Elite: Lore

07 Nov 2018, 6:37pm
Had some in Mu Horologi the other day. All had thargoid stuff there. Plenty kicking about bubble here and there.
07 Nov 2018, 8:15pm
EzergoodHad some in Mu Horologi the other day. All had thargoid stuff there. Plenty kicking about bubble here and there.

And galnet is more interested in telling us about Sirius corp and Ram Tah....I swear someone should mail galnet's editors a box of angy honeybees.
07 Nov 2018, 8:32pm
Because Ram Tah is being targeted by Sirius Corp. That's a major issue.
07 Nov 2018, 8:33pm
Thargoids should be a serious issue !
07 Nov 2018, 9:04pm
Of course. Because they've been nothing but an existential threat, razing entire planets to ashes, killing billions, and destroying everything indiscriminately since this all began. They're totally not a convenient distraction from larger political maneuvers and shakeups taking place in the bubble right now. 
09 Nov 2018, 12:05am
Isaiah EvansonBecause Ram Tah is being targeted by Sirius Corp. That's a major issue.

Why the hell Sirius Corporation would even attack Ram Tah? That's sorta against their own agenda from what I remember, not to mention SC profits heavily from the exotic tech. But that's not the first time SC has severe lore or even logic inconsistencies.
09 Nov 2018, 12:18am
Same reason they knocked off the CEO of MetaDrive. Ram Tah had technology that Sirius doesn't, and they want it. He can't be bought off, so they're using proxies to force him into their camp.
09 Nov 2018, 7:48pm
Is there a lore explanation somewhere as to why stations and capital ships do not have any defensive shields or was it just a limitation of FDEVs part?
09 Nov 2018, 8:00pm
LordSeteshIs there a lore explanation somewhere as to why stations and capital ships do not have any defensive shields or was it just a limitation of FDEVs part?

Sheer mass iirc.

Capitals and stations have far too much mass to be properly covered by shield generators so they're just hunks of armour.
18 Nov 2018, 10:58pm
Gaav here with just a question: Ive noticed that some number of terraformed Earth like planets are tidally locked. I understand that its the year 3304, so advanced tech is common, but would any of you all live a tidally locked terraformed world considering our evolution on a revolving world?

Never changing day on one side and night on the other... hmm?
18 Nov 2018, 11:19pm
High speed transit systems between the light and dark sides and artificial day/night cycles through orbital mirrors would be decent amalgamations or substitutes for natural cycles. 
19 Nov 2018, 12:01am
Or, window blinds and lights.
19 Nov 2018, 2:00am
GaaveraGaav here with just a question: Ive noticed that some number of terraformed Earth like planets are tidally locked. I understand that its the year 3304, so advanced tech is common, but would any of you all live a tidally locked terraformed world considering our evolution on a revolving world?

Never changing day on one side and night on the other... hmm?

simply, one side would have the red light district and the other side would be the rest.
night life, day life.
party time, working time.
Whole new meaning to "don't quit your day job".
19 Nov 2018, 7:47am
GaaveraGaav here with just a question: Ive noticed that some number of terraformed Earth like planets are tidally locked. I understand that its the year 3304, so advanced tech is common, but would any of you all live a tidally locked terraformed world considering our evolution on a revolving world?

19 Nov 2018, 9:48am
GaaveraGaav here with just a question: Ive noticed that some number of terraformed Earth like planets are tidally locked. I understand that its the year 3304, so advanced tech is common, but would any of you all live a tidally locked terraformed world considering our evolution on a revolving world?

Never changing day on one side and night on the other... hmm?

Best ask a Submariner.

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