Elite: Lore

04 Dec 2018, 5:39pm
Hey guys how ya feel about Aegis?
04 Dec 2018, 5:42pm
AbioticSquare1Hey guys how ya feel about Aegis?

I don't trust 'em. Don't really know who they're workin' for.
04 Dec 2018, 5:45pm
Yeah I don’t trust them they have committed to many crimes.

And they need to be put down.
04 Dec 2018, 6:01pm
AbioticSquare1Yeah I don’t trust them they have committed to many crimes.

And they need to be put down.

Of course a Bug Lover would say that, After all your main account is AbioticSquare0 part of the PLEIADES CONCORDAT
04 Dec 2018, 6:13pm
[Just a note - I have removed a few off-topic posts to keep the discussion lore-related. Nothing wrong with them, otherwise]
04 Dec 2018, 6:17pm
Aegis' heart is in the right place. They're significantly better than INRA.
04 Dec 2018, 6:46pm
Aegis is an enemy. They have murdered and lied to get their way. I’m simply judging them by their criminal history and crimes they have presently committed. I do admit to being with the Concordat, but I fail to see how me being with said Concordat makes a valid argument. Please explain.
04 Dec 2018, 7:03pm
AbioticSquare1Hey guys how ya feel about Aegis?

Their recent offer of protection to Ram Tah is racketeering on a grand scale.

Impressive, if you like that sort of thing.
04 Dec 2018, 7:56pm
Yes, Aegis are the bad guys they have done wrong. But the same has happened through out the history of Elite and our own history. During times of war Humanity always acts out of the best way to survive we learn from it and what we gain is when the war is over, Those who committed atrocities to their fellow man get punished.

For example the war of Lugh Bad information leaded to the Federation killing thousands of civilians, the president at the time got punished by losing all support and eventually removed from office.

We are at war with an Alien Species known as the Thargoids, Any Human being with a sliver of Honour and Duty should stand and help us repel these invaders. Not get in bed with them and turn on each other, I speak for The 104th Humanity Defence Force when I say this. If you wish to worship those things, I will be all to happy to ensure when we win this war. That we never forget you and what side you picked.
Mori Quam Foedari.
04 Dec 2018, 8:36pm
"Those who committed atrocities to their fellow man get punished."

Were it so easy.
04 Dec 2018, 8:37pm
Yes, i agree that humanity needs to stand up and help delay the Thargoids until Aegis is stopped. Aegis is putting a lot of innocent lives at risk by gathering more and more people to fight the Thargoids. They realized they can not fight alone so they went to cmdrs and the powers asking for support. They are using humanity as a meat shield. If it involves Aegis it involves Humanity. Basically Aegis is taking humanity down with them.

04 Dec 2018, 8:47pm
Isaiah Evanson"Those who committed atrocities to their fellow man get punished."

Were it so easy.

If it were easy it wouldn't happen in the first place.
04 Dec 2018, 8:47pm
Isaiah Evanson"Those who committed atrocities to their fellow man get punished."

Were it so easy.

If you play your cards right you sometimes get hired!
04 Dec 2018, 8:58pm
Same people who are committing atrocities right now by luring and leading the Thargoids into the bubble are going to be the same ones who, later on, will say it was a "necessary sacrifice."

This war? It's not a choice. It's being forced on us, and not by the bugs. I imagine John Jameson heard the same lies we're being told now, and he didn't know what he was actually doing until it was too late. The ones who killed him... they never paid the price he did. Instead, they're hailed as heroes for duping a man into committing an act of genocide.

This war is a lie.
04 Dec 2018, 9:04pm
Isaiah EvansonSame people who are committing atrocities right now by luring and leading the Thargoids into the bubble are going to be the same ones who, later on, will say it was a "necessary sacrifice."

This war? It's not a choice. It's being forced on us, and not by the bugs. I imagine John Jameson heard the same lies we're being told now, and he didn't know what he was actually doing until it was too late. The ones who killed him... they never paid the price he did. Instead, they're hailed as heroes for duping a man into committing an act of genocide.

This war is a lie.

Agreed, I believe a peaceful way to end this war could be there but we wont know while people decide to drag it on further

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