Elite: Lore

21 Apr 2020, 1:32am
Too typical of 'hew-mons'. Destroy what they can't have or be.
26 Apr 2020, 5:04pm
Continuing the topic of words & languages from General / game talk to here, as this seems to me to be for E:D Lore.

It might be interesting to project into the future, how a language might (d)evolve as the result of an Armageddon-like cataclysm such as World War III, but I've read in the E:D Lore of the history & formation of the Federation, the global post-war events & conditions which gave rise to the Generation Ships, & it struck me as eerily plausible how closely the lore of The 100 series trailer & The 100 Fandom Wiki might be as a plausible source of lore as a sort of "pre-quel" to those events in the foundation & formation of the Federation.

Continuing with the language aspect, I considered a way to tie the lore of those separate sources together when I wrote that passage in Synthya's Bio in Trigedasleng although, I had to include plausible derivatives & extrapolations from 3rd-party sites since the actual canon vocabulary is so very limited.

It might be an interesting tangent to the topic of E:D Lore.

I hope that you enjoy & that it might spark some contemplation.
27 Apr 2020, 10:06am
Synthya WylderContinuing the topic of words & languages from General / game talk to here, as this seems to me to be for E:D Lore.

It might be interesting to project into the future, how a language might (d)evolve as the result of an Armageddon-like cataclysm such as World War III, but I've read in the E:D Lore of the history & formation of the Federation, the global post-war events & conditions which gave rise to the Generation Ships, & it struck me as eerily plausible how closely the lore of The 100 series trailer & The 100 Fandom Wiki might be as a plausible source of lore as a sort of "pre-quel" to those events in the foundation & formation of the Federation.

Continuing with the language aspect, I considered a way to tie the lore of those separate sources together when I wrote that passage in Synthya's Bio in Trigedasleng although, I had to include plausible derivatives & extrapolations from 3rd-party sites since the actual canon vocabulary is so very limited.

It might be an interesting tangent to the topic of E:D Lore.

I hope that you enjoy & that it might spark some contemplation.

I just read your intro. That's quite humorous and interesting! Can't wait to see how the potential paranoia/conspiracy that something is wrong/hidden develop for her! I pray she never learn the truth of the origin for that message!
29 Apr 2020, 10:35pm
I have a question re: E:D canon Lore.

If there's a site online describing it, I can't find it.

I had an itch to add more to Synthya's RP story & while I was reminded in the past what wasn't E:D canon, aside from what I've read here, I couldn't find anything that described what was E:D canon lore.

Specifically, what did & didn't exist in E:D canon.

Is there anything, anywhere which lists that, as in, the level of technology? This seemed the best place to ask...

01 May 2020, 8:09pm
That's a difficult question... but I have a tool in the discord to search for it. Basically, if it's in Galnet, EDRPG, or any of the official books, it's canon.

But we still have a tool to look things up and a crowd to answer things.
12 May 2020, 5:51pm
12 May 2020, 10:36pm
Vandal StormovikSome Far God / Thargoid lore for everyone.


My own opinion, that seems less a lore-related item & more one of a recruitment tool.

It doesn't explain any actual E:D lore to me, other than it referring to the name of your squadron & the movement.

I was disappointed in that it didn't appear to me to actually contain any E:D Thargoid lore.

For example, me being Wiccan & a practicing witch in RL, I see little place for either of them in E:D lore other than as place names, but appreciate that there are at least, 2 places which do refer to Wicca & Witches,

Witch Head Nebula, &  Wicca Town station.

Even so, I wouldn't post a video link, calling it lore while seeming to try to masquerade as a recruitment tool.

Just my observation & opinion involved here. Please feel welcome to 'Ignore' me if I've caused offense; t was unintended.

Last edit: 12 May 2020, 10:59pm
13 May 2020, 5:35am
Their movement can be considered lore:

"Check out how Frontier has taken our story and run with it:
http://www.lobsterporschenaughtybits.com/News.html "

Them wanting to have more worshippers makes sense. Happy to see some players still having some influence on the game. Especially outlaws.
14 May 2020, 8:28pm
Here I was, thinking that Onionhead was just some silly decal for some ships.
14 May 2020, 8:46pm
Nah. Onionhead was popular enough that the Feds bombed a planet over it, and it did about as much good as the real world war on drugs has done.
14 May 2020, 9:36pm
Isaiah EvansonNah. Onionhead was popular enough that the Feds bombed a planet over it, and it did about as much good as the real world war on drugs has done.

So Synthya Wylder was right imo.
15 May 2020, 12:06am
Has any one seen the Relic AI enemies from the EDRPG? They kind of remind me of the rogue drones from EVE Online. I wish Frontier put them in the game as a "third race" enemy.
15 May 2020, 1:33am
MosselleHas any one seen the Relic AI enemies from the EDRPG? They kind of remind me of the rogue drones from EVE Online. I wish Frontier put them in the game as a "third race" enemy.

I haven't; are they anything like the Achilles series androids?

I haven't started to read/watch any of the EDRPG content, but I did find this; not sure if it's considered canon or not.

Achilles Robotics, Androids, & AI
15 May 2020, 1:44am
Synthya Wylder
MosselleHas any one seen the Relic AI enemies from the EDRPG? They kind of remind me of the rogue drones from EVE Online. I wish Frontier put them in the game as a "third race" enemy.

I haven't; are they anything like the Achilles series androids?

I haven't started to read/watch any of the EDRPG content, but I did find this; not sure if it's considered canon or not.

Achilles Robotics, Androids, & AI

15 May 2020, 2:19am

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