Elite: Lore

09 Apr 2020, 9:59am
Nerys Nymei
A C EnderMy take is that because we chose to engage in a hostile relationship with them, they will kill is on sight, preventing anyone from discovery of their origin. The fact that they can also interdict you during a hyperspace jump suggest that they may have another understanding of reality than us, or even come from another reality. There's also the fact that we effectively only jump from one system to the next: we never travel the void between. Where are we hyperdicted? In the void between. The void is massively larger than any system.

There's plenty possibilities why mankind know nothing of them.

It has been suggested that they "live in the hyperspace" or that "they are not of this galaxy", and this could be a valid explanation of why we have not yet discovered their main planet.

But when they attack our ships, they are here, and when we destroy theirs, they leave a lot of wreckages. Not a single body has been recovered? Not even a finger? A Thargoid battlefield should be the heaven of each xenobiologist in the galaxy, yet nothing is known about them. I find it a bit irrealistic.

The moral of the story? FDev, fleet carriers are fine, but now please give us also a bit of lore!

Thargoid ships have been studied and researched. In fact, our FSD is based on thargoid technology, reducing the duration of a hyperspace jump from hours to seconds.

This is from the wiki on Thargoids. Lots of information there on some of the topics we've discussed. They've definitely been researched, although no "thargoid" have been found. Although, I see this as two possible explanations; their ships are drones and need no pilots, or humanity have missunderstood their existence, and the ships themselves are living. It's known/hypothised that they have a hive-like structure. It's not a far stretch to think that they have a physical presence significantly different from ours, either multiple "digital" or as a singular entity. Not that different from the antagonists where my namesake come from.
09 Apr 2020, 12:29pm
Make sure you read or listen to the INRA base logs...
09 Apr 2020, 1:59pm
Can someone tell me how exactly the FDevs came up with the names of potential crewmembers? I mean...

...that poor woman.
09 Apr 2020, 1:59pm
I had a pilot named Rusty Head.

Make of that what you will.
09 Apr 2020, 2:06pm
Amata Lirein

...that poor woman.

They certainly made fun of her since kindergarten.
09 Apr 2020, 2:12pm
Nerys NymeiThey certainly made fun of her since kindergarten.

...unless she used to be a porn actress or got lost on her way to the set of the latest Bond-movie
09 Apr 2020, 2:22pm
I almost got shot down by an NPC raider because I was laughing so much at his name.

Killboy Powerhead.

Still the best Random Gen name I've ever seen, and I saw Clusty Fusterbust.
09 Apr 2020, 2:28pm
If I remember correctly the NPC commanders are actually the names of the kickstarter backers? I think I read that somewhere a while ago.

Earlier today I saw a Beluga named "Liebezeit" though. It's not actually an existing German compound word, but if I would have to translate it that ship would be called "Love(-making) Time"

...can we get a thread for posting and discussing screenshots of funny NPC names, no matter if crew, station contacts, shipnames or commanders?
09 Apr 2020, 3:07pm
There's also famous people. I saw Rob Low hauling stuff last night and plenty of names from sifi
09 Apr 2020, 3:44pm
Not sure if they took the NPC crew names from the list they are using for the NPC pilots. Probably not, because sometimes there are really hilarious names, even in foreign languages. For example, I have seen an NPC named "Ctvrtka masla" which in Czech means "A quarter of butter". It's not exactly a material you want to see for lore-friendly NPCs.
09 Apr 2020, 3:52pm
Niiice, I think keeping track of the names is a good call.

Quarter of butter and Creamy Goodness I feel would be friends.
09 Apr 2020, 4:39pm
Amata LireinCan someone tell me how exactly the FDevs came up with the names of potential crewmembers? I mean...


...that poor woman.

Hey, you know, it could always be worse!
09 Apr 2020, 6:43pm
Creamy Goodness IIII almost got shot down by an NPC raider because I was laughing so much at his name.

Killboy Powerhead.

Still the best Random Gen name I've ever seen, and I saw Clusty Fusterbust.

The Man, The Myth, The Legend
13 Apr 2020, 6:45pm
Yeah, I have seen some interesting names out there too. I've seen a: Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Jacen Solo, Carlos Spiceywiener lol
13 Apr 2020, 7:13pm
Hehe, I do like the spicy one

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