Elite: Lore

24 Feb 2020, 3:05pm
Jubei HimuraBask, and praise be.

Never, you filthy imperial.
24 Feb 2020, 5:02pm

"Blessed Be"?
24 Feb 2020, 5:20pm
Rebecca Hail

Never, you filthy imperial.

You don't know they don't bathe...
24 Feb 2020, 5:23pm
Jason Frimantle
Rebecca Hail

Never, you filthy imperial.

You don't know they don't bathe...

I've seen (and smelled) too many imperials to assume that baths are common throughout the Empire.

You have to thank M. Lehman and Jubei Himura for that.
24 Feb 2020, 6:15pm
Rebecca Hail
Jason Frimantle
Rebecca Hail

Never, you filthy imperial.

You don't know they don't bathe...

I've seen (and smelled) too many imperials to assume that baths are common throughout the Empire.

You have to thank M. Lehman and Jubei Himura for that.

And yet it wasn't a dealbreaker...
25 Feb 2020, 3:02pm
Can confirm.

Becci is cute and innocent.

25 Feb 2020, 4:31pm
Sounds like you were forced to say that under duress.

Are you in danger, Jubei?
25 Feb 2020, 5:55pm
I'm never quite sure I'm not in danger...
26 Feb 2020, 12:11am
I have a question about a minor faction description, particularly about the Federal Corporate minor faction: in it's description, something called the Federation Charter of Free Commerce is mentioned. Any opinions as to what exactly this Charter is lore wise?
26 Feb 2020, 12:40am
HeraconI have a question about a minor faction description, particularly about the Federal Corporate minor faction: in it's description, something called the Federation Charter of Free Commerce is mentioned. Any opinions as to what exactly this Charter is lore wise?

Federal Charter might be read in two ways, although I don't know which meaning is the correct one in terms of the lore. The first one is that "charter" is simply defined as card of rights(?), whereas the second is about having the privilege.
26 Feb 2020, 2:31pm
I'm unfamiliar with Federation lore. But, knowing the mass capitalism and corporate-ism that makes up the Federation, it's most likely a set of trade regulations that favours the corporate body over individual rights and safety.

I think Rho has the right idea.
26 Feb 2020, 3:17pm
My understanding is that a Federal Charter is basically the legal framework for a corporation that does business with the blessing of the Federal Congress, officially under the Federal umbrella. Keep in mind that in the lore, Federal corporations are basically governments unto themselves. Entire generations of workers can be as or more loyal to them as the greater Federation itself.

Naturally most workers are essentially wage slaves, with the distribution of wealth naturally concentrated in the upper crust.

Last edit: 26 Feb 2020, 3:58pm
27 Feb 2020, 7:48pm
Congrats to Jav Marlo for producing some really detailed Logs with great use of images and links to his other more narrative stories.

If you want a good understanding of the Formidine Rift mystery these are a great read.

Jav Marlo
28 Feb 2020, 12:59pm
OuberosCongrats to Jav Marlo for producing some really detailed Logs with great use of images and links to his other more narrative stories.

If you want a good understanding of the Formidine Rift mystery these are a great read.

Jav Marlo

Thanks a lot for the support.

The adventures of commander Ouberos and Kara Walden have been very inspirational to me, and they have deep and intricate connections with the game lore too.

14 Mar 2020, 4:28pm
Hmm... you know, after reading up a lot about the lore of E:D I cannot help but wonder:

Achenar used to be an independant human colony, founded by people who wanted to get away from the Federation because of their percieved oppressive administration. The Federation more then once invited the prospering Achenar colony to join them, the people of Achenar either rejected or just ignored those invitations every time. As the Federation learned that during the terraforming of Capitol a sentient alien lifeform was made extinct they decided to force the colony to "join" them by sending an expeditionary force tasked to once again "invite" the newly created Empire to join, only to get defeated and repelled from the system, establishing the Empire as a superpower as several other independant systems unhappy with the Federation allied themselves with the Empire and a few even switched sites.

In certain ways Colonia and its neighbors are in a similar situation now... and with Zachery Hudson we have a hawk as the President of the Federation. Hell, he replaced the pair of Starship One that used to be Narwhal Liners (modified Belugas) with two Farragut-class Battlecruisers

You think the Federation (or one of the other two major powers for that matter) might try this approach yet again on Colonia?

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