Elite: Lore

16 Mar 2019, 3:07am
[quote=Gale Harte]Despite the captivating possibility of the Thargoids understating our language, it opens up far more questions than answers.
How did they manage to understand our language ? /quote]

How they understand our language: The same way, when exploration on earth first began, humans from vastly different countries learnt to communicate with eachother, with a lot of effort, and likely in the goids case, a computer based pattern recognition device running across every document on the galaxy-spanning internet to form a coherent understanding of our languages.
16 Mar 2019, 3:39am
Leytra How they understand our language: The same way, when exploration on earth first began, humans from vastly different countries learnt to communicate with each other, with a lot of effort, and likely in the goids case, a computer based pattern recognition device running across every document on the galaxy-spanning internet to form a coherent understanding of our languages.

I have no doubt the Thargoids are highly intelligent, and more than capable of basic pattern recognition comprehension. That being said, It hasn't been confirmed if they have evaluated, understood, or even received our communications.

This goes back to the initial dilemma: They are unable to communicate, or they are unwilling to communicate.

If there is one form of communication that has had a definitive impact, it is our physical actions. Sadly, our actions have not been entirely peaceful. Thus, a snowball effect of retribution forms from both our species.
16 Mar 2019, 6:32am
If past "unofficial" encounters are to be believed, we not only have communicated with them but also have cooperated with them.

Unfortunately any attempts at communication will only go through official channels, and those messages or exchanges of messages will never actually become public knowledge.

Therein lies the snag. In an age when everyone knows everything, not a peep has been made by the leaders at large about communication with the Thargoids. Why? Well, your guess is as good as mine.

But if you ask me, war lines the pockets of the vendors and manufacturers far better than peace does. Just ask the shipyards that built all those Farraguts and Interdictors.
16 Mar 2019, 7:24am
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes." - Maj. General Smedley D. Butler, USMC (1881-1940)
16 Mar 2019, 1:35pm
Agree with what's being said here.  What's the real scam?

Don't mean to change the subject but this has been nagging at me. Found out something interesting here in Colonia.  Don't know how widespread the knowledge is considering it's distance from the Thargoids, but doesn't it seem strange that Jaques' is the only station out here that carries Guardian tech?

The only station with jump drive capability in all of human space, if I remember correctly?
16 Mar 2019, 4:03pm
Curious. I've heard some interesting things about Jaques.
16 Mar 2019, 4:12pm
Is Jaques' jump capability different than that of the Ocellus (sp?) stations? Aren't they made to jump to new systems and build, as is happening at Explorer's Anchorage?

Regarding the previous comments on their non-communication, I think we should also consider just how different an alien race might be. Humans are also intelligent beings with the ability to understand new languages and general pattern recognition, but we've also been unable to crack their language.
16 Mar 2019, 4:35pm
Bartenders meet all kinds of interesting people. Centuries old cyborgs that also own their jump capable station? Doubly so.

I think Jaques' is the only one that when properly fueled would be ready to rock right now.
21 Mar 2019, 4:44pm
I was just out mapping systems when I just up and almost ran into ( I mean almost ran into ) a rather large Thargoid in the Synuefe QT-Z c16-9 system. All I did was turn and run. That Diamondback couldn't jump fast enough. I didn't try to deploy weapons. Don't think they would have done me any good anyway.
21 Mar 2019, 11:36pm
Must have been quite an exhilarating experience! Believe it or not, the big ones are less likely to attack unprovoked, unless you are carrying meta alloys in your hold. Glad you made it, CDR o7
22 Mar 2019, 12:56am
Thanks, my Diamondback Exp. doesn't have much of hold. It's packed to explore right now. Beside a little excitement is a good thing now nd then.
29 Mar 2019, 10:44pm
There have been reports of players looking for Raxxla by finding all megaships and getting their audio logs. Which then you are given tipoff missions. My brother has done most of them and he also discovered the original bubble thanks to Down To Earth Astronomy. His research helped a lot since it was in the original elite game.

Right now he's in the Lave system doing missions, getting ally ranking in those who control it in hope to acquire another tipoff mission.

there are still the permit locked systems that cannot be accessed because they require unknown permits. Though there are two systems, Dryio Flyuae IC-B c1-377 and Scheau Bli NB-O d6-1409 that require security permits from unknown sources. Though the fdev are very clever in making it hard to do so.


Whatever the case these players are attempting to reach ally rank with all the player factions. On top of that, they think that these tipoff missions are tests to prove yourself to The Dark Wheel. Not to the one that is located in Shinrarta Dezhra but to the one in legends.

Last edit: 29 Mar 2019, 10:52pm
01 Apr 2019, 7:50am
Interesting post Comrade, thank you
12 Apr 2019, 4:50am
Bjorn Gudmundson"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes." - Maj. General Smedley D. Butler, USMC (1881-1940)

He wrote a hell of a book too.
15 Apr 2019, 5:26pm
Gale Harte

I have no doubt the Thargoids are highly intelligent, and more than capable of basic pattern recognition comprehension. That being said, It hasn't been confirmed if they have evaluated, understood, or even received our communications.

This goes back to the initial dilemma: They are unable to communicate, or they are unwilling to communicate.


There is also a third possibility...They just don't care. Like if insects from Earth were sentient and tried to communicate with us. We look at them as so small and insignificant, they mean little to nothing. We could be the same to The Thargoids.

Just a thought...

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