Elite: Lore

18 Oct 2019, 5:24am
Jubei HimuraI second Tyrran's notion.

The universe don't care about you, me, or the damn people who think they're in high places. You 'n I ain't special. We just got lucky enough to get through the Pilot Federation's checks and tests, and they (in their infinite wisdom or stupidity) gave us our first private ship. We made the rest happen through the choices we made since sittin' in the chair.

But, like the man said, that only takes us so far.

OOC: I hope that we can have something to call home in the game. Be that an apartment in a station, to base building. But I still miss the days where players and player groups influenced the story. That really felt nice.

I call the station where I keep my fleet 'home'. Colonia Dream was my home for over three years before I moved a couple of systems over to Benzaiten and I have now made Bisley Landing my home. I am really happy with that.
18 Oct 2019, 7:54am
Jubei HimuraI second Tyrran's notion.

The universe don't care about you, me, or the damn people who think they're in high places. You 'n I ain't special. We just got lucky enough to get through the Pilot Federation's checks and tests, and they (in their infinite wisdom or stupidity) gave us our first private ship. We made the rest happen through the choices we made since sittin' in the chair.

But, like the man said, that only takes us so far.

OOC: I hope that we can have something to call home in the game. Be that an apartment in a station, to base building. But I still miss the days where players and player groups influenced the story. That really felt nice.

I call the station where I keep my fleet 'home'. Colonia Dream was my home for over three years before I moved a couple of systems over to Benzaiten and I have now made Bisley Landing my home. I am really happy with that.

I call the Icarus my home, wherever it may be at any given time.
18 Oct 2019, 12:01pm
Blackvertigo1Did you know fusion reactors in ships are actually salt reactors?

A real fusion reactor would emit a lethal gamma ray burst if you put said salt into the reactor core.

Just sayin'.

Nonsense Sir

1.) Get a fusion reactor.

2.) Replace your He-3 Fuel with Deuterium and Tritium.

21 Oct 2019, 8:20pm
Hi -- I was thinking of a new piece of lore. Suppose the FSDrives gave off some kind of pollution (chemical or EMF) which had an ill-effect on the Thargoids. And that is why the Thargoids have been so violent towards human star pilots. Humans initially were not even aware of the pollution and its effect. And for some reason the Thargoids were unable to communicate it to us. Or -- perhaps they did, but the powers that be didn't want to give up the benefits of jumping. Anyway, just a thought. Comments?
21 Oct 2019, 9:02pm
Nice theory but back in the early years of hyperspace drive, before Frameshift technology, the Thargoids were hunting human ships. Hyperspace interdictions were, if not common, all too threatening.
I think it’s more likely a territorial issue.
22 Oct 2019, 12:35am
Absolutely territorial. If we'd kept ourselves to the Bubble there would be no issue with them. But that's not in our nature ether.
23 Oct 2019, 4:55pm
Bjorn Gudmundson
Jubei HimuraI second Tyrran's notion.

The universe don't care about you, me, or the damn people who think they're in high places. You 'n I ain't special. We just got lucky enough to get through the Pilot Federation's checks and tests, and they (in their infinite wisdom or stupidity) gave us our first private ship. We made the rest happen through the choices we made since sittin' in the chair.

But, like the man said, that only takes us so far.

OOC: I hope that we can have something to call home in the game. Be that an apartment in a station, to base building. But I still miss the days where players and player groups influenced the story. That really felt nice.

I call the station where I keep my fleet 'home'. Colonia Dream was my home for over three years before I moved a couple of systems over to Benzaiten and I have now made Bisley Landing my home. I am really happy with that.

I call the Icarus my home, wherever it may be at any given time.

Isn't home where the heart is? If so, it's somewhere on my ship. I know it!
23 Oct 2019, 5:31pm
One word: Subspace.
23 Oct 2019, 5:41pm
Blackvertigo1One word: Subspace.

I'm more frequently in hyperspace. But home...
25 Oct 2019, 7:15pm
Also, like in real life, we may change our home several times over the course of our lives.

For example, my character was born on a planet just on the edge of Imperial space, later moved to Shinigami and made that his home (he still thinks of it as 'home', perhaps more than his original planet), and now he lives in Shajn Market (Kamadhanu).

So indeed, home is where the heart is... or when you put yer arse.
01 Nov 2019, 1:57am
Just wanted to let everyone know that I have compiled all the articles from Galnet (from here on Inara) and from Sagittarius Eye that relate to the Far God, and the related faction (Pleiades Concordat) that spawned the concept for the story-line. Anyone interested in having a read of it, I have linked it below.


Far God Worshiper Lore

Shameless plug here....

01 Nov 2019, 10:51pm
Vandal StormovikJust wanted to let everyone know that I have compiled all the articles from Galnet (from here on Inara) and from Sagittarius Eye that relate to the Far God, and the related faction (Pleiades Concordat) that spawned the concept for the story-line. Anyone interested in having a read of it, I have linked it below.


Far God Worshiper Lore

Shameless plug here....


I like this sort of thing.

Did you ever find out who was in that escape pod?
01 Nov 2019, 11:10pm
Nope...never did.
02 Nov 2019, 1:14am
I know who was in it, a young homeless girl, here is a link to the GALNET article

02 Nov 2019, 11:30am
The PresenceI know who was in it, a young homeless girl, here is a link to the GALNET article


Hooray! A happy ending.

Credits roll.

Then cut to the happily reunited family eating dinner round a table. Sharing a joke and chatting about the future.

Kiona begins to cough quietly. Then clutches her chest as her coughing gets worse. She spasms and tips the table over. Her family scream as her paroxysm is ended in a choking gout of arterial blood and a cute little Tharglet bursts out of her chest.

The Tharglet makes a happy little squeal and the screen cuts to black.

Ah, good times.

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