Elite: Lore

25 Feb 2019, 11:29am
Messing with Goids was a mistake since the very begins, we know they can bleed, and at which cost ?
That wasn't a smart move, unless some corporations would have made money from a warfare outcome... oooh snap.
25 Feb 2019, 11:30pm
To get out of the game for a bit, David Braben has been quoted as saying that "Any peace with the Thargoids would be temporary, at best."
26 Feb 2019, 2:30am
Jubei HimuraTo get out of the game for a bit, David Braben has been quoted as saying that "Any peace with the Thargoids would be temporary, at best."

There goes my last shred of belief in player agency.
26 Feb 2019, 3:16am
Jubei HimuraTo get out of the game for a bit, David Braben has been quoted as saying that "Any peace with the Thargoids would be temporary, at best."

There goes my last shred of belief in player agency.


Never mind all the players shooting Thargoids all over the place. Braben's comment doesn't exactly crush player agency there.
26 Feb 2019, 8:15pm
Of course it'd be temporary.
Players would keep shooting them and I doubt the Xeno protection whatever-they-were-called group has enough players to counter any sort of 'thargoid relations with humanity' bar.
26 Feb 2019, 8:35pm
LeytraOf course it'd be temporary.
Players would keep shooting them and I doubt the Xeno protection whatever-they-were-called group has enough players to counter any sort of 'thargoid relations with humanity' bar.

Humanity breaking any treaty is the safe bet for sure especially with the anti-Xeno crowd dominating the issue totally.

That said, it would be fun to see more opportunities for subversion or perhaps some special perks for folks that stay friendly with Thargoids.
28 Feb 2019, 10:07pm
Phisto Sobanii
LeytraOf course it'd be temporary.
Players would keep shooting them and I doubt the Xeno protection whatever-they-were-called group has enough players to counter any sort of 'thargoid relations with humanity' bar.

Humanity breaking any treaty is the safe bet for sure especially with the anti-Xeno crowd dominating the issue totally.

That said, it would be fun to see more opportunities for subversion or perhaps some special perks for folks that stay friendly with Thargoids.

03 Mar 2019, 8:21am
I think anyone who believes that goids are peaceful is just indulging wishful thinking. I've read the ship's logs of my great grandfather, Cmdr Arse. He flew an original Cobra Mkiii 150 years ago and reports being attacked by goids numerous times. Always they attacked without provocation.
03 Mar 2019, 8:39am
The only good bug is a dead bug.

Last edit: 03 Mar 2019, 9:49am
03 Mar 2019, 2:53pm
There is the legend that St. Patrick drove all the snakes from Ireland so it only stands to reason we'll need some sort of Saint to drive the Thargoids out of our galaxy. I vote for Maynard. St. Maynard's day has a nice ring to it.
04 Mar 2019, 6:02am
Bunch of bug apologists here!
05 Mar 2019, 6:08am
Glory to the Far God!!
10 Mar 2019, 12:15am
If they're not human. If they kill us we kill them back.  They're insects and like any insect anything that isn't one of them is just an obstacle to be destroyed.  The only way the Thargoids will leave humans alone is if they become so afraid of us that when they see human presence, THEY RUN FOR COVER.  Just like a roach.
10 Mar 2019, 12:30am
They've been wackin' stations on the regular.  Not sure we're having the desired effect.

In fact, I doubt they really care how many losses we inflict.  Seem to have plenty of capacity to replace them.
10 Mar 2019, 12:39am
If the Thargoids are insects then they're like ants, not roaches. Ants wage war in one manner alone - complete genocide. And their capacity to replenish their numbers appears to far exceed ours.

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