Elite: Lore

06 Dec 2017, 5:08pm
Simple misunderstanding about "moving" space.

Small "bubble" of space used to move the ship (logical) vs "pulling" the destination to you (illogical)
06 Dec 2017, 5:28pm
About Mitterand Hollow ... Is there any reason why that moon hasn't been torn to pieces or become a ring system due to the high speed orbit ? And what about the eathlike it orbits, New Africa ? The tides down there must be insane, the orbit is a matter of 1 minute. Is there some quirk of physics I'm missing here ? I'm a bit lost how you can visibly watch it fly around and not be thrown off into space or disintegrate.
06 Dec 2017, 5:40pm
There was a discussion on the Frontier Forums about it. While the theories behind it seem to vary between 'Stellar Forge' bug to 'FDev Typo' the consensus is that it is a bug.

While it's possible for something to orbit a planet at those speeds, it would need to be significantly smaller and denser to avoid being torn up. But then that would lead to other complications which go beyond my understanding I'm afraid.

Edit: Some further digging pulled this up from Michael Brookes:
As for Mitterand's Hollow that was a manually added body with some incorrect overrides - we can't blame Stellar Forge for that one!
Given that this quote was from 2 years ago, it's a safe bet they're leaving it in as a wonderful mistake.

Last edit: 06 Dec 2017, 5:45pm
07 Dec 2017, 1:22am
Alcubierre Drive

Interesting read. It's a real theoretical FTL drive that inspired Elite's supercruise. Not real in the sense that it's something currently in use, but it the sense that it's an actual existing hypothetical solution to FTL travel written by a theoretical physicist in the real world.
09 Dec 2017, 7:59pm
I have always believed warp drive was possible. Given the fact of the recent discovery of gravitational waves echoing across the cosmos, I tend to think of an example of a surfer, picking his entry point on the wave carefully, launching at the well being created by the wave, and aligning himself on his board, along the inner wall of the cresting wave, as it rolls toward the shore.

Now, the board he rides is certainly a key component, not unlike our ships, and rather than creating a wave of gravity, we simply identify a gravitational wave going our way, and pick our sweet spot in the down slope moving forward in the direction we want to travel.

Again, we speak theoretically about warp drive being possible, but in this example, we don't need to create all the dark energy suggested by physicists, as it's already there. We just need to catch a wave headed in our direction, and have a board designed to surf that wave.
12 Dec 2017, 4:37am
The problem with that concept is that you are still moving through space. The referenced video describes a concept of distorting (warping) space so that you "bypass" it...or, a different way of thinking of it, you move space so that you simply "appear" in another location. I'm way oversimplifying, but hopefully I'm getting across.

Also, gravity waves have long been known to exist. I remember in junior high I read about one interesting theory of communicating over vast interstellar distance. Basing their idea on the theory of conservation of energy, they idea was that if you pumped electromagnet waves into a black hole it would convert it to gravitational energy in the form of waves that could travel better and farther than mere radio waves. Once the wave hit another black hole, they would convert back to electromagnetic waves. Another simplification of what they described, but you get the idea. Basically, an interstellar modem.
14 Dec 2017, 2:26pm
Scubadog2008The problem with that concept is that you are still moving through space. The referenced video describes a concept of distorting (warping) space so that you "bypass" it...or, a different way of thinking of it, you move space so that you simply "appear" in another location. I'm way oversimplifying, but hopefully I'm getting across.

Also, gravity waves have long been known to exist. I remember in junior high I read about one interesting theory of communicating over vast interstellar distance. Basing their idea on the theory of conservation of energy, they idea was that if you pumped electromagnet waves into a black hole it would convert it to gravitational energy in the form of waves that could travel better and farther than mere radio waves. Once the wave hit another black hole, they would convert back to electromagnetic waves. Another simplification of what they described, but you get the idea. Basically, an interstellar modem.

You must have been in junior high not long ago. For me, that was fifty years ago, and there were only theories as to gravitational waves. As a physicist and someone who has written a math and physics book published at CERN on a related subject, gravitational waves were only recently moved from theory to fact, just about the time you were in junior high. In the video in this thread, what I saw was the space behind "the ship" is expanded, while the space in front of the ship collapses to form a wave you can ride on (in theory), just like a wave on the water. I agree that it took two neutron stars collapsing together to create the gravitational waves just discovered and accepted as a scientific fact now, and we could never create such a force for our needs, but here, we just speculate for gaming purposes. In every theory of physics, it is helpful to have a real world model to help explain these things to the masses. Einstein used gravity wells on a two dimensional plane to help others visualize his concept and theory of how this works, but any physicist will tell you that Einstein's example, although represented in two dimensions for the masses is actually a four dimensional (and possibly an eleven dimensional) structure of space-time.

Be this as it may, for our purposes here, and for the genearal gaming population to wrap their heads around, riding a gravitational wave, however done, gives a very good analogy of what the concept implies.

Be well.

Last edit: 15 Dec 2017, 2:36pm
29 Dec 2017, 2:13pm
I have a stupid question. What does Elite: Dangerous lore say anything about genetic engineering? How much is it a thing?
29 Dec 2017, 2:54pm
TheSadGryphonI have a stupid question. What does Elite: Dangerous lore say anything about genetic engineering? How much is it a thing?

Cloning is definitely a thing with mentions of the ability to alter the genetics of a clone. Also genetic defects are generally cured before birth. Outside of that I don't personally know if the lore has anything to say on the matter.

Ochoeng Chillies are genetically engineered but its a food (or a toxic substance depending on who you ask) so I'm not sure if it counts.

It's definitely possible within the universe but I'm not entirely sure on its usage.
29 Dec 2017, 3:08pm
TheSadGryphonI have a stupid question. What does Elite: Dangerous lore say anything about genetic engineering? How much is it a thing?


It's definitely possible within the universe but I'm not entirely sure on its usage.

Genetic engineering is possible to a point.

But given the avatar of the OP and his wing I'm assuming that "genetic engineering" is going to be used as justification for furries in the E:D universe. Which is not a thing. It has not been endorsed by Braben, nor by Frontier.
29 Dec 2017, 3:35pm
I was more interested into explaining the fact what happens when you get killed in fight rather genetic engineering done in such a way. No need to be so hostile towards me or the wing that brought me up under their... wings.
29 Dec 2017, 3:44pm
TheSadGryphonI was more interested into explaining the fact what happens when you get killed in fight rather genetic engineering done in such a way. No need to be so hostile towards me or the wing that brought me up under their... wings.

If you get killed in a fight, you die. Game over. If your referring to loosing a ship, it's generally agreed upon that you escape via escape pod.

I don't think transferrance of a conscious into a clone as being possible.
29 Dec 2017, 5:35pm
Stryker Aune
TheSadGryphonI was more interested into explaining the fact what happens when you get killed in fight rather genetic engineering done in such a way. No need to be so hostile towards me or the wing that brought me up under their... wings.

If you get killed in a fight, you die. Game over. If your referring to loosing a ship, it's generally agreed upon that you escape via escape pod.

I don't think transferrance of a conscious into a clone as being possible.

This is correct, memories are not retained; a clone is a brand new life who goes through all the same stages of life as a naturally born human. Cloning in Elite: Dangerous is done as an alternative to having a child as it does not require another person's genes to create.

To further expand on what happens when your ship is destroyed, you get into an escape pod which is then transported back to the last station you docked at. The exact means of this is unknown, though I doubt the escape pod gets you there by itself. The much more likely explanation is that your escape pod is picked up by a friendly Commander and transported back to your last station much like what the player can do when they happen upon an escape pod (thankfully there isn't an RNG roll that lands you into slavery).

Last edit: 29 Dec 2017, 5:41pm
29 Dec 2017, 7:42pm
Yeah. The mind transference is an EvE thing. In E:D, if you die, you fukken die.

On the subject of escape pods, I'm pretty sure the lore says that if you pull the eject lever, an escape pod closes around your pilot's chair and shoots you out the bottom of your ship. Also, iirc, escape pods are supposed to put you into stasis until you're cracked out of it, which I'm not a fan of. I just explain it away with aftermarket pods.
29 Dec 2017, 8:02pm
That would cool to see play out in the game.  Just as your ship is exploding you see the escape pod enclosure come over you and watch your ship disintegrate around you....THEN you see the rebuy options screen.

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