Elite: Lore

23 Dec 2018, 6:40am
Mo Ronik
(Wettoast) Wanda FersegiIt's one of those gourd things , I didn't discover it I just decided to take some photos of it

Discovered or not it's still a pretty cool image and thanks for posting it. Odd looking thing. I wonder if you would shoot it a million tiny space spiders would have come running out of it? I think I saw a movie like that once.

Thanks , I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway .....
25 Dec 2018, 11:46am
just a query, what happened to the type 8? Was it Lakon Spaceways equivalent to the Iphone 9?
08 Jan 2019, 10:00pm
I know its not necessarily considered 'cannon' anymore but this website has a lot of the original Tales from Frontier First Encounters and Frontier elite.


These tales really fired my imagination when I used to play previous iterations of the game

This Faust story about Elaine Meyer and her ship the Sligo Maid running into an old derelicht Imperial Vessel that met the Thargoids 100 years before is a really good story


While this one, "Inevitable Consequences" is about INRA and their recruiting tactics and antics

09 Jan 2019, 4:48pm
Count IblisI know its not necessarily considered 'cannon' anymore but this website has a lot of the original Tales from Frontier First Encounters and Frontier elite.


These tales really fired my imagination when I used to play previous iterations of the game

This Faust story about Elaine Meyer and her ship the Sligo Maid running into an old derelicht Imperial Vessel that met the Thargoids 100 years before is a really good story


While this one, "Inevitable Consequences" is about INRA and their recruiting tactics and antics


All previous stories to Elite:Dangerous are considered myths and legends... until retconned into the E : D universe.
11 Jan 2019, 7:36am
I'm quite certain that Frontier will use DW2 to launch whatever narrative will be the base of the paid expansion coming perhaps later next year. Having 8000 CMDRs in space with no grinding for credits or engineers leaves room to direct efforts to solve mysteries.

My guess is that the content will be Guardian related but perhaps turning them to antagonists later on the road. Sirius attacks to Ram indicate some movement there. Also, an exploration like this triggered a hunt of guardian sites for the FSD Boost. Are we recharging a deadly AI every time we charge a pylon? That's quite an Elite way to make things happen.

That would also explain why Taghoids are attacking more. They probably were the ones to put the AI to "rest" and are not that glad that we are waking it with our own stupidity. An option remains that the Targs are the descendants of the bioweapons of the non-AI faction on Guardian civil war.

Then there is the timely disappearance of an entire crew of a luxury vessel while in cruise... That sounds like Targ capability. Are they abducting a voice that could tell the humans what is going on? They know how they can't rely on the powers. A logical alternative would be a popular celebrity.

Finally, the Nova Imperium, Aegis and Xenophiles arch. When setting up a new conflict storyline powers and counterpowers need to be in place. If Targs are to become unlikely allies, then we would need to find a pro, against and neutral(isolationists) forces. We have those stories all alined and ready. Recent CGs have set the whole thing in motion. If Nova wins the empire we have a superpower aligned with each of these outcomes. Hostile Feds, Friendly (or at least interested) Alliance, and "don't give a crap about what's happening outside our borders "Imperium.

What do you think is going to happen?

Solarwinds CMDRs!
Ren Solsen
11 Jan 2019, 7:57am
Perhaps my apathy is too strong but I'm not counting on DW2 doing much for the narrative any more than DW1 did.
11 Jan 2019, 3:09pm
Isaiah EvansonPerhaps my apathy is too strong but I'm not counting on DW2 doing much for the narrative any more than DW1 did.
As long as it's not a gnosis repeat, I'm good.
12 Jan 2019, 10:50am
I'm still reluctant to believe any major plot movement will happen due to DW2. The Gnosis event could have been a major turning point in a lot of the ongoing story arcs, but that went over like a wet fart.

I will say I do look forward to a station near Sag A*. Might be enough to get me to wander back corewards once it's finished. 
12 Jan 2019, 5:46pm
Ren SolsenI'm quite certain that Frontier will use DW2 to launch whatever narrative will be the base of the paid expansion coming perhaps later next year. Having 8000 CMDRs in space with no grinding for credits or engineers leaves room to direct efforts to solve mysteries.

Don't forget, there are other expeditions out there already and another one leaving today.
23 Jan 2019, 9:59am
(Wettoast) Wanda Fersegi
Isaiah EvansonPerhaps my apathy is too strong but I'm not counting on DW2 doing much for the narrative any more than DW1 did.

As long as it's not a gnosis repeat, I'm good.

Ah come on, that was brilliant. A load of commanders trying to cheat the system and get through a permit locked area got what was coming to them? Deep fried gold.
23 Jan 2019, 11:39am
It would've been interesting to lock a bunch of Commanders in a permit locked region with no way home but a Cylon taxi. I know my group was prepared for a long, drawn out excursion without hope of repair or reliable resupply, and... it washed out. It was a massive letdown. An opportunity for some real dynamic gameplay and storytelling and it went over like a massive wet fart.

So my beliefs regarding the way things unfold in the narrative is more than a little cynical these days.
23 Jan 2019, 11:56am
The whole Gnosis thing was a damp squib in the end, although I did have fun blasting 'goid scouts for a bit afterwards, overall nothing really materialised out of it.

However I think the intent from fDev was on point, the playerbase responded really well (initially) and fDev should know that, and build on it in similar events in the future.

The 3.3 update has brought many improvements to emergent gameplay in Elite.

On board the Gnosis we had fighters, research / science ships, intrigued newcomers, CMDRs who just came along for the ride, CMDR's who though 'this will be unique and different'...

Wouldn't it have been fantastic for the Gnosis to plot a jump to a permit locked sector and emerging out of that, two CG's - one to Repair the Gnosis and one to defend it. If successful you make it to the permit locked sector... if not then the Gnosis wouldn't make it there.

CMDRs who were not on board the Gnosis could have also joined the CG's by coming to the Gnosis aid with repair and fuel limpets etc. They'd have a chance to board it then as well, knowing that their contribution means they'll be rewarded by entering a system that was previously locked.

Basically everything fDev need is right 'there' - its just a matter of planning and managing player expectations.
24 Jan 2019, 12:12pm
I'm not sure I'd say it was a damp squib, I was in within minutes of the update and taking off under attack from Scouts with Hydra's dropping in and shutting you down as as intense a couple of minutes gaming as I think I've ever had, fighting close in to the ship was also very enjoyable and on the whole I enjoyed the whole thing. But. They could have made a lot more of it, like Isaiah said had we been trapped in permit locked space with no way back for a period of time, with Galnets about how or even if to rescue us to give us the nagging doubt that we had just been abandoned then a rescue - either one of the other mega-ships being sent to get us or (better still IMHO) to escape corridors being opened up for us to get away down, under constant threat of hyperdiction followed by immediate attack all the way would have been a big improvement. All in all I did enjoy what there was but they could have done a lot more with it.
24 Jan 2019, 7:10pm
Wasn't there a bug where the no fire zone was still active around the gnosis even while it was being attacked ? Sure not a damp squib, more of an octopus in a washing machine filled with broken glass and bricks .....
24 Jan 2019, 11:07pm
Briefly yes, IIRC they fixed it the morning of the first day

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