Elite: Lore

20 Mar 2018, 8:10am
So we have the Pilots Federation that controls all the ranking and stuff like that and I was thinking about Bounty Hunting...

Is there something similar for the Bounty Hunters out there? Somewhere who coordinates all the bounty missions and has a list of any bounties or is it just up to the systems/stations themselves?

Just wondering really... I mean if there is a group like the Pilots Federation they must hella secretive as no one knows about them...
20 Mar 2018, 8:27am
Martinjh99So we have the Pilots Federation that controls all the ranking and stuff like that and I was thinking about Bounty Hunting...

Is there something similar for the Bounty Hunters out there? Somewhere who coordinates all the bounty missions and has a list of any bounties or is it just up to the systems/stations themselves?

Just wondering really... I mean if there is a group like the Pilots Federation they must hella secretive as no one knows about them...

AFAIK each individual system/faction produces it’s own missions. Bounties are set in each system by the Controlling Faction. The Pilots Federation have their base in Shinrarta Dezhra, which is permit locked..

Last edit: 20 Mar 2018, 11:43am
20 Mar 2018, 8:52am
Each faction that has beef with someone files their own bounties.
20 Mar 2018, 3:41pm
Pilots Federation also runs Universal Cartographics, Galnet and the bounty system (on behalf of local factions).
21 Mar 2018, 2:44pm
PhelborePilots Federation also runs Universal Cartographics, Galnet and the bounty system (on behalf of local factions).

Correct. Basically, the Pilots Federation provides the interstellar communications network for the factions and powers to collect the data needed to claim the bounty as valid. Then, like any smart business, they let you come to them for the collection of credits.
22 Mar 2018, 9:07am
Pilots Federation are basically a huge shadow figure in the entire Bubble and Superpowers and Powers treat them as necessary evil which relieves additional pressure off their shoulders. Their biggest weapon is their neutrality and I think comparson of PF to Switzerland-going-PMC would be the most adequate.
24 Mar 2018, 9:08pm
Quick question, how do the thargoids communicate?
24 Mar 2018, 10:43pm
28 Mar 2018, 4:17pm
(Wettoast) Wanda FersegiQuick question, how do the thargoids communicate?

Nothing so far has been mentioned on how they communicate.

Right now, Xek's suggestion is about as good as any guess.
31 Mar 2018, 4:40pm
Not exactly a lore question but anyone know of any good sites for Elite fanfiction?
31 Mar 2018, 4:52pm
Here's a list of official fiction.

This website itself is a great place, too! Tons of writers around here too - would recommend checking out Marra Morgan, the Inara Writers Guild, LongDistanceClara, and way more than I could ever list here.

I even wrote a couple things too. They're alright.
03 Apr 2018, 3:59pm
GaaveraNot exactly a lore question but anyone know of any good sites for Elite fanfiction?

Phisto's got ya covered with that list.

...and like he said, there are many of up on this site that write our own stories in the form of the logbooks (we call them 'Things'). I suggest you look at M. Lehman, Marra Morgan, Jemine Caesar, Phisto, Isaiah Evanson, Simon Dautra, and Jellicoe's Things just to start. All are very well done and, generally, we all try to stay in the same universe.
05 Apr 2018, 1:56am
I understand the need for ax weapons, but doesn't it seem a bit strange that weapons that weapons with extreme heat such as lasers and plasma accelerators can't damage thargoids? They are biological material right?
05 Apr 2018, 2:48am
Really I feel like everything should damage them, and AX and Guardian weapons should just do it better, but that's just me.
05 Apr 2018, 2:24pm
I thought the lore explanation was that their outer shells remove dead tissue and regenerate so rapidly that the damage is negligible at best, and what the AX weapons did was that they used specific chemical compounds that slowed that regeneration.

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