Elite: Lore

06 Jan 2018, 1:11pm
...i do believe that if youhave low-impac-energy (compared to ship-based armory) the shields would be useless...something like Dune shields which could stop high-energy weapons, but fail at knives and slow moving objects
06 Jan 2018, 2:55pm
I think Dune shields is a very bad idea. If I remember it right, personal shields were banned in actual combat due to the fact that upon being fired with a lasgun it basically became a nuke.
06 Jan 2018, 4:33pm
I was under the impression that in Elite, personal shields don't exist on the basis that the generator required is simply too large.
06 Jan 2018, 4:59pm
TheSadGryphonI think Dune shields is a very bad idea. If I remember it right, personal shields were banned in actual combat due to the fact that upon being fired with a lasgun it basically became a nuke.

Are you referring to the holtzman generator? I recall it reacting very poorly to lasguns as well.
06 Jan 2018, 5:07pm
At a glance, there's no mention of personal shields in the EDRPG core rulebook, only a variety of different armor types.
06 Jan 2018, 5:30pm
TheSadGryphonShouldn't ship moving around using its engines have at least partial gravity? I mean, I am not 100% sure how it would work in case of ship moving around, but then I see the point when we are talking about lifeless hulks that are being boarded.

Damn, this is actually pretty tricky subject here. There's no weaponry, except for non-lethal one, which wouldn't make mess inside interiors of the ships. Lasers can make holes in hull (you do not want that unless ship is depressurised already), kinetics can kill you with ricochet and plasma... plasma burns and heats and burns stuff. Pretty much you don't want all that oxygen go on fire.

Movement: Yes, but the "gravity" is facing the wrong way, usually towards the back of the ship, not the bottom, and only when accelerating in normal space. My understanding is that supercruise is moving a bubble of space around the ship, inside that bubble is effectively motionless.

Weapons: Again, I'm a believer in kinetics here. Lasers and plasma would pretty quickly start turning air into toxic ozone. Yeah, I know you can buy ozone generators. You can also huff paint, I don't recommend either.
06 Jan 2018, 11:03pm
I would guess that a standard military procedure prior to shipboard combat would be to depressurize the ship.

If I was assaulting a ship, first thing I would do is blow a hole in the side of it to gain entry and then my vacc-suit wearing assault troopers would have weapons that blow holes in all things.

Like Phelbore, I think that kinetic energy weapons are the better choice, for a lot of reasons.
07 Jan 2018, 12:58am
I just enjoy kinetic weapons so much more.
07 Jan 2018, 11:52am
Magdalena OztrayaI would guess that a standard military procedure prior to shipboard combat would be to depressurize the ship.

I had similiar issues with actual shipboarding and assault in my writings (most of them go into the shelf anyway). While it sounds a good idea to depressurize the ship, it may kill all the crew that do not wear proper outfit. It sounds good in case of military ships, but then that is pretty much unwanted thing when you are e.g. pirate and want to enslave crew and passangers from a small civilian ship or a liner.

In ED we have burst(?) limpets which tear out the ship's cargo - but obviously that wouldn't really work for passengers or mere tourists. My guess had always been that in case of bigger ships the non-crew is simply locked in their cabins and relatively save unless ship is actually torn apart and "Everyone Dies".

But how are actually people captured in space-to-space combat? Capturing the escape pods of those who survived and ran to the escape pods in time? Or there would be any other mean - one of guesses being just making captain to move people into different direction?

The latter is heavily influenced by the fact that back in time I used to have mission pop-ups to sell passengers as slaves. Never took these as guys usually wanted 1/3 of the money I got for legit mission completion. (Seriously, it should be way around I think.)
07 Jan 2018, 7:55pm
In response to the ricochets in enclosed spaces, people have already covered deforming projectiles, but I have a couple things to add.

The bulkheads inside a ship wouldn't be armor plated, unless you were really paranoid and didn't care about increasing your weight exponentially. Regular rounds would probably shatter on impact with bulkheads, and armor piercing rounds made out of depleted uranium would just go straight through them.

In addition, EVA suits most likely have magnetic boots, so the issue with being thrown around by recoil force is mostly negated. On top of that, a high rate of fire submachinegun or a short barreled rifle would be ideal for breaching and clearing the tight corridors of a ship.

Personally, my characters use coil/rail based weapons.

Me and Becci are probably the best people to ask about stuff like this, since we've both been in the military. Becci was in the air-mobile infantry and I was an infantry and artillery medic.
07 Jan 2018, 8:27pm
Good information, Fox. Why coil/rail based?
07 Jan 2018, 11:11pm
Less need to worry about ammo I'd guess, just whatever's magnetic and can fit in the barrel would do it.
08 Jan 2018, 1:36pm
A weaponised rail or coil can't use just random bit of metal anymore than a musket can.

Rail and coil guns I think would be recoiless and don't involve expanding gasses that can be an issue in a vacuum so that woiod he an advantage over chemical energy weapons.

They would be longer though and require more power.

What Ibwas meaning with it being procedure to depressurise the ship is that a starsjip, seeing combat imminent would be well served to suit up and depressurise so decompression from damage won't be an issue and the risk of fire is greatly reduced, if not eliminated.
08 Jan 2018, 3:28pm
Suppose (just suppose) I started writing again and some of what I was writing about was based on an ELW (not Earth), would there be any lore or protocol that I would have to follow in making up towns, cities, ports and stuff?

08 Jan 2018, 3:29pm
Probably a cursory look at the planet's orbital data, just so you get an idea of what kind of climate it has, length of days, gravity, etc.

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