Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
04 Nov 2020, 8:03pm
"Busy round here. " said Descartes.

Ships off all kinds waiting to dock, and not an easy approach. Should be all kinds of interesting people here. But she wanted to find out more about Raglan, what makes him tick, what  his real goals are. They seemed to get along reasonably well, he had a few habits that she found annoying. And he was a little overconfident. The truth was, as she kept telling herself, was that she spent far too long alone. It wasn't healthy. This time she must try harder to be less aloof. Gravity kicked in, heavy.

"So, eat drink and be merry." She lightly put her arm around his shoulder as they walked off the bridge.

Last edit: 04 Nov 2020, 8:09pm
04 Nov 2020, 10:39pm
Opening the galactic map was something to do while the FSD charged. Creamy span the Milkyway with a twitch of his fingers and sighed a long sigh of boredom. A tag on a system not too far from the star he was jumping to orbited his marker catching Creamys’ attention. He grabbed the holo-projection to stop it spinning and zoomed in on the tag, it was Cubeo.

It took half a second for the name to register, and seeing a knife flying towards his eye would probably have had the same effect on Creamy. At least five toggles that didn’t need toggling got flipped before Creamy managed to cancel the jump.

“Bloody hell Ninette, why didn’t you tell me we were so close to that place” asked Creamy as if he was scolding a wayward child.

“Je n'ai pas d'instructions pour vous avertir de la proximité des systèmes de notre gamme actuelle”

That couldn’t be right. Creamy remembered telling Ninette to warn him when he was within two hundred light-years of home; that contract he had no intention of ever breaking. He also clearly recalled his computer telling him his plotted course would take him into the exclusion zone on more than one occasion in the past.

Just as he was about to complain at his personal assistant program, Creamy remembered this was not the original Ninette. The first Ninette was on his lost Conda along with the few things from home he cared about including the box his uncle, Creamy Goodness the Second, had given him. This recent installation of Ninette had no such instructions.

“Ar well, in that case Ninette, please set a two hundred light year exclusion zone around Cubeo and warn me if any course I set will take us through it. Thank you”

“Oui monsieur. Monsieur, nous sommes actuellement dans la zone d'exclusion de deux cents années-lumière que vous avez définie autour du système Cubeo” said the computer dutifully doing as it was asked.

“Yes I knew we’re in it now. I ment.. “ Creamy stopped and squinted at the speaker trying to work out if Ninette had just cracked a joke.

Putting the chance of a self-aware computer out of his mind, Creamy highlighted Cubeo and checked the distance. A Knight of Goodness was a little over a hundred and seventy light-years out, just about twenty light-years shy of breaking the terms of his contract. Breathing a sigh of relief, Creamy selected Marrallang, the system where everyone was going to converge. The carrier was well within the one tiny little bubble of space Creamy had agreed to stay away from until he was ready to go home take his fathers’ place, ending his freedom and binding him to Imperial tradition and dogma for the rest of his life. His mother would probably make him marry “for the sake of the family” once he was installed as the new Count. Creamy shuddered.

“Well shit” is all he could say.

This was it, just one more jump and Creamy would bring about five years of freedom to an end. On the other hand if he didn’t get to .. whatever the carrier was called, he’d be leaving Nerys behind. Thinking about that made Creamy pause with his finger over the FSD. Would it be so bad? She was with people that could help someone that was being chased; one of them had his own fleet by the sound of it. All Creamy could offer her was an excellent singing voice and the ability to hit people very hard, not a very good set of skills to offer a young lady on the run. What’s more, ignoring what Moody Blue shouted over the coms, the first time Nerys was put in danger was Creamys’ fault.

The guilt from that night, and the way he felt when he was with the Doctor made Creamy think hard about his promise to be at her service. Even weighing it against his contract with his parents, and what breaking that would mean, the Doctor was still winning. What made Creamys’ mind up for him was remembering Nerys’ face from that night. A cut above her eye letting blood drip down her beautiful face; he could picture her still holding that over-sized gun after kinetically amputating a man’s leg. That happened because of him. With a heavy heart, Creamy composed the Doctor one last message.

Dearest Captain Doctor

You know how one is free to go anywhere, but we always end up in the same old places no matter what direction one travels? Well maybe not as you haven’t been out in space for that long, but I think you know what I mean.
You’ve gone a lot further than mere light-years can count for a girl from Sol Three. Even over the few days I’ve known you, I’ve detected the callused hand of the seasoned traveller stating to develop.

Well back to the point, we have somehow all managed to head to the one place in the galaxy I can’t go. Family problems, I sure you can understand that, but it does mean I can’t come with you on your errand of mercy for the short blond chap. I’ll go back to the systems around Inara and make some noise, see if I can’t rustle up any rotten sorts, and lead them on a merry chase to keep them away from you. I am, as much as it pains me to admit, very good at running and not much else.

On your ship in my jacket is a little wire model of a Cobra. I’d very much like that back on my person. It was given to me just before I met you so it is clearly a powerful good luck charm. The rest of my belongings would be nice, but not vital. I believe Ninette and Celeste between them managed to access my slate so, you may tuck into my accounts. Your welcome to, just don’t spend every last credit. Oh, the location of your Sidewinder is also on that slate in the Notes section, don’t forget your first ship what?

Do you remember the lounge in that Passenger Liner headquarters we stopped in for a wine and a chat? They always know how to get hold of me, and it’s probably the safest place in the galaxy; doubly so if the owner is there. Please send the Cobra to them if you would be so kind.
Give my best to your patient; I have full confidence in your ability to get him back on his feet.

Warmest regards, Some chap you decided to help.

With the message sent to Nerys’ wrist computer, Creamy highlighted Inara and looked for nearby systems to go cause trouble.

“I say Ninette, replay in the positive to that job offer for host of the floor show onboard the Colonia carrier. It helps to have somewhere to run when one is going to upset the hive”
05 Nov 2020, 12:07am
"Busy is good, it means people feel safe here. It's also easier to stay anonymous in a crowd"

He reached to his pocket and pulled out his shades. he flipped them open and casually donned them.

As they stepped off the bridge he felt her arm drape loosely over his shoulder.

When the passed his cabin he reached in and grabbed his flying jacket, flipping it over his shoulder.

"Now I'm ready" He said, reaching lightly around her waist.

"What do you want to do first?"

She was still thinking as they exited the ship.
05 Nov 2020, 4:30pm
"First I want to get clean, then 'I want to eat." Said Descartes.

Feeling like they were old friends already, relaxed in each others company. It was an illusion, but it felt right, she went on..

"Do you think this place has a spa, sauna, somewhere to swim? or am I asking too much. How about an observation deck?"
06 Nov 2020, 10:58am
They made their way to one of the station info-terminals.

Rex pushed a few keys and the display told him what he wanted to know.

"There's a spa in sector 5 of the main ring, apparently there is a small hotel there as well. We can check in there first then explore after we've had food"

He'd been to enough of these Orbis stations to know the layout, and headed to the station transport terminal.

"We'll get a shuttle, be there in no time"
07 Nov 2020, 12:55pm
"Uh, OK." said Descartes. "We'll get a couple of rooms, I don't remember the last time I slept in a bed. I'll need to pick up a few things, new clothes and stuff."

There were a few practicalities that occurred to her, she hadn't thought about sleeping off ship until he mentioned a hotel. Usually her visits to larger stations consisted of the docks, maybe a bar or two, perhaps a little business. The larger habitation rings were of little interest, although she hadn't really given them much thought. It would be fun to walk around in large 1g. green spaces, no need for remlock suits, fresh air. Regular life.
08 Nov 2020, 2:16am
"That's fine, I need some more stuff as well"

The shuttle stopped outside the hotel as they had requested.

"If you want to go and get the rooms, I'll check what the spa has to offer and meet you inside in a few minutes"

Without waiting for a response he headed off, leaving her to sort the sleeping arrangements.

He also wanted to check a couple of other things, but he wasn't about to tell her that.
08 Nov 2020, 9:02pm
09 Nov 2020, 3:14pm
09 Nov 2020, 4:15pm
It took Descartes next to no time to book the hotel. A quick trip to shop.  Ignoring anything feminine or fashionable, she settled on yet another jumpsuit, several pairs of shorts, t-shirts, next to nothing underwear, something to swim in, and trainers, toiletries, toothbrush and hairbrush.

Back at the hotel she checked that they could eat in the bar and left a message for Raglan - room number, key-card, and meet her in the bar, she would sauna and swim first. At last, naked and a little self-conscious in  the female sauna, she luxuriated in the steamy heat and  began to feel thoroughly clean. She was not alone, two rather overweight women made her feel thinner than ever. Too long in weightlessness had that effect. they were very eager to talk, soon she felt relaxed. She didn't need the swimsuit, there an female only pool too.

Last edit: 09 Nov 2020, 4:25pm
10 Nov 2020, 11:13am
He returned to the hotel and collected his messages and keycard.

Once in his room he stripped and changed into his leisure clothes. It was good to get the all in one remlock off and wear some less restrictive clothes.

He headed down to the spa, spent some time in the sauna and splash pool, then decided to make his way back to the hotel.

On his return he checked the bar, empty.

He went back to his room and reviewed the Galnet News screen. It carried reports of a battle between feds and imps.

Raglan breathed a sigh of relief that he was an indepent and didn't look like being dragged into the fight as long as he stayed away from the disputed system.

He could fight, his combat rank attested to that. He just didn't want to fight.

He made his way back to the bar, ordered a drink and waited. The next day or two was all about him. Him and Descartes.
10 Nov 2020, 7:13pm
The swim felt wonderful, but Descartes was very weary by the time she emerged from the water. A cold shower worked wonders. Dressing in crisp new clothes she began to make some decisions. First she would have to tell Raglan that only one room was available at the hotel - unless he'd worked that out for himself, noticing two beds in the large comfortable room. Sharing would be an interesting experience.

She felt certain that ferrying paying passengers on expensive sightseeing voyages was not something that Raglan would do - despite the high rewards to be gained if it was combined with exploring and collecting cartographic data. He wanted to be his own man. Understandably. She hoped he was not considering getting getting involved in what was beginning to look like an outbreak of  war between  the Empire and Federation.

Descartes was no fighter. A Dolphin equipped for passengers would serve two purposes: one, make a fortune,. two, carry refugees or supplies if involvement in a conflict was inevitable.

She made her way back to the hotel bar, pleased to see Raglan was there ahead of her. She kissed him on the cheek and explained about the room.
11 Nov 2020, 3:14am
The kiss surprised him, but it was a pleasant surprise.

He listened as she explained the situation with the room, which he had guessed anyway, what with it being far bigger than he expected.

"No problem", he said cheerily, "we'll just have to make the best of it."

They ordered drinks and he looked her up and down.

"You should relax more often, it suits you. You look great"

He hoped she'd realise the compliment was genuine, and not just a line.
11 Nov 2020, 7:06pm
Descartes smiled.

"Thank you. They assured me that there would be two beds, two of anything else we might need. You can go first in the shower. I've got the bill covered."  Not giving him time to respond she went on... "I know how it is to get started. You don't need any more debt."

Looking around she said, "Not bad here, very busy, lucky I managed to get a table whenever we're ready to eat."

(She didn't mention the outrageous flirting with the concierge- it was a skill learned at a very young age, never failed her yet..)

"Have you been following the news? I'd like to know more about the so-called terrorists, not much chance of getting the truth from the usual news feeds."
12 Nov 2020, 2:15pm
Jason FrimantleHe looked between them, then turned his face to one side and wiped at his nose and cheeks. Still moisture. Damn.

"It's just a lot right now. Aisling's father was assassinated, there have been attacks and threats against her people, and the Angels have been hit pretty hard. Some of my friends are dead. I mean... I've known them the longest, and they're the closest thing I had to family. So, knowing I'll never see some of them again..."

He had a seat near the food but didn't reach for it. He felt disconnected from his body's needs. Get them to safety. Finish the job. Get back to the Angels. Fight. He closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to keep himself present.

"Nothing for it now, though, right? I can't go back into the past to change anything I did. Got to stick with what I can do now."

Nerys checked her watch. "Sorry to interrupt" she said. "But... you said that we are clear of the primary star? So are we free to jump? Because every minute counts now. I don't know exactly how far we are from our destination... " and here she looked towards Amata "...but if we want to try to save Ao, we must hurry".

Then her wrist scanner beeped, and a message arrived.

"Oh" she said, reading the transcript in a split second. She blushed, then she closed the scanner quickly.

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ROLEPLAY ONLY! Respect the universe settings!
If you are new here, please try to at least partially involve in the ongoing stories and conversations instead of establishing a completely different "arc". You can always turn it to a different story later.