Elite: Lore

28 Oct 2018, 10:14pm
Puppets on a string...
28 Oct 2018, 11:09pm
Isaiah EvansonPuppets on a string...

That's why I prefer Empire, as it has pretty witty ideas. To think about it, Imperial Slavery is nothing else but a social security system for the people who cannot afford living on their own, not really like actual Slavery. The more I read into the lore behind it, the more I like the idea as it is basically barred with plenty of laws and rights that Imperial "Slave" still possess.

Meanwhile Federation is basically what the modern capitalism is about: to live indebted to have a decent life.
28 Oct 2018, 11:37pm
My comment wasn't intended to be a ringing endorsement of the Federation or the Empire either.
29 Oct 2018, 7:46pm
Isaiah EvansonMy comment wasn't intended to be a ringing endorsement of the Federation or the Empire either.


Personally, I think this is nothing more than a story to back up a new PP faction coming with the update. Makes sense as Feds and Empire have two each (Empire have 4!!). Fair play if it is, good to see some balance, and good that it gets story backed.

Perhaps a 400% range increase FSD for Kincaid, that would lure me in LOL
29 Oct 2018, 8:11pm
Why introduce a new Powerplay faction when it's been the same stagnant game mode it's always been?
29 Oct 2018, 8:24pm
Isaiah EvansonWhy introduce a new Powerplay faction when it's been the same stagnant game mode it's always been?

Meeeow! (there is no handbag emoji so you will have imagine one)

I am having a joke with you, not being snarky - I know you know that, but forums... Gotta be careful!

You are right, PP is a great idea not followed through properly, but if I am right about a new Kincaid faction, surely anything is better than nothing? I know I am being naive, but positive too!
29 Oct 2018, 8:37pm
If anyone from the game's lore should have a PP faction, it's Jemina Halsey, the ex-president of the Federation. It's all but spelled out that she was abducted by aliens, and has since set up shop in the Alliance. She would not only offer an alternative to Mahon for dedicated Alliance players, but also introduce a new, possibly pro-alien dynamic for the community.

Sadly Powerplay is a depleted husk of its former self, since more and more people are realizing that it's pretty much endless grind for no real reward.

Last edit: 30 Oct 2018, 3:32am
30 Oct 2018, 5:49am
I wouldn't call Packhounds or Prismatics "no reward" and there is a very real and very reachable end.
30 Oct 2018, 6:12am
SidetrackSamI wouldn't call Packhounds or Prismatics "no reward" and there is a very real and very reachable end.

All module tourism does is encourage a night of blasting opposing NPCs on the Wednesday before your 4th cycle. It's hardly encouraging to get you actively involved with the Power and its player groups.

I'm curious about this "very real and very reachable end" that you percieve - care to elaborate?
30 Oct 2018, 10:40am
I think the problem of the Powerplay comes from the fact it's not a pretty valid career to pledge to the power in terms of profits, as you need to spend time and credits to actually have fun with that content*. Moreover, the weekly 1000 credit wage on Tier 1 is just... let's put it bluntly, insulting and inadequate to the undertaken risks while being pledged. Someone would say 'do it roleplay', but it is quite immersive-ruining that Powers would encourage people with money that isn't even spare change in terms of ED economy. Someone clearly forgot about the fact that in real life employers lure their future workers with short-term and long-term benefits. Same logic, in all seriousness, should apply to something even as fictional as Powerplay - especially if we are talking about Sci-Fi with plenty of science behind it (with understandable simplifications for gameplay sake, that is).

That said, nothing stops me from being independent non-pledged and slapping Patreus' insignia on my ship, just because my character idolizes Denton Patreus and Imperial politics as a whole.

*[One of the reasons why I don't like piracy and smuggling in its current form, cause they should be more profitable than legit activities, meanwhile it pays half what does not make sense taking into account all the risks and efforts... I mean, people become pirates and smugglers if that brings more profit than their legal job, not the way around.]

Last edit: 30 Oct 2018, 10:57am
30 Oct 2018, 11:01am
Nixon Campbell
*[One of the reasons why I don't like piracy and smuggling in its current form, cause they should be more profitable than legit activities, meanwhile it pays half what does not make sense taking into account all the risks and efforts... I mean, people become pirates and smugglers if that brings more profit than their legal job, not the way around.]

I made my Trade Elite from smuggling and stealing. Diamonds go for 100k a piece, if you sell them at the right place.
30 Oct 2018, 11:11am
Kari Kerenski
I made my Trade Elite from smuggling and stealing. Diamonds go for 100k a piece, if you sell them at the right place.

I am just mostly poking at the fact that Black Markets pay half of Galactic Average or/and station's price (Markeplace). I wouldn't mind if BM paid 90% of the "clean cargo" value, for example taking these 10% away as "cleaning the boxes" fee or something.
30 Oct 2018, 11:21am
Nixon Campbell
I am just mostly poking at the fact that Black Markets pay half of Galactic Average or/and station's price (Markeplace). I wouldn't mind if BM paid 90% of the "clean cargo" value, for example taking these 10% away as "cleaning the boxes" fee or something.

If the illegal good is in demand, or the black market has a 10% bonus (Delaine & Antal exploited systems), the prices are much higher than the galactic average. Ideally, you would look for black markets that have both the 10% bonus and have a demand for what you are selling
30 Oct 2018, 11:23am
Huh. Thanks for the heads up. Anyway, back to the, uh, lore stuff!
01 Nov 2018, 4:51pm
Whatta you fellas think of this "Nova Imperium"? You know, the Third Reich started out like they are...

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