Elite: Lore

02 Nov 2019, 3:34pm
as has been seen, PLENTY more where she came from
02 Nov 2019, 8:02pm
19 Nov 2019, 8:00pm
Who can explain how an FSD works? All I know about them is that they're Thargoid tech that was reverse-engineered for human use a couple hundred years ago...

Edit: Thanks Jubei!

Last edit: 19 Nov 2019, 9:51pm
19 Nov 2019, 9:31pm
StupidFlandrs48Who can explain how an FSD works? All I know about them is that they're Thargoid tech that was reverse-engineered for human use a couple hundred years ago...


There ya go, bub.
20 Nov 2019, 8:00pm
In terms of lore, could anyone recommend a good lore-focused Discord/Squadron?
20 Nov 2019, 9:13pm
TheWindsOfEuropeIn terms of lore, could anyone recommend a good lore-focused Discord/Squadron?

Canonn research is the way to go on that one.

Website: https://canonn.science/

Inara page: https://inara.cz/squadron/534/
22 Nov 2019, 9:29pm
TheWindsOfEuropeIn terms of lore, could anyone recommend a good lore-focused Discord/Squadron?

Yes, there is a dedicated Lore Discord. Elite:Lore

Join here.
28 Dec 2019, 6:48am
Anyone else wonder if someone's bothered to tell the Empire that they currently have an Empress reigning? All the GalNet entries reference an Emperor despite Arissa ruling.
28 Dec 2019, 11:13am
Itaress, if you take the time to read a little further back in Galnet, you will find that it was Arissa herself who opted to take the title of Emperor instead of Empress. Her decision was made in deference to the fact that the Empire had so far had an unbroken line of male emperors.

Edit: In fact I think I have misremembered this myself. Whilst I am fairly sure that Arissa did at some point claim the decision was hers, the accession was reported by Galnet back in 3301 as follows:

Standing on the steps of the Senate building, Chancellor Anders Blaine announced the Senate's decision on the succession. In a historic selection, and as a result of a clear majority vote, Arissa Lavigny-Duval will be the next ruler of the Empire. She will be the first female leader of the Empire since Marlin Duval founded the original colony on Achenar in the 23rd Century, although she will carry the title 'Emperor' rather than 'Empress'. Such an appointment would have been impossible prior to the reign of Hengist Duval due to an ancient decree that all Imperial rulers be male, but a ruling passed by the late Emperor early in his reign did away with this generations-old tradition.

The full story is currently on page 8 of Inara's Galnet archive.

Last edit: 28 Dec 2019, 11:43am
28 Dec 2019, 6:45pm
Anyone know any open source or documents regarding Thargoid/Guardian research. It doesn't have to be canon just as long as it's related to either of those species.
28 Dec 2019, 7:16pm
TurretedGecko59Anyone know any open source or documents regarding Thargoid/Guardian research. It doesn't have to be canon just as long as it's related to either of those species.

Have you checked out the ED Wiki? It's a good place to start.


29 Dec 2019, 2:10am
ItaressAnyone else wonder if someone's bothered to tell the Empire that they currently have an Empress reigning? All the GalNet entries reference an Emperor despite Arissa ruling.

When you rule your own empire you can use any damn title you please.
29 Dec 2019, 10:34am
Anyone else wonder if someone's bothered to tell the Empire that they currently have an Empress reigning? All the GalNet entries reference an Emperor despite Arissa ruling.

The reigning monarch of the UK in the late 20th Century to early 21st Century (Common Era), a Queen, held a title of Duke of Lancaster rather than Duchess.
29 Dec 2019, 6:01pm
Anyone else wonder if someone's bothered to tell the Empire that they currently have an Empress reigning? All the GalNet entries reference an Emperor despite Arissa ruling.

The reigning monarch of the UK in the late 20th Century to early 21st Century (Common Era), a Queen, held a title of Duke of Lancaster rather than Duchess.

Well they were a crazy, mixed-up family.
07 Jan 2020, 2:47pm

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