Elite: Lore

31 May 2020, 11:52am
I'm currently doing the first of Ram Tah's "Scan Guardian Obelisks"-missions, and while reading all those little tidbits that put together a picture on who and what the Guardians were a rather wild and far-fatched, but not completly unlikely theory popped up in my head:

We know from the technological entries that the Guardians favoured biological over mechanical technology in order to impact the environment as little as possible, basically bypassing fossil fuels in the process. We also know that they developed AI which ultimately turned against their creators after a very long and bloody civil war where they used said AI to fight those battles. Afterwards those AI entities vanished.

In one of the biological entries Ram Tah points out that Guardian biology was not completly different to ours as it was based on blood, DNA and RNA, making him muse over a common ancestry.

Here's my alternative theory, which I'll admit myself is highly unlikely but not completely impossible:

Us humans are the Guardian AIs.

I also did read ahead on the CANONN's homepage what you discover in the second Ram Tah mission, that there were two groups of AI: the civilian and the military one. The latter was actually against destroying their creators, but were somehow forced by the first group to carry out these attacks. What if that second group then left afterwards, settled on some remote planet and erased this shameful part of their past from their memories, eventually evolving into humans?

Like I said, very far-fatched, but it would be highly fascinating.
31 May 2020, 12:39pm
Amata Lirein


Here's my alternative theory, which I'll admit myself is highly unlikely but not completely impossible:

Us humans are the Guardian AIs.


Like I said, very far-fatched, but it would be highly fascinating.

It is indeed fascinating.

Considering this hypothesis would also change a bit the perspective on Thargoids behavior... They may be just "finishing the job".

Last edit: 31 May 2020, 12:50pm
10 Jun 2020, 3:05pm
Amata LireinI'm currently doing the first of Ram Tah's "Scan Guardian Obelisks"-missions, and while reading all those little tidbits that put together a picture on who and what the Guardians were a rather wild and far-fatched, but not completly unlikely theory popped up in my head:

We know from the technological entries that the Guardians favoured biological over mechanical technology in order to impact the environment as little as possible, basically bypassing fossil fuels in the process. We also know that they developed AI which ultimately turned against their creators after a very long and bloody civil war where they used said AI to fight those battles. Afterwards those AI entities vanished.

In one of the biological entries Ram Tah points out that Guardian biology was not completly different to ours as it was based on blood, DNA and RNA, making him muse over a common ancestry.

Here's my alternative theory, which I'll admit myself is highly unlikely but not completely impossible:

Us humans are the Guardian AIs.

I also did read ahead on the CANONN's homepage what you discover in the second Ram Tah mission, that there were two groups of AI: the civilian and the military one. The latter was actually against destroying their creators, but were somehow forced by the first group to carry out these attacks. What if that second group then left afterwards, settled on some remote planet and erased this shameful part of their past from their memories, eventually evolving into humans?

Like I said, very far-fatched, but it would be highly fascinating.

Interesting indeed.

And quite funny how the goal of the Guardian not to impact the environment utterly backfired... The Intelligence part of AI obviously degraded quite a lot with time.
10 Jun 2020, 6:51pm
That would contradict all the evidence discovered & hypotheses derived & developed to date, yes?

I think if one were to consider the possibility, one might more plausibly consider our humble biological beginnings as somehow being influenced by said Guardian AIs, as (for us at least, all life on Earth so extremely long ago) there does exist quite a long time period where very little is known; for instance, exactly how that spark of life came to be, transitioning from a chemical soup of organic compounds, to actually self-replicating single-cell organisms.

Or, perhaps, where & when we Hew-mons as a species diverged from the rest of the primate group & exactly what happened to spark that divergence?

Two totally separate events & in totally separate epochs...

Part of this question is what I've been writing about in 1 of my SciFi novels in parallel development.
10 Jun 2020, 7:36pm
So I'm going to throw a wrench in here, being a somewhat recent (2015) real-world study which suggested something interesting.

Basically, the base molecules for sugars present in RNA (or at least the precursors to them) may form naturally on asteroids/meteors/other bits of rock, dust, and ice out in certain types of star systems, before then falling onto a planet and given the right conditions, assist in the process of seeding life.

Not going to say how relevant this may or may not be to the ED Lore and present topic, but here's a link to the study and article reporting on it: Study and Article Report

That said, convergent evolution is a thing, though we obviously don't have any real world examples of extraterrestrial & terrestrial convergent evolution. I don't know enough about the lore around Guardians, otherwise I would make an offer of input...
10 Jun 2020, 7:45pm
Why do i get the feeling that I need to put a disclaimer/reminder up that even I myself consider it a really far-fetched and highly unlikely theory? It just popped into my head as there's been much weirder stuff in SciFi-settings regarding the origin of human life...
10 Jun 2020, 9:34pm
It is an interesting theory, and I do recognize the slight silliness of posting present-day real-world research articles for anything to do with a sci-fi game

But, going along with the idea I could see how given the laws of physics being the same everywhere in our universe, RNA/DNA similarities between humans and Guardians are most likely due to convergent evolution rather than a common ancestor. I see the idea of humans possibly being influenced by the Guardian AIs as quite plausible. But, as I said, I don't really know enough about it all to be certain
10 Jun 2020, 10:22pm
I'd be interested on reading more about the possibility. It's bound to be more interesting than anything I've got (I often bore myself to death, LOL)
10 Jun 2020, 10:27pm
10 Jun 2020, 11:52pm
For me, not 'spoilered'. I do as much reading, research & learning as I can. Since most are likely to know lots more than I re: gems of E:D lore, I appreciate it!
17 Jun 2020, 11:31am
Is there any detail as to what's included or equipped in Passenger Cabins?

Specifically, if for instance, the cockpit canopy were to lose integrity & pressure, would that also depressurize the rest of the ship?

If so, are the passenger cabins able to be sealed, as in, maintain their own pressure, &/ the passengers able to access & use the Life Pods?

Are the passengers able to exit the cabins regardless & stroll around in the ship, & in the event of ship losing pressure, are the passenger cabins provided with some kind of emergency RemLok suit, or some kind of emergency survival gear?

I'm just trying to add some ideas for my "Cosmic Cogitator" to develop additional RP.

Diolch! Thanks!
17 Jun 2020, 12:10pm
I would imagine passengers are treated much like they are on an airliner..

Access to the "bridge" (or pilots chair for some ships) would be limited to invite only.

I would assume if the canopy blows, the doors to the bridge would seal shut.

Although poor design, or the use of inappropiate ships could change this as req.

A T6 with a few sofas srapped to the floor could be considered a passenger hold.

I think the imagination is the limit, as if you can think it, usually you find someone has tried to do it for real...
17 Jun 2020, 1:42pm
As such, most of my ideas are based on plausible extrapolations of current situations in RL. My "crystal ball" isn't quite so good that I can see ~1,000 years into the future, much less into E:D universe & its Lore, which is why I ask here, being a relative newcomer.

I can imagine unusual &/ extreme situations where the passengers might encounter &/ be called upon to deal with them. I can also imagine that it might result in some intense stories.
17 Jun 2020, 5:06pm
In Old Elite Lore - if you scooped up escape pods or tried to transport slaves but forgot to install 'Cargo Bay Life Support' you'd arrive from space with a hold full of Fertilizer (which was worth sh very little.

I did also read a bit of fan fiction back when Elite 2 arrived and it spoke of passenger pods ejecting from a stricken ship and broadcasting the way Remlok does. They too were subject to the whims of pirates or attackers and could be scooped up and rescued or more often sold into slavery, scooped into a non life support ship and turned to plant food or just shot up in space.
17 Jun 2020, 6:35pm
Since I do have an interest in flight & flying, actually having flown an aircraft 1nce years ago, I imagined a scenario where the pilot became incapacitated (or killed) in 1 way or another, & 1 or more passengers having to try to figure out how to survive, & even taking control of the ship to land somewhere safely, whether it be on a station or a planet.

I can imagine a storyline that included a rescue attempt involving a pilot self-destructing a disposable ship & using a life pod to try to make their way to the outside of the hull & into a cockpit through a smashed canopy, &/ 1 or more passengers being talked down to a relatively safe landing.

So you see, that's why I was asking. I'd much rather avoid the story being shot down due to its conflicting with E:D Lore.

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