Elite: Lore

28 Apr 2018, 3:55am
The first time you get your canopy blown out is really instructive as to how that mechanic works.
28 Apr 2018, 7:13am
M. LehmanThe first time you get your canopy blown out is really instructive as to how that mechanic works.

Ooh! Can't wait to see!

Oh, wait....
05 May 2018, 2:47pm
Rebecca HailAudio feedback from your ship. Same goes for the weaponfire and engine sounds of other ships.

Like she says! Turn off the Life Support or take a careful listen when your canopy is gone.
05 May 2018, 9:19pm
Hi Cmdrs, I have 2 question about Xihe Biomorphic pets I would like some thoughts on.

1: Given that the fluff says they comply with all the latest AI legislation and that some animals can be trained or display natural problem solving abilities would this mean the legislation permits some degree of intelligence / self awareness?

2: Do you think this would include building in a better way to communicate with the Pet than trying to infer what mood the creature is in from it's facial expression / tail wagging / feathers etc?

Thank you in advance.
06 May 2018, 3:40am
Probably the difference between NSAIs (non-sentient) and SAIs (sentient). Elite seems to have a big problem with SAIs, but NSAIs like your COVAS and Xihe Biomorphic Companions seem to be okay. NSAIs are merely extremely complex programs that can do only that, follow their programming. Whereas SAIs are synthetic, sentient beings that can make their own decisions, pass the Turing Test, override and even rewrite their own programming.

Last edit: 06 May 2018, 3:47am
26 May 2018, 5:10pm
Probably more suited in here. Raxxla I want to find it (probably like most other people.... any seasoned exploration CMDRs know where I can find out info?

Last edit: 30 May 2018, 12:01am
26 May 2018, 6:24pm
The only info we have on Raxxla is that it's in the game. And that's all we know. Lots of theories about the location are out there but ultimately those locations are either permit locked or merely the subject of speculation.

Personally, I think it's a Guardian world. But I couldn't tell you where to look or even what to look for. Could be it's right under our noses.
26 May 2018, 6:32pm
X Harlon Nayl XProbably more suited in here. Raxxla I want to find it (probably like most other people.... anyone seasoned exploration CMDRs know where I can find out info?

For all intents and purposes Raxxla is a myth. If it does exist no one's found it pretty much all anyone can do is speculate as to where it might be.
26 May 2018, 6:53pm
X Harlon Nayl XProbably more suited in here. Raxxla I want to find it (probably like most other people.... anyone seasoned exploration CMDRs know where I can find out info?

For all intents and purposes Raxxla is a myth. If it does exist no one's found it pretty much all anyone can do is speculate as to where it might be.

Myth of not, I think it could make for some fun roleplay, and Thing authoring an adventure searching for it.
26 May 2018, 10:16pm
Stryker Aune
X Harlon Nayl XProbably more suited in here. Raxxla I want to find it (probably like most other people.... anyone seasoned exploration CMDRs know where I can find out info?

For all intents and purposes Raxxla is a myth. If it does exist no one's found it pretty much all anyone can do is speculate as to where it might be.

Myth of not, I think it could make for some fun roleplay, and Thing authoring an adventure searching for it.

Raxxla is no myth it exist and is confirmed early on during development by david braben and micheal brooks that it is in the game.

There is something funny about it as the dark wheel is the book that elite is based on.
The old worlds like diso lave reorte etc put those names in the translator and its a gealic kind of language. some of the system names in certian order or by them self are senteses like and i will be waiting. i deliverd ..... some weird cryptic sentences.

There is also a rumour that only triple elite can find it. as the galaxy holds 400. bilion starsystems and x number of planets that need to be scanned. its hard to find.

Also frontier sayd that there would be no clues.
26 May 2018, 10:21pm
Isaiah EvansonThe only info we have on Raxxla is that it's in the game. And that's all we know. Lots of theories about the location are out there but ultimately those locations are either permit locked or merely the subject of speculation.

Personally, I think it's a Guardian world. But I couldn't tell you where to look or even what to look for. Could be it's right under our noses.

True , as a year ago the bubble hasent been fully explored yet .

Dont bee suprised it is a planet many ls from a star. certain systems have planets with the system names and nrs but also have one specific planet with a name. and as the galaxy map doesnt recognise planet names. its hard to find . for what we know its as hard to find as voyager.
29 May 2018, 3:19pm
Some interesting responses regarding Raxxla... I find it hard to believe they would have placed it so far away especially with all the tid bits already surrounding the bubble. I wonder if it has any links at all to the reappearance of the Alien scum? Then there's the mysterious wreckage in the Rift and the claims of a wall of Hexagonal metal ships of some form ....pretty sure I read that somewhere too.

I am definitely keen on getting out there to find out. Have my conda almost set up for a dive back into the black, jumps only at 44.37lyrs though so a bit of work to do reducing the weight of the Rocinante but it's not going to be long...
29 May 2018, 4:01pm
X Harlon Nayl XSome interesting responses regarding Raxxla... I find it hard to believe they would have placed it so far away especially with all the tid bits already surrounding the bubble. I wonder if it has any links at all to the reappearance of the Alien scum? Then there's the mysterious wreckage in the Rift and the claims of a wall of Hexagonal metal ships of some form ....pretty sure I read that somewhere too.

I am definitely keen on getting out there to find out. Have my conda almost set up for a dive back into the black, jumps only at 44.37lyrs though so a bit of work to do reducing the weight of the Rocinante but it's not going to be long...

There is a group, a group heavily entrenched in Raxxla lore. Their whole mission at one point was to find it.
30 May 2018, 12:00am
Jubei Himura
X Harlon Nayl XSome interesting responses regarding Raxxla... I find it hard to believe they would have placed it so far away especially with all the tid bits already surrounding the bubble. I wonder if it has any links at all to the reappearance of the Alien scum? Then there's the mysterious wreckage in the Rift and the claims of a wall of Hexagonal metal ships of some form ....pretty sure I read that somewhere too.

I am definitely keen on getting out there to find out. Have my conda almost set up for a dive back into the black, jumps only at 44.37lyrs though so a bit of work to do reducing the weight of the Rocinante but it's not going to be long...

There is a group, a group heavily entrenched in Raxxla lore. Their whole mission at one point was to find it.

I might see if I can find out who they are I'm guessing they won't give up information easily though.. I have a knack for coming across weird and wonderful things so maybe I'll get lucky and trip over it. It will be typical for it to be heavily guarded so might even need to put up a fight when it's eventually found!
30 May 2018, 12:08am
Sometimes they find you.

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