Elite: Lore

20 Nov 2018, 2:13pm
Psycho-UmanEvolution is like time

Well... technically... Evolution is a well proven and accepted scientific theory, while time is a man made measurement of stuff that happens based on humans living on Earth (like day and night, seasons etc)

Dawww, You used the "P" word.

Glad you're willing to stake your reputation on a theory.

As for the rest of the scientific community, well stick with, "Evolution is a sound scientific theory with much empirical data and observations to support the hypothesis." And leave the prove out. Because, who knows, someone may very well come along and find a better explanation.
20 Nov 2018, 2:14pm
(Wettoast) Wanda FersegiIf thargoids can yoink us out of hyperspace, why not supercruise?

I’ve wondered this myself.  I’m not confident they’re yanking us out of hyperspace.  Seems more like an unintended collision to me.  Reason I say that is because their lack of activity in supercruise may also indicate more about how unlike us they are.

Our brains sort of assume gameplay related reasons and the like too.  I don’t think that’s it.
20 Nov 2018, 2:43pm
Stryker Aune
As for the rest of the scientific community, well stick with, "Evolution is a sound scientific theory with much empirical data and observations to support the hypothesis." And leave the prove out. Because, who knows, someone may very well come along and find a better explanation.

I humbly respect your opinion, I'm no expert and evolution is not actually a topic of interest to me normally. From what I understand its a strong theory proven (yes, I said it again) by real "data" - That data being considered fact.

Like you said, discoveries are being made all the time and it could all be trash.
20 Nov 2018, 4:10pm
Stryker Aune
As for the rest of the scientific community, well stick with, "Evolution is a sound scientific theory with much empirical data and observations to support the hypothesis." And leave the prove out. Because, who knows, someone may very well come along and find a better explanation.

I humbly respect your opinion, I'm no expert and evolution is not actually a topic of interest to me normally. From what I understand its a strong theory proven (yes, I said it again) by real "data" - That data being considered fact.

Like you said, discoveries are being made all the time and it could all be trash.

Wow. Just wow.

Two concepts for you.

Type 1 Error, and Type 2 error. Not all data is "sound" or "factual."

also, if a theory was "proven" it would no longer be a theory.
20 Nov 2018, 4:23pm
You have a strange angle in this discussion... literally a 10 second Google Search shows we are both probably correct.

To quote
To a scientist, fact can describe a repeatable observation that all can agree on; it can refer to something that is so well established that nobody in a community disagrees with it; and it can also refer to the truth or falsity of a proposition. To the public, theory can mean an opinion or conjecture (e.g., "it's only a theory"), but among scientists it has a much stronger connotation of "well-substantiated explanation".

So if you are indeed a man of science, the word 'Theory' means a lot more to you than it does to us lowly peasants.

Last edit: 20 Nov 2018, 4:29pm
20 Nov 2018, 4:34pm
I wash my hands of this. Besides, this is not the place for this conversation. It has nothing to do with Elite Dangerous, or its lore.

Last edit: 20 Nov 2018, 4:41pm
20 Nov 2018, 4:44pm
Apology accepted.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Good chat.
20 Nov 2018, 6:31pm
Phisto Sobanii
(Wettoast) Wanda FersegiIf thargoids can yoink us out of hyperspace, why not supercruise?

I’ve wondered this myself.  I’m not confident they’re yanking us out of hyperspace.  Seems more like an unintended collision to me.  Reason I say that is because their lack of activity in supercruise may also indicate more about how unlike us they are.

Our brains sort of assume gameplay related reasons and the like too.  I don’t think that’s it.

You have a point there, something to consider for sure.
Do we only encounter Thargoids during system jumps or in normal, but not supercruise?

I haven't had any contact with them at all yet.
20 Nov 2018, 6:35pm
My understanding of it is that Thargoid hyperspace breaching is much more controlled than ours, allowing them to hold still in hyperspace, it stands to reason therefore, that they don't interdict us from supercruise, as they don't use supercruise, simply dropping out of Hyperspace on whatever location they want, whereas we are limited to only dropping on the gravitational field of the main system star.
20 Nov 2018, 6:49pm
so, our sensors suck, okay.

on a side note, why must our srv's leave the 8km landing station radius to shoot outcroppings and surface prospecting stuff, the gun's on the srv don't have that much range.
20 Nov 2018, 6:51pm
Does anyone remember when young Will Crusher and the Time Traveller revealed to Piccard that Warp Drive was creating destructive instability in the mantle between dimensions?

In the original Elite, we only ever met Thargoids when on jumps between stars (passing through Deep Space). Later in the series of games and books, they seem to have discovered our home worlds, (with the help of The Alliance on occasions), and come through from where they really live to set up (forward military) bases in our neighbourhood. Now, I am not saying that Thargoids are from another dimension, (though they may have been originally), but that out HyperSpace Jumps seem to have attracted their attention, and they have been trying to stop us continuing our space invasion ever since.

As for Guardians in E:D, I don't know if they are just a convenient vehicle to deliver advanced technology to players who form the front line against Thargoids, providing confidence to other players to join in and with the "long term" goal of uniting all (or most of) the powers and factions in The Bubble against The Common Enemy.

But when we see what goes on in The Bubble everyday, and seeing players only helping damaged space stations after the attacks are finished, and if the rewards are high enough, then I wonder if "Unite to Survive" motivation is ever going to be enough ... in E:D, or IRL.

FDev have to balance this motivating force against devastating discouragement. We all saw what happened in the forums and in facebook when The Gnosis took the hit instead a Human Faction.

Watch your six, Commanders!
20 Nov 2018, 10:33pm
I have my small fighter in case of invasion in my home system. It's not much but it's all I have and I'll use it to the bitter end to the best of my ability. No reward necessary. We protect our own....
20 Nov 2018, 10:55pm
Let it burn.
21 Nov 2018, 2:51am
Phisto Sobanii
(Wettoast) Wanda FersegiIf thargoids can yoink us out of hyperspace, why not supercruise?

I’ve wondered this myself.  I’m not confident they’re yanking us out of hyperspace.  Seems more like an unintended collision to me.  Reason I say that is because their lack of activity in supercruise may also indicate more about how unlike us they are.

Our brains sort of assume gameplay related reasons and the like too.  I don’t think that’s it.

I am not sure I completely agree. Remember the Gnosis experience? not only was it pulled from hyperspace it was also pulled close to an Ammonia world. That didn't appear to be a collision, at least to me.
21 Nov 2018, 4:11am
Good point, Ren. Hmm.

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