Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
17 Feb 2020, 10:29pm
"That's it, you've got to lay off the sweets!" Vega grunted as she pushed Maul's wheelchair down the stations walkways.

Maul had his arms folded and a furrowed brow.

"I told you I could roll it myself!" He protested.

Vega let go of the chair, allowing it to roll a few feet ahead before Maul stopped it himself and turned it around towards her.

"You were going too slow and I just wanted to help!" Vega retorted.

Passerby were trying their best not to stare but it was proving difficult.

Maul started to snap back with his own response but took a deep breath instead.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to all of this, you know?" He said gesturing at the wheelchair he was sat in.

Vega looked down the bridge of her nose at Maul. He always seemed to weasel himself out of their arguments and she was getting tired of it.

"But the doctor said you should be able to walk again soon and....well, it's not been that easy for me either. This past year has been absolutely insane. I've had people turn on me, people try to kill me. I mean, I just found out less than a week ago, that my crazy bitch of a sister is still alive and then in the same breath, she shot you."

Maul rolled towards her, looking to his left as he did so. They were right outside of a small diner.

"Ya know what? How about we just go in here and grab a bite and try to forget about everything." Maul said, nodding towards the diner as he took the cred sticks out of the inner pocket of his jacket and waved them at Vega. "Lamb's buying." He said with a grin.

Vega tried to hide her grin but it slowly crept across her face. She leaned over and pressed the switch to open the door.

"Fine, but no sweets." She said wagging a finger at Maul as he rolled inside.

"Whatever, I'll just steal some of yours." He said with a smug grin.

After their meal, Vega poked at her ice cream dessert with a spoon while Maul was fiddling around on his slate.

"What are you doing? You've said like three words this entire time." Vega asked.

Maul looked over at her with a blank look on his face.

"What?...Oh, nothing. Check this out." He said as he pressed a key on his slate.

The small holo screen at the table that displayed the price of their meal suddenly flickered and changed to 0.

Vega looked at Maul with very wide eyes but spoke with a hushed tone.

"Are you trying to get us thrown into a detention center?!"

Before she could even finish her question, all of the customers slowly became very noisy. It appeared that everyone's dinner was suddenly free. The workers quickly tried to gain control of the situation by checking if it was an error on their part but were confused to find that everyone's meals had apparently been paid for. Some customers were thankful for the supposed error, while others argued with employees about the potential of getting a charge at a later date.

Vega looked around at the erratic and confused crowd of customers.

"Did you?-" She asked, looking back at Maul.

He shook his head.

"Nope. Tessa did." He said with a proud grin as he laid his slate down on the table.

"...How?" Vega said as she reached for his slate, causing Maul to slide it away from her grasp.

"That laptop that Lamb and her pals brought us had a ton of...uh..."information". Some of that info led to a few shell accounts with The Bank of Zaonce. I figured that The Corporation wouldn't be using it anytime soon...so..."

Vega looked at Maul angrily.

"What if someone traces it back to us?"

Maul nodded. "They could, but they'd also find out that we're dead and that your sister shot our brains out in some corporate office." He answered sarcastically.

Vega's face turned from anger to confusion, rather quickly.

"So...Xero? You're pinning this on Xero?"

Maul nodded again. "He was the only other one with access to the accounts. It's pretty easy to hack a dead guy, especially when you've worked with him before and know most of his tricks."

Vega looked at Maul now, a bit scared this time. Every word that came from his mouth sounded crazier than the last. Hacking a dead person to gain access to dirty credits, to what? Pay for some random people's food in a random diner?

"You know, if you somehow get caught, Lamb will probably catch some flak for this."

Maul's eyes locked onto Vega's, it was clear that he hadn't even thought about the repercussions his actions might bring onto the rest of the group.

Vega smiled and tried to lighten the mood.

"But still, the shit you can do with that thing is terrifying...and honestly that's actually kind of sweet of you. I mean, paying for these people's meals...not the hacking a dead guy thing." Vega said. "You know, it's sweet in a strangely illegal and morally questionable kind of way."

"...Okay, wow, someones getting a little soft." Maul said sarcastically.

Vega flicked her spoon full of ice cream at Maul, which missed him and hit the wall beside his head. Maul briefly watched the ice cream slide down the wall before turning back to Vega.

"Damn, you're a terrible shot now too? We might have to replace you soon."

Vega leaned forward and pointed her spoon at Maul.

"I swear if you weren't in a wheelchair right now, I'd kick your ass."

"And then what would you do? Go hit a guy with glasses next?" Maul retorted.

Vega's jaw dropped as she sat back in her seat and laid her spoon down on the table.

"Why do we always end up arguing?" Vega asked after a brief silence.

Maul picked up her spoon and scooped up some ice cream.

Vega continued. "You don't think it's because we might...like, kinda...have feelings for each other, do you?"

Maul's eyes grew wide as he slid the spoon out of his mouth and gulped down the ice cream.

"Uh...maybe...I mean..."

"Because I kinda..." Vega said cutting him off while she looked out the window, trying to avoid eye contact. At that moment she noticed a few station security officers approaching the diner to disperse of the increasingly agitated crowd of customers.

"Oh shit, we need to go." She said hopping up and taking control of Maul's wheelchair from behind. The quick jarring motion caused the spoon to fly out of his hand. He scattered to grab his slate before they were too far from the table.

Vega and Maul quickly exited the diner just before the security officers made their way through the door.
20 Feb 2020, 3:00pm
The Lightseeker Saga begins:

The Lightseeker family supposedly descends from a mythical line of knights, soldiers, and keepers of the peace. Yet to all others, it's just a myth. The difficulty of tracking lineages across time and space becomes very fragmented. And any Lightseeker owing up to the name knows this. It's not a secret. They're not famous. They're not wealthy. A Lightseeker only travels from place to place, from recorded time forward, to places they feel they're hopefully

Most of the Lightseekers in modern times have organised a interstellar Ranger unit, a small paramilitary organization that through thier own Code, would "range" the stars looking, exploring, surviving, and helping those in need.
Arion is no different from his forbears.

The Galaxy is large, and Rangers are always on the move, having a home where ever the stars call......

---Commanders Log---

After finishing up training with the Pilots Federation in and around Matet and Dromi, the hours of classes, the workshops, clinics, logging flight hours, I took a step back into the Galaxy proper. I've lost track of how many years it's been. I'm uncertain what the future holds now, but I intend to use this career to make something of myself, and along the way, find out more about myself.

Made my way to Andhrimi and the surrounding systems, after going through Two Ladies and Smethells 119. Worked with the Paladin Consortium. Met Commander Nik Dane. Good fellow. I tagged along with him running supplies. Sold the Sidewinder and Hauler. Invested in the Cobra Mk III. Was invited to an Engineer Farseer's place. What a trip. Have to get some materials to upgrade become components on the fleet.

After returning to Andhrimi, invested in an Asp Explorer after meeting Cmdr "Ethan" and assisting in some supply runs in Tiolce and Aornum during a civil war. Very profitable indeed.

Flew to Azrael. Too close to the Empire....I don't want to deal with them, yet. Did a few jobs for the Order then bugged out.

Made my way to Arexe and Quator. Moved my fleet here for now. Doing jobs for The Silverbacks.

---end preliminary---
22 Feb 2020, 12:42am
Maul sat at the workstation that he'd basically been living at for the past two weeks. The papers that Raven had found in the safe of Tessa's office were scattered around on various surfaces. He stopped typing and looked over at his jacket that was laying on a nearby chair. Two bullet wholes were now accompanying the winged wolf head logo on the back.

Vega entered the room and noticed Maul staring at the jacket that Khelan had gifted him.

"You still haven't tried reaching out to them?" Vega said, startling Maul and ripping his attention away from his thoughts.

Maul took a deep breath and shook his head.

"No, there's no reason to drag them back into this." He continued. "Khelan was under a lot of stress last time we saw him and really they've helped enough. I reckon he deserves a break."

"I just hope he's okay." Vega said as she walked over to lean against Maul's desk.

Maul nodded. "Me too."

"I figure once we get a lead on Tessa's location, we'll split from these guys and get out of here. We can stop by Hondo City to drop off Shinigami and check on them then."

Vega looked at Maul confused.

"Split? What are talking about? They've been helping us. Why in the fuck would we split now?" Vega protested.

"Never mind." Maul said in an attempt to diffuse the situation.

"No, you've got to stop this shit. You keep trying to disconnect from people and all that does is make things worse." Vega was now very nearly yelling.

"If it weren't for these "people" you'd be dead right now. I went against Anton's word and saved you when he said you were expendable and ordered me to leave you to die, Khelan helped you back on Citi Gateway when you were beat to a pulp and left on the station streets and now Lamb has went out of her way to keep you alive. We care about you, you fucking moron. So let us help!"

Maul wiped his mouth and turned around in his chair to face Vega.

"Okay how about this, Khelan helped me and the last time we saw him, he had locked himself away in his ship from what I can only assume was a mental breakdown. Lamb...I owe her more than I owe anyone...and now she's working on trying to clean up another mess that I made. Then there's you, if I wasn't a part of your life, Lydia would still be alive."

Vega looked Maul in the eyes for a moment.

"That wasn't your fault and I'm getting tired of telling you that. Bryce pulled the trigger. Not you."

She stepped away from the desk and headed towards the door.

"I'm going for a walk, let me know when you pull your head out of your ass."

About the time she reached to open the door, Echo had opened it from the other side. They gave each other a brief friendly nod before she stormed out.

"Sheesh, she seemed upset. Everything okay?" Echo asked as he walked towards Maul's desk.

Maul ran his hands through his hair and rested them on the back of his neck.

"Yeah, just...a personal issue."

Echo nodded.

"Hey, nice job with that modified manifest scanner last week by the way."

Maul smiled.

"I can't take all the credit, seeing as you built the thing and all. I was just the keyboard monkey."

Echo smiled and nodded again.

A brief awkward silence filled the room, only to be interrupted by the clacks of Maul's keyboard. Echo was trying to figure out a way to casually ask about Maul and Lamb's relationship.

"So you're Lamb's ex, huh?" Echo asked. His face showed that he immediately regretted it. That was not very casual.

Maul looked up at Echo and then went back to typing.

"Why does everyone think that?" He said.

"...She dropped everything to come here for you. I just thought..." Echo said before he was interrupted by Maul.

"Listen, Lamb and I are just old friends, alright? I used to work for her and that's that. I mean, yeah, she's nice...sometimes...and her cooking is pretty great, also she's looking pretty damned good these days, ain't she? She used to be a lot more muscular and well I mean, even then she was kinda..."

Maul stopped himself and shook his head.

"What I'm trying to say is that, we're just friends and nothing ever happened nor will it ever happen between us."

Echo nodded.

"What, you got the hots for Lamby or something?" Maul said, ribbing at Echo.

Luckily for Echo, a message appeared on Maul's screen that was quick to change the subject.

"What the fuck is Yog-Sothoth?" Maul asked.

"What?" Echo asked as he stepped around to look at the screen.

"I reached out to my friend TerraBites about these papers that Raven found. She's one of the ones that helped with this corporation hack."

"These papers kept mentioning a Yog-Sothoth as if he or it...or whatever, was the key to helping Tessa expand her business. She says that Yog-Sothoth is some edge lord hacker who's been around for the better part of a decade but I've never heard of him."

Another message from TerraBites appeared on screen with a link that lead to a site that she referred to as "the summoning site". Maul clicked the link. It led to a blank black screen with a red triangle slowly forming in the darkness. With the triangle fully formed, a few words appeared within it.

"Yog-Sothoth Nafl'fthagn. Your servant call upon you." Maul read the words aloud.

"What the fuck does that mean?" He said looking to Echo.

About the time that Echo shrugged. The screen changed with a message.

"We have heard your call. The servant has questions and we have the answers." The text was followed by an address of a local nightclub on the station and a countdown timer of an hour and thirty minutes.

Echo and Maul looked at each other for a moment. Echo suddenly made a dash for the door.

"I'll contract the others and get us a ride!" He shouted.

Maul got up and grabbed his jacket and backpack.

"No, the more of us there are, the slower we'll be. We can contact them after we figure out what the hell we're even doing." Maul grunted.

"Are you sure you should be walking?" Echo asked.

Maul waved his had dismissively.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine." He said popping a few pills from the bottle he kept in his jacket.


After a short ride to the nightclub, a large holo display could be seen on the outside wall that was advertising a DJ named "Krypto_Knight" who was headlining the show. Echo and Maul exited the cab and pulled the site back up on Echo's slate.

"Op_Hack_the_Knight." Appeared on screen. Whoever this Yog-Sothoth was, wanted them to hack the headlining act at a very populated club, with a little more of an hour left do so.

Echo and Maul quickly made their way to the entrance to see if there was anyway they could purchase a ticket to gain access. They needed to be discreet and attending the show as a viewer was about as discreet as they could be.

"I'm actually kind of surprised that anyone showed up to attend the show and even more surprised that the guy even showed up to this station to play a it." The ticket salesman said. He wasn't purposely wasting Maul and Echo's time but they needed to hurry.

"Yep, it's been pretty crazy around here lately." The ticketman continued.

Echo rubbed his eyes out of frustration.

"Tickets, do you have any left, yes or no?" Maul barked at the kind ticketman.

"Well, someones a little grumpy." He said as he laid the two ticket chips down on the counter.

Maul used the credit chip that Lamb gave him to pay for them and they rushed inside.

The electronic music inside was loud. Loud enough that they had to yell to hear each other. Judging by the cartoonish looking medieval helmet of the guy on stage, Krypto_Knight was already on and his laptop could clearly be seen sitting on a surface near him on the stage.

Echo pointed out a door leading behind the stage that was guarded by two very large men. Maul furrowed his brow as he thought. He poked Echo's chest and pointed towards the door, then poked his own and pointed towards the crowd. Echo gave him a confused look, which caused Maul to shake his head. Maul put up one finger, indicating that Echo should wait a moment and then pointed at the door. Echo nodded even though he didn't understand. Maul disappeared into the crowd. A few moments later it appeared that the crowd had began to mosh...but in actuality, a large fight had broke out instead. Echo watched the two guards leave the door unattended as they ran towards the crowd. Maul could be seen scurrying away from the crowd and back towards Echo. The two then made their way backstage.

With the door closed behind them, the ruckus from the venue was now fairly faint and they could finally hear each other speak again.

"What the hell was that about?" Echo asked Maul.

Maul smiled and raised up the two VIP passes that he had snatched from some fellow show goers.

"Just had to find the right guy to elbow in the face. Lifted these off some unfortunate fellas during the fight."

They each put their respective passes around their neck and explored the backstage area with a bit of freedom as they came up with a plan.


A short while later, Maul checked the timer. They had approximately 10 minutes left to finish this. They began going over the plan again.

"So, I'll hack the stage light controls and cut them off. You go onstage pretending to be a roadie who's trying to "fix" the situation. When the house lights come on, I'll get rid of them too. Once we're in the dark, I'll come out to assist you. Just try to find a way to get this device plugged into his laptop." Maul said reaching a device to Echo. "After that, we should be able to find whatever it is that this Yog guy wants and hopefully get some answers."

Echo looked down at the "roadie" outfits that he and Maul had changed into and looked back up at Maul.

"I don't even know how you talked me into this. This is a terrible plan."

Maul nodded in agreement, it was a shit plan but it was the only one they could cobble together in the short time frame.

"Okay, here we go." Maul said as he pressed the key on his slate.

The lights went out and the music quickly stopped which caused the crowd to begin murmuring and booing.

Echo made his way onto the dark stage with a flashlight and tried to look busy while simultaneously trying to find a way to discreetly plug the device into the laptop.

Suddenly the house lights came on, lighting up the entire venue. Kyrpto_Knight was waving his arms around, yelling at the group of roadies that now joined Echo onstage. Maul keyed in the exploit and tried to shut off the stage lights but nothing happened. Echo looked off stage to Maul who was frantically tapping at his slate. Maul looked up at Echo and shrugged. The venue had backup generators that would kick on in the event that the power went out.

Maul looked around and found an extra foam Krypto_Knight helmet that spawned an idea. He put the helmet on and walked out onto the stage, unexpectedly causing the crowd to cheer at the site of the apparent "clone" of their favorite artist. Maul threw his fists up in the air, causing the crowd to yell even louder. Krypto approached Maul and gave him a shove.

"The fuck are you doing man?" said Krypto, his giant foam helmet muffling his voice.

Maul shrugged and punched Kyrpto's helmet, causing it to spin slightly. Kyrpto adjusted his helmet and gave Maul a solid punch back to his foam helmet. Suddenly the two were comically trying to get each other in a headlock. The rest of the roadies and security were gathering around the Kyrpto clone fight. Echo used the distraction as his chance to get the device plugged into the laptop.

With the device secured, Echo pulled out his slate and initiated the hack. He looked over at the two large foam heads bouncing around and joined in to break up the "fight". He grabbed Maul by the back of his shirt and yanked him backstage. Security began advancing on Maul to apprehend him so, the two began sprinting through the elaborate maze that was the backstage of the venue.

Maul threw the giant foam head off as they began running from security. The two of them followed the exit signs to the back alley.

Outside, Maul and Echo were leaned up against the door as security was banging on it.

"Huh, if I extend my arm, my slate is just outside of the device's signal range. What are the odds of that?" Echo said to the struggling Maul.

"Pretty fucking slim. Now finish it up." Maul shouted.

Echo looked at the progress bar on his slate and then back to Maul. He then extended his arm, causing the download to stop.

"The fuck are you doing?!" Maul shouted.

"I want to know who you really are and why we dropped everything to come out here to help you." Echo said with a demanding tone.

"Are you fucking serious right now?..."

Maul grunted.

"I told you dude, I used to work with Lamb, we're just old friends, man! Now please finish the damn download before these morons find another way out here!"

Echo stared at Maul for a moment before stepping away from the door. Leaving Maul to hold it on his own.

"Fuck you!" He shouted as he pushed hard against the door.

"Fine! Lamb is...we...Lamb's my fucking sister, okay? There ya happy?"

Echo scoffed and looked at Maul as if he were an idiot.

"Yeah right dude, have you even met Lamb's parents? They couldn't abandon anyone if they tried."

"Fuck!" Maul retorted and glared at Echo. "I wasn't expecting you to actually know them."

Echo narrowed his gaze at Maul, quickly coming to the conclusion that Maul and Lamb must not really be that close after all if he hadn't even met her parents.

He extended his arm back towards the door and finished the download.

"That door is locked by the way." Echo said with a smug grin.

Maul stopped pushing and looked at the door. He slowly stepped away as the banging on the other side continued.

"I flicked the lock from inside as we came out. I'm surprised they haven't figured that out yet." Echo said as he began walking down the alley way.

Maul followed behind him and checked his slate. The site had been updated with a location. Echo made a call to the rest of the group letting them know to meet him and Maul there.


Maul and Echo sat on a bench in a public park that was to be the meeting location. Echo had copied the files from his slate, over to a portable storage device. A scantily clad black haired woman with a cybernetic arm and leg approached the two of them. What was left of her actual body, was covered in tattoos. Her voice contradicted her appearance.

"Greetings servants, we are here to accept your sacrifice."

Maul and Echo looked at each other and back to the woman.

"Who the fuck are you?" Maul asked.

"I'm one of the many eyes of Yog-Sothoth. We see all..." She said pointing up to the roof of a nearby building, revealing a man with a sniper trained on the two of them. "...and we know all."

"Now Ghoulie, Echo, allow us to accept your sacrifice."

Maul and Echo had no idea how she knew their names, much less Maul's hacker moniker. But with no other choice but to do as she said, Echo reached the device out to the woman. She pulled a cable from her arm and plugged it into the device. He cybernetic eyes lit up as text sprawled out in front of her.

"Yes. Perfect." She said with a smile. "We are happy with this."

She unplugged the device and held it firmly in her grasp.

"Now, you had questions. We have answers." She smiled once again.

"Information on Tessa Sonders will be delivered to you when the time is appropriate."

Maul was growing tired of the woman's charade.

"Fuck "appropriate"! What do you know?" He said standing up in the woman's face.

"I told you Mr. Montresor. We know all."

Maul gritted his teeth. He knew he'd be dead in the blink of an eye if he was to try anything.

"We will be in touch. Be expecting us." The woman said with a warm smile as she turned and walked away.

Echo looked up at the gunner and watched as he stepped back from the ledge.

Maul plopped back down on the bench next to Echo.

"What a stupid fucking day." Maul said.

Echo shook his head.

"What even was all of that?"

Maul sighed and slouched down on the bench.

"Another layer of the stupid fucking conspiracy theory that now encompasses my life." Maul responded with his face in his hands.

Echo rubbed the bridge of his nose and squinted at the AV that was landing near by. Once landed, the door slid open to reveal the rest of the group inside. Everyone looked to be geared for a potential fight. .

"Well," Maul grunted as he stood up. "Quick game of rock paper scissors to see who has to explain this mess to everyone?"

Echo chuckled and walked ahead of Maul towards the AV.


Echo and Maul had just finished filling the rest of the group in on what had happened and they were all sitting quietly now. The hum of the AV's engines were soothing and a welcome sound when compared to the chaos outside on the station. Lamb suddenly broke the silence.

"I'm sorry but I just do not understand Mr. Montresor. Perhaps you can explain it to me again. Are you actively trying to kill yourself or what? You've been out of the chair for three days now and you're already trying to make headlines again with your irresponsible antics."

"Blah blah, yes mother, I know I made a mistake." Maul said miming a mouth with his hands. "You gonna ground me already or what?" He finished with a smile.

Lamb wasn't about to dignify that with a response. She turned to Echo instead.

"And I trust that you're well, Mr. Ramón?"

Echo glanced at Maul and back to Lamb.

"Yeah, I think I'm good." He said with a smile.

Lamb nodded at Echo.

She noticed the glance between the two and gave Maul the side-eye.

Maul grinned and shook his head.
26 Feb 2020, 4:01pm
"I don't like when people know more about us than we know about them." Silas lamented, setting his beer back down on the small cafe patio table in front of him.

"And now what? We just have to sit around and wait for know-everything assassins to find us? That sounds like a fuu... friggin' swell idea!" Silas' anger trailed off as he attempted to avoid swearing in front of the two white-haired little girls on the other side of the patio fence, about 8 or so, batting at each other with foam swords.

"Remember where I come from dude... trust me if these guys wanted us dead, they'd have done it already." Raven said across the table, chuckling at the GalNet cast playing in the corner of the cafe patio. Silas glanced behind him to see a video clip of Maul punching Krypto_Knight, causing his huge foam helmet to spin around backwards.

"'Scuse me, mister?" Raven jumped at the sound of a little kid voice, turning to discover it's source was the two little white-haired fencers, who were both now leaning up against the small fence looking at him. They were wearing 'play' flight suits, one white and one black.

"Uh... yeah? Hi."

The girl in the black suit swung her foam sword at the table, knocking Raven's beer into his lap.

"Ah, you little terrorist! Agh..!" he said, jumping up out of his seat and approaching the fence, just to be interrupted by the girl in black thwapping him in the face with the foam sword. Silas had managed to save his beer from the table just in time, so he was content to chuckle in amusement.

Raven regained his composure just in time to see that the girl in white had snatched his slate from his pocket over the fence and the two of them were running off into the crowd. He vaulted the fence and took off after the girls.

"Fuck..." said Silas to himself, slamming what was left of his pint and taking off after Raven.

Tracking the girls through the crowd was difficult enough as is with them being shorter than everyone else, but it didn't help that there were so many other white heads of hair bobbing through the concourse.

"You lose them, bud?" Silas said, catching up to Raven, but he wasn't listening. He was in the zone.

Then he saw them, off to the side of the concourse near an alleyway. Girl-in-white was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, and Girl-in-black had climbed up a lamp post and was taunting and waving the slate at Raven. No sooner had she stuck her tongue out was Raven plowing through the crowd toward them, Silas in tow, apologizing to the people he left behind.

Girl-in-black slid down the lamp post and the two girls darted into the alley.

Silas finally reached the alleyway and rounded the corner to see Raven just standing, staring in mild disbelief. Then Silas saw why.

Raven's slate was there, sitting all by its lonesome in the dead-end alley, on top of a small table with two little empty chairs next to it, propped up against an empty juice bottle, and displaying a message.

Clebsch Terminal
Carter Technology Centre, suite 914
We see all. We know all.
05 Mar 2020, 3:46pm
The smell of baking bread wafted over the holo-display catching everyone’s attention. Silas looked as if he was going to float away like a cartoon as he stretched his neck to get a better snoot full. Raven poked him in the ribs to bring him back to the display.

Vega and Maul were looking very pleased with themselves as the guys admired the holo-recreation of the bistro and its surrounding streets. Little people could be seen walking around doing normal everyday things in real-time. Raven was wearing a visor and held a mutilated flight stick in his hand.

“So, I can like fly around the map using the thumbstick and look at whatever I want?” he asked the room.

“Well yes and no” answered Vega “You can only see what the station cameras can see, everything else is a static render of whatever we could map. It’s amazing what Mole..”

Maul looked up from his workstation and glared at Vega. His WTF face said it all.

“I mean Maul. Sorry, you hear a thing so much it kinda sticks you know?” said Vega apologetically “Anyway, it’s amazing what Maul can come up with when we’ve got the credits and the technical knowhow to build it on hand. So if we can add a few more cameras to the blind spots, we can give you real-time intelligence and feed an overview to your HUDs. Cool right?”

Raven was swaying about and looked like he was trying to climb something. Everyone stopped to watch him.

“Damn it!” exclaimed Raven. “Why can’t I get into the bedroom?”

Maul huffed, he felt like he had explained it a hundred times already. As soon as someone else put on the visor, it’s like they had forgotten the last person had asked the same questions.

“Look, it’s not a complete interactive recreate..”

Kai swooped in behind him and stuffed a warm slice of buttery bred in his mouth from the serving tray she was carrying.

“Shut up Mole. You get to be huffy with him when you pay me back the … How many days has been Si?”

Asked Kai as she showed a massive amount of favoritism swinging the try around both Raven’s and Echo’s grasping hands to offer her boyfriend first choice. Silas grabbed the thick end-crust with a grateful wink to Kai.

“Fifteen days Kai” said Sails before happily biting into the doorstep thick slice he had taken.

“Three hundred million you owe me Mole. Then you can get snippy” finished Kia setting the try down so Echo and Raven could fight over the last end-crust.

Maul just shrugged and flipped Kai the bird under the table.

“Huh, add it to my bill. What jams we got today?” asked Maul peering over at the tray.

“All Mr Ramóns jams of choice Mr Montresor, and a few I know you prefer” Said Lamb as she came in with a second tray of warm sliced bread and a tray of drinks.

Everyone except Vega and Lambast clustered around the trays, it was like feeding time at the zoo. Lamb sipped tea from a dainty cup as she happily watched her friends appreciate her cooking.

“Umm, isn’t this supposed to be a mission briefing?” said Vega a little surprised by the turn of events.

Silas lookup like a Meerkat on watch while the rest of the pack fed.

“It is, this is briefing bred” he said pointing to the trays; then he wondered when that had become normal as he chewed thoughtfully on another bite.

Maul looked back at Vega after he grabbed a milkshake from the try to go with his jammy slice.

“Can't have a briefing without briefing bred, be real” he said half ironically before getting back to spreading jam.

Vega decided to join the scrum now there was a little space to get herself a few slices of that wonderful smelling bread.

“Well let’s get on with it. I’m going shopping with Kai and Lamb after. My share of the bounties has stacked up kinda high and there are some real nice boutiques here”

Raven looked a lil perplexed. “What’s a boutique?” he asked.

“Posh short boots” Answered Echo.

No one felt like telling Raven the truth, misinforming Raven was one of Echo little hobbies.

“Right” Said Silas once everyone was settled “After we stop this guy and the professional muscle he’s brought in, Cleve Hub should be stable again. As yesterday was the last day of our contract, I want this done; anymore messes and we’ll be working gratis. We got the ring of new buyers in one place with names and their probable resource thanks to MoleMaul and Vega, so let’s not waste this opportunity”

Silas gave everyone a moment to absorb the situation.

“Ok, let me have ya first thoughts right off the top of ya head” finished Sails

Maul was first in

“You guy haven’t been quiet. Those matching hero suits and air bikes you use have got you all noticed. And I mean a lot. You’ve been like vigilante police for the last two weeks, so anyone doing anything here is going to be expecting you. If I was those guys meeting in the bistro, I’d have a net of badasses armed with armour cracking weapons hidden all round waiting for you to turn up. Hell, this could just be a trap.” stated Maul

Lamb nodded and took another sip of tea while her eyes danced around the holo-map.

“So Echo and I go sneaky bastard and clear the perimeter. The two of us head out an hour before the first shots go off, and we should take care of anyone covering the target zone” Raven waited for an opinion.

“I see twelve good spots I’d like to use, so we should assume there’s more and they are all occupied with a hostile. The problem is they could be cross-checking each other, I would be. If we’re too slow and they notice their boys are going dark, we lose the element of surprise” said Echo rubbing his chin.

“That’s likely. Check out this guy” Vega called up a holo image of a short stout man of about forty “He doesn’t look much, but he’s called the General because he’s a Federal ex-military operations planner. I’ll bet he’s here to keep the meeting safe. You guys got your work cut out with this one”

Silas bit his lip thinking about ways of getting to the targets. He had the form of an idea, but the list of mercenaries that had drifted into Cleve Hub over the last few days bothered him and deeply complicated the issue. If they had some more time, he may come up with a cleaner plan of attack, but the meeting was happening tomorrow. The invitation from the hacker group was also bothering him. Nobody had liked that development and Lamb especially was eager to cut that tie.

“Lamb, you got anything? Asked Silas

“Mmm, I am sorry but no. My expertise is in ship infiltration, we are very exposed here” said Lambast “Even if we use the stations' underground access, we’ll have to spread out, and as Mr Montresor says, it’s probably being monitored. Even if we did pop out walls and ground, someone would be exposed and alone”

Kai stopped blowing bubbles in her milkshake.

“So Mole, you can get control of everything like lights doors, traffic control right?” she asked

“S’right, if it’s on the station mainframe, its mine thanks to the access Adle gave you. That’s how we know no one is gonna be entering or leaving that area once you guys want it locked down”

“Ok, so what can you do about the stations' rotation and the gravity?” Said Kai stomping her feet in an imaginary pair of magnetic boots.

Last edit: 09 Mar 2020, 4:06pm
06 Mar 2020, 4:27pm
The witchspace tunnel comes to an end and the bulk of the heavily modified Anaconda arrives in the Eravate system the systems star filling the view in the cockpit, it's widows tinting automatically to shield the occupants from the intense light from the star.

Akio adjusts the controls to swing the ship into a high orbit and lowers the fuel scoop.

He thumbs the ships internal comms

"OK guys we're in system once we finish filling up the tanks we've got a 45 minute supercruise journey ahead of us until we reach our destination. Caden can you give the engines a check over just incase we need to get out of trouble."

The intercom stays silent and Akio flicks the switch again

"Caden did you hear me? Respond please."

Khelan sighs and gets out of his chair.

"Ah'll go see wit he's uptae, Ah cud dae wi stretchin ma legs anyway." he says as he heads to the door to the crew area.

"Thanks boss" shouts Akio as the doors close behind Khelan.

Khelan walks down the corridor towards the rear of the ship noticing just how different it was compared to the Prid because of the modifications to allow it to function as a transport vessel for Shinigami. He reaches Cadens room and bangs loudly on the door.

"Hoi Caden!" he shouts "Are ye in there?

"Ummm yeah just a minute man, I'm kinda busy right now" replies Cadens voice from behind the door

"Ah dinnae care wit yer uptae, get yer airse doon tae they engines right noo an gie them a check over."

"Just a minute and I'll get right on it, I'll be there soon I promise"

Khelan looks at the door and shakes his head

"Ye'll get yer airse doon there noo, unless yer lyin there bleedin tae death ye'll dae wit yer telt."

"I will, I will, I'm just a bit busy right now I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Fuck this" Khelan sighs and hits the emergency door open button before stepping through.

He stops dead in his tracks and looks at Caden his mouth wide open in shock.

"Wit the fuck are ye wearing?" he asks

Caden is stood before Khelan dressed head to toe in a clear rubber suit, his hands covering his crotch.

"I can explain!" shouts Caden "It's not what you're thinking!"

Khelan blinks in disbelief

"It looks like yer wearin a full boday rubber johnnie! Ah can see why ye needed a minute" he says trying not to look at Caden.

"So ummm yeah, if you could just give me a couple of minutes I'll be right there." says Caden sheepishly.

"Aye umm OK, just get there win ye can." Khelan replies as he turns to leave.

"Oh hey Khelan?" says Caden "Please don't tell anyone what you saw here."

"Ye dinnae hiv tae worry aboot that, trust me" says Khelan

Khelan steps out into the corridor and heads back towards the cockpit.

"Goolie Ah swear tae fuck if yer no deid already yer gonnae be wen Ah git hauld of ye. Ah'll never be able tae unsee that an it's all yer fault."
09 Mar 2020, 3:13pm
Lambast Mercy“Ok, so what can you do about the stations' rotation and the gravity?” Said Kai stomping her feel in an imaginary pair of magnetic boots.

Maul smirked at Kai.

"I am so glad that you asked."

Maul sat his milkshake down and approached the holo-recreation.

"Alright, here's what I'm thinking..."


Today was the day of the bistro attack. The gang had spent the previous evening hashing out all the small details whilst trying to keep any arguing to a minimum. After a small war broke out over the best flavor of jam, the plan was settled and ready to be put into action.

"Hot Shot, are you in position?" Maul asked through the comms device in his ear.

Maul was sat behind multiple monitors, clacking away at the keyboard. Vega stood nearby at the holo-recreation.

Echo had found a rooftop near the bistro that he could safely and stealthily position himself upon. He opened the briefcase he was carrying and began piecing together his rifle. With the bipod magnetically secured on the metal ledge of the building he tapped his comm device to activate it.

"I'm in position and ready rock & rollie, Holy Molie."

Maul sighed at the response while Vega was fiddling to mute her comms device as she began to laugh loudly from the other side of the room.

The rest of the group were inside the back of a large transport vehicle that had been parked near an alley that led to the back of the bistro. The inside of the inconspicuous transport vehicle had been converted into a mobile armory. It appeared that with Adle's connections, the gang had something for every occasion at their disposal. The gang had ditched the matching super suits for darker but equally suspicious looking outfits. Lamb had just finished helping Kai strap on her armored chest piece while Silas and Raven were already geared up and double checking their weapons and ammo. When Kai and Lamb where finished, everyone grabbed a helmet and slid it on. The helmet's HUD lit up and displayed a live feed of the everyone's movements within the bistro. Every target was lit up with a red outline around their body, while civilians and the bistro workers were not lit up at all.

"So, how is it that we are seeing these guys lit up like Christmas trees?" Raven asked as he sheathed his blades.

"I sat up a frequency scanner in the area and used the chatter from each frequency to deduce which one that the General and his men were using. After that I could pinpoint their locations through their comms device and process that information through the holo-recreation's program that your guys' HUD is now displaying." Maul responded.

"Ah, of course. Makes sense to me." Raven said as he nodded along as if he understood any of what Maul had just said.

Silas smiled and shook his head at Raven.

"Alright, the gangs all here." Silas said as everyone triple checked their gear and stood in from of the giant closed doors of the transport truck.

"Then let's get this show on the road." Maul said.

At that moment Maul filled the comms of every one of the General's hired goons with a loud static.

Echo looked down the scope of his gun and could see one of the riflemen on another rooftop, throwing his suddenly static filled comm device out of his ear and onto the ground.

"'Tactical Static' is a success. Our guys are now deaf." Echo relayed to the group.

The back doors of the transport truck swing open, allowing everyone to jump out. Silas was taking lead as he lead Lamb, Raven and Kai down the alley to the rear of the bistro. With the gunmen now deaf, they could no longer relay any information to each other. One gunmen spotted the group on the ground but Echo quickly disposed of him before he could take a shot at anyone. Echo's silencer did a half decent job of muffling the sound of the shot but it was still very audible from outside the bistro. He'd only hoped that the sudden loud static was enough to through off the other gunmen's sense of awareness.

The group reached the back entrance of the bistro and stopped..

"We're in position, Mole." Kai said.

Vega watched the targets begin to scatter around within the bistro on the holo-recreation.

"Guys they know something is going on and are scattering to get the target out of the bistro."

The General had his weapon at the ready as he started pushing the target towards the front door of the bistro. An armored vehicle had just pulled up outside the entrance.

As the front door swung open, Echo fired a warning shot near their feet, pushing both men back inside.

"Not so fast, General." Echo whispered through the comms.

Maul double checked that his "Station Maintenance" warning message that he'd sent out 30 minutes ago had successfully been delivered to everyone's slate station wide, excluding the targets that he'd hacked earlier with the frequency scanner and everyone inside the actual bistro. He'd just hoped it was enough to cut down on unwanted casualties.

"Alright folks, slip on your dancing shoes, cause it's time to boogie." Said Maul with a proud look on his face as he smacked a key on his keyboard.

Vega and the rest of the group visibly cringed and quickly engaged their mag-boots.

The station made a loud groan as it's rotation started to slow. As the slowing occurred, the gunmen on the rooftops that Echo had been keeping an eye on, began to take notice of the sudden feeling of slight weightlessness. With a final loud thud, the station stopped rotating entirely, throwing the gunmen forward and off the ground entirely.

On the ground, the gang could hear arguing and yelling from within the bistro.

"They say that God said let there be light. Tsk, God may giveth but Maul taketh that shit away." Maul said again with a proud smirk.

Everyone again visibly cringed at Maul's terrible one liners.

"Mole, if you don't stop with the corny one liners, I'll knock your lights out when we get back there." Said Kai.

"Blah blah blah....The light's are out in the bistro."

Lamb, Raven, Silas and Kai all engaged their helmets night vision and strapped their respirators on before barging through the back door of the bistro.


Inside the bistro, everyone was floating around in complete darkness. The General was clenching onto the target with one hand and his weapon with the other. The room was black and the only sound he could hear was the hushed tones of his men and the bistro employees as they tried to figure out what the hell was going on whilst simultaneously trying not to bump into each others loaded weapons. The General suddenly began to feel uneasy and slightly light headed. His eyes felt heavy. With the room being this dark, he couldn't tell if his eyes were open or closed. Suddenly the hushed tones stopped. Everything stopped.

The General's eyes flung open. He was laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling of the bistro. The lights had been restored, allowing him to see again. He sat up and looked around the room. A crowd of people layed scattered across the floor among a slew of the hired goons weapons. A few people began to stir and regain consciousness. The General stood up and grabbed his rifle but the magazine was missing. He threw it aside and grabbed another weapon off the floor. It too had no magazine.

"What the fuck..." The General muttered.

He looked around the room for the man he was hired to protect but he was nowhere to be found.

"That fuckin rat..." He muttered to himself again.    

The General turned his head towards the front door of the bistro as he began to hear yelling from the other side. Moment's later, a heavily armed and heavily armored group of station security officers barged through the front door.

Security was escorting the large group of thugs out to the multiple transport vans parked outside. The General seen a few bodies covered with sheets scattered across the streets near the bistro. It was the men that he assigned to the rooftops. Everyone one of them dead from the impact they took when the station began to function properly again. Security threw him into the van and slammed the doors shut.


"I can't believe that actually fucking worked!" Raven shouted as he went around passing out high fives to Lamb, Kai, Silas and Echo.

"Lamb, I can't believe that the sedative gas worked that quickly. That was the easiest snatch & grab I've ever been a part of. Where did you learn about that stuff?" He continued.

The discussion was cut short because at that moment, the target that they had acquired started to wake up. He was cuffed and gagged on the floor next to them in the back of the transport vehicle. At the sight of the group, he began grunting and flopping around.

Silas approached the man and kneeled down to remove the gag.

"Whoa buddy, calm down there." Silas said patting the man on the shoulder.

"Who the fuck are you guys? What's going on? I'll have you all killed!" He yelled, spraying Silas with spit.

Silas looked over his shoulder at the rest of the group and then back to the target.

"From where I'm standing, it doesn't look like you'll be killing anyone anytime soon." Silas said smugly.

The target gave Silas a somehow even more pissed off look.

"I bet the General is pretty pissed right about now."

The man stopped wiggling and focused on Silas.

"Yeah, him and his men get arrested and you, what, just seemingly vanish?...How does that make you look? Not very good if you ask me. Some might think that you've turned rat."

Raven approached with his blade in hand and stood beside Silas. He pointed the blade at the target.

"So, you can leave Cleve Hub, leave Eravate...or we can deliver you to the General ourselves." Finished Silas with a smirk.

"I...you'll never see me again...I told the boys back home that this was a bad idea..." The man replied.

Silas stood up and Raven sliced the plastic cuffs off of the mans ankles.

Silas opened the back doors to the transport truck and Raven pushed the target out with his boot. The target smacked the ground with a thud and the transport vehicle drove off. He laid on the ground with his hands still cuffed behind his back. He struggled but eventually got on his feet and began running in a random direction.

"Alright, Mole. The target was cut loose, you got his location?" Silas said into his comms.

"Yep, tracking him now."

"Nice job scaring the dude. He'll definitely go running back home to his boys after that little encounter." Said Maul, with a chuckle.  "I'll be sure to alert the proper authorities of his location once he arrives. We won't have to worry about that asshat or his piss ant buddies anymore."

Raven sheathed his blade and crossed his arms.

"Now, about this "Best Jam" thing we were talking about last night."

Lamb rolled her eyes as she began removing her armor.

"Mr. Eugene, that discussion is over and now is not the appropriate time to revive it. Besides, you were wrong."

The armory/transport truck erupted into another heated debate about jams as it drove through the station streets.

Last edit: 09 Mar 2020, 4:04pm
11 Mar 2020, 4:32pm
“No Lamb, your forgetting that what you call jelly we call gelatin dessert. Jam without bits in, is jelly to the rest of us. You’re the one that’s got it wrong as far as we’re concerned” explained Kaisla.

“Thank you” expelled Raven flicking his hand at Lambast “So stick that on your bread and eat it whatwhatwhat”

“Uh-huh” interrupted Silas “Now that important misunderstanding has been cleared up, can we agree to thank our tech support team? Without Holy Molie and Lost Vegas, this would have been as ass hole of a job”

“Three cheers for Tech Support. Hip hip!” said Lamb enthusiastically.

Four faces turned to look at her mostly with raised eyebrows and smirks.

“Umm, I don’t think we’ll be doing that over coms Lamb” Said Silas trying to keep from laughing at her.

“I think someone got a little over-excited didn’t she” said Kai as she poked Lamb in the ribs.

“Hmm no” smirked Raven “I’ll just give ‘um some of my cut thanks. I don’t wanna look like an idiot”

“Well balls to the lot of you then. You can jolly well cook your own dinners while I have a little sulk about it” Chuckled Lambast.

Vega cut in over the coms

“You guys are shattering the illusion you know. Just as I was admiring true professionals, you start arguing about bread dressings. Anyway, don’t mention it, it’s what we do. Now hurry back; Maul is bothering the Butl.. Valet about a party”

On the journey back, Sails noticed Lamb and Kai were doing their silent communications thing. He wasn’t that surprised when the girls made an announcement after everyone had got changed.

“As we’re probably off tomorrow, I’m gonna return the heels I brought the other day” said Kai

“Yes. We have to look our best when dealing with dirty shut-ins hiding behind tired old horror tropes” Lambast glanced at Maul and raised a hand “No offense” she finished.

“Plenty taken fuckyouverymuch Lamb” exclaimed Maul “Why does everyone think it’s ok to rattle my cage?”

“Because you react like that” said Vega messing up Maul's hair. “Can I come? I wanna get that…”

Kai shook her head and took hold of Lamb’s hand.

“We’d like to take one last walk round the station together. We grew up here ya know. So… you know.. by by guys”

Kia bundled Lamb out the door waving at everyone as she left. Maul blinked after he watched them leave.

“That wasn’t suspicious at all was it?” he said.

“That’s Kai” shrugged Echo “Ok, now what about this party you were talking about man?”

Before Lamb was at the lift, she had called the PA Naomi to find out what the Security forces were doing with the prisoners. Lamb put her finger over the mic while she listened and spoke to Kai quietly.

“You go to the Hand and gather up the usual suspects. I’ll add to the shopping list when we start thrashing out a plan and then I’ll give you a rendezvous location once I have one. Oh, and unlock the saber from the wall please, you know the one”

Kai nodded as the lift descended.

“Hell yeah. I’m not having those ass holes think they can mess up my station. It was safe when I.. we.”

Lamb pulled Kai in for a hug. “It’s ok darling, we’ll put it right”

Lamb remembered the meeting with Naomi, the PA,  as she stood with Kai on the rooftop ready to jump. The girl was so excited to be working with Lamb and Kai, she near hummed with excitement.

“The professional assassins and bodyguards the buyers hired will be moved in a secure transport once you two are ready. Behind them in a normal security van, we’ll have the other men and women of the syndicate moved to a more secure facility too. That’s the best we can do for you. This is a high profile capture thanks to the station stopping and the free press swarming it, so we can’t do anything behind closed doors without risking further investigation. I trust that won’t be a problem for you”

The AV’s were approaching flanked by Security vehicles and press hounding the convoy all the way.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to guide you in honey?” Asked Lamb mockingly as she pulled the blue silk scarf up over her mouth and nose.

“Piss of Lamb, I can fly anything” She replied pulling up her red scarf. Kai jumped “Last one there is a stinkin Imperial” Laughed Kai and she fired the jump pack.

Lamb flowed close behind.

“As if I’d have it any other way”

The pack was responsive and Kai fired it again to get a little more height. She couldn’t help herself, this was freedom. Flying to her, was as natural as swimming is to a fish. As she dropped, Kai took aim with the high powered energy weapons and fired them, one after the other. They took a couple of seconds to charge after pulling the trigger and damn near melted after. The weapons made a noise like a ship boosting, and the kickback made Kai flip over twice. She watched the star-like bolts burn the air as they travelled. Each shot was on target and a fair-sized hole appeared in the top of the van, and a smaller opening glowed orange on the armoured transport vaporising the metal.

Kai dropped the energy lances and drew her pistols before she fired the pack again to land on the cab of the armoured transport.

Theatrics are important Lamb had said, so Kai stayed on one knee for a moment with her head bowed and crossed her arms over her chest leaving the pistols either side of her head before she took off at a run for the back of the APC firing stun bolts at security officers along the way. She watched Lamb fire her jump pack to soften her landing as she dropped like a needed with a sword in each hand into the hole Kai had made in the other vehicle.

Glancing at the people inside as she passed the melted gap in the top of the APC, Kai stuck to the plan and continued to the back end and jumped over to the van Lamb was in. Security was beginning to react now and was returning fire, so Kai leapt over to the van, stunned a few more officers and waited for Lambast. Lamb ejected from the van like a rocket. Kai launched a mag-grapple at one of the approaching security drones and passed to Lamb when she came back down.

With that done, it was back to the APC to take care of the hired killers. With slugs and energy bolts ripping by her, Kai moved as fast as she could, cleared the gap between the vehicles once more, and dropped into the APC just as Lamb had done the in the van.  One unfortunate officer was looking out the hole as Kai entered at took a stun bolt to the head closely followed by a Kai. Two more officers went down to stun bolts and Kai was left with a line of faces each side of her belonging to people securely cuffed, ankles and wrists to the bench.

“It’s a brake out. I knew the general would have a back-up plan” Said one optimistic former sniper “You're here to free us right”

Kai looked at him with an impassive level gaze. The bright twinkle in her crystal-blue eyes was missing.

“That’s one way to think of it” she said without any trace of emotion in her voice as she reloaded her weapons and changed the settings to deadly.

The metallic black full conversion borg on the impressively heavy maglock plate bolted to the sub-frame of the APC watched Kai dispatched the rest of his fellow mercs’ without a hit of empathy. The dense bands holding him in place would not give no matter how strong his body was, but he was still not concerned as the slender woman approached with a strange tool in her hand.

“Your pistols won’t affect me; well not before you’re interrupted. What do you think you’re going to do girl?”

Kai put the little auto-jack in the side of the borg skull like jaw, and it forced his mouth to open. Naomi had told them a thing or two about this monsters past deeds.

“That’s right; you’re an impressive piece of hardware Sargent, but as you also fell to the gas, it’s clear your still using the original organic systems you started with” explained Kai as she pushed a long swan neck shaped tool down the borgs’ throat.

It came back out with a thick slimy coil of filters and electronics.

Fear, a feeling the borg hadn’t encounter for years now played with his brain.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

Kai took out another tool much like the last one, it had something already attached to the working end. A power wire lead to a view screen on the handle end. Kai reminded the borg of a job he once taken.

“Do you remember disabling a refugee ship and letting it drift off into a star just to kill its captain? You’d boarded the thing to disable the escape pods and power gen, so you could have completed the contract then, but you chose to cook almost a thousand other people to death. Well, that’s what I’m going to do for you.

Kai finished attaching the heating element to the cylinder that contained the man’s lungs and plugged it into the maglock plate’s power supply, and then she disabled the borg’s speakers.

She took a breath and launched herself back outside. Glancing around for Lamb, Kai found her in the air attaching an emp-pulse to the last drone. Kai Jumped again and launched her mag grapple at a passing building. Lamb let go of the drone before the pulse detonated, and did the same. Lamb was a bad shot, but even she found it hard to miss a building. Once the girls were together, they ran, jumped and grappled away from the convoy.

A few blocks away they dropped into an ally and quickly chucked the white wigs, equipment, and weapons into a dumpster marked with white tape and took out their coats and some shopping bags. Walking calmly out of the ally, they joined the throng of citizens as security rushed by and officers bolted to their last known position, Lamb and Kia checked their progress.

“Well, that was a thing what?” said Lamb

Kai just nodded.

“Next it’s the General. He’s being rushed to court for a show trial. We’re to wait until the charges have been read as they want to blame him for the recent troubles and station being stopped”

Lamb knew the look Kai was wearing. Lamb had seen it in the mirror for years. It didn’t sit well on her best friend.

“Listen sweetness, I can do this one on my own …”

“NO, no. I have to put things back the way they were, and WE have to do that together”

Lamb hadn’t heard that firmness in Kai’s voice for a long time and she didn’t like it. This was the hurt little girl from all those years ago, the one Kai had worked hard to put behind her.

“Right o sweetness, I’m with you. I think we have time for a quick Bourbon if you fancy” proposed Lamb.

Kai fished around in her under-armour and pulled out her slate. Now it was free of the suit, Lamb could hear it vibrating. She read the name Silas before Kai answered. Lamb listened to half the conversation.

“Hi my guy Si.. .. You what? .. .. what prison transport, we’re shopping you nutter. .. No I’ve not seen the news, we’re shopping.. .. Yes really, look”

Kai pointed her slate at Lamb.

“Say hi to the mad guy hun” said Kai from behind her slate.

Lamb lifted a shopping bag and waved at the slate.

“See” continued Kai and turned the slate on herself. “Shopping. You’re lucky you’re hot or I may have doubts about a crazy stalker boyfriend. .. .. It’s alright, I’ll bring you back something nice. Kisses baby. By by.”

Kai put the slate away. With it went any vestige of a smile.


Lamb and Kai heaved on the inner roof plate and looked down on the courthouse. They were changed again and equipped for this part of the clean-up. Being in the maintenance area between the inner and outer skin of the station reminded Lamb of her troubles in Robigo, it was good to be with Kai this time round. Kai stood up watching the count down on her wrist display; Lamb joined her checking her voice modulator was working. When the timer reached zero, the girls stepped into the air and fell.

Kai fired four charges at the transparent steel skylight as they fell and abandoned the launcher for her pistols. She stunned the roof guards before the charges detonated. Two large blobs of kinetic gel followed the skylight into the center aisle of the courtroom, and the Sisters hit the gel. It cushioned their descent and blobs of the stuff bounced around the large room like power balls causing everyone to take cover.

Kai walked around the back of the public gallery stunning anyone with a weapon, and she dropped the door jammer on the main entrance while Lamb calmly walked toward the Judge. A pair of guards up in the press box thought they had the drop on Lamb, but she often acted as bait for Kai, and Kai took them down first.  Lamb drew the sword from her hip and jumped up onto the judge’s bench raising her blade slowly. Naomi had told them, this judge was in the pocket of the new syndicate. Killing him would look bad, but teaching him a lesson would be welcome.

“For crimes against justice…” Lambs’ voice change and amplified echoed slightly.

The man raised his arms to protect himself. Lamb took them from him with two heavy slashes.

“…I punish you”

The General knew what was about to happen and bolted. He knew his chances were slim, but getting to bailiff's entrance and the armed security on the other side was his best chance. He didn’t make it, Kai shot his legs out from under him with stun bolts. Still conscious, he rolled onto his back just in time to feel Lamb’s blade press into his chin.

“This system is guarded. You and your ilk have no home here” declared Lamb with all the gusto of the best hammy stage actor fully aware the press was still in the box.

Lamb ignored the eruption of gunfire as Kai and security exchanged ammunition. She pushed her blade forward, twisted and let it drop from her hand. With the job done, the girls grapple lined out the courtroom the same way they entered and repeated their previous escape.

After they were changed, Kai checked her slate again. There were a number of missed calls and messages. It tweeted just before Kai was going to return the call.

“What is it this time baby?… Because Lamb was getting measured for a bra. Can’t have my slate in hand while Lambs got her tits out can I?... . Because she got a little tubby and they don’t fit properly anymore”

“I say Kai, that’s a bit rum! Exclaimed Lambast.

Kai just waved her down while she continued talking to Silas.

“What do you mean dismembering judges?.. .. You’ve lost the plot Si….. Ok ok, I’ll turn the camera on. .. … Well you know how Lamb walks, it’s more like the imperial march and these bags are heavy, you’d be a bit red too. … . Ok, I’ll be back in an hour or two, try not to get any madder if you can help it ok honey. Hugs”


Abraham shouted back at Dock Control. First, that dumb Tessa bitch fucked everything up just because she couldn’t keep her own house in order, and just as he was about to take the lion’s share of her old territory and challenge that other bitch Adle, some bunch of god damn... Rescue Rangers turn up and fuck up his blossoming operation. Now Dock Control was giving him shit about cargo he didn’t have.

“Look you work-a-day crap-bucket, I have no cargo, your brain dead goon squad searched my Clipper and found nothing. Now can I get off this shit-hole crazy-ass station before it starts spinning like a top?”

Up until a few hours ago, Abraham could have had this guy and his family killed with one call, now he was having to ask this nobody for permeation to leave. He rubbed his eyes and watched a black Python exit the slot.

“Sorry for the delay sir, you are clear to leave. Thank you for visiting Cleve Hub, have a safe journey” Dock control finally replyed.

“Have a fatal accident you dick” Abraham answered and left the station boosting his way out.

He flipped his own display screen the bird when the fine appeared and started plotting a different course. He couldn’t be too careful. Being hard to find was going to be the right thing to do for a while. People like the General didn’t give up.

A reflection in his canopy made him look round. A woman stepped out of his locker with an ancient cavalry saber in her hand. It was the same blade that hung above the fireplace in Dell’s privet chambers years ago, he remembered it. Abraham remembered the story back from when he was climbing the ranks in the old syndicate. Some white haired girls had killed their way through the organisation. In the space of a single year, they had just about beheaded the beast that Dell lead. Then one of them had simply walked into his privet penthouse, killed him with his own sword and walked out again unchallenged. They were legendary in the Cleve Hub underworld.

"It's you" the words quivered in the air after they left Abrahams' lips.

Lambast watched Abraham try to draw his pistol with a trembling hand she had been moving slowly, slinking the way a snake would if it became human. Her brilliant white flight suit highlighted her every movement in the canopy’s reflection. As his fingers closed on the hilt of his weapon, Lamb lunged forwards pushing the saber spine-deep into him just as she had done to Dell all those years ago. She used the blade to turn the man around and sit him back in the pilot’s seat before she finished copying Dells’ execution.

Lamb changed the voice modulator to male and asked for permeation to land as Kai came up alongside Abraham’s Clipper. Once the black-box and ship's computer core was wiped and burnt, Lamb engaged auto-dock and left by the cargo bay airlock.


Silas, like everyone else, watched the news silently. The party had given way to curiosity after the “Sisters” escaped the security convoy. The discussion of “was it them?” halted along with breaking news from the courthouse where the General was being tried. The door to the penthouse’s generous stateroom opened, and Kai came bouncing in under the weight of an impressive amount of shopping bags closely followed by a similarly encumbered Lambast.

Kai always looked like she’d just been caught doing something she shouldn’t have, so her face was no help. Lamb’s face was, for the most part, made of stone and seldom wore an expression of anything but mild disappointment just as it did now. Under the silent bombardment of six pairs of accusing eyes, Kai had to say something.


Last edit: 11 Mar 2020, 6:56pm
12 Mar 2020, 4:49pm
Creamy Goodness III"Oh, I'm sorry, have we left the station?"

I smoothly rebuff softening my grip on the back of the pilot's seat.

"I don't know if I was simply captivated by you, or the take-off was so silky I didn't notice. After that display, I'd be more than happy to trust my life to your warm steady hand, rather than a cold clinical robot"

Enjoy watching Nerys' lagoon green eye for a moment as she absorbs the compliments. On realizing I'm prowling again, quickly change the subject.

"Ar now, three minutes you say? Well, I best get down to the webby-chair-thing I set up.

Address the COVAS as I duck out and go get seated for the first jump.

"I say Celeste, dose the Fairytale have internal comms? Be a bit off if I have to keep shouting through the hatch what? And if I may impose further, could you access my slate-play account and download the keyboard and guitar apps to your holo-display? I do like to play if the time is right"

After leaving the docks, Nerys blushed. She was completely inept in human relationships, but she knew how to handle machines. Istinctively she had learned very fast all the commands of the Sidewinder console, and the ship was responding smoothly and precisely.

I could get used to this
she thought. Being in control of her own existence... It was a good sensation.

"Internal communications active" Celeste said. "Entertainment applications ready. Jump point reached. Ready to engage, Commander".

Nerys nodded. "Ready when you are, Mr. Goodness. Let's remove some dust from this old FSD drive".
13 Mar 2020, 11:58am
Stretch and wonder what was just knocked.

“That right, spent the night on a reclined pilot's seat”

Stand up and stretch for a little while to work the kinks out before asking Celeste for the time.

“Bonne journée Celeste, quelle heure est-il s'il vous plait?”

“The time is six fourteen A.M. Mr Goodness” answered the COVAS.

Wonder why anyone would have a COVAS with such an attractive French accent that didn’t speak French.

Take the strap off my travel bag and activate the Fairytale 1’s flight systems and pull the stick back with a little thrust so the ship is in a constant loop to add a little gravity. Being an earth girl, Nerys may appreciate that upon waking. Tie the stick off with my bag strap and walk through to the bathroom.

On entering the little personal quarters stop dead in my tracks looking at the back of Nerys’ sleeping head.

“Oops, sorry” I whisper “Forgot the Winders are a bit cramped”

Tiptoe with cat-like silence to the bathroom to wash up for the day.

Once clean, set about quietly making breakfast. Put on a pot of coffee as well as tea because I forgot to ask how Nerys likes to start her day. Wait for the aroma from the preparations to awaken my host.

Last edit: 26 Dec 2022, 10:42pm
15 Mar 2020, 12:16am

Nerys yawned, opening one eye. Her nose sensors immediately started to send complex strings of information. The chip in her tongue was directly interfaced to her brain cortex, so lists of chemical substances started to appear in her field of view, both as names and as formulae.


The list increased in length for some milliseconds, then the chip itself started to analyze the results trying to group the single compounds, so to find the origin of the scent. The result was immediate, because that specific substance was well known to the computer and its creator.

Analysis: roasted beans of Coffea arabica.

"Oh! Coffee!"

Nerys sat up on the small bed, searching for her glasses on the small metal shelf. Without them, she was more or less unable to recognize herself in a mirror. After some seconds, she realized that she was just in her underwear, and that she was not alone on the ship, so quickly dived under the sheets searching for her suit. When finally she managed to dress up, she saw Creamy in front of the tiny kitchen.

"Good morning, Mr. Goodness" she said, stretching. "I hope you spent a good night?"
15 Mar 2020, 10:26am
"Morning Nerys, and I think you can call me Creamy by now what? Be aware, I have put ya ship in a bit of a loop so we have a little gravity. Only bout half a gee, but it helps"

Turn around to face Nerys with a pot of coffee in one hand and a pot of tea in the other.

"Didn't know what ya fancied in the mornings so I popped on a pot of both; I'm a tea chap meself. I'll pour a cup then hop down to the cargo bay so you can have some privacy"

Place the pots back on the little counter and get my self a generous mug.

"Just stamp on the hatch when ya ship-shape and Bristol fashion and we'll get on with another day of jumping"
18 Mar 2020, 4:32pm
"Oh, Creamy, yes, great idea."

Stretching her arms, Nerys accepted the cup of coffee, noticing how the liquid was staying obediently inside it. Usually in space they were forced to squeeze liquids out of closed bottles, but this way it was much more natural, and the scent had no price.

"Celeste, status report" she asked. She was sure that Creamy had already checked everything, but after all the ship was hers, and so was the responsibility.

"Ship systems nominal" the COVAS replied. "Route confirmed. Estimated time before arrival, twenty-two hours, six minutes. Next jump in sixteen minutes."

Nerys laughed. "A whole day of jumps. Someone could find them boring, but... I don't know, hyperspace never stops to fascinate me. Do you think I could be a good explorer, Creamy?"
18 Mar 2020, 5:00pm
Pause on my way down the ladder and place my cupper on the deck. Apprise Nerys for a moment.

"I can't say I know much about the old honk and scan bunch. When I had to make a bit of my own money, I was shocked that there were a bunch of pipe and spectacle types that would pay a chap for data, but I didn't complain"

Strain my brain thinking about the time spent alone and totally free of female company.

"Oh yes, The guardian sites! Plenty of white coats that will love you for the slightest bit of old tech from alien sands there. One chap gave me a booster thingy for filling an order list. Think the artifacts are a sort of currency to some Dont'cha know?"

Think back to Nerys' question before I go off on a tangent again.

"Oh, that's it. Explorer. Yes, your the studious type and you must be patient because you're an MD. I found the loneliness mindnumbing just doing a trip like this, so I don't think its for me. Still, would be a shame to lose an intelligent and beautiful gel like you to the stars for a few months, but I don't think you'd regret it"

"Anyway, I'll give you some time to refresh your self before we get jumping again. Oh, and remind me to talk with you about them changing winds you reference"

Give Nerys a wink and slide down the ladder. Remember my cupper is still up top and retrieve it before I shut the hatch.

Last edit: 23 Mar 2020, 4:17pm
19 Mar 2020, 10:31pm
Nerys entered the small shower and let the warw water flow together with her thoughts.

Returning to Earth was, at the moment, completely impossible. Too many legal problems, not enough money, nowhere to go.

So what? Becoming a doctor on some frontier planet? Fascinating, yes, but technically her qualifications were valid only on Earth. She needed exams, university interviews and taxes to have them validated with the various governements of the galaxy . Probably not a big problem, but one that nonetheless required money to be solved.

What else? A trader? Moving tea between planets could be exciting at first, but surely it was not her main interest. And everything that required fighting... no, thanks.

But exploring the void... mmm, why not? She wasn't afraid of the loneliness. And she already loved the sensation of piloting her ship.

Nerys came out of the shower, retrieved suit and glasses, and without worrying about drying her hair or wearing the shoes, opened the hatch to the cargo bay.

"Next jump in three minutes" Celeste said.

"Oh, shut up" she replied. "It is at least three minutes, no need to be so fussy. Re-plot the route for a delay of five minutes."
"Aye, Commander".

"Creamy..." she said, her eyes slightly lost in the void. "...suppose absurdly that this explorer thing really interests me. Do you happen to know someone who could... teach me the ropes? Or at least give me an advice so to not crash the ship at the first jump? Not for free, of course."

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