Elite: Lore

04 Dec 2020, 2:20am
Amata LireinA bit of both. Imperial law forbids the trade of Imperial slaves outside Imperial space. And in most of the rest of the bubble slavery in any form is illegal, even if it's voluntary indentured servitude (what Imperial slavery really is).

Gotcha, I figured the external laws were there, but the imperial law also makes sense as it would put the imperial slave outside the system which they originally consented to serve in, which would cause them to lose their social securities.
04 Dec 2020, 2:24am
Amata LireinA bit of both. Imperial law forbids the trade of Imperial slaves outside Imperial space. And in most of the rest of the bubble slavery in any form is illegal, even if it's voluntary indentured servitude (what Imperial slavery really is).

Gotcha, I figured the external laws were there, but the imperial law also makes sense as it would put the imperial slave outside the system which they originally consented to serve in, which would cause them to lose their social securities.

It's also so the ISA can do its job in protecting the slave's rights.
04 Dec 2020, 3:15am
The ISA still fails. That's why the Chapterhouse concentrated on bad owners... also because it was a good sign of corruption.

Last edit: 04 Dec 2020, 5:41am
04 Dec 2020, 7:43am
Imperial slavery really seems to be the goose that lays golden eggs. There seem to be no downsides to it. The slave owners get their cheap labour force, the slaves get social security and a life with nothing to worry about whatsoever. That's a win-win situation if there ever was one. Stupid Feds for not participating in it.

Think of the moral hazard! I can imagine for some Imps slavery might become a life choice, a goal. Spend like a drunken sailor, burn your cash and your children's future, go into debt, sell yourself to some wealthy family, live in their house for free, get free food on your table every day, free healthcare, never worry about your future again, never again be burdened by having to decide what to do, where to go, whom to vote for. What's not to like?

It's a worker's paradise. All the promises of communism, fulfilled in a monarchy! I bet Marx didn't see that one coming.

04 Dec 2020, 7:46am
Sakashiro sell yourself to some wealthy family, live in their house for free, get free food on your table every day, free healthcare, never worry about your future again, never again be burdened by having to decide what to do, where to go, whom to vote for. What's not to like?

This is basically how it is done at the Otoli household. We also have sexy parties at least every month. Slaves must wear togas.
04 Dec 2020, 9:34am
Tharik OtoliSlaves must wear togas.

That's clothing for the privileged. Are you sure you didn't mean tunics?
04 Dec 2020, 9:50am
Tharik OtoliSlaves must wear togas.

That's clothing for the privileged. Are you sure you didn't mean tunics?

Words and definitions shift over the eons, in the late 20th century, togas were for sexy college parties. No doubt in the 34th century they are completely sexy. If I am incorrect, please suggest more apropos clothing for our parties. Your experiences as an Imperial Slave may grant some insight. Although, mayhaps (from reading your logbooks) you weren't the FUN kind of Imperial slave. Sorry about that. I don't make the rules, I just exploit them.

Last edit: 04 Dec 2020, 10:00am
04 Dec 2020, 10:27am
Tharik Otoliin the late 20th century, togas were for sexy college parties.

Sorry, I didn't know that.
04 Dec 2020, 10:39am
Tharik Otoli
Tharik OtoliSlaves must wear togas.

That's clothing for the privileged. Are you sure you didn't mean tunics?

Words and definitions shift over the eons, in the late 20th century, togas were for sexy college parties. No doubt in the 34th century they are completely sexy. If I am incorrect, please suggest more apropos clothing for our parties. Your experiences as an Imperial Slave may grant some insight. Although, mayhaps (from reading your logbooks) you weren't the FUN kind of Imperial slave. Sorry about that. I don't make the rules, I just exploit them.

Sounds like you'd really enjoy a vacation on then planet Baltah'Sine in the Baltah'Sine system then.

Most notable feature is a Station: home to approximately 2 million people. Because of its close proximity to all three superpowers it is a crossroads of cultural, financial and political influences. Often used as a place to conduct business and trade which wouldn't be entirely legal in one or more of the factional jurisdictions. It also has a reputation for bohemianism: a place of gap-year students, sexual experimentation, artistic ennui and a general anything-goes-ism.
04 Dec 2020, 12:12pm
Amata Lirein
Most notable feature is a Station: home to approximately 2 million people. Because of its close proximity to all three superpowers it is a crossroads of cultural, financial and political influences. Often used as a place to conduct business and trade which wouldn't be entirely legal in one or more of the factional jurisdictions. It also has a reputation for bohemianism: a place of gap-year students, sexual experimentation, artistic ennui and a general anything-goes-ism.

04 Dec 2020, 12:15pm
Vinh Kruczek
Amata Lirein
Most notable feature is a Station: home to approximately 2 million people. Because of its close proximity to all three superpowers it is a crossroads of cultural, financial and political influences. Often used as a place to conduct business and trade which wouldn't be entirely legal in one or more of the factional jurisdictions. It also has a reputation for bohemianism: a place of gap-year students, sexual experimentation, artistic ennui and a general anything-goes-ism.


In Germany it's USK 12
04 Dec 2020, 12:38pm
Amata LireinIn Germany it's USK 12

So Germans are allowed to do all the edgy 12 year olds' stuff in this game that would disturb the 7 year olds?
04 Dec 2020, 12:52pm
Amata LireinIn Germany it's USK 12

So Germans are allowed to do all the edgy 12 year olds' stuff in this game that would disturb the 7 year olds?

Sex-Ed in Germany starts with 4th grade (ages 9-10), by age 12 teenagers should be educated enough to be able to handle implied sexual content.
06 Dec 2020, 5:21pm
Soooo... someone on the official forums just tried to proof to me that the Empire is mistreating their slaves despite what their dignitas tells them to do by bringing up the rare commodity "Burnham Bile Distillate"

The use of 'donated' human bodily fluids in the distillation process for this potent liquor causes a strong variation in flavours from vintage to vintage, and widespread outcry about the ethics of the production. The producers of the drink report that each slave used agrees to the extraction progress, but this has not stopped some having a bitter taste left in their mouths.

In-Game Description

So... It was pretty easy to debunk his claim with said description itself: The producers say the slaves volunteer. If that is true their rights got respected, no mistreatment happening. Yet there are people in the Empire who obviously want the ISA to keep a much closer eye on this process to ensure the producers don't lie. Either way: Imperial dignitas got served.

That being said I will not touch this stuff either way. Why? Welll... let me ask a counter-question instead that bothers me much more then the treatment of the donors..........

06 Dec 2020, 6:05pm
Amata LireinSoooo... someone on the official forums just tried to proof to me that the Empire is mistreating their slaves despite what their dignitas tells them to do by bringing up the rare commodity "Burnham Bile Distillate"

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The use of 'donated' human bodily fluids in the distillation process for this potent liquor causes a strong variation in flavours from vintage to vintage, and widespread outcry about the ethics of the production. The producers of the drink report that each slave used agrees to the extraction progress, but this has not stopped some having a bitter taste left in their mouths.

In-Game Description

So... It was pretty easy to debunk his claim with said description itself: The producers say the slaves volunteer. If that is true their rights got respected, no mistreatment happening. Yet there are people in the Empire who obviously want the ISA to keep a much closer eye on this process to ensure the producers don't lie. Either way: Imperial dignitas got served.

That being said I will not touch this stuff either way. Why? Welll... let me ask a counter-question instead that bothers me much more then the treatment of the donors..........

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It sounds similar to a practice in the 20th and 21st centuries on Earth that was performed on farmed bears.  Yes, you read that right.  Farmed. Bears.

It's not a thing I would defend.


I think FDEV is taking a pretty square shot at China with that one.

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