The team” as you put it. Maybe a sonnet or two?”

Lambast found something interesting out the canopy to scrutinize.
“Piss off Kia”

Kaisla chuckled before opening the coms.
“One all I think this round”

Last edit: 20 Aug 2019, 12:08pm

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