Elite: Lore

10 Mar 2019, 12:59am
Makes me wonder if Colonia still ain’t the best plan going.
10 Mar 2019, 2:52pm
Does anyone know where they come from? If we did I would recommend every pilot we have attack it in one coordinated assault.
10 Mar 2019, 4:31pm
No, I don't believe we do. In fact, I recall hearing some theories they're trans-dimensional or even live in Witch Space.
10 Mar 2019, 6:08pm
Titus A. CromwellDoes anyone know where they come from? If we did I would recommend every pilot we have attack it in one coordinated assault.

The initial appearance of Thargoid tech was limited to the Unknown Artifacts which could be found in a bubble roughly 150 lyrs across, centred on Metope.

Further discoveries of Barnacles have been made in the Witch head nebula but Merope remains ground zero.

But the permit locked COL 70 Sector is also significant.

This link will fill you in.

Cannon File Divers log.

One thing you will notice is that they weren't shooting until we had entered their territory, harvested their Barnacles on an industrial scale and removed countless numbers of their positioning probes.

Last edit: 10 Mar 2019, 6:13pm
11 Mar 2019, 12:20am
Where as I'm prepared to accept the timings of the attacks with DW2 is coincidental , I DO believe the Flight of the Gnosis caused an escalation in Thargoid activity/hostility
11 Mar 2019, 12:24am
Didn’t we see the Hydra early because of the Gnosis? Wonder if we were supposed to see it closer to this time.
11 Mar 2019, 12:34am
We did and it gives rise to the question of "What's coming next?" . Nothing good I'm sure (but I bet it's going to be big)
11 Mar 2019, 10:18am
What I want to know is why the attacks have increased but the tactics remain the same.
11 Mar 2019, 11:04am
Tinfoil hat on: The attacks ramped up right about the time a forum thread was complaining that the Thargoids weren't taking their invasion too seriously.
11 Mar 2019, 1:45pm
NumaTinfoil hat on: The attacks ramped up right about the time a forum thread was complaining that the Thargoids weren't taking their invasion too seriously.

The Thargoids are reading the forums? Shit.
11 Mar 2019, 2:04pm
The Presence"What's coming next?"

Thargoid influence in BGS, player manipulated.

Damn xeno sympathisers.
12 Mar 2019, 10:34am
There was a system attack close to the sol system, getting nervous now
12 Mar 2019, 11:26am
12 Mar 2019, 1:38pm
There’s been a few getting relatively close to Sol. If anyone needs a home away from the apocalypse, I can recommend some lovely spots in Colonia!
12 Mar 2019, 2:21pm
Honestly? I hope the goids take Sol and burn it to the ground.

Humanity needs to cast off the importance of Earth. It was the homeworld sure, but it's just one of many planets now. The reverence must stop.

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