Elite: Lore

16 Aug 2019, 5:17pm
Watch out CMDR
16 Aug 2019, 7:57pm
Mic's a dick. He'll get what's comin' to him.
17 Aug 2019, 7:24am
... What does this have to do with the lore?
17 Aug 2019, 5:15pm
17 Aug 2019, 5:52pm
Yep, he should get the AAAI shipyards going. Game has way too many Lakons.
17 Aug 2019, 7:15pm
Mic turner? The thargoid lover?
18 Aug 2019, 5:30am
Hey question: Has anyone read the Elite RPG books?
19 Aug 2019, 7:12pm
I would say that a good number of us have skimmed them, at least.
20 Aug 2019, 6:28am
Yes. because when reading about the Imperial military, it is stated that ranking was a "mere formality than a strict military structure" . That confused me and i was wondering what it actually means: is the Imperial military just some sort of showcase or something?
20 Aug 2019, 12:33pm
Believe they mean the game's rankings, such as Baron, Duke, all that crap. Honorary titles, basically. Actual Navy ranks are more in line with the traditional stuff.
24 Aug 2019, 8:40pm
The ranks Commanders achieve are not anything formal, but auxiliary titles to show on how far the certain commander is recognized by Imperial or Federal navies.
30 Aug 2019, 9:34pm
So my Cousin invited me to board his ship and go check out this reported Thargoid sighting at Professor Palin's abandoned base.

According to what he had been seeing online their was an unknown Thargoid ship type reported by multiple sources wandering around the evacuated base that Professor Palin evacuated after being attacked prior to residing in the Witch-Head Nebula. This mystery Thargoid ship once he spotted you would supposedly fly away so quickly that you did not even have a chance to complete a scan it.

Off we went to go see for ourselves. Upon arrival we did indeed see the smoldering base and to our surprise there was actually 2 Thargoid ships near the destroyed base. They did not seem to acknowledge us at all even after being scanned which came up as a bunch of strange numbers but did not actually tell you what type of unknown ship it was. The numbers were like computer coding (probably should have taken a screen shot and seen what the coding said/meant). I jumped in a fighter to take a closer look and too my surprise an NPC Keelback took off from the abandoned base? This ship also did not acknowledge us in any way or even the Thargoids.

In my spaztic state of excitement I flew real fast by the Keelback as I was making my way towards the Thargoids and clipped the darn thing on accident. This immediately lead to me being attacked by the two Thargoid ships!

Needless to say I was destroyed and my Cousin got a good laugh out of my demise.

A couple questions...We found it strange that as we arrived an NPC Keelback was taking off from the 'destroyed' base? We also noted ships still landing at the base along with the base allowing us to land and access it. Isn't this base supposed to be abandoned? It was definately damaged to the point as we were lowered into the base there were rocks floating around hitting my Cousin's Type-10.

The Thargoid ships allowed us to scan them but did not reveal the ship type. Has anyone else out there been able to scan these things before it leaves the area?

Why they heck do Thargoids care if I damage an NPC Keelback? Are they somehow now communicating with humans and have them working for them? Maybe they are taking over the base and using human NPC to supply it?

I am relatively new to the game, only a month in (2 weeks/5 days and some change of actual game time) and not a total geek on lore but this really has us asking a lot of questions.

Any assistance is appreciated. Amazing game, great community, really impressed so far!
06 Sep 2019, 9:20am
To be honest, myself I have never understood Powerplay, as some of its aspects don't really make sense. Why a Federal system would be under control of Patreus, for example? Unless it's widely agreed that Powerplay is not official and not visible to everyone, I fail to see Federal citizens simply accepting Imperial influence inside the systems that are their homes. To me, Powers and Superpowers are existing in their own universes but if someone could explain the in-lore sense for Powers to exists and it allowing very strange combos (like Imperials under Mahon's - so Alliance - control), I would be really glad.
06 Sep 2019, 11:19am
Powerplay is widely regarded as borky. It's sort of canon, sort of not, and is probably going to undergo some kind of change/rebuild as time goes on.
06 Sep 2019, 1:22pm
Think of it like Taiwan. China claims it, but it claims independence (with the support of some other nations). Neither side can stomach the war it'd take to settle the matter. But in the end, for the average guy just trying to survive and eek out an existence, it probably won't have too much effect either way, just a different seal on the tax forms.

P.S. I know even the name is contentious. I live in the US so I hear Taiwan so that's what I used. I am in no way intending to take sides or stir up politics!

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