Elite: Lore

21 Nov 2018, 8:16am
Are we really only "bumping" into them then?
Not only can they disrupt our jump and force us out, but they can also relocate the exit point of our intercepted jump?

We need to capture a few of them and see if we can plumb their technological depths.
(Because I didn't want to use the word probe when talking about aliens, HAHA)

We already have the tech that can overpower and destroy them, so now we need to capture and examine.
21 Nov 2018, 8:48am
Make ready the giant bug net!
21 Nov 2018, 10:18am
In the original Elite, we only ever met Thargoids when on jumps between stars (passing through Deep Space). Later in the series of games and books, they seem to have discovered our home worlds, (with the help of The Alliance on occasions), and come through from where they really live to set up (forward military) bases in our neighbourhood. Now, I am not saying that Thargoids are from another dimension, (though they may have been originally), but that out HyperSpace Jumps seem to have attracted their attention, and they have been trying to stop us continuing our space invasion ever since.

There is speculation that Thargoids can exist / control themselves in Witchspace, and they can pull us CMDR's out of a hyperspace jump on a whim, which sort of backs this theory up. Maybe humans are perceived as 'intruding' Thargoid "space" when we make jumps? Would fit with your idea here.

What I don't understand is that if Thargoids can live / exist in Witchspace... why pull us out of it to disable us and scan us? Why not do that IN Witchspace where [presumably] the Thargoid is stronger / has the advantage.

Its like a shark throwing its prey onto the beach and attacking it rather than attacking it in the water where the shark is strongest.

Maybe the Thargoids can't do this, for reasons we don't know yet... or maybe they don't know that we can't control our ships in Witchspace or its easier for them to drag us into normal space to do the dirty on us...

So many questions. Interesting though.
21 Nov 2018, 3:29pm
E.TeaDoes anyone remember when young Will Crusher and the Time Traveller revealed to Piccard that Warp Drive was creating destructive instability in the mantle between dimensions?

In the original Elite, we only ever met Thargoids when on jumps between stars (passing through Deep Space). Later in the series of games and books, they seem to have discovered our home worlds, (with the help of The Alliance on occasions), and come through from where they really live to set up (forward military) bases in our neighbourhood. Now, I am not saying that Thargoids are from another dimension, (though they may have been originally), but that out HyperSpace Jumps seem to have attracted their attention, and they have been trying to stop us continuing our space invasion ever since.

As for Guardians in E:D, I don't know if they are just a convenient vehicle to deliver advanced technology to players who form the front line against Thargoids, providing confidence to other players to join in and with the "long term" goal of uniting all (or most of) the powers and factions in The Bubble against The Common Enemy.

But when we see what goes on in The Bubble everyday, and seeing players only helping damaged space stations after the attacks are finished, and if the rewards are high enough, then I wonder if "Unite to Survive" motivation is ever going to be enough ... in E:D, or IRL.

FDev have to balance this motivating force against devastating discouragement. We all saw what happened in the forums and in facebook when The Gnosis took the hit instead a Human Faction.

Watch your six, Commanders!

Friggin knew the alliance was evil this whole time! Damn you Mic Turner, you sold us all out!
21 Nov 2018, 3:37pm
(Wettoast) Wanda Fersegi

Friggin knew the alliance was evil this whole time! Damn you Mic Turner, you sold us all out!

No surprise there. The only time anyone called 'Alliance' have ever not been the Baddies, is Mass Effect. That is the only time a government with 'alliance' in the name hasn't been evil. And even then, they were bordering on malicious incompetence half the time.
21 Nov 2018, 6:36pm
Leytra has a pretty good point.
21 Nov 2018, 9:09pm
Posted with permission from the great and powerful Artie

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26 Nov 2018, 3:30am
Can moons orbit on the inside of a ring system ? I may have found something weird
26 Nov 2018, 5:04am
Generally, no. Rings exist because a moon orbited within the Roche limit of the governing body and was ripped to shreds by tidal forces. There's probably exceptions but that is the general idea.
26 Nov 2018, 5:49am
I have seen a moon orbiting so close to the rings of the planet that if it had an atmosphere, they would be getting swallowed up, haha.
I think we have a moon between two rings of the same planet somewhere (like still forming moon kinda thing), but I could be imagining that from a scifi movie instead...
26 Nov 2018, 9:21pm
Some bits of Saturn's outer rings are outside the Roche limit, and at least one small moon is inside the outer ring. I guess it is possible as not all planetary rings (and not all of the rings of some planetary ring systems) are within or even caused by being within the Roche limit. This kind of arrangement would be short lived, but short lived on that scale could be hundreds or even thousands of years.

And sometimes, it's no moon, its a space station!
27 Nov 2018, 7:24am
and I was just trying to figure out if I wanted to re-watch the Star Wars saga over the weekend. HAHAH!
27 Nov 2018, 7:26am
BolasieSome bits of Saturn's outer rings are outside the Roche limit, and at least one small moon is inside the outer ring. I guess it is possible as not all planetary rings (and not all of the rings of some planetary ring systems) are within or even caused by being within the Roche limit. This kind of arrangement would be short lived, but short lived on that scale could be hundreds or even thousands of years.

And sometimes, it's no moon, its a space station!

But you also wouldn't want to build a space station between rings either in or out of the Roche limit, lmao!! micro meteorites are a B..... LOL!!!
01 Dec 2018, 3:39am
Anyone think we will see the kalaxion race of thargoid next year following the conclusion of beyond, assuming what we are seeing now are the oresrians ? Something nice to go with (Oh please for the love of god ) atmospheric landings whenever they come .
01 Dec 2018, 4:45am
Honestly I wouldn't rule anything out. Incursions seem to suggest we're going to see more trouble soon. At least one can hope.

And knowing how utterly apathetic the community is about anything in the game, the bubble is likely going to burn.

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