Has Drew Wagar issued a comment yet?

A.G.DuranAnd of course some moral dilemmas...
Shg56What about Etienne Dorn's unlock requirements to provide 25 units of occupied escape pod, is it no doubt he will release them all free, right?
SakashiroYou think Dorn became the top engineer of life support technology by merely opening those pods and setting their occupants free?
MiseriI dont know if this is the right place to ask , but has anyone seen or heard tell of the Golconda since its jump?:
MiseriRandom thought? What if the Guardians show back up because reasons and the whole Thargoid v Guardian war starts up again but with us in the middle of it?
SakashiroThose logs mention a Thargoid separated from their ship and held in captivity. Might be meant as a teaser to upcoming on-foot AX combat in Odyssey.
KrynesurI heard there was a Director of sorts that had created experiments on splicing humans to control Thargoid Scout ships.
That sounds horrifying, but it would make an interesting background for a character.